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Vista Photo Review: 10-night Mediterranean Cruise from Athens to Barcelona

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At this point, we knew we wanted to go somewhere with an amazing view overlooking the bay for lunch. After wandering and shopping a bit, we saw something called the Foreigner's Club. The outside didn't look like much, but when I went back to the terrace I found: a table right by the water, a gorgeous view, high chairs, wine, and a sign showing bathrooms. So my checklist was complete. We snagged a table front and center, and within twenty minutes every single table was full! We completely lucked out!






The food and the service was good. Not impeccable, but good. We just ordered some pasta, gnocchi and a pizza along with some white wine. A little more expensive than most places in other parts of Italy (especially Rome with their great 10 - 12E meals that include a couple of courses and wine), but it didn't break the bank.


After lunch we wandered a bit more...took a peek in a residential neighborhood, where I enjoyed seeing this Virgin Mary guarding their gate:




And wandered through a few more shops. I loved how there was bunting all over Sorrento, and all kinds of flags!




Then, we made our way back down on the elevator, and headed straight back for the 2pm Alilauro ferry. It left right on time, and we were back in Naples around 2:45pm.


We headed straight back to the ship for our usual: nap (baby) and room service snacks! And then, we got ready for dinner with the rest of the family!

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Wonderful review!


Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful families vacation!!


I'm doing this same itinerary in October and am very excited to get a preview!!


I look forward to the rest :)

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Oh my goodness! You're absolutely correct!!! You know, I think on prior cruises it has always been listed in the afternoon section of the "what's happening" portion of the fun times. I think I'm still getting used to this new format!


Thanks for clarifying! Oh well, I guess I saved myself an extra 800 calories that day...:p


I don't like the new format of the Fun Times at all. Make sure to comment in the survey.

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The next morning we arrived into the port of Civitavecchia! Now, the last time I was there (on the Breeze), we were the first ship in the port, and probably a 10 - 15 minute walk to the train station.


This time, we were the last ship in port - furthest from the port gate! There are free white buses that take you to the port gate, however, where they load is very unclear. Lines were forming all over the place and no one seemed to have any clarity. So, we ditched this plan and decided to speed walk all the way to the train station! And when I say speed walk, I mean we really jetted there! It took about 35 minutes. A leisurely pace would've been closer to an hour. It was quite far...


Upon arriving at the train station, we bought a BIRG ticket (approximately 12E/adult and 5E/child). This ticket is good on all trains/buses/subways. Remember to validate it by sticking it in the little ticket punch machine prior to jumping on the train!


The morning trains into Rome's Termini station are plentiful. I had printed the schedules in advance from the Trenitalia website, so I knew which ones we were hoping to take. For example, on the morning we were heading in, there was a 7:19am, 7:44am, 7:58am, 8:42am, 8:59am, 9:18am, etc etc. All of the journeys ranged from 1 hour, 5 minutes to 1 hours, 25 minutes. There were also Frecciabianca trains coming less frequently (speed trains), however the price was 28E/way, and the journey, still 45 minutes. And my understanding is that these trains aren't always faster, because they frequently are delayed in their arrival times...


So, we hopped on the 9:18am train to Rome's Termini station and arrived at 10:43am.


Now, I had studied in Rome during college, so I was pretty familiar with the different neighborhoods and where we wanted to go...My husband has also been several times, so we didn't really have any major "must sees". Our goal was just to enjoy the city, have some nice food and gelato, and enjoy!


From Termini it's an easy straight shot walking (downhill!) towards the Roman Forum. Once you exit the train station, you simply walk down Via ****onale or Via di. S. Gregorio, and you will end up right with the Roman Forum/Capitoline Hill / Colosseum is. There's no need for public transit.


More to come...

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One of my favorite things to do in Rome is eat in front of the Pantheon. When I studied there, we'd always go for gelatos late at night, and then sit on the fountain in front of the Pantheon listening to the musicians!


Now in June, Rome isn't quite as quaint. Hordes of tourists were everywhere! I realized this was my 7th time in Rome, but my first time coming in June and it was insane. The winter in Italy is my favorite! But anyhow, I digress...


We debated whether to head to the market in Campo di Fiori and eat at one of their little outdoor restaurants, or relax in Pantheon square and eat. When we arrived at the Pantheon, it was surprisingly quite empty! And we were rather hungry. So we found a nice table in the shade, and ordered! I love all the lunch specials in Rome. For 10 - 12E/person you can choose a starter, a pasta dish and a glass of wine. So that's what we did, and despite being front and center in a tourist area, the food and service were both great!








More to come...

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Upon arriving at the train station, we bought a BIRG ticket (approximately 12E/adult and 5E/child). This ticket is good on all trains/buses/subways. Remember to validate it by sticking it in the little ticket punch machine prior to jumping on the train!


The morning trains into Rome's Termini station are plentiful. I had printed the schedules in advance from the Trenitalia website, so I knew which ones we were hoping to take. For example, on the morning we were heading in, there was a 7:19am, 7:44am, 7:58am, 8:42am, 8:59am, 9:18am, etc etc. All of the journeys ranged from 1 hour, 5 minutes to 1 hours, 25 minutes. There were also Frecciabianca trains coming less frequently (speed trains), however the price was 28E/way, and the journey, still 45 minutes. And my understanding is that these trains aren't always faster, because they frequently are delayed in their arrival times...


So, we hopped on the 9:18am train to Rome's Termini station and arrived at 10:43am.



What is the name of the station in Civita? Someone said it is NOT listed as Civitavecchia so we are wondering about the trip back to the ship and what termini station we look for.

Edited by GlendaleCruiser
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Can you tell us what to look for when returning to Civitavecchia from Rome on the train? Someone said the return is something else and I'm not sure what to look for.


Hmm...I'm not sure exactly what they may have meant? Once your day in Rome is finished, head back to Termini station and look for the trains to Civitavecchia. The last couple of times, it has been the farthest platform on the far most right of the station (Platform 29 I believe). Of course I'm sure this changes and you'll need to check, but this platform is a HIKE from the entrance of the station. And, this train fills up towards the end of the day. So you'll definitely want to arrive early and hop on rather than wander around the station shopping and such...

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What is the name of the station in Civita? Someone said it is NOT listed as Civitavecchia so we are wondering about the trip back to the ship and what termini station we look for.


The station is definitely Civitavecchia. You can even look on the Trenitalia website and print the schedule between Roma Termini and Civitavecchia for the day you will be in port so you'll know exactly which trains you'd like to take.


For example, the day we were in port, the trains from Roma Termini to Civitavecchia were very frequent. I searched for later afternoon trains and found them departing at 4:12pm, 4:45pm, 4:57pm (Frecciabianca), 5:12pm, 5:27pm, etc etc...

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The station is definitely Civitavecchia. You can even look on the Trenitalia website and print the schedule between Roma Termini and Civitavecchia for the day you will be in port so you'll know exactly which trains you'd like to take.


For example, the day we were in port, the trains from Roma Termini to Civitavecchia were very frequent. I searched for later afternoon trains and found them departing at 4:12pm, 4:45pm, 4:57pm (Frecciabianca), 5:12pm, 5:27pm, etc etc...


Good to know! Apparently, when three of my friends were going from Rome back to Civita, the train listed for that said something different and it was confusing. Maybe they changed that.

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After our nice lunch in Pantheon Square, we wandered over to Piazza Navona briefly...I always laugh picturing National Lampoon's European Vacation whenever I'm in this square! This is where our study abroad class stayed in a pensione back when I was in college, so I have good memories of this place!






After Piazza Navona, we meandered over towards Campo di Fiori. I'm so glad we didn't go to the place we usually go to for lunch, because the restaurant no longer has outdoor seating! It was pretty crowded on this particular day. I usually like to pick up spices, pasta and dishes/cookware from this market, but today I just picked out some sweatshirts for my kids. We got gelato just outside the square, which was delish!






After Campo di Fiori, we just wandered a bit. We thought we might throw our coins in the Trevi fountain again, so we headed in that general direction.


We came across a pretty square called Piazza di S. Ig****o. I had never walked through this square before, but apparently the church is really amazing and worth a peek inside. There was also a great restaurant here. In the hot city full of tourists, this was a nice reprieve!






More to come...

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I'm going to try and get my act together and finish this up this week! :)


Here are the fun times from our day in Messina, Sicily:









Hi great review, I was wondering what the difference between pizzeria del capitano and Pizzeria plus is?


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Hmm...I'm not sure exactly what they may have meant? Once your day in Rome is finished, head back to Termini station and look for the trains to Civitavecchia. The last couple of times, it has been the farthest platform on the far most right of the station (Platform 29 I believe). Of course I'm sure this changes and you'll need to check, but this platform is a HIKE from the entrance of the station. And, this train fills up towards the end of the day. So you'll definitely want to arrive early and hop on rather than wander around the station shopping and such...


When we were going to Pisa, we rode a train going to the direction of "La Spezia" which was the last stop for that train route... Maybe, that's what she meant?? Like a train heading to Civitavecchia but it will not be the final stop..???


Last February, I was visiting Florence with friends and we kept on looking for the train labelled as "PISA" (as we were going to see the Leaning Tower)... but in actuality the train we were supposed to be looking for was called "LA SPEZIA" which will make a stop at Pisa. We were kinda confused in the beginning but it didn't take too long to figure out! :)

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Hi great review, I was wondering what the difference between pizzeria del capitano and Pizzeria plus is?


From what I just read somewhere else, the Pizza Plus hours they offer lasagne, paninis, etc. for a late night snack.


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When we were going to Pisa, we rode a train going to the direction of "La Spezia" which was the last stop for that train route... Maybe, that's what she meant?? Like a train heading to Civitavecchia but it will not be the final stop..???


Last February, I was visiting Florence with friends and we kept on looking for the train labelled as "PISA" (as we were going to see the Leaning Tower)... but in actuality the train we were supposed to be looking for was called "LA SPEZIA" which will make a stop at Pisa. We were kinda confused in the beginning but it didn't take too long to figure out! :)


That could be it!

We decided that we would ask at the Civita train station when we buy our tickets--exactly what train to look for.


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Hi great review, I was wondering what the difference between pizzeria del capitano and Pizzeria plus is?



From what I just read somewhere else, the Pizza Plus hours they offer lasagne, paninis, etc. for a late night snack.



sounds right - was just reading an online review of someone on the Vista and copied this:


Day 6 - Another couple of observations / comments.

10 aft. 24 hour pizza parlour. Pizzas delicious. Between 11pm and 1am Note that they also offer lasagne and chicken mozzarella and pesto ciabatta.

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Thanks for your great review and pics you look like a great family, your detailed blog is going to save me some money as I am now going to get the ferry to sorrento this august 2 when on the vista after reading your report, many thanks

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  • 1 month later...
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry this review has been on pause for a MONTH!


I was initially having some issues with PhotoBucket...and then we had camping trips, and school starting and life got busy!


I am committed to finishing this review, if anyone is still sticking with me here! :)


Yep, still here! :)

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So, last I left off, we were walking through Rome, heading over to the Trevi Fountain to toss our coins in again.


I've visited the Trevi Fountain 4 or 5 times before, and I've never seen it like it was on this particular day in June! Oh my goodness, the crowds were OUT OF CONTROL! It pretty much sealed the deal for me on NOT going back to Rome in the summer. I love Italy in the winter. No crowds + good sales in the shops. Anyways, there was no way the four of us could even break through the crowds to toss our coin in, so I took our son while my husband and baby girl waited up on the street. The police security was tight, and the entire thing felt like herding cats.


Approximately 6,000 people were cropped out of the photo below. Hence why you can't actually see any water or the actual fountain.




Luckily, we had some small Euro change to toss in!




After the obligatory photos, we headed off in the direction of no people and quiet streets. I love just wandering in Rome. Away from the shops and crowds and main attractions.


We turned on this little street and found only a small cafe - no people. And my husband snapped this photo of my girl and I. I love the bougaanvillea climbing down the walls!




At this point, we started making our way back to the Forum. We wanted to take a little stroll around the Colosseum before catching the train back to the ship.


There was a lot of construction happening on the sidewalks between Vittorio Emanuel Building and the Colosseum...Coupled with the crowds of people and the heat made it a bit difficult to enjoy!








But we got a few pics before beginning our journey back to Termini Station...

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry this review has been on pause for a MONTH!


I was initially having some issues with PhotoBucket...and then we had camping trips, and school starting and life got busy!


I am committed to finishing this review, if anyone is still sticking with me here! :)

I'm enjoying getting to re-live our July cruise!
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