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Viking Sun World Cruise ongoing review/comments

Jim Avery

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Day four was wonderful in Qutb Minar where we saw The 22 miter High minaret . Beautiful will have to send pictures later



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Had a great trip and really enjoyed meeting both Eaches. My partner! Got back to the ship around tennish (on board) after fairly extensive security/immigration check. First stop the 1 deck bar to replenish "vital body fluids" and catch up with some friends. Exhausted but managed a shower and 9 hours sleep. Will post a full review of Incredible India Overland and Eaches will have some great pictures I am sure. Short version: great trip!:cool:

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Had a great trip and really enjoyed meeting both Eaches. My partner! Got back to the ship around tennish (on board) after fairly extensive security/immigration check. First stop the 1 deck bar to replenish "vital body fluids" and catch up with some friends. Exhausted but managed a shower and 9 hours sleep. Will post a full review of Incredible India Overland and Eaches will have some great pictures I am sure. Short version: great trip!:cool:








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Sorry Jim


For some reason this program doubles the photos ! The plane photo was when we all where coming home to the ship - a beautiful sunset at 30,000 ft. The night **** was one of places I wanted to see but ran out of time - the Mumbai Train Station- just beautiful!



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Sorry Jim


For some reason this program doubles the photos ! The plane photo was when we all where coming home to the ship - a beautiful sunset at 30,000 ft. The night **** was one of places I wanted to see but ran out of time - the Mumbai Train Station- just beautiful!



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Sorry I forgot the pictures of Taj Mahal - the photo of the flowers was all inlaid marble- it was repeated all around the main hall in one band , just beautiful . IMG_3590.thumb.jpg.5ba600e59808eb22407d7bd38f32299f.jpg



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Unbelievable pix Eaches! Am being lazy today. Tomorrow is another day for India recap. Off to meet friends for a drink or two....;p Speaking of sox, you would not believe what cleaned off our carryon case and shoes.... Going to make PHX look immaculate.

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Ok, so second sea day and I am ensconced on one of the Pool Deck loungers having a Bloody Mary. No excuses left for not catching up reporting our adventures in India. Again, thanks to Eaches for the spectacular shots. They capture the stunning beauty of the Taj perfectly and I love the night shot of Victoria Station in Mumbai all lit up. To the Incredible India Overland, the 4 day 3 night excursion. There was also a 6 day 5 night tour but that is for someone else to pitch in and comment upon. Our journey began in Cochin as we boarded the good nation of Bus Number 1. 104 travelers on 4 busses worked out to only 28 on Bus 1. That made it much more comfortable and easier for the on/off cycles at stops. We travelled from the port to the airport with commentary from J K, our guide for the duration. He was a very good guide, knowledgeable and did not talk too much. We had periods of "quiet time" unless he saw something interesting. Good job J K. Upon arrival at the airport we were given boarding passes and escorted through the check in/security process. It all went as well as can be expected with flying these days. The airline was IndiGo Airlines, an Indian domestic low cost carrier. The planes were Airbus A320 and the seating was all one class so we must have all been in First Class.....:eek: Actually about like the seating on Southwest. Our flight was to Dehli but we had an interim stop but no plane change. In all we were in the seats 5 hours or so. Enroute our ticket included a meal. We had a bucket of noodles that the stewardess poured hot water into and told me to wait 5 minutes then stir it. Actually fairly tasty in an Indian spicy way. The stewardesses were reminiscent of Pan Am in the '60s, all young, slender, perfectly made up, and in attractive uniforms. They did a good job taking care of us. Upon arrival in Dehli we boarded another Bus Number 1 with our trusty guide JK, a driver and a bus boy. The trip to the Le Meridien Hotel took about 1.5 hours in the horrible Dehli traffic. Check in was well organized and quickly we were in our very nice room. Thankfully we had some free time to shower, rest up, and hit the bar for a few pops before 8:30 dinner. We opened the window curtains to see the view and were appalled to see the Dehli air. It is without question the foulest air I have ever experienced. Across from our room, across a broad boulevard, was another high rise property. Maybe 300 yards away. It was hazy in the murk. Beyond this there was no view, simply a gray mass. Terrible air pollution. Not sure how one lives there and what health risks the air causes. It makes even LA look pristine. The good news is the dinner was an excellent Indian buffet. We had hoped they would have good Indian food on this trip and not try to feed us "Western" foods. We were not disappointed. After stuffing with food we retired to our nice room and relaxed a bit. Tomorrow on to Agra and the Taj.:cool:

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The second day dawned gray. Could not really see the sun. After a good breakfast buffet we boarded good old Bus Number 1 and departed for the Jaypee Palace Hotel in Agra. Though only about 105 miles, the trip took 4.5 hours or so. The Dehli traffic is as bad as any seen in Asia and was the cause of most of the time delay. Fortunately there is a fairly new 6 lane expressway just outside Dehli connecting to Agra. With a rest stop in the middle we made it safely to the hotel in Agra. Enroute we passed hundreds of smokestacks which were brick kilns. They still make hand made bricks and fire them using wood and coke. Smoke, yes. Just add it to the gray air. Arriving in Agra was interesting as we passed many "sacred cows" most roaming free and some of the worst poverty we have seen yet (and that covers a lot). Suddenly, in all this poverty, a gilded gate opens for us as we enter the beautiful grounds of the Jaypee Palace Hotel. It is a stunning red rock and marble property in the midst of all the dirt and poverty. Quite a shocking contrast but that also is a good way to describe India in general, extreme contrasts. Our room here was also very nice and once checked in we had another fantastic Indian buffet lunch. The only glitch here is no alcohol.:eek: The bar is closed due to some political protests or some such. They were rather vague about it but funny thing, as we were leaving there was a conference of Indian neurosurgeons coming in. Miraculously the bars opened. Go figure. Anyway, the purpose of this adventure was not to drink Indian beer but to visit the Taj. We boarded busses again for the short trip first to the Red Fort. Actually a very interesting stop and JK made it more so. There was also a great distant view of the Taj from here. Very hot and humid and lots of walking but all onboard were up to it. Soon we were back in traffic heading to the Taj. Arriving at the parking area we had to transfer to small electric powered busses which had a very high step up to enter. This presented a problem for some but all managed to get on board. About a mile or so trip on these well worn busses and we got to proceed through security to enter. First up is a large courtyard where we regrouped and headed for the intricately beautiful main gate. The Taj was visible through the opening and gradually revealed with each step closer. It was truly a dramatic reveal and suddenly there it is. As good as any picture you have ever seen on tv. The grounds are beautiful and well maintained and crowds weren't too bad (by Indian standards). Fortunately the renovations that lasted most of last year were gone. No scaffolding or any other impediments. Taj looked pristine. We had around 3.5 hours or so to wander about the grounds, walk around the Taj and enter the mausoleum area. In all ways this part of the trip exceeded our expectations. Finally, very tired, hot, sweaty, and dirty, we all returned to the hotel for welcome showers and a bit of rest. Would have loved a drink or two but guzzling bottled water was probably better for us anyway. We had an Indian dance troupe performing before dinner (for me a little bit of it went a long way) and another excellent buffet dinner. Not usually a fan of buffets but all on this trip were very good. Great quality and selection, and even better, no issues with strange food. In all a very good day.:cool:

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Day three was another early call and a 7am buffet breakfast. We decided to skip the morning trip to a Red Rock village built from the same stone and by the same builder as the Red Fort we had seen the day before. I hope someone will chip in and tell about their visit there. Instead, we slept in, had a late breakfast and were well rested when the group returned to the hotel for checkout and another good Indian buffet lunch. After lunch we boarded the busses for return to the Le Meridien hotel in Dehli. A reverse of the outbound so not much to add there except as we arrived in Dehli traffic and violent dust storm hit. The winds were quite high and the already bad visibility was reduced even further. The good news was that after the dust it rained fairly heavily. A front had passed through and lo and behold the next day dawned as clear as say Hong Kong air and much cooler. We were happy to have some time to clean up and have a cocktail or two before our next good Indian buffet dinner. We enjoyed our sleep in the day before so much we did it again on day 4. we missed the tallest minaret in India but, as JK said at the Taj "just gaze upon the 4 most perfect minarets in the world". So, having seen the 4 "perfect" minarets at the Taj, we felt we could miss this one. Again I hope someone who went will describe their time there. Around noon we checked out and had our last great Indian buffet lunch. Then boarded our trusty busses for the trip to the Dehli airport where we said good bye to JK and our bus crew. They did a fine job for us and turned us over to a tour rep and Viking rep that travelled with us the rest of the way. The airport experience was the same as before so not a big deal. Same hassle as say Houston or LAX. Back on IndiGo A320 but the good news is a direct flight to Mumbai of only 2 hours. Piece of cake. At the Mumbai airport we were back on a new Bus Number 1 with a new guide. Now it is dark so we did not expect anything but a bus ride back to the ship but our guide made it very interesting and we managed to see a few points of interest including the spectacular Victoria Station train depot all lit up. Beautiful old train station. After security screening we were all very glad to get "home" to Viking Sun. They had staff to greet us and help with bags. In all a great trip. Glad we did it. I would make one suggestion to maybe improve for future trips in that instead of returning to Dehli for a second stay, I would recommend leaving Agra after breakfast and proceeding directly to the Dehli airport for a flight to Mumbai. Stay the night in a Mumbai hotel and see some of Mumbai on the 4 th day returning to the ship in the afternoon rather than 10pm at night. Just a suggestion and I don't claim to know the logistics of doing so but it seems to be a better use of time. Still we really enjoyed our adventure and consider it worth the cost and effort.:cool:

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One more thing. The work and coordination that went into planning this excursion must have been incredible but it all came off basically without a hitch. We are not aware of any problems like falling, injury, etc. The flights were basically on time and for the most part schedules were right on time. The meals and lodging were above expectations and appreciated. The smaller groups made a big difference too. Ok, Bloody Mary is long gone and it is almost time to go eat again......:cool:

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Ok, so second sea day and I am ensconced on one of the Pool Deck loungers having a Bloody Mary. No excuses left for not catching up reporting our adventures in India. Again, thanks to Eaches for the spectacular shots. They capture the stunning beauty of the Taj perfectly and I love the night shot of Victoria Station in Mumbai all lit up. To the Incredible India Overland, the 4 day 3 night excursion. There was also a 6 day 5 night tour but that is for someone else to pitch in and comment upon. Our journey began in Cochin as we boarded the good nation of Bus Number 1. 104 travelers on 4 busses worked out to only 28 on Bus 1. That made it much more comfortable and easier for the on/off cycles at stops. We travelled from the port to the airport with commentary from J K, our guide for the duration. He was a very good guide, knowledgeable and did not talk too much. We had periods of "quiet time" unless he saw something interesting. Good job J K. Upon arrival at the airport we were given boarding passes and escorted through the check in/security process. It all went as well as can be expected with flying these days. The airline was IndiGo Airlines, an Indian domestic low cost carrier. The planes were Airbus A320 and the seating was all one class so we must have all been in First Class.....:eek: Actually about like the seating on Southwest. Our flight was to Dehli but we had an interim stop but no plane change. In all we were in the seats 5 hours or so. Enroute our ticket included a meal. We had a bucket of noodles that the stewardess poured hot water into and told me to wait 5 minutes then stir it. Actually fairly tasty in an Indian spicy way. The stewardesses were reminiscent of Pan Am in the '60s, all young, slender, perfectly made up, and in attractive uniforms. They did a good job taking care of us. Upon arrival in Dehli we boarded another Bus Number 1 with our trusty guide JK, a driver and a bus boy. The trip to the Le Meridien Hotel took about 1.5 hours in the horrible Dehli traffic. Check in was well organized and quickly we were in our very nice room. Thankfully we had some free time to shower, rest up, and hit the bar for a few pops before 8:30 dinner. We opened the window curtains to see the view and were appalled to see the Dehli air. It is without question the foulest air I have ever experienced. Across from our room, across a broad boulevard, was another high rise property. Maybe 300 yards away. It was hazy in the murk. Beyond this there was no view, simply a gray mass. Terrible air pollution. Not sure how one lives there and what health risks the air causes. It makes even LA look pristine. The good news is the dinner was an excellent Indian buffet. We had hoped they would have good Indian food on this trip and not try to feed us "Western" foods. We were not disappointed. After stuffing with food we retired to our nice room and relaxed a bit. Tomorrow on to Agra and the Taj.:cool:







We on bus #4 would like to recognize our guide Mr. Anukram as one of the best guides we’ve EVER had the pleasure of work with . All in all , each guide had their own traits in their delivery of the facts, but speaking for myself “ We had the Best” We had the liberty starting with our guide and he stayed with us for the compete tour. Mr Anukram was fantastic with his knowledge of the history of the region and he wasn’t afraid of answering questions we asked about everyday life in India . Thank You Again, Mr Anukram for all you did for us.



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We on bus #4 would like to recognize our guide Mr. Anukram as one of the best guides we’ve EVER had the pleasure of work with . All in all , each guide had their own traits in their delivery of the facts, but speaking for myself “ We had the Best” We had the liberty starting with our guide and he stayed with us for the compete tour. Mr Anukram was fantastic with his knowledge of the history of the region and he wasn’t afraid of answering questions we asked about everyday life in India . Thank You Again, Mr Anukram for all you did for us.



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Jim ,


You are correct on the air pollution, it was the pits to say it nicely! It was bad everywhere we went . From the tall smoke stacks of the brick ovens to the millions of cars on the road, the poor people of India don’t stand a chance . LA and New York don’t even get close to anywhere in India. I’m not sure which location was worst, Beijing, China or anywhere in India.



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A bit of news from Viking Sun. The ship is being hardened for our passage through Somali waters to enter the Red Sea. So far a razor wire perimeter is being installed around two deck and reportedly we have some armed security forces boarding in Oman. Have not heard of much pirate activity recently but better safe than sorry. I have full faith in Captain Knutsen and crew to make any necessary preparations to ensure our safe passage.

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The second day dawned gray. Could not really see the sun. After a good breakfast buffet we boarded good old Bus Number 1 and departed for the Jaypee Palace Hotel in Agra. Though only about 105 miles, the trip took 4.5 hours or so. The Dehli traffic is as bad as any seen in Asia and was the cause of most of the time delay. Fortunately there is a fairly new 6 lane expressway just outside Dehli connecting to Agra. With a rest stop in the middle we made it safely to the hotel in Agra. Enroute we passed hundreds of smokestacks which were brick kilns. They still make hand made bricks and fire them using wood and coke. Smoke, yes. Just add it to the gray air. Arriving in Agra was interesting as we passed many "sacred cows" most roaming free and some of the worst poverty we have seen yet (and that covers a lot). Suddenly, in all this poverty, a gilded gate opens for us as we enter the beautiful grounds of the Jaypee Palace Hotel. It is a stunning red rock and marble property in the midst of all the dirt and poverty. Quite a shocking contrast but that also is a good way to describe India in general, extreme contrasts. Our room here was also very nice and once checked in we had another fantastic Indian buffet lunch. The only glitch here is no alcohol.:eek: The bar is closed due to some political protests or some such. They were rather vague about it but funny thing, as we were leaving there was a conference of Indian neurosurgeons coming in. Miraculously the bars opened. Go figure. Anyway, the purpose of this adventure was not to drink Indian beer but to visit the Taj. We boarded busses again for the short trip first to the Red Fort. Actually a very interesting stop and JK made it more so. There was also a great distant view of the Taj from here. Very hot and humid and lots of walking but all onboard were up to it. Soon we were back in traffic heading to the Taj. Arriving at the parking area we had to transfer to small electric powered busses which had a very high step up to enter. This presented a problem for some but all managed to get on board. About a mile or so trip on these well worn busses and we got to proceed through security to enter. First up is a large courtyard where we regrouped and headed for the intricately beautiful main gate. The Taj was visible through the opening and gradually revealed with each step closer. It was truly a dramatic reveal and suddenly there it is. As good as any picture you have ever seen on tv. The grounds are beautiful and well maintained and crowds weren't too bad (by Indian standards). Fortunately the renovations that lasted most of last year were gone. No scaffolding or any other impediments. Taj looked pristine. We had around 3.5 hours or so to wander about the grounds, walk around the Taj and enter the mausoleum area. In all ways this part of the trip exceeded our expectations. Finally, very tired, hot, sweaty, and dirty, we all returned to the hotel for welcome showers and a bit of rest. Would have loved a drink or two but guzzling bottled water was probably better for us anyway. We had an Indian dance troupe performing before dinner (for me a little bit of it went a long way) and another excellent buffet dinner. Not usually a fan of buffets but all on this trip were very good. Great quality and selection, and even better, no issues with strange food. In all a very good day.:cool:






Jim ,


Here are photos of the Taj Mahal - we were to see the Taj at sundown, but the smog didn’t allow for it . Oh well .



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A bit of news from Viking Sun. The ship is being hardened for our passage through Somali waters to enter the Red Sea. So far a razor wire perimeter is being installed around two deck and reportedly we have some armed security forces boarding in Oman. Have not heard of much pirate activity recently but better safe than sorry. I have full faith in Captain Knutsen and crew to make any necessary preparations to ensure our safe passage.




To Brighten Our Sprits , I have enclosed a number of photos taken IMG_3488.thumb.jpg.6abbc5ff181e67c21416f00f24b54916.jpgd



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Thanks for the descriptions and photos of India! I don’t remember the gray air; must be a sign of these more prosperous times. India truly is a study in contrasts, isn’t it? You’ve captured that well here.


While you were going on the overland excursions, what was the ship doing? Did some people stay on board?

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Thanks for the descriptions and photos of India! I don’t remember the gray air; must be a sign of these more prosperous times. India truly is a study in contrasts, isn’t it? You’ve captured that well here.


While you were going on the overland excursions, what was the ship doing? Did some people stay on board?




It went to Goa and Mumbai and had daily tours. It’s funny, the last full day in Delhi, we had a very heavy wind storm (40+) that picked up all the dust, dirt, sand and trash and deposited somewhere. The temps dropped at least 20 to 30 degrees and in the morning the temps where in the 70’s and the skies where super clear ! Go Figure!

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I agree in principle with Jim, who said he is cancelling all Viking shore excursions, but we have kept a few, just because I don't think there is much to do in KL in such a short time and it takes more than 45 minutes to get there. Same in Phuket. I'm rethinking the four Indian ports and the rest of the trip. Depends upon how close we dock. My wife and I have been to Singapore around 20 times so we just took the MRT into town the first day for some shopping and noodles, then came back and changed for a string quartet concert at the Esplanade where there is also an excellent hawker centre, appropriately named Glutton's Bay!


The second day, we went to Gardens by the Bay and the Maxwell Hawker Centre. Not much to post in the picture department and I have not yet learned Eaches' tricks.


We were on another cruise and did Kitchen Table but were leaning against it this trip as they don't really let you cook anything or even have much input in the market. Ours was in Bordeaux but most of the other participants didn't like some of what looked really good in the market. It was still fun, but for $200, I can get a better meal. Anyway, when I inquired early in the cruise (around 1959, I think) I was told they were already sold out.


I'm a bit worried about Petra as it was one of our must do things and Jordan isn't as easily accessed as a lot of the other places. I guess I'll at least look online and see what is out there as we have some time to decide. Of course if I do cancel, that's $698 back in the onboard credit bank so I'd have to buy quite a bit of wine.


I know the credits are found money but I'd hate to leave anything on the table!


From reading and talking with people, the excursions, especially included, are not at all fulfilling. Of the ones we have taken from Viking, the two in Cuba were fine, as was the Panama Canal Locks Expansion. Central America were two out of three OK. I felt French Polynesia was pretty much a dud. Australia and New Zealand were just OK except for the two koala ones which were great. Komodo, Shanghai acrobats and Elephant Encounter were really good, save for people falling down in Komodo.


I admit part of it, perhaps a lot, is that, other than one cruise a couple of years ago, we have always traveled on our own, with me doing 98% of the planning, so I don't play well with others.


Given the length of the cruise, the distance from many of the ports to the attractions, and the short time we are allotted, it isn't easy to get much done. We were on our own in LA, Sydney, Bali, Manila, Shanghai(except for acrobats), Hong Kong and Saigon and those were our best times so far.


The onboard experience has been quite good. We have talked to a lot of our fellow passengers and many of the crew and there are so many interesting stories and shared experiences. It has been fun interacting with the guest entertainers and some of the lecturers and resident musicians and historians.


The food is pretty good, all things considered and there is certainly plenty to drink!


I think Viking is a good company and they do try to fix things that are perceived to have gone wrong. In any kind of travel, there are unforeseen circumstances that crop up and we should be able to be flexible.


We have been to India once and had a private car to Mumbai, Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, so I am looking forward to the three new places, especially the food in Goa! Petra and the Suez Canal were a couple of places we always wanted to go so I'm still hoping for good things, and the Mediterranean ports should be interesting as well.


The cruise has been a major investment in time as well as money, neither of which I'd be inclined to do in the future, but I wouldn't rule out a shorter cruise to non-bucket list places. Anyway, tomorrow in KL may not be special(I hear they won't let us run across the bridge on the Petronas towers) but the next day is orangutans!


Are you saying that the Viking shore excursion for Petra (I am assuming for 2 people) is $698?

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Don’t assume anything ! But you are correct $698 for two and it’s 10 hours long



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Right. I took it and didn't cancel and rebook for a couple of reasons: Someone whom I trust told me that it was a worthwhile trip(he or she didn't evaluate it on a cost basis). It's easier and cleaner to be on a Wiking sponsored trip as you (always/sometimes/occasionally) get back in time to sail. I really didn't know what to do with another $698 in ship's credit with less than four weeks to go. I guess I could have bought a few bottles of champagne and poured them at Happy Hour


Anyway, after 6 days at sea I guess I'll be ready for a long trek in the hot sun.

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Right. I took it and didn't cancel and rebook for a couple of reasons: Someone whom I trust told me that it was a worthwhile trip(he or she didn't evaluate it on a cost basis). It's easier and cleaner to be on a Wiking sponsored trip as you (always/sometimes/occasionally) get back in time to sail. I really didn't know what to do with another $698 in ship's credit with less than four weeks to go. I guess I could have bought a few bottles of champagne and poured them at Happy Hour




Anyway, after 6 days at sea I guess I'll be ready for a long trek in the hot sun.




Both sound great ! Nancy and I are not doing this tour, we had it but after India and a small bout of India dropsies, we decided to take it easy. I’m sure I’ll regret this, but we are also doing the 4 day Egypt tour so you have to say No some.times[ATTACH]419159[/ATTACH]

What does everyone think of the razor wire and armed guards aboard to protect us against the Pirates . I think it’s vreat



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Hi Char,

I sure hope there is armed security. Somali pirates are not known to be very responsive to polite requests. A lovely near flat calm sunny sea day today with temps around 80F. A bit of news. Two deck has been locked, according to a frequent walker, due to the crew observing passenger behavior on the security cameras. Seems some of our brain trust just had to lean over the rail and touch the razor wire to see if it is sharp in spite of numerous signs warning against such dumbness.😱

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Hi Char,


I sure hope there is armed security. Somali pirates are not known to be very responsive to polite requests. A lovely near flat calm sunny sea day today with temps around 80F. A bit of news. Two deck has been locked, according to a frequent walker, due to the crew observing passenger behavior on the security cameras. Seems some of our brain trust just had to lean over the rail and touch the razor wire to see if it is sharp in spite of numerous signs warning against such dumbness.[emoji33]





Who said we have brain trusts on this ship ? . I guess we still have tourists on board instead of travelers .



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