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............, one being the the N5S1 is protruding badly into my main and nerve .............





Forgive me if this has been asked, but what's an N5S1? I'm guessing typo and you meant L5S1?

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Yes, but my final payment was two months ago, and I didn't put them in a folder and they went to spam and my spam empties every month, but somebody here told me a few things and I happened to be able to retrieve them in another way.:D

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I'm sure I'll catch heat for this, but whatever.


I wouldn't go. I couldn't possibly enjoy my trip knowing that at any minute, my health could take a turn for the worse in open sea or in a foreign land. Not only would that put me in jeopardy, but it would risk ruining the trip for thousands of other people. It's selfish, in my opinion, to risk all of that. You live in Florida - why not fly to the Bahamas for a land vacation? At least you'll still be in a tropical location and have much easier access to a medical facility that could treat you versus the on-board doc and hoping that USCG or Medevac gets there in time so keep you from dying.



I'm not a bad person and I honestly wish you all the best. But it may be time for you to face the music and stop cruising. It may just save your life one day.

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Everytime I make a payment I get an updated Cruise Confirmation showing my balances. Do you not save those things?


Once final payment is made I print out all my cruise documents including the portion that shows what I've paid for.

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Hello Dubnhub- Its fine to express your thoughts and your not alone there are others here who say the same thing they wouldn't risk anything and would not go on the cruise. There really isn't anywhere in the states I want to vacation, I went last year to northern and southern CA and I wouldn't go back...I seen 46 states in my lifetime...I live in Florida been there seen it all and lived in south Florida for 18 years so its not a vacation to me. As far as the Bahamas, I don't care for it there, I don't even get off the ship if they dock there, unless I want a lunch at Twin Brothers, the Fish Fry lol, so Bahamas is not an option.


I won't die if it rupture...and the way it would rupture is by lifting anything over 10 pounds, bending down the wrong way, sitting for a long period of time over an hour, etc. I am very careful with my movements and all so there shouldn't be any rupture on the cruise, surely, its not 100% guaranteed but my stakes are low for that happening as long as I do what the doctor says and he didn't say I couldn't go on the cruise he just said not to fly because the flight would of been 2 1/2 hours and that was too long for me to sit at a time. I also am scheduled for another mri two weeks before I go, as long as I continue to have some fluid in the disk the risk remains the same and NOT worse, if its worse I won't go.


I live with some horrible diseases, and I learned my limitations although I won't and refuse to stop living. I am strong minded, yes stubborn a bit, but mentally I am strong and have a very high tolerance for pain....if my sister and my mother were in my body they stay in bed or go to the ER everyday, not I. You. learn to live with your limitations and you learn to adjust. I realize its difficult for a healthy person to understand my analysis of living, but then again, I hope you never do!

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Since we are chatting :D my dad had a disk that ruptured one day when he was coming in the house from work... no warning, just down to the ground. (Regained use of his legs after surgery).


I do think it is smart to do eastern Caribbean since you are so close to the US.


I completely get you not gettng held hostage by your illness (I get it... I'm sickly and have had 3 negative ANA (broken out on face and chest again right now) plus was dx 2 years age with severe sleep apnea and 6 months ago with cough variant asthma. I feel slightly better but not great and each day I get up and evaluate if I'm going to have a lost day or not. To me, clearly something is still undiscovered.


I realize you really have to fight it and take your day back as much as you can.


So I love that you aren't willing to sacrifice your life to your illness...!


The back issue scares me though. :o


What about something like The Grand in Point Clear, Alabama and walking through Fairhope for lunch and shopping?

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Hello Spleenstomper!

OMGosh your poor dad just out of nowhere, I wonder if sitting in the car driving home might of contribute to the rupture? I am glad he is ok now and able to walk!! Yes, eastern Caribbean is a lot better for me just in case and I am not planning on getting off the ship either..... my plans are to rest/relax, I have been to all the ports over and over and done it all, so its ok. Its best I don't overdue things.

Since we are chatting, I also have high protein bands that every year they test me for things such as lymphoma and such..for your asthma do you take singular, it really helps me with my asthma and I have been taking it for years with no problems. For your skin issues, have you considered using tea tree oil and a organic vitamin c serum, it may help with that but again check with your doctor to make sure its ok to use. I get the rash in my scalp, sometimes very badly, my hair well its fine because of hashimato's (non working thyroid but do take synthoid daily) and lupus contributes to loosing hair also...but I been using this shampoo with tea tree oil and it helps it stay in control. Just mentioning it....I also have been diagnosed with "mixed connective tissue disease" and I feel that you just may have that also from what your telling me that you feel you have something else.


Unfortunately you understand me...why I won't give up my cruise and won't give into my medical problems, I just can't, if I do well that won't be the best quality of life for me and life is too precious, it can go in a blink of an eye, so live when you can, but know your limits and rest when you need to is my motto. ;)


You do have me "thinking and a bit concerned" more now since you told me the back issues have you scared....I also just checked out the Grand and saw it underwent a 32 million dollar renovation it IS beautiful...I can't sit in the car for that long and if I fly, its out because there are no non-stop flights from Jax Florida, I would have to fly and take connecting flights and the average total travel time is 7 hours if not more! :o

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They day you blow out a disc will be etched in your mind, like the birth dates of your children. I did not know you could have such excruciating pain and still survive. I had no warning whatsoever and had no history of back problems. One minute I was making coffee and the next minute I was on the kitchen floor unable to get up. My right leg would not hold me up and my foot was flopping. I completely blew out L4 L5 and the contents of the disc migrated north and compressed the L4 nerve root.


I ended up in the ER that night when I couldn't take it anymore. It took several shots of morphine and a shot of anti - inflammatory to make the pain bearable. I was released about 3am. It is the policy of our ER not to do an MRI unless you can't pee. If that is the case, you may have cauda equina syndrome. If that is not operated on quickly, you will end up on a catheter for the rest of your life. That was their only concern.


I was referred to a back specialist, who has a policy not to see ER referrals until they had finished the steroid dose pack and been on muscle relaxants and pain killers for a week. I still could not walk when my husband dragged me into that office. Because I still couldn't walk, an MRI was in order, but they had to battle the insurance company for permission and then find an opening at the only place where insurance would pay to have it done. I finally had the MRI the following week. Then, I had to fight to get an appointment to get the MRI results. It was 23 days from the initial blow out until I had a confirmed diagnosis. .


The orthopedic surgeon was ready to operate within days, but no way was I having an orthopedic surgeon operate on my back. So, I took my MRI disc and report to a neurosurgeon. He took one look and said he would not have the operation now if he was in my shoes since I still had 3 bulging discs that could blow at any time and I have spinal stenosis, which will worsen over time. He suggested I wait it out because after 2 years surgical patients were no better off than the ones who opted not to have the surgery. He said I should wait and have it all repaired at once instead of having 4 separate back surgeries. Besides, by the time I saw him, a month had passed. I still couldn't walk and he was not sure surgery would help since so much time had elapsed.


I was totally confused, so I went to a different practice with both orthopedic and neurosurgery in one site. They conferred and recommended I start non-surgical decompression immediately to relieve the pressure on L4. It creates a negative pressure and sucks the contents of the disc back in. Of course, our insurance would not pay for it, but we decided to pay the $4000 out of pocket. These doctors said surgery would always be there, but that they had seen the non-surgical decompression work in about 85% of cases.


I went to decompression 5 times a week for 4 weeks. Week one my husband had to drive me and help me into the office since I couldn't walk and my right foot couldn't feel the gas pedal or brake, so driving was forbidden. By week 2, I could walk a few steps unaided. By week 3, I could sit, stand and walk with minimal discomfort and by week 4 I was able to drive myself to the last 5 treatments and get parked and walk into the office. At the end of that week, I was on a plane to Florida because my Mom died in the middle of it all. My main restriction for 9 months was no stairs, so I slept on the couch in the living room. I am also not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds, so you will never see us doing self assist! And, I am still not allowed to vacuum and of course I can't ride a jet ski or in a small boat in rough waters. So, sometimes if it is rough tendering I have to stay on board.


I say take the cruise. You never know where or when the disc might blow. I went to one of the highest rated hospital systems in the country that is 5 minutes from my house, and still had crappy medical treatment in the ER. All of the doctors agreed that surgery should have been done that night to decompress the nerve root at L4, but since I had to go 23 days without a proper diagnosis and it would take more time to schedule it and get insurance approval, I already had some permanent nerve damage.


I am now at bit over 7 years since it happened. I still have 3 discs that could blow at any time. The first couple of cruises we took after it happened, we rented a wheelchair because I could not walk the incline up the gangway, and my foot would get floppy if it got tired out from walking. I have since been on 17 cruises and flown to Mexico for vacation several times. We always fly first class and we choose our flights based on the availability of the bulkhead seats. I stand up alot throughout the flight and walk around as much as possible. I don't do long car rides and I no longer do all day excursions or bus tours in ports, but at least I get out there 3-4 times a year. I am careful not to sit and twist, or to turn suddenly and for the most part I am pain free. I also found that wearing shoes like Vionics helps tremendously. $89.00 for flip flops is ridiculous, but since it prevents me from having pain, they are worth every penny!



I will not rush into surgery. My back problem has a genetic component and all of my Mom's aunts and first cousins ended up in a wheelchair in a nursing home or dying from an infection after their back surgeries. Most of my female second cousins on that side of the family also have disc problems and spinal stenosis, and we often talk about the family curse when discussing back surgery. I don't know when or where the next disc will blow, but I assume they have morphine on the ship or in local hospitals in the ports. Heck, I may be better off having it happen somewhere else. We also always buy 3rd party travel insurance that covers pre-existing conditions for every trip that we take.

Edited by DebJ14
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I wanted to chime in that while I don't have back problems (knock on wood), I do own quite a few pairs of Vionics and they are amongst the most comfortable sandals, flip flops, shoes I have ever worn. You would never know just by looking at them that they are excellent support because they are super cute. I have found good deals on QVC and sometimes Amazon. Also if you are near a Bealls, they have sales every once in awhile. I got a pair of Vionic sandals there for $45. The were originally $110.

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PaulMedic you forgot Lupus too!! LOL Heck, it is what it is and I developed a strong tolerance to it and a high tolerance for pain.


Firemanbobswife hello again- Vionics are the shoes I wear and do help and work for sure!!! I do have a couple pairs from soft walk and Ecco all great but the Vionics your most correct the BEST shoes anybody can wear for sure!


DebJ14- Yep, thats exactly the pain my neurologist told me it would be like. The only difference is that he said I would have up to three hours for surgery or be paralyzed....well, I can't think that is going to happen, and happen the week I just happen to be on a cruise. I realize I am taking a risk, but my entire life is all about taking risks and knock on wood.....I do go every three months for the mir's also have C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 but thats nothing to the L5S1, lupus pains and limiting threw my entire spine out I guess but I am alive and knock on wood its not cancer so I count my blessings I guess.


I am sorry to hear all that you went through with your issue, and my neurosurgeon admits I am a candidate for surgery but also wants me to hold out too! He said there is a risk of getting worse too. Decompression Hugh....thank goodness that helped you...I found a neurosurgeon probably the best in northern Florida will make an appointment with him and get his opinion, he has 32 years under his belt and I think his residency and such is from John Hopkins, his credentials are excellent...the one I went to, my neurologist sent me ok but not great for my standards so I will make sure I get this other opinion. I am also sorry to hear your mom died during all that pain and suffering you had...sometimes when it rains it just pours and pours ugh!


Seven years and you still have disks that can rupture, so, one can last that long with these problems....interesting to hear. :)


I also have my usual yearly trip in August to Aruba for two weeks, we do have first class seats but I may have to cancel if I don't feel any better, again, the flight is over the hour time but I could walk around every so often and the seats are larger but I can't think about that until around June/July time will tell what I will do. I have to fly also to a wedding up in Boston and we were suppose to make a little getaway up there also after the wedding...we didn't get first class seats but have bulkhead as we generally always choose these seats due to my fibromyalgia and lupus pains....but I can miss the wedding and have my husband and father in law attend as the bride knows my condition and told me to take care of myself first. I am glad that you get out and do take your trips, you have to and from all the pain we live with, healthy people don't realize it helps us mentally getting away and taking our trips and cruises, its a very positive thing for us in so many ways. So glad the Vionics help you also, I don't know what I do if they didn't make those shoes! I also heard SAS shoes are wonderful but I haven't tried them yet....I don't mind spending the money for the shoes, in fact, there is a new pair Vionic came out with thats $139 and I may go for it, the way I see it, you can't put a price on for comfort and getting less pains, hope it makes sense as people would think I am crazy but if it works I spend it.


I am going to listen to you as my doctors are leaning on the same thing trying to hold off the surgery. I think hearing your story is exactly what I needed to hear (unfortunately its all real for you) in more ways than one. I am going to take the cruise and I am going to live my life to the fullest I am able to. The ship should have morphine and my doctor will give me a pain medication to take along in case. Now my delimma is my lupus is active again and the rheumatologist put me back on prednisone only I didn't start it yet because my neurologist said it will weaken my bones, so damn if I do and damn if I don't and quite honestly, I have no idea what to do....I refuse to take the chemotherapy drugs that they want me to take for lupus but prednisone is the less of the evil so this is why he chose to give me prednisone. I have no idea what to do and how to explain to the rheumatologist next week that I didn't take it ugh!

I always will buy the GeoBlue medical insurance for international travel that also does include pre-existing conditions. ;)


I must say there are so many caring nice people on here and I treasure yours and everybody else's kindness and concerns. You take care of yourself and thank you for sharing your story with me, it really got through to me in many ways.:D

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