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Sea Dream I


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Very fortunate that the weather was so good at the time. I hope some of the passengers have time to post here. Assuming a CC poster or two was aboard. Lois has long said that in an emergency she would want to be on SeaDream with their excellent crew and not on the giant people movers.

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Very fortunate that the weather was so good at the time. I hope some of the passengers have time to post here. Assuming a CC poster or two was aboard. Lois has long said that in an emergency she would want to be on SeaDream with their excellent crew and not on the giant people movers.


Smart and beautiful, that Lois........so much in common (big in modesty too, Hum that is).

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Norwegians do not give up on their yachts, even after major damage.


Take the example of the Norge, the former Philante built in 1937 by Camper and Nicholsons, and subsequently acquired by the people of Norway for their King in July 1947.


On March 7, 1985, Norge was docked for repair at a shipyard in Horten. During welding operations on board a fire broke out and that lasted a whole day and destroyed most of the ship, though the hull and engines survived. King Olav decided to rebuild the ship and a year later he was back on the Norge, with better technical equipment than before the fire.


I was lucky enough to see the Norge two weeks ago when it was moored in Toronto’s inner harbour where the King was competing in an international sailing race. She looks marvelous for a ship her age and is still sailing around the world.


So the small engine room fire on SD1 should pose no major challenge for the never-say scrap it Norwegians!


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Norwegians do not give up on their yachts, even after major damage.


Take the example of the Norge, the former Philante built in 1937 by Camper and Nicholsons, and subsequently acquired by the people of Norway for their King in July 1947.


On March 7, 1985, Norge was docked for repair at a shipyard in Horten. During welding operations on board a fire broke out and that lasted a whole day and destroyed most of the ship, though the hull and engines survived. King Olav decided to rebuild the ship and a year later he was back on the Norge, with better technical equipment than before the fire.


I was lucky enough to see the Norge two weeks ago when it was moored in Toronto’s inner harbour where the King was competing in an international sailing race. She looks marvelous for a ship her age and is still sailing around the world.


So the small engine room fire on SD1 should pose no major challenge for the never-say scrap it Norwegians!


Sad to report but the fire was more intense than first thought and so we must wait until the inspections are undertaken.


The incident occurred on SD's 15th birthday.

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Sad to report but the fire was more intense than first thought and so we must wait until the inspections are undertaken.


The incident occurred on SD's 15th birthday.


So sad. Depending on the damage, this is a common scenario with ships. As we all know, insurance rarely covers everything. Especially requirements to "modernize". So, the choice for any owner is: Take the insurance check, do all the necessary repairs to a 32 year old ship even if it involves new capital or; Take the multi million insurance check, sell the 32 year old ship for whatever you can get, go live on your island happily ever after. It is a fairly common occurrence in ship world. All depends on the extent and the required remedies.

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All of us in the extended SD family share the concern and worry expressed here. We were just on SD2 a few weeks ago from Athens to Venice for an amazing 11 day voyage. The twin SD ships were docked alongside Venice together. We looked up at SD1 as we departed with thoughts of it being the one for our next voyage booked for June 2017. Friends are to embark on SD1 this coming Saturday Sept. 10 a week from today in Rome for their second voyage after hearing us talk about our many prior trips. I alerted them to the fire incident yesterday upon hearing the sad news. The Miami office said they wouldn't know more until this coming Mon or Tuesday as others reported here. Ho Hum and Jim know this all better than I do and likely most others. We all hope for the best but Jim rightly steers us to the practical realities. One question I confess arises is whether, in a worst case scenario, it is a viable operation with just one ship? For now though our thoughts are with all crew and passengers including crew of SD2 and onshore management. We are grateful all on SD1 are safe and we hope to be able to return to her again! Thanks to all for keeping us posted as anyone learns more.

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Ho Hum!

So sad to hear that the fire was more intense than first thought. That is very disturbing!


So happy everyone was unharmed.


We are anxiously awaiting the results of the inspections. We are booked on SDI in February 2017 out of Barbados. Sure have our fingers crossed that it can be repaired and repaired by then.


Keep us posted! You are our best source of insider info!

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Ho Hum!

So sad to hear that the fire was more intense than first thought. That is very disturbing!


So happy everyone was unharmed.


We are anxiously awaiting the results of the inspections. We are booked on SDI in February 2017 out of Barbados. Sure have our fingers crossed that it can be repaired and repaired by then.


Keep us posted! You are our best source of insider info!


Oh whatnot, whatnot, whatnot,


Don't rely on that old fraud Hummy !

The truth is he knows precious little ........ about anything.

If it were not for Blondie, well that's another story.....

No, Hum was alerted to the SDI situation by a much more informed and highly regarded chum (by fellow chums and SD "head honchos") and long term guest than Hum.

"Chalk and cheese, chalk and cheese"

And he is smart too........way smarter and insightful than Hum could ever hope to be !

And then we have Jim (Commodore, thank you too, old chap).

Part time tequila bootlegger admittedly(darn good stuff tho') but also a man of great maritime experience, level headed and plain honest speaking.


Hum is simple.

He can report if the pasta was not "al dente" or if the champagne is too young and all the trivial stuff but on the "big stuff" ?




And now this situation involves a far higher level of company involvement with behind the scenes, shadowy figures which comprise of SD's inner sanctum, above and beyond senior management.

No, this is not a fiction.

They do exist.

And this is who the Owner will ONLY listen to.

There are about 3/4 of 'em.

Of course Norwegian !!!


As Jim alluded to, this is a whole new ball game.

All that Hum can offer is how crew and passengers are being treated.

WHICH IS RUDDY MARVELLOUS BY THE WAY (not "shouting"; just emphasising).


So sorry whatnot and other chums whom have been duped into thinking (probably by Hum himself) that Hum has any influence or knows anything......it just ain't so.

Hands up.

Hum's been "banged to rights" !


Hum shares JES's concern too but it is very early days.


Who is going to be the voice of realism ?


Certainly not Hum.

Wait, Hum says.

And wait again.

And wait more some.

And then, just maybe we will have an indication.

Hum is certainly not going to ignorantly put the "kibosh" on things.


Hum will say how ruddy marvellous you lot have been.

Responsible and concern for others has been abiding throughout your posts.

It confirms Hum's view that the fellow chums of SD are mighty special people too.


Hum knows SD occasionally "dip" into to see what's up here and read silly old Hum and his theories on all things SD.

So not to disappoint, here are a couple of points for 'em:


1. Great job in handling the situation, the way you have: highly commendable and re-assuring.

2. You must make regular "Public" announcements on your website, candidly informing ALL just what the heck is going on and what is planned (obviously only that which will not breach the company's corporate business). This is an opportunity. Your existing clientele are the bedrock of your income and we return and return again because there ain't anything like it out there. We are mostly (excluding moi meme) intelligent, "savvy", customers....treat us accordingly. Capiche ?

3. Start earnestly looking for another second-hand ship (up to 300 pax) now ! ready for the Mediterranean season 2017.


Yes, the same arrogance and ignorance exhibited by Hum.

But forever passionate......that won't ever change.

Nothing in the world quite like it ......... for Hum that is.......silly old, sentimental fool.


Not in an "idly jottery" mood these days (Hum has lost propulsion too 'spose) and besides it don't seem right and 'all.

Tell Hum, if you disagree.

Sorry Hum hasn't replied to:

- Raggy: look after that ruddy knee. Sorry to hear about the project, the "horse" and Mrs. D's increased duties.

- Contessa: oh what a story Hum can tell you about Sandy Lane. The Owner and Blondie had a "stand up" fight ! Guess who won ? Here's the clue: ladies are way smarter !

- MACT: well for mutual "rants". That ruddy Nicolas woman ehh ? A ruddy penguin could do the job of First Minister for Scotty-land.

- and there are other chums "out there" who are going through tough times. Hum & Blondie think and "pray" for you but the lines always engaged.....caller from Arizona always on the line ! If it's who Hum thinks it is.......complete waste of time !! "Roll Tide" !!! and a "Yee-ha" !!!!

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Ho Hum,


Please count Danny and I in as part of the very concerned for SD1 and her crew! Never before have we felt so emotionally attached to a company before, ok we love a Sandals also...but Seadream has given us some wonderful memories and hopefully many more to come!? We went on a voyage on SD1 two years ago and the staff were nothing short of Amazing to us! So, here's to a speedy recovery!!!



I would love to hear that story of Sandy Lane!? Haha


Kathy. Xo

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If our beloved SDI can't be seaworthy by the time of the Caribbean season, I endorse ho-hum's third recommendation. While we feel SDI is our second home, it is the extraordinary crew that makes it so. We are booked on a b2b right after New Year's, and if we have to sail on a tugboat we will do so as long as the men and women who are the heart and soul are there to welcome us aboard.

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We just learned from our friends who were booked on the Sept. 10 voyage departing from Rome that SD called them this morning to officially cancel it. No word yet on what arrangements or assistance SD is offering. They were to depart the USA tomorrow for many nights in Rome prior to embarkation and then travel plans from Nice onward after the one week SD1 voyage.


Totally agree the crew make it so special and personal to all of us here.


Also wish to strongly second Ho Hum's suggestion that SD do what they can to keep us informed, knowing they have many pressing matters to address. It is the combination of the personable crew and so many loyal SeaDreamers that accounts for SD's enduring success. Keeping all informed particularly at such a difficult time is essential for any business with loyal and concerned "customers" who truly view themselves as part of an extended family.

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Also wish to strongly second Ho Hum's suggestion that SD do what they can to keep us informed, knowing they have many pressing matters to address. It is the combination of the personable crew and so many loyal SeaDreamers that accounts for SD's enduring success. Keeping all informed particularly at such a difficult time is essential for any business with loyal and concerned "customers" who truly view themselves as part of an extended family.


How right you are. I never fully realized that I have relationships (both real and the pen pal type) here with many of you. That is completely different from all the other cruise lines we have sailed and Cruise Critic boards I occasionally participate on. For example, I have sailed Cunard since childhood and have their top "status" but do not have any personal relationships related to Cunard. SeaDream is unique both as an experience and also here on CC. Here's hoping a happy ending is in store for SD I.

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Let's all hope that SD1 can be refurbished and made seaworthy again. It would be a longshot that SD could find any used small ship and make her SD worthy in a short amount of time. A new build would, of course, take years. I would doubt that SD can survive for a few years with just one ship. Too many fixed costs.


So, in all probability, refurbishing SD1 is the only real option. Assuming they take this route, let's hope it can be done rapidly.

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I, too, hope SD finds a way to recover. Do we know who the captain was? I recall both Capt Smorawski and Capt Eriksen being on board the night the crankshaft broke in 2013. This, of course, is much more serious. They are still showing the Sep 10 cruise on the website.


And I think we all have deep feelings about the crew as well as the friends we've made on this board. I'm sometimes surprised to realize how many of you I've come to know!! I really do feel as though I am with friends when I'm on the board.:)


And. . . one should never bet against Blondie!:D


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I, too, hope SD finds a way to recover. Do we know who the captain was? I recall both Capt Smorawski and Capt Eriksen being on board the night the crankshaft broke in 2013. This, of course, is much more serious. They are still showing the Sep 10 cruise on the website.


And I think we all have deep feelings about the crew as well as the friends we've made on this board. I'm sometimes surprised to realize how many of you I've come to know!! I really do feel as though I am with friends when I'm on the board.:)


And. . . one should never bet against Blondie!:D



Hum believes it was Captain Smorawski, Lady V.


How is the Colonel (if it is appropriate to ask: apologies if it is not). ?

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Hum believes it was Captain Smorawski, Lady V.


How is the Colonel (if it is appropriate to ask: apologies if it is not). ?


The Colonel is doing quite nicely, thank you! Still needs to put on a lot more weight -- suspect he will on the crossing! Thanks for asking!


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We are booked on the Nov 22nd sailing and were very concerned over the weekend about the events on SD1. Just heard from our TA and she has been told the SD1 damage was not as extensive as thought and should be sailing again by Sept 17th. That is certainly good news.


We are very much looking forward to SeaDream as first timers. Celebrating a birthday for me by sailing around in the Grenadines on a short 4 day intin. If we like it (and I am sure we will) then hopefully more sailings in the future.


We have enjoyed Windstar MV's and Paul Gauguin in the past and have been moored next to SD a couple of times, so about time to come aboard.





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I'm booked on the Christmas sailing of SeaDream I and after hearing the news about the fire in the engine room, I emailed SeaDream in Norway. This is the reply I received:


"Thank you for your e-mail.


SeaDream I is currently in Naples undergoing repairs and our plan is that the voyage you are booked on will go as planned.


For up to date information on SeaDream I, I recommend our advisory page: www.seadream.com/advisory


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions."

Let's hope that she is back in service very soon.


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