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Do you tip on your first day?


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While I have done a couple cruises I do not claim to be a veteran cruiser so I will like to hear from others there prefered method of tipping there room steward. I must say on the cruises I have been on my room steward has always been exceptional. This is what I do. When I meet my steward I always ask him / her politely that if they could always have ice in my ice bucket on evenings and clean towels everyday and I tell them for this I will ensure he is properly looked after at the end of the cruise. For this I usually tip $100 on the last night of a 7 night cruise.(about $50 more than RCCL recomends) I know some people Tip some on the first day with more to come later on. Just interested in what works for different people.

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its his job to always have ice in the ice bucket and always to have clean towels. You don't tip extra for that. I always have had good service and i tip at the end of the cruise. If ever i get bad service i will complain to the person in charge of him.

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I never have before (tipped the first day) but was reading a thread a few days ago about how much BETTER the service is if you DO tip the first and the last day. So, I am going to try it in 11 days when I go on my next cruise. I always get good service as well, but I am going to try tipping a little the first day and telling them there is more at the end of the cruise for them. A lot of people say that ensures excellent service. !00 is a lot of money though - I have never tipped that much. I try to look at tipping this way... (since I waitressed for years a long time ago) - that the exra 10 or 20 I might give them means a lot more to them then it would to me if I put it in a slot machine and lost it in 2 minutes! LOL...

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Generally I will tip a small amount, say $20 to the steward the first day when I ask them to empty the minifridge. Also request my cooler be drained and filled with ice at least twice daily, when it's not with me on sea days. I will also tip a couple of bartenders at my favorite watering holes the first day to insure potent potables throughout the cruise. I also tip my favorite bartenders at the end of the cruise even though they share the 15% added on each drink. Works for me, that's all I am concerned about.


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On our last 2 cruises we gave our room stewart, waiter, and assistant waiter a care package the first day. It contained candy and a phone card. I m not sure if we received better service, but the waiters sure spent more time at our table than anyone elses and the room steward was more than happy to do anything we requested. They were very touched by the gifts and especially the phone cards. I wish it was my idea but we got if from someone on here and it was worth the money spent.

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I m not sure if we received better service, but the waiters sure spent more time at our table than anyone elses


So while the waiters were busy kissing your butt, surely they were neglecting other passengers around you. That's why I don't tip the first day. If they neglect me, the old tip meter starts to go down.

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BUT, I do slip the room steward two or three dollars with a note the first

day asking for an extra blanket.


This last time the first afternoon, I met him and asked if my sweetheart could

have use of an RCI bathrobe (we were inside, so it wasn't there automatically). I gave him three dollars for that. Not huge amounts, but he

appreciated it.


Assuming service was good the whole cruise (which, 14 out of 15 cruises, it

has been), I will tip him/her about 20 or 30 dollars over the suggested amount in a

Thank You card with a personal note (much better than those

industrial looking envelopes they leave for you)...


Then as a parting thank you..the last morning, I leave a final note saying

Gracias, God Bless..and Goodbye..and a final two dollar bill.


On another thread discussing this, some got a little defensive about the fact

they only tip at the END of the cruise; and implied that tipping early was

tacky, and even offensive to some of the staff.


My answer to that is "No, its not, and NO....IT'S NOT."


Which doesn't mean the traditional end of cruise gratuity is not more than

adequate. I just think, given a choice; most would prefer something in the

mean time that tells them "Thanks, you're doing a great job, and I appreciate it."


But that's just me.


Oh, and I frequently tip a buck extra (above the 15 per cent automatic)to certain cocktail servers that wait on me often. They DO remember you the

next time you come into their area.


But that's just me.



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So while the waiters were busy kissing your butt, surely they were neglecting other passengers around you. That's why I don't tip the first day. If they neglect me, the old tip meter starts to go down.


Well then I guess that's your own fault they don't pay attention to you. You have the same opportunity as I do to give them a pre-tip to ensure good service. It's not my fault that they "neglect" others. I guess they just see that we are nice and friendly and they want to take care of us just as we take care of them at the beginning and end of the cruise. We also tip quite well at the end because of the extra service we receive.


I am not saying anyone has to tip at the beginning of the cruise, i'm saying I do and it pays off for us. I have always had the philosophy that you get what you pay for.

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My question to those who believe that tipping in advance results in superior service, is "How can you tell?" We almost always receive excellent service and tip accordingly at the end of the cruise. Most of the staff that we have encountered seemed to take pride in doing their job well and I kind of doubt that an advance tip would have had any effect on their performance. Do you perform your job only as well as you are compensated for it? In a sense, then, aren't you saying to the cruise staff that you believe that he or she will provide you with excellent service only if you tip in advance and promise an additional reward at the end of the cruise? I wouldn't call it an insult but it does seem to put a very mercenary face on the situation.:)

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There is no true way to tell if you get better service but we do it because we thought it was a nice thing to do. On both cruises the staff choked back tears when they saw the phone cards. They seem to be very valuable and they appreciate them greatly. When we give it to them we just tell them it is in appreciation for their hard work. Their tip at the end is payment for the quality of work but the care package is just a nice touch we thought.


If you look on the back of the phone card it should say if it is for international calls and how much it will charge per minute. It is always more expensive but they are very appreciative about being able to call their family.

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These people are working for MONEY to send home to their families. They can't feed their children with little token gifts or phone cards.


How would you feel if your boss decided to give you a few phone cards or little trinkets and less money in your next paycheck? From reading these boards, many people are giving phone cards. What can one do with 20 or so phone cards per week? And to the person who stated that "the staff choked back tears when they saw the phone cards" the staff was probably trying to figure out how the family back home would buy food and clothing with yet another phone card.


As far as bribing, oh I mean pre-tipping, I have never done it and received nothing but superior service, and the waiters and stewards were tipped above and beyond suggested amounts at the end of the cruise. These people aren't stupid, I'm sure they can judge most passengers and know within a couple days who tips and who doesn't.

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I only tip at the beginning of the cruise if I'm asking for something outside of the normal duties of a steward. On one cruise we had a balcony large enough for a lounge chair, but didn't have one. I tipped extra when we got it. Other than that, I don't tip until the end. I want to think that I should receive good to excellent service that warrants tipping the minimum without having to tip in advance. I've never been disappointed. AND I always tip above the minimum every time.

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One time I took advice from a thread I read on these forums and tipped early... $50.00.


The cabin steward hardly looked up let alone said thank you. He was the worse cabin attendant I have ever had. Ever.


I gave him the full amount at the end of the cruise but I shouldn't have. I still regret it.


So, I just wanted you all to know that tipping early doesn't ASSURE anything. A bad cabin attendant is going to be a bad cabin attendant no matter what you spend in advance. A good one (and all my other cruises I have had OUTSTANDING people) will be good even if you never pay them in advance.


We had to fetch our own ice all week, the place was not CLEAN and he never cracked a smile. We asked nicely for an extra towel one day and he just grunted and walked out and closed the door. Two hours later I went to the cart and got my own extra towel.


We were in an owners suite on Explorer that time. Go figure.:rolleyes:

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Hey CLARK never did I say that everyone needs to give the crew a phone card, I was sharing my experience which is what this board is for. I have never tipped less because of the goodie bag we give them and we always tip well more than the minmum as long as we receive good service.


As hithere stated some staff will not be worth a tip let alone a gift bag, but I was raised to be generous and give to others and that's what I prefer to do. As for the phone cards I don't care if you think they are a good idea but there are many posts on these threads about how much they are appreciated. Have you ever noticed the lines at the pay phone in port. Many of the staff call home in port and it is much eaiser to use a phone card than put cash in a pay phone.

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Hey CLARK never did I say that everyone needs to give the crew a phone card, I was sharing my experience which is what this board is for. I have never tipped less because of the goodie bag we give them and we always tip well more than the minmum as long as we receive good service.


As hithere stated some staff will not be worth a tip let alone a gift bag, but I was raised to be generous and give to others and that's what I prefer to do. As for the phone cards I don't care if you think they are a good idea but there are many posts on these threads about how much they are appreciated. Have you ever noticed the lines at the pay phone in port. Many of the staff call home in port and it is much eaiser to use a phone card than put cash in a pay phone.


I LOVE the phone card idea on top of tipping the normal... I appreciate your suggestion and think that the staff would love to be able to call home for free... it isn't like you aren't tipping them AS WELL - it's an extra very thoughtful gift and I am sure appreciated....


CLARK... WHY do you have to be so mean? I have read many posts from you that have just been down right snotty. I don't understand why you would come to this forum just to put people down and make them feel bad for offering suggestions. There is a tactful way to say, "hey, I don't really agree with your phone card idea" and there is a rude way. I just wonder why you choose to be rude to people you don't even know. I'm sure that NOW I will also receive a lashing for standing up for other posters... but I hope not. Have a good night. :confused:

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CLARK... WHY do you have to be so mean? I have read many posts from you that have just been down right snotty


And calling me mean and snotty is not rude? Sorry my opinions don't always match everyone else's. I'm just stating my opinion. If you don't agree with me that's fine. And I've never called anyone mean or snotty for their opinion. But many on this forum are saying they tip with phone cards or give them in addition to a tip. I've also read on this forum that many people stop at the dollar store to buy inexpensive trinkets to give out. If the ship's service people receive 20-30 of these per week, that's less money to send home. Feel free to continue giving out phone cards, and I'll feel free to continue giving out cash and if the service warrants, I'll throw in a little extra cash, just in case they need to buy additional phone cards.


Hope I was tactful enough for you and I'll apologize in advance just in case you find my opinions offensive. And you, too, have a good night:D

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I like to tip like one of the posters said : for emptying fridge and other small things 20 $ or so and some dollars for any other staff that I will be frequently availing myself of their service. It sets a nice rapore with staff.

Bar tenders /Conceirge etc. I then tip the customary amounts as per recommended by the cruise lines and of course more dollars for good service.


Early tipping has always benefitted me.

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Clark - I apologize for calling you mean and snotty. What I meant to say was that everyone has an opinion and of course, they are all different. It doesn't make one wrong and one right, it's just an opinion. Maybe if we all had our own opinions but at the same time, tried not to offend other people when we don't agree with theirs, then this forum might be a little more positive.


I totally get what you mean by the trinkets and the phone cards NOT being what is needed by the staff... I agree that they work hard to send their money home in most cases and more money is appreciated. I just don't see what harm there is in giving them another little gift on top of the cash if that's what people want to do. If the staff don't want it, they can give it or throw it away. IMO - I would think they might actually like a personal gift since they are so far from home - ON TOP OF THEY MONEY THEY EXPECT AND DESERVE OF COURSE. :)


Again, I will apologize for snapping at you and calling you names. I really didn't mean that to be directed at YOU, per say... but there are so many posts I read where people are just not nice. I don't understand the reasoning behind being that way when we are all here for fun and information. I hope you understand what I mean.



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Tipping is always such a conflict between hubby and I. I say wait until the end to see how the service was with our room steward and hubby always wants to give them $20.00 upon first meeting them.


We just got off the Voyager of the Seas on November 18th and he gave her a $20.00 upon first meeting her and we never even asked for anything special such as robes or pillows. We had terrible service from her for the 5 days. There was no ice in the container at night, she took the old soap away and didnt replenish the soap in the bathroom and we found large dust balls around the TV. Our reading information books that are in the room usually on the table or desk area were on top of the TV closet, close to the ceiling. We only saw a corner of them sticking out or we would not have found them at all.


Perhaps it is as another poster on this board had said, that she was offended by the $20.00 upfront thinking that we would expect her to give us special care since we gave her the $20.00. Pehaps it was because since she already recieved her tip up front, she felt she received her reward already, so now she did not have to bother working for it.


As for the waiter and assistant, we gave them at the end an extra $20 plus their required tip amount that RC sets up. We didnt give them theirs up front and what a difference. They treated us special and answered every request we had. So for the future, I think Hubby has seen the light and we will now tip at the end of our cruise.

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These people are working for MONEY to send home to their families. They can't feed their children with little token gifts or phone cards.


I've never seen anyone suggest giving a phone card in lieu of a tip. Phone cards have been suggested as a nice extra bonus in addition to the regular or more than regular tip. It would be like your boss giving you a raise and a plaque to put on the wall. It's simply an added bonus to be kind.


BTW Clarkk, I agree that everyone is entitle to his or her own opinion, but the way that opinion is stated greatly influences the tone of the post. While I understand the point you are trying to make--perhaps that money would be more useful and/or beneficial--we are talking about gifts here. If someone wants to give a trinket, let them give a trinket.

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