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Carnival Sensation - Bless her Heart - Preview and Report


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Kmom, I really enjoyed your review. You have a wonderful sense of humor and a great reading style. We have never done a 4 day cruise, because by the time we get down to a port, we want to make the drive worthwhile for us. Since I am a teacher, we are forever tied to a school schedule. I hate that, because you are right, things are so much cheaper in the off season. Also, I would love to do a New England cruise in the fall, but that will wait till I retire.


We have sailed on the Spirit and the Liberty and were satisfied with them. In March, we will be sailing on the Sunshine and like you, I have heard negative things, but as I read every review I could get about her, many people seem to love her. We sail more to be on the ship and look at the ocean than to go to ports, although we do go off for some ports. The thing that sold me on the Sunshine is their three level Serenity area. I am with children all day everyday, and when I cruise, I want to be able to go to a quiet adult area and look at the ocean and read a good book. I am set to enjoy the Sunshine, so we will see.


Again, thank you so much for doing your terrific review !!




Hello teacher! Thanks for your kind sentiments. I can see why the Serenity Deck calls to you. I have chaperoned my share of field trips and they are always exhausting days.


No way I could do it as a full time job. Teachers are very underappreciated in my opinion. And if the students aren’t enough trouble, there’s the parents. Oh boy. A couple years on the PTA made me feel for ya even more. The crazy things people find to complain about when it comes to their kids.


I hope you enjoy the Sunshine as it sounds like a good choice for you. The whole major refurbishment sounds like a great idea to me and I’m glad to hear it’s got some fans. Please share your experience with us afterwards. I hope the voyage helps you get through until June!



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We are nearing the end of our time aboard the Carnival Sensation, bless her heart. I feel absolutely confident confirming that she means well!


This morning I looked at the non board reviews of this ship on Cruise Critic and they just keep getting worse. Of the 10 most recent reviews more than half are from people who obviously joined recently just to rant about the indignities they suffered.


To each their own and I have made the mistake of getting into arguments on other board threads recently against similar minded complainers. I told DD about this and she said I was no different “well you’re complaining about the complainers.”


Hmmmmmpppphhhh!!!!! I scoff at this notion before giving it some hard consideration. As my girl Taylor Swift has noted in a rather sad jaded wisdom beyond her years, haters gonna hate.


The counterpoint responses go absolutely nowhere you want to be. The replies become progressively more antagonistic and absolutely nobody changes anyone’s mind about anything.


These are not the old IRL late night friendly bantering solve-the-world’s-problems kinds of dialogue we had at independent coffeehouses in old church basements back in my college days. These are a lot of stubborn people (Kmom included) getting pissed off at each other.


Maybe I should take a lesson from a young successful lady who has also had her share of hard lessons and just shake it off.


I feel I need to defend this ship and our decision to sail on her, but doing so is ultimately, well, defensive. Also futile.



Here’s our in room evacuation info. We were very close to the atrium and at night we could hear whoever was on the microphone in there. Keep in mind we go to sleep at 9pm or earlier. It didn’t stay noisy all night. It was quick and easy access to activities however so it’s just a matter of what is important to you.



Everything left after we packed.



The last walk away from E96.



Breakfast in MDR on disembarkation morning. We skipped it but for those who are not in a hurry it’s a great place to hang after they kick you out of your room.


This is the dinner menu for night 1 of the next cruise following ours. It’s the stuff they served us in the kitchen on our first night. I was glad to find this pic as I used it in the earlier post on that experience to list out the items. You’re welcome.




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The highest tier passengers, platinum, diamond and maybe suites? Are sent to the oak room for priority disembarkation where they also get a little continental breakfast. They have earned that consideration in my opinion.


These guests are the first off the ship which means first to the customs line, first to the pick-up area or parking, first on their way out of a port that daily has several other ships discharging thousands of Americans back onto our native soil.







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Here’s our spot nearby at TOUCH of class and no, we still didn’t try to get our grubby fingers on their precious piano.




Our crap. I said we don’t drink rum. We occasionally eat it though and thought the Tortuga rum cakes would be nice gifts for our friends who spent the holidays in subzero conditions. You can see DD found a garish fedora (cheetah print with sequins) to go with her new BA baseball cap. She has her own souvenir money so it’s all good.


I have to admit there was some aggressive movement between those of us getting out of here. There’s no clear queue so people who show up after you might get off before you. People are having trouble keeping families together while navigating stairs or elevators with a bunch of luggage.


Looking back I wish we had just surrendered like I usually do at movies and other events and let the rest of the crowd move ahead. Instead we were part of a pushy shovey scene that was not fun nor our finest moment.



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And just like that we’re off and out. Actual disembarkation is no time to stop and take photos. Lots of pressure to move yourself, your crap, and your people along so the other 2200 passengers can get off as well, if you don’t mind. It’s frankly a short quick miserable experience but then it’s over and life goes on. By quick I mean maybe 10 minutes. Again based on FTTF and priority disembarkation.


Oh, NOW it’s sunny in Miami.



Ooh some other Carnival ship is in port but we no longer have time to check such things out.



We got off one gate (is that what you call them at a port, like at an airport?) or one dock over from where we parked and boarded. So DH and I had a short hike to retrieve the truck and pick up the others.





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Here’s why we shell out the $60 or whatever FTTF costs. How about this traffic in the tunnel from the port island back to terra firma?




Or this upon emerging on the other side. Time stamp says 6:59 a.m. on a run of the mill sort of Saturday morning. Not a bad time to work your way out of Miami towards points north.







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Boo hoo. Now Kmom really is sad, as this concludes the cruise portion of this, well, cruise report. Rocking ship, demolished itinerary, big crowds of fellow passengers (who were fine in my opinion, but I sort of accept humanity as it is, having learned early not to expect much out of the whole collective bunch), weather ranging from terrible to just poor.


I gotta tell you, none of that bothered me or made this a bad cruise. My only concern was keeping my group happy and once it was clear they were, I relaxed and had a fabulous time. I loved this ship, with her stupid poles all over the showroom and even worse seating up in the balcony.


On the first night when they had a big table of expensive liquor bottles set up on a table outside this same showroom for our cash-separation pleasure, I was sort of meanly satisfied when I happened to pass as one bottle slid right off into a spectacular and loud crashy mess on the floor. They did this in spite of the excessive rocking of the ship, mind you!! I felt like this was extra unscheduled entertainment that I got for free. Thanks, Carnival! Okay, if that makes me a terrible person, and if you are a hater, then go ahead and do what you have to do.


Let's just go ahead and face it. Kmom is a real strange character. Always have been, right from about Kindergarten when I got a look at the rest of what I would be dealing with from here on in.


I haven't gotten any more normal since then but at some point I quit worrying about it, Huey Lewis told us it was hip to be square, and dorks like me started feeling more comfortable in our oddball skins.


I have a very unusual way of looking at things. After losing a college friend to cancer some years back I dug around inside my own head and decided to quit feeling sorry for myself, to live a more cheerful life, and maybe to even set a small example for others to do so as well.


It does not always work. There are plenty of terrible things to actually hate, like criminals who commit horrific crimes against other living creatures including but not limited to humans (as opposed to those who only hurt themselves) and plenty of things to worry about in our world, like politics and antibiotic resistance and world peace or the lack thereof.


Sheesh. Vacation is a time to get away from all that and just relax. Enjoy yourself. Maybe humbly realize how fortunate you are to have the opportunity at all, that you weren't born in a mud hut and spent your whole childhood hauling water from a stream a mile away to cook your twice daily meal of plain rice. Or don't realize it. Kmom thinks like that quite a bit. That voices in the head problem (they are all just me, I'm not certifiable). I never felt "entitled" to anything as wonderful as a cruise vacation, something that seemed completely inaccessible back when I watched the Love Boat as a child. I continue to be amazed almost daily at the wonderful life I have led during these 51 years.


Thanks for hanging around.


Fun Times coming along with a few more details about the rest of our 17-night road trip of which this cruise was just one small part.

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Thank you!! I love your attitude. We cruise in the same manner you do. Best bang for the buck to chill out and recharge our batteries for the rest of the long cold winter!! I understand that things don't always work out as planned, especially the weather, but we try to make the best of it. After all it's vacation and why look for stuff to make you unhappy? It's refreshing to see a review that acknowledges some negatives but that doesn't ruin the whole experience.:)

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Thank you!! I love your attitude. We cruise in the same manner you do. Best bang for the buck to chill out and recharge our batteries for the rest of the long cold winter!! I understand that things don't always work out as planned, especially the weather, but we try to make the best of it. After all it's vacation and why look for stuff to make you unhappy? It's refreshing to see a review that acknowledges some negatives but that doesn't ruin the whole experience.:)


Thank you LPYRCRUISER. I believe most people feel more or less as you and I do about travel, or else why would anyone keep doing it? It's a lot of trouble and expense to go to if you're not going to (mostly) enjoy yourself.

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Thanks again for your amazing review. We are 35 days out from our Sensation vacation and all my worries are gone. The fact that you were cold and rough weathered, and still had a great time gives me hope. I gave been so worried about bad weather. I am going to take on your attitude of fun no matter what and enjoy the special time with my daughter :)

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Thanks again for your amazing review. We are 35 days out from our Sensation vacation and all my worries are gone. The fact that you were cold and rough weathered, and still had a great time gives me hope. I gave been so worried about bad weather. I am going to take on your attitude of fun no matter what and enjoy the special time with my daughter :)




Hello again Chicken Lover. Your message made me smile. Darn right you are to enjoy the precious gift of special time with your daughter!! Weather schmeather, little details like that don’t get in our way, especially when we’re busy turning these moments into wonderful memories. I hope you’ll let us know how it turns out for you.



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Hello again Chicken Lover. Your message made me smile. Darn right you are to enjoy the precious gift of special time with your daughter!! Weather schmeather, little details like that don’t get in our way, especially when we’re busy turning these moments into wonderful memories. I hope you’ll let us know how it turns out for you.



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I will write a review...but it definitely won't be as witty as yours :D

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Thanks for such a detailed and wonderful review, we're leaving on the Sensation in 2 weeks, and I got so much great information from your posts!


HI Tom, Iza and Jake. Glad some of this endless chatter is of use to you. Look forward to hearing about your experience afterward! If the small group of Sensation travelers who noticed my tale post reviews of their own, perhaps we can sort of rejuvenate the cruise critic boards on this somewhat unloved, yet very busy, little old humble vessel.


Please have a great time, I'm ready to sail her again myself!

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Touch of class piano bar. We were never there when it was being used for its intended purpose but it was used fo other stuff given its convenient location on the Upper Deck (8) in the atrium just across from the Oak Room library.




Why all the hands? TOUCH of Class.




But don’t TOUCH the piano, thank you very much. I wonder why they had to put this intimidating sign up here?










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I have been reading your most fabulous review for two days (I savor things I really enjoy). We cruised on the Sensation in December 2007 and it was one of our most memorable cruises. This probably has to do with the fact I won a jackpot on a slot machine on that ship. My husband and my brother and his wife went to bed early so I decided to put a few dollars in a quarter machine and won $900! I cashed out and went back to our room to tell my husband but he was passed out. The next morning he didn’t believe me and I had to pull out the cash to prove it.


One of our favorite hangouts was Touch of Class mostly because of the piano bar, but honestly the decor made us giggle. You see, the original bar stools were actual giant red hands. We loved it and have lots of pictures from that bar and those hand holding our derrières. I’ll admit I am somewhat sad to see that they have been replaced, but not that surprised.



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I have been reading your most fabulous review for two days (I savor things I really enjoy). We cruised on the Sensation in December 2007 and it was one of our most memorable cruises. This probably has to do with the fact I won a jackpot on a slot machine on that ship. My husband and my brother and his wife went to bed early so I decided to put a few dollars in a quarter machine and won $900! I cashed out and went back to our room to tell my husband but he was passed out. The next morning he didn’t believe me and I had to pull out the cash to prove it.


One of our favorite hangouts was Touch of Class mostly because of the piano bar, but honestly the decor made us giggle. You see, the original bar stools were actual giant red hands. We loved it and have lots of pictures from that bar and those hand holding our derrières. I’ll admit I am somewhat sad to see that they have been replaced, but not that surprised.


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Hello SwissyMom. Thanks for your kind words and this additional historic info on a great little venue. I wish the hand stools were still there, Touching our assets! The room is slowly but surely being beigeified, apparently, one "touch" at a time. I'm a little surprised the piano bars don't get more mention. They are really nice, low key additions to the evening entertainment options.


Wow, $900!!! That is indeed a great memory, which merits a second wow! Tell me it was that whole thing where the machine kept dinging each time it registered one of the credits for like ten minutes. So that all the other gamblers stopped what they were doing to check out your jackpot that just kept going and going! I love that! Really appreciate hearing about your happy memories on this sweet little old lady of the seas.


I did try my luck in the casino as well. It wasn't so much that I was looking to gamble, mind you. It's just that I had planned to use the warm bright sun to alleviate my winter Vitamin D deficiency, and since that did not work out, I decided to go with plan B and instead alleviate my chronic second hand smoke deficiency. Didn't win jack, but hey, all good on the smoke for a bit.

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I promised that after all the cruise info was posted there would be even more info on the vacation surrounding this cruise.


This is the beautiful scenery we left in Illinois.




And here’s what Louisville looked like that night.



Hyatt Place Louisville.



Takeout sushi platter in Louisville.




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Checked in at Disney Port Orleans Riverside on Christmas.


This is Old Man Island, the theme pool with a water slide. Daughter went down the slide once and the pool was suddenly closed for unscheduled maintenance which usually means a baby (or someone) pooped in it.



So we walked over to the French Quarter to swim. Pretty place.







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