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Royal Caribbean Fights Back!


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Taking pictures of the food....just a thought....you've got four teens/young adults on their own, in cabin without mommy or daddy telling them what to do, ordering a ton of room service because they're drunk and hungry, it's free and no one is around to say just go to bed .....they think they are just "too cool" and "too funny"....so yes, they probably want to take pictures of themselves being a**holes because in their pea brains, they think the whole thing is just too funny....(I'd be curious just how much wasted food room servce took back.)


Further, how long did it take from ordering to cooking to delivery to eating....If they caused George's demise, I just can't picture four airheads calmly waiting and eating food and not panicking....


IMO George fell/jumped.

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We take pix of food on vacation all the time...that the "boys" did it means nothing IMHO...except wrt timeline...that they were up for vacation antics like that (drunk, lots of food, taking pictures) indicates (to me) they hadn't just murdered anyone.


I think GS sat on the balcony railing with a drink...as it got lower he tilted his head back farther with each gulp...until...:eek:

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So if they like to say that the food arrived around 4 ish someone would have had to order it about 20-30 minutes at least before it arrived. once again, the times will be verified or discredited by RCI's records. I think these guys are full of it - and I don't mean room service food.

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Did any of you see it? MSNBC. Since they repeat their stuff, it should be on again tonight.


They had on the JHS's lawyers and Dr. Lee. They were complaining about how Dr. Lee wasn't doing his mannequin test because RCI was refusing to provide necessary info. RCI had a very strongly-worded reply saying we would have given it to you if you had asked. Then they went on to how they questioned the photograping of the room service at 4:20 am and how their attorneys(I'm speaking of the Russians' attorneys here) were asked to be there but had not responded.


Dan A. did get out of one of the attorneys

the fact that when they file their lawsuit it will probably be based on the fact that Royal Caribbean allowed George to get drunk.:mad:

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So, the Smith Family is alluding that they are going to sue RCI because they allowed George to get drunk. This should be good as the Smith's are owners of a Liquor Store in CT!!


Therefore, this means that anytime someone gets drunk and does something stupid, they can go back and sue the source. Well, seems to me that would be the liquor store in most cases!


Geesh. This just gets better and better.


Have a good one,


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the lawyers (Walker and Rivkind) and Mike Paul were discussing/refuting the time line for the room service order. They believed it impossible to place the order at 4ish and receive it by 4:20 based on the amount of the food and the distance involved in delivery.


Learned the Russians rooms were on the 3rd deck in the bow while George's was mid ship on deck 9. So much distance is involved from one place to another that they believe the boys couldn't even have gotten to their room in the time frame Dayan is spouting.


Well, at least now know where their rooms were. So that's something new.

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So, the videographer sold it to Inside Edition, after they offered to SELL it to Jennifer for $250K, and apparently, she told them to go pound sand. So, I guess we know how much they paid for it. This is from Deborah Norville's own mouth.


The Smith's said that they regretted that the video was not kept private, but that they were ok with the way IE presented it.


Jennifer said she too was sorry, and felt that her privacy was violated, but that she was glad that people could see how happy they were.....

1. When my daughter got married - we paid a deposit and signed a contract with the videographer for 2 copies of the video - at a Fixed price - How does this bozo think he can get away with charging 250k if in deed that is what he said he wanted.


2. Isn't there something like permission to use the photos/videos in a commercial venue as part of the contract ?- I'll bet someone could sue his butt for a lot more than 250k for privacy violation here

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1. When my daughter got married - we paid a deposit and signed a contract with the videographer for 2 copies of the video - at a Fixed price - How does this bozo think he can get away with charging 250k if in deed that is what he said he wanted.


2. Isn't there something like permission to use the photos/videos in a commercial venue as part of the contract ?- I'll bet someone could sue his butt for a lot more than 250k for privacy violation here



I don't know....doesn't quite pass the smell test to me either, but that's what they reported....

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Geez, the media reports every sneeze. My head is spinning from all of the nonsense (speculation) that is out there. I certainly hope that the reason we don't have all of the facts is because the authorites are keeping it all hush because they are about to blow it wide open. I know it won't bring the guy back, but it will give the family a little sense of resolution if they can prove what happened.

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since she told him since George is dead, she doesn't want the video, so he is out the work & the money he was expecting. So he got it elsewhere as it is newsworthy with all the photos on the air what's the big differnece other tha nshowing 2 intoxicated folks at their reception.

I don't know....doesn't quite pass the smell test to me either, but that's what they reported....
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since she told him since George is dead, she doesn't want the video, so he is out the work & the money he was expecting. So he got it elsewhere as it is newsworthy with all the photos on the air what's the big differnece other tha nshowing 2 intoxicated folks at their reception.


How do you know she told him she didn't want the video? Are you assuming that because she did not want to pay 250K for it? Or did you specifically see a report that said she did not want it?


If so, that's kind of telling, if it's true. dead husband or not, I'd still want a video of my wedding......

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with new addition of Mike Paul, listed as Hagel-Smith spokeman, so I guess no more Jen on TV. He is teamed with Dr Lee, Rivkin & Walter.

Abrams was first stop at 4PM here in Cleveland. Abrams was hearing how RCCL failed to report required information to Dr Lee by the attorneys, yet Dr lee is praising RCCL for all their assistance when it is the FBI & Turk Police who havent given him what he requests. Even the lawsuit is being held up with filing but didn't answer what that meant.


The Rita has them, as the main topic is the timeline for the 4 guys vs George's death, or disappearnce whichever you are watching since everyone. They are on 3 & no way they can get from the stateroom on 9 to the stateroom on 3 to place the food order, it to be cooked & delievered in 20 minutes as photographs state. So get RCCL log of the phonecall for the order, what stateroom, the time of it, and the delivery time - case solved. Rivkind mentions that they probably placed the order from George's cabin to be delivered to theirs. Then they left.


Then we watch Greta who has the tour and when the transcript comes out I will post all of them but at 8AM, there won't be any. But interesting that the stateroom is bow area registered to Kofman-Rosenberg was stated by Walker. FBI has not given him his request of timeline given by RCCL on room service to the cabin. The video of them leaving 9 & arriving on 3, the keycard timeline, etc.


Then Scarborough with Jack Hickey & Rivkin with dear Susan added for us to FF thru the TIVO. Hickey, Maritime Attorney who I guess is working for RCCL also doubts the stories of Clete & the 4. He states that Clete original interview, that they didn't show & his latest with him are 2 totally different times & stories. SO MAYBE CLETE DID IT & THE 4 ARE JUST KIDS!


SO I am guessing about 1PM or later I will post the transcripts to read thru.


But at least another story is ending in a good way - Entwhislte arrested at his parent's hoome in England for his wife & baby's murder.

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The lawyers finally admitted in not so many words they and the Smith's are in it for the money.


They stated on the adbrams report they have not filed the lawsuit yet because they are hoping to get information from the cruiseline. Yeah right you waited 7 months to see if Royal Caribbean would give you money. Now that the cruiseline is making money and ordering more ships the Smith's and their lawyers want some of that money. Bree Smith cut of communications with the cruiseline the next day. Why would a family do that if they where looking for infprmation. Because they smelled money, cruiseline has big bucks let's sue or let them think that we will and we can get some money. Can you tell me that if this had happened at a villa say in Greece and George fell of his balcony there because again he was drunk that they would sue. NO because they would not get anything.


Again the Smith's and their lawyers are blame everyone else but George and Jennifer. The cruiseline let George get drunk so this is their fault. Right. Everyone know if the cruiseline did cut him or or anyone for that matter, all they would have to do is go back to their romm and get some there. Also the people they where with could have still bought them drinks. Blame everyone else. Nobody is responsible for me but me. So the cruiseline should not have to tell anyone when they have had enough, you should know when to stop.


The lawsuit also will have a complained abount not enough security. Only people who get in trouble would say that. You are on vacation you know security is there but you do not want to see them. Do they think that there should be cameras everywhere. Here we are complaining about the goverment listening to our phone calls but put cameras everywhere right.


Oh and I did like how Henry Lee praises the cruiseline and Jen PR person was ask by Dan Abrams why they are saying one thing about the cruiseline and Dr Lee is saying good things. Aren't they are the same side.

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on Today show............ or was it Oprah!



How do you know she told him she didn't want the video? Are you assuming that because she did not want to pay 250K for it? Or did you specifically see a report that said she did not want it?


If so, that's kind of telling, if it's true. dead husband or not, I'd still want a video of my wedding......

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Just want to share this little story with you. A friend of mine I meet in Europe is here visiting me She has not heard much about the Smith case except something last year about when it happened. So we are sitting there watching the Abrams report and when it was over she looked at me and said they are just in it for the money. Her words. She said also it looks the lawyers are stupid when they complain about the cruiseline and Dr Lee praises them.


She also did not understand why Jennifer needs a PR person, is she hiding something. I let her read the statements by Royal Caribbean, what people are saying here on this boards and others. She also read other information about it. This morning she said the family is blaming the cruiseline for George drinking and getting into trouble. That was his fault not theirs. The family cut of communications with the cruiseline why, if they wanted if they want information. Again she said lawsuit, Bree Smith is a lawyer and thought lawsuit.


she also said and I agree with her, that the FBI and the US are not the police of the world. So why if something takes place like the Smith case or the Hollaway case Americans think that the FBI should be involved. You are in the jurisdiction of that country their rules and laws are different so you have to go by them. She does not expect if she got in trouble here that her laws in her country would apply here. She would not expect her police to come here and investigate it is not her country.


Then we wonder why other people in other countries do not like us, well it is the people like the Smith's and Hollaways who that that other countries can not do anything right and we are the best in the world. Well we are not. Heard of the Ugly American.


I will let you know what else she says about this. It is nice to hear a opinion from someone outside the country.

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I'm not surprised to hear that they are suing RCCL because they allowed him to get drunk..

First of all if he is that irresponsible he should stay home.

Secondly, if they attempted to stop him by refusing to serve him they would be calling their attorneys to sue for "violating his rights" because as a citizen he should be allowed to drink himself into oblivia without any questions being asked.

Give me a break. I am so sick of these attorneys these days placing blame on everyone but the poor client.

Going back to my earlier post, they saw $$ two days after when they refused calls from RCCL to update them on the investigation. If they were so concerned about finding "poor George" they would welcome any calls and info from RCCL,,, why in the would would you tell them not to call you anymore???? :confused: Answer: Because your relative is an attorney and advised them if they talk to RCCL they could jeopardize their lawsuit. So to hell with "poor George"... let's go for the $$

This is sickening and I hope they lose this case because otherwise every stupid drunk who stubs his toe while on a cruise will sue.

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She also said and I agree with her, that the FBI and the US are not the police of the world. So why if something takes place like the Smith case or the Hollaway case Americans think that the FBI should be involved. You are in the jurisdiction of that country their rules and laws are different so you have to go by them. She does not expect if she got in trouble here that her laws in her country would apply here. She would not expect her police to come here and investigate it is not her country.


Then we wonder why other people in other countries do not like us, well it is the people like the Smith's and Hollaways who that that other countries can not do anything right and we are the best in the world. Well we are not. Heard of the Ugly American. quote]


First, you have a very wise friend. When I was very young and pretty naive I met a Danish woman married to an Italian who had immigrated to the U.S. She taught me more than she will ever know about the value of all cultures and countries and the arrogance of our own citizens at times.


On another note. I watched Abrams last night, and what gets to me about the accusations that RCCL is responsible for George and Jennifer getting drunk is that aside from playing the blame game, this attitude does not take into account the apparent fact that the whole group was drinking absinthe brought onto the ship illegally. Of course, to the family's way of thinking I suppose that was RCCL's fault, too, for not discovering and confiscating the absinthe when it was being smuggled aboard.

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I'm not surprised to hear that they are suing RCCL because they allowed him to get drunk..

First of all if he is that irresponsible he should stay home.

Secondly, if they attempted to stop him by refusing to serve him they would be calling their attorneys to sue for "violating his rights" because as a citizen he should be allowed to drink himself into oblivia without any questions being asked.

Give me a break. I am so sick of these attorneys these days placing blame on everyone but the poor client.

Going back to my earlier post, they saw $$ two days after when they refused calls from RCCL to update them on the investigation. If they were so concerned about finding "poor George" they would welcome any calls and info from RCCL,,, why in the would would you tell them not to call you anymore???? :confused: Answer: Because your relative is an attorney and advised them if they talk to RCCL they could jeopardize their lawsuit. So to hell with "poor George"... let's go for the $$

This is sickening and I hope they lose this case because otherwise every stupid drunk who stubs his toe while on a cruise will sue.


Thanks,you said it all.

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I'm not surprised to hear that they are suing RCCL because they allowed him to get drunk..

First of all if he is that irresponsible he should stay home.

Secondly, if they attempted to stop him by refusing to serve him they would be calling their attorneys to sue for "violating his rights" because as a citizen he should be allowed to drink himself into oblivia without any questions being asked.

Give me a break. I am so sick of these attorneys these days placing blame on everyone but the poor client.

Going back to my earlier post, they saw $$ two days after when they refused calls from RCCL to update them on the investigation. If they were so concerned about finding "poor George" they would welcome any calls and info from RCCL,,, why in the would would you tell them not to call you anymore???? :confused: Answer: Because your relative is an attorney and advised them if they talk to RCCL they could jeopardize their lawsuit. So to hell with "poor George"... let's go for the $$

This is sickening and I hope they lose this case because otherwise every stupid drunk who stubs his toe while on a cruise will sue.


(((Tink,Tink,Tink)))....that's the sound of you hitting the nail right on the head.:)

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I'm not surprised to hear that they are suing RCCL because they allowed him to get drunk..

First of all if he is that irresponsible he should stay home.

Secondly, if they attempted to stop him by refusing to serve him they would be calling their attorneys to sue for "violating his rights" because as a citizen he should be allowed to drink himself into oblivia without any questions being asked.

Give me a break. I am so sick of these attorneys these days placing blame on everyone but the poor client.

Going back to my earlier post, they saw $$ two days after when they refused calls from RCCL to update them on the investigation. If they were so concerned about finding "poor George" they would welcome any calls and info from RCCL,,, why in the would would you tell them not to call you anymore???? :confused: Answer: Because your relative is an attorney and advised them if they talk to RCCL they could jeopardize their lawsuit. So to hell with "poor George"... let's go for the $$

This is sickening and I hope they lose this case because otherwise every stupid drunk who stubs his toe while on a cruise will sue.


Somebody should tell the Smith's and their lawyers this.

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I'm not surprised to hear that they are suing RCCL because they allowed him to get drunk..

First of all if he is that irresponsible he should stay home.

Secondly, if they attempted to stop him by refusing to serve him they would be calling their attorneys to sue for "violating his rights" because as a citizen he should be allowed to drink himself into oblivia without any questions being asked.

Give me a break. I am so sick of these attorneys these days placing blame on everyone but the poor client.

Going back to my earlier post, they saw $$ two days after when they refused calls from RCCL to update them on the investigation. If they were so concerned about finding "poor George" they would welcome any calls and info from RCCL,,, why in the would would you tell them not to call you anymore???? :confused: Answer: Because your relative is an attorney and advised them if they talk to RCCL they could jeopardize their lawsuit. So to hell with "poor George"... let's go for the $$

This is sickening and I hope they lose this case because otherwise every stupid drunk who stubs his toe while on a cruise will sue.



I posted the same thing earlier they smelled money. Let's sue. Hope the judge throws it out when finally filed.

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