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SeaBunny, I've also noticed that Heidi has been championing Patricia. I like Patricia's designs. I liked her from the first show but didn't think she could possibly last this long in the competition. This week, I looked at her dress on the runway and just could not believe that that's all that 2 people could produce in the time allotted. Seriously? I may be mistaken but it looked like a one shouldered simple dress shape with some vertical strips of leather sewn on that had been shaped into fringe. It did not Wow me, and never mind Heidi calling it "borderline Pocahontas" - it was Pocahantas. And it was a sloppy mess.

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SeaBunny, I've also noticed that Heidi has been championing Patricia. I like Patricia's designs. I liked her from the first show but didn't think she could possibly last this long in the competition. This week, I looked at her dress on the runway and just could not believe that that's all that 2 people could produce in the time allotted. Seriously? I may be mistaken but it looked like a one shouldered simple dress shape with some vertical strips of leather sewn on that had been shaped into fringe. It did not Wow me, and never mind Heidi calling it "borderline Pocahontas" - it was Pocahantas. And it was a sloppy mess.


I agree with you. She really is a different kind of designer. Not main stream at all. I thought her earlier clothes were better.

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I guess that shows what clout Heidi has! I have to say I liked Layana's outfit (although the sleeves on her blouse were terrible) better than Patricia's.


I think what I like the most about Daniel and Stanley is they make clothes that (had I the body) I would actually wear. I'm way too old for the funky, punk rock style of Michelle. Actually, I have always been more into classic clothes. I had a real issue with the hem in her skirt. When I took sewing lessons we were taught how to iron wool so the hem did not show.


My favorite look of the evening was Heidi's teal jacket. Loved it!

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My reactions as I watched the show:


1. No one is going to Milan? Seriously? It's huge for fashion. And why Berlin? Oh, wait, Heidi's German. ha ha


2. Michelle whining about not going anywhere? Get a grip! You don't have two long, uncomfortable airplane rides. You have access to a real bed and full bath, and you're going fabric shopping at a store you know with currency and measurements you thoroughly understand. You have a HUGE advantage.


3. Poor Daniel has to shop in a cheesy, dinky fabric store. However, Layana seems to be in the most lux fabric store I've ever seen.


3a. I found what influenced all of them to be odd. Barcelona: Why not Gaudi or some other art nouveau style architecture? Instead, tiles? Like they aren't found pretty much everywhere? Paris: You are in an amazingly inspirational city and you go for postered/grafitti'd walls? If only you'd seen Sainte Chappelle or a fountain or a garden or anything. London: Frankly I don't know what inspired Stanley. He talked about Westminster and the clock of Big Ben. Berlin I don't know from experience.


3b. It looked like the producers were not paying for shooting permits. Ergo the out-the-car-window and other not-so-great visuals. That might also explain some of the weird "influences."


4. Michelle's silhouette looked an awful lot like Stanley's from last week to me, though the "bib" was cool. Agree with Scrapnana about the hem.


5. I did not like Stanley's outfit at all. Zero. Except maybe face veil. Would hate to have all those sequins scaping my body, too. Ugh.


6. The only part of Layan's outfit I did like was the blouse, but I have always had a thing for super-long, big, or otherwise unusual sleeves.


7. Patricia's outfit might have looked a lot better without that black thing at the neck. Plus, I wonder if Tim gave her unfortunate advice. Regardless, a mess.


8. Yep, Heidi loves Patricia. And I recall her saying that Layana 'thinks she's the cat's meow." Well, she's the boss.

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I was expecting someone to go to Milan, also. Gaudi was my first thought when I heard Barcelona.


There had to have been a better fabric store in Berlin. Yet, Daniel was able to make do and I did not mind his pleather jacket (loved the piecing). Not sure on TV if I would have been able to see the difference.


I was expecting Stanley to be criticized for the cape as being too cliched referencing Sherlock Holmes.



A couple of things I forgot last night...


Wasn't there a quick shot of Layana in a cathedral in that skimpy outfit? (Maybe it was a quick shot because she was asked to leave.)


Patricia was the only one that had on shoes that I could have lasted more than 5 minutes in. Just thinking of all the walking and often uneven, cobblestoned streets made my feet hurt.:eek:


I liked Amanda much more last night. She actually seemed to be helpful.


A fabric store that makes you cut your own fabric -- that's different.

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Ugh! I was so disappointed in the show! I just watched it this morning and was shocked that Patricia got to stay. :( I like Layana's personality and thought her clothes were much nicer than Patricia's mess. Certainly more marketable.


Gaudi would have been the logical influence for Barcelona, Anything in Paris.... but graffiti? What the heck???


I thought Michelle's was better than some, but it looked a little Mary Poppins to me with the sooty hem. Stanley's looked like the undertaker's bride and Daniel's was a little too disco-esque.


Would Layana's have survived without the pink sleeves?

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I really loved the runway show this week.


Layana's design didn't bother me at all. I thought it looked expensive, and I actually thought the sleeves somewhat Gaudi inspired.


Patricia's look flip-flopped for me. Hated it, then "got it" for a bit then lost it again. Something about the way she throws a wadded-up looking poncho-type thing over the top of her garments really distracts me.


I loved Stanley's garments but wasn't sure if the judges would. And how is it that perfectionist Stanley didn't have any drama working with Richard? The editors have been putting it in our faces for weeks that Richard has no skillz!


I liked Michelle's quite a bit, too, but I couldn't help but wonder if the thought ever crossed her mind while she was moping around - maybe I should not have made a tee amd pant? It was all about her best not being good enough, wah, wah, wah.


I worry for Daniel with nobody there to steer him young. He seems like such a nice person.

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My thoughts on the last episode:


1) Finally, everyone had good fashion!


2) I liked Layana's jacket, gosh darnit! I did see Barcelona in it and she should have been sent to Fashion Week. Obviously, we know she did go to Fashion Week and, based on the photos previously shown (although the link no longer works), she had one of the strongest shows. She will do well.


3) Daniel's outfit was HOT! If that's what happens when Daniel and Amanda work together, they should consider pairing up in real life. Great combo of ideas.


4) Stanley was Stanley. Focused and serious, but he's also likeable. This design was a little boring, but he's been the most consistent and deserves the win.


5) Patricia may be a sweet person, but she never should have gotten this far. Everyone knows it - she knows it. This look was probably one of the nicer items she created.


6) Michelle - thinking about it, I think this was planned the entire time - that somebody would stay in NYC. Haven't the last few seasons brought 4 designers to fashion week, to be narrowed down to 3 right before the show? I don't believe they would have gotten rid of her if they really were going to get rid of anyone last week. Anyways, I always thought she was a strong designer and missed out on some wins because she was on the losing team. She deserves to be in the final 3.


Looking forward to this season to be over. Really didn't like the team concept.

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I am expecting Stanley to win although I would love to see Daniel pull it off.


They've just closed the submissions for Season 12 and are having the casting calls over the next couple of weeks. I guess that means there will not be another series until October or so. It is probably too early for another All Stars (I really like those).


BTW, the Elle link still worked for me.

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I'm VERY disappointed that Daniel was eliminated. I also got tired of hearing about young, hip and sexy. So if we are not young, hip and sexy, no one should design for us???? Where do those y, h, and s girls get their money to buy the designer clothes?

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Amen! The CONSTANT references to making things "sexy" annoys me. I like to/want to look nice, but sometimes honestly do not understand what they mean by "that term." It is often difficult enough to find clothing that doesn't make me look like I have raided either my daughters' or grandmothers' closets!

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When it came to everyone's three looks, I have to say that Michelle's stood out the most IMO. I would actually wear most of it (except the chaps), if it came in my size. haha. I was quite surprised to like her stuff. But I don't like her (as presented).


Stanley's gold dress wasn't too long, the skirt just wasn't full enough. That neckline and a short skirt would have been too much skin. It seems he gets bogged down in couture-level details more than thinking about the whole picture.


I did like Particia's little dress with the stylized feathers in the print. However, it's almost exactly like one she has in her portfolio.


Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Did you just select the wrong outfits to show now? sigh.


Will go back and look at the runway stuff again.

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BTW, the Elle link still worked for me.



Thanks for the comment - I guess it doesn't work on my iphone. Have been able to go back a few times to look at the collections because of your post.


Honestly, I have no idea how the judges will go this year. Looking at Patricia's again, I think I was a little hard on her and it wasn't as bad as my 1st impression. But, that first dress - omigosh! I don't care if anyone says they like it - this is supposed to be FALL ready to wear. That, and the blue dress she presented to the judges, do not scream fall to me. I also think her collection is going to be a disappointment to the judges because they wanted something super crazy.


I think Michelle's sweaters were original - and the fact that she collaborated with a prior teammate may work in her favor. Stanley's was nice, but not necessarily "special". I guess Michelle really brought her "A" game and it showed in her collection. Was really surprised Stanley had so much left to do.


I would be surprised if Michelle does not win. She and Stanley (and Layana) have been the strongest the entire season.



Edited to add - I just looked through the runway again and I'm embarrassed to say that I would probably wear Richard's the most. Just fits in with my current wardrobe -looks very comfortable. Not the best presented, just, I think, the most wearable. I dislike Samantha's the most. (assuming what I am looking at is Richard's and Samantha's!)

Edited by Alter Ego
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Edited to add - I just looked through the runway again and I'm embarrassed to say that I would probably wear Richard's the most. Just fits in with my current wardrobe -looks very comfortable. Not the best presented, just, I think, the most wearable. I dislike Samantha's the most. (assuming what I am looking at is Richard's and Samantha's!)


I know. It's a shame we will likely never know for sure which of the other four collections belonged to which designer.

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I know. It's a shame we will likely never know for sure which of the other four collections belonged to which designer.


I really think you called in in your earlier post. Didn't they have a special last year where they showed some of the other designers? Don't really remember. I'm just going with your suggestions because I think you are right! :)

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I'm so ready for this season to be over. On to the next...and let's hope it's not teams again. This season was just not very fun.


My vote for the win would be Michelle or Stanley. Patricia is just to artsy craftsy for me, I think they were right to let Daniel go, I would have been fine with the elimination of Patricia as well.


Richard gave me the creeps and still does every time he reappears.

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I'm so ready for this season to be over. On to the next...and let's hope it's not teams again. This season was just not very fun.


My vote for the win would be Michelle or Stanley. Patricia is just to artsy craftsy for me, I think they were right to let Daniel go, I would have been fine with the elimination of Patricia as well.


Richard gave me the creeps and still does every time he reappears.


I really hope there will never be another team series. I wonder if the producers realized when they got into it, that they had created a monster. What I would like to see are more All Stars series.


Why did they keep bringing Richard back? I would have thought after the debacle with Patricia that they would have realized he really was not the best of helpers.


I was expecting Stanley to win but Michelle is on a roll with the judges, so who knows.

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I really hope there will never be another team series. I wonder if the producers realized when they got into it, that they had created a monster. What I would like to see are more All Stars series.


Why did they keep bringing Richard back? I would have thought after the debacle with Patricia that they would have realized he really was not the best of helpers.


I was expecting Stanley to win but Michelle is on a roll with the judges, so who knows.


I find it interesting that you and happy ks don't enjoy the team concept this season -- I kind of like it. Although I feel badly for the contestants who get stuck with bad teammates, I think the season has produced less rancor, more cooperation (even if forced) and a lot less squabbling, fighting, and backstabbing. I appreciate a kinder, gentler competition, I guess, as the constant bickering and sabotage in previous seasons has distracted me from the actual designing.

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Although I feel badly for the contestants who get stuck with bad teammates.


That was the problem I had with it. Sometimes (especially in the beginning) a really good design did not get any credit because the designer was on the loosing team. And on the other hand, some weak designers were kept around because they were on the winning team. As the weeks went by, I think the judges got a little better praising the good on the loosing team and criticizing the poor on the winning team.

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I'm disappointed but not really surprised. I loved Stanley's red dress and thought it would be great for a formal night on a cruise. I also liked the way he reworked the gold dress from last week. I don't get the old-fashioned vibe that they criticized him for but consider it more of a classic look. I really did not like Michelle's bleeding heart sweater.


Did not like Heidi's make-up or hair.

Edited by Scrapnana
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