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Stacey's Semi-Solo Caribbean Conquest!!!


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We lingered for bit after dessert, just as O woke up. This was our cue to head out.













C and P took the kids up to Camp Ocean for a bit, then headed to see the Epic Rock show. They missed part of it, but gave it a thumbs up overall.




They did have a minor issue with Camp Ocean, as they told us later. They dropped the kids off without problem, but received a call about 20 minutes later, saying that "O picked up his bag and walked over to the door and asked for Mommy" so they wanted her to pick him up.





We were pretty incredulous that a CHILDCARE staff did not either have or use the ability to redirect a child, and instead called for him to be picked up. C claims that she had heard rumors of this before, and I've read mixed reviews about Carnival's childrens program, but this was my first actual experience with it. Not impressed, Carnival.




Needless to say, C ended up taking both kids out and their night was cut short.





Meanwhile, V,M and I headed back to the comedy club. The comedian this night was ok, but I had thought the one from the night before was funnier.




We were all tired after that, and it was going to be an early arrival at Grand Turk, so it was bedtime.



Back at my cabin, Putu was on a roll….








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Great entertaining review!


That last pic of the beds made me wonder why you didn't ask for them to be made into a king? Would it get you in trouble because of the cheers switcheroo?


Looking forward to more! :)

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OK, this will be my stopping point for tonight!!


Bakersdozen12 Your flight fear strategy sounds pretty good...for me, unfortunately, none of that works, because you are right, it IS the fear of crashing...and that overrides all of the mental tricks I've tried early on(reading,listening to music, watching videos,etc). Sadly my mind is under matter LOL!!



Vwrestler171 Thanks for joining! It was a great ship and itinerary, hope you enjoy!!



Dayday Likewise above, I hope you enjoy the itinerary and ship! I reseached it as much as I could before, but there were either reviews of the itinerary on other ships(Breeze, Sunshine) or reviews of the Conquest with other itinieraries. I hope this helps! Sadly, I am having the same issue researching my upcoming cruise...not enough reviews of THAT ship on THAt itinerary....(screams)



Meatloafsfan Thank you for the condolences and compliment!! We did have a great time!!



Pghsteelerfan Hi, I remember you!!! Thank you for visiting again!!! The Conquest was a lot like the Valor, minus the Serenity vs Guys/Blue Iguana exchange. I liked both ships a lot, so I would imagine you would like the Conquest if you liked the others.


Thank you for your condolences...it was a rude and rough homecoming for sure. I'm sorry to hear about your cats, esp. the one that went during surgery...that had to be very traumatic,especially during a routine surgery :(

If only pets had human lifespans....



JimAOk1945, DanishJourney and Gagirl2006 Thank you for the positive feedback!!! I hope that the review is worthy of the wait!!!



KPfromCT Thank you!! I know the feeling, I was reading along Gambee's recent Oasis review b/c it came out right before my cruise(which is fantastic if you haven't already checked it out) even though its not anywhere in my future. Something about reviews builds the anticipation LOL!! I hope you have a good time, and yes (spoiler alert) I LOVED Aruba, too!!!


Mickey99 Hi again!!! I had to laugh for a few minutes after your reply re: your daughter...she will be in for a shock. Although, they do have off campus apts for Columbia,NYU, CCNY,etc that I think are probably equivalent to dorms. Technically, she COULD live in a penthouse if she wants to be a nanny/housekeeper/live in HHA, but I wouldn't subject anyone to the whims of some of those residents.


Thank you for the condolences, and I'm sorry about your cat...just out of curiosity, what is the song?


Greggy_D LOL!!! Hey, you joke but it may just be a cost cutting measure one day!


In all honesty, I obviously took pictures of places when they were empty, so they *may* not coincide with the story at that point....but use your imagination, the full calorie items were definitely there. Prime your taste buds for your cruise!!!



Bluerose1515 I don't remember the EXACT price, but I know it wasn't outrageous (and this is coming from someone desensitized by NYC prices. I want to say it was 2 for $15?? I know it was less than $20, but someone else can correct me if I am wrong. It is during their happy hour, which ends at 6 or 7(I'm feeling like it was 7, but again check).Even so, it is a good place to stop, food was good and prices were not horrible.


Thank you all again for reading, and if I inadvertently left someone out, it was not intentional-I try to scroll through carefully and address everyone:) I appreciate the time you take to give me feedback!


I have to write up the next couple days, so I may not get back until this weekend, but good news is that most of my photos are uploaded, so half the battle is done. Thank you for sticking with me!!!




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Landslide by Fleetwood Mac is the song. And Dixie Chicks did a remake, and I LOVE the Dixie Chicks, but I can't listen to that version, either.


My 13 year old loves my 4 year old neighbor, but I don't see my strong willed (LOL) child being a nanny and putting up with some rich lady's crazy demands. (I'm basing NY nannies and parents on The Nanny Diaries, of course, haha).


Two things...the custom drink thing?!! I think I had the same face as I was reading your review as you probably did while staring down the waiter. That is just crazy!!!


Camp Carnival...I can't believe they called her immediately instead of trying to get him involved in something. Not a good child care provider at all.

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Loving the review. Am doing the Conquest this route in October. Happy to see the menu pics, this will be the first time with the American Table menus. Also first time trying Cheers, and will definitely be using it at Alchemy Bar. That was a favorite place on our Sunshine cruise!


Looking forward to more!

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Your review is wonderful!! Thanks so much for posting it. We will be on the Conquest Oct. 1 with the same itinerary so your review is soooooooo helpful! Keep it coming, please:).


A fellow nurse and cat lover

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Loving your review! you were on just about 3 weeks before us, and the only Alchemy bartender we had in common was Tijiana. I have found at ALchemy, unless they know you (back to back crusiers, previous sailing) they want you to order from the menu the first couple of times so they can know your preferences and then start going off menu.


I will say that the bunch that were bartending when we were on were MUCH less willing to go off menu and to a custom drink than my previous mixologists on the Pride, Liberty, and Freedom. They were also nowhere near as personable.


We had Tijiana, Maja, and Latoya (bar waiter). Latoya was great....and well let's just say I preferred Tijiana and that should tell you enough! ;)

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I loved reading the first part of your review which I did up to this point in one sitting! I have NO PLANS to go on Conquest and can't imagine I will ever get to FLL either, but it is fun anyway! We live right across the GW Bridge in NE NJ and I have spent a lot of time over many years at Babies Hospital, Columbia Presbyterian, Neuro Institute and NYU MC. Have always had TOP NOTCH care and I commend you on teaching nurses in the future. It sometimes seems they are unspoken heroes in a patient's care and recovery. Congrats on your mixology win and sympathy about your cat. I know how very heartbreaking it is to go thru that. Thanks for the share and looking forward to more! And btw, I hope you tried a Caribbean Colada at the Red Frog. It is the BEST thing invented. And I detest water....and LOVE coke, not that diet crap either. Put a half cup of coke in the freezer, when it's frozen, pour in some cold coke, let it all melt together and you have your own slushie. My dentist had a heart attack when I told him my recipe lol. :eek: CHEERS!

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OT about coke again. :o Wonder if you are a transplanted Southern gal. I have lived my whole life in NJ, but was born when my dad was in the Army in Fort Benning, GA in beautiful downtown Columbus, GA. Coke for breakfast is the way to go! ;)

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I love your review as Conquest was my first cruise. I think the decor is beautiful and interest with all the artwork! We were also on Riviera but stayed in a port hole which is as big as a balcony room but the price of the interior. Not sure if you've ever tried one of those rooms but there is a ton more wiggle room. Long walk to the room but the price is awesome.

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Day 3- Saturday April 30



Cruise day was here at last!!!!!!




Once again, up early, so I went onto the balcony to see if I could spy the Conquest. No such luck, but I did see the Oasis of the Seas.





I was hungry, but not going to shell out prices for the restaurant again. A quick search showed me that there was a Starbucks about a block further down the street from Walgreens, so I got ready and planned to go there.





Just as I was getting ready to leave my room ( I won't even tell you how early it was) I looked out the balcony, and saw the Conquest steaming into port!







That made for three pre cruise hotels where I have seen the ship from the room now.




Since it was soo early, it was still somewhat cool for my walk to Starbucks and Walgreens(more sunscreen needed!!) I made it back and consumed my breakfast on the balcony, watching the Conquest get settled in her spot.







I finished getting ready, and packed, and knew that it was still too early for even me to head to the port, so I ventured back to the pool area and chilled in a hammock for awhile.







Now I knew that the hotel had a cruise shuttle for $6pp, which wasn't bad, but I was hesitant due to the fact that the Oasis was in port, as well as two other ships besides the Conquest. I had heard a rumor about Uber being free for your first ride, which I had never taken. I made some inquiries and found this to be accurate, so I decided to use it for a private ride to the port around 10.



You have the most beautiful eyes!!!

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Love your review. And very sorry to hear about your kitty. They sure bring a lot of joy but oh how it hurts to let them go. Stay strong.

We have a small group going on the same cruise in October. Still trying to figure out what to do in Aruba. Looking forward to hearing the rest of your adventures.


Sent from my KFTHWI using Forums mobile app

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Love your review! You sound like you have about the same travel style as me :) Flying makes me nervous as well, and I may even consider hitting my GP up for some xanax next time. Why put myself through that if I don't have to? I usually try to have one or several drinks prior, but the other would probably be a better idea.

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Hey Stacey, what photo hosting site do you use to upload your photos to? I use an iPad but have never tried to upload pics on here and would love to do a review someday, but don't want to seem computer stupid by not being able to put pics in....lol btw loving your review, and rock that bikini girl!!!!

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Hi all- It's been a crazy few days, but wanted to touch base. I should be back late tonight/early tomorrow, I have the next two days written, just need to post them with the pictures. However, I am helping a friend paint her apt today, thus the delay:)


RjayB Yes, we left the beds as twins on the reservation so that they didn't catch on to the paper switcheroo. I did inform Putu when I arrived what we were doing(didn't think they cared), but he didn't fix it as a king...it was fine either way. I really just wanted space to walk around, which I did.



ElladuChien Thanks for reading!! I hope this review helps in your planning, and you enjoy your cruise!!!



Mickey99 Aww, Landslide-that is kind of a sad song in the right(or wrong) circumstances. The Nanny Diaries is pretty accurate. I've done visiting nursing on a lot of the wealthier apts, and there are a lot of well mannered,polite people that I've enjoyed meeting and caring for. However, I've had a handful that very much meet the stereotype.


Yes, the custom drink thing annoyed me, esp. b/c that drink that she was making resembled the Rebellious Fish on NCL, which was my favorite drink there. Needless to say, I did not give that bartender an extra tip.



Mamajules Thank you for reading!! I do have all of the American Table menus, and will be posting in each days posts. Cheers will come in quite handy at multiple bars. While Alchemy was unique, I actually ended up liking the RedFrog the best, as I will explain in upcoming posts. But, the Conquest has a lot to choose from! Happy cruise planning!!



starfish the second Thank you!!! I promise to have this finished well before July!!;)



Jimbri Thank you, hope you continue to enjoy!!!



TNT Thank you!!! I will DEFINITELY have this finished by October (I should hopefully be on or finished with my September review by then LOL) I know that this ship/itinerary is hard to get lengthy reviews for, so i hope that you continue to enjoy! Happy to have all fellow nurse/cat lovers!!



Grima625 Thank you!!! You have the next run of anyone on here so far, so I will really try to have this done well before your cruise!!!



Tropicaledrink Thank you!!! I can't recall who Tijana was, we ended up really bonding with Kat and Julia at Alchemy. She may have been the one who denied me the "custom" drink, so she may not have been my fave. I think it was Julia that got me to try the Remedy, and she did ask what kind of drinks I liked before recommending that one(which wasn't a favorite). I did find a bartender who I convinced(re: bribed) to go off menu...details to come...so I was happy with that. If Tijana was the b***y bartender that I had, and your other bartenders were less stellar...I feel for you.



Cruisin Karen Thank you, wow, one sitting!!!! *blush* I feel honored!!! Thank you for the compliments on nursing-it definitely has its moments LOL!! I may actually be able to see your area(Ft Lee??) as I can see the GWB from my living room. I am sorry for whatever brings you to the hospitals and hope all is well with you and your family:)


I did try the Caribbean Colada(had most of the RedFrog menu), they were all pretty good, which is probably why I spent most of my time there!


I'm noticing a trend of this water vs Coke thing-I thought it was just me for the longest time, then the other reviewer braved the crowds and revealed her preference(I don't name her on this part b/c I don't want to people to give her flak from someone elses review). I chimed in on that one and we commiserated, and a few others opened up as well, so I give her great applause. Hey, we are who we are:) And the slushie sounds GREAT!!!


PS-I'm sort of transplanted,I'm originally from Cleveland but spent a chunk of my childhood in Phoenix before moving back there.



luvs2beachit Thank you for the compliment!!! I hope to bring back even more memories in the rest!!



smyliecruising Thank you for reading, and I'm glad others out there enjoyed the Conquest's decor as well!!! I have looked into the porthole rooms, and almost went for one on this, but it was $300 more, and since I was also financing my Alaska cruise in September, I decided to just "rough it" on this one LOL.




HeavyMetalDeacon Yes, I LOVE the strawberry bisque!!! I forgot to add that my friends were all dumbfounded when Rafael brought it, first with the empty bowl with strawberry, then by the soup itself. They all had to sample, of course!



GMRPHRN OK, now YOU have the next Conquest cruise....challenge accepted!!! Can I finish this in 10 days? I'll do my best!!



JohnSpo Thank you for the compliment!!! I hope you continue to enjoy!!!



Buckeyes22 Are you a fellow Ohioan??? GO BUCKEYES!!!! I'm glad someone can verify my (short lived) notariety LOL!! Did we meet on the ship?? Thanks for reading!!!



ClarkG Thank you for the thank you!!!



Cruisin_guy Aww, thank you!!! Sidenote: one of my delays this week is an unfortunate eye infection I got a few days ago, which has me in glasses on on multiple meds...grrr.



Kittysnme Thank you for the compliment and condolences!! It's getting a bit easier, but still miss him. Stay tuned and I hope to get to Aruba...hopefully by the end of the week. Preview: it was a blast!!!



DenalinWyo Thank you!!! I second the Xanax call if you have similar anxieties. Like I said, alcohol works if you time it right, but again, there's that pesky bathroom matter to factor in...



Mykindaparty Hi, and thanks for the compliments!!! This time, i'm doing what i think the majority of the people do-which is using Photobucket.


Basically, you create an acct on that site, and you have some free storage, but be forewarned, depending on the number of pics, you may need to get a subscription-right now I have 20 GB for $3 a month. Once you upload your pictures to that site(it guides you through that process very easily), you just select the individual picture you want to post at that time. For example, if you want a picture of the ship that you uploaded, just open that picture in Photobucket. In the upper right corner, there is a box with a long link in it. Click that link once, and you should see that box turn yellow quickly and flash the word "copied."


The next part is coming onto here, opening a new thread or reply, and in the message box, wherever you want to post the picture of the ship, hit the cursor there and then go up to the row above the message box with all of the icons. Pick the yellow icon with the mountain and a box will pop up asking for a URL.Delete whats in that box and paste the link that you copied from Photobucket. It's pretty easy once you do it the first couple of times, go for it and give it a try!!



What I did previously from my iPhone/iPad was to open the tapatalk app, copy/past my writing in, and just select the picture app on there,but I could only add photos stored on that device.


Sorry to ramble on, but hope it helps!!!


Off to paint now(in glasses). Have a good Saturday and will catch up later!!




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