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Everything posted by mafig

  1. Does Celebrity still offer one upgrade per category? For instance, C2 to C1.
  2. We've found this to be true also.
  3. Holding off booking Constellation's cruise to NOLA at Mardi Gras. I have fond memories of doing this same cruise on Reflection a few years back, sitting on a lounge chair, going up the mighty Mississippi.
  4. Also, are they only open for lunch on Thursday and Friday? Oops, I meant the 25 cent martini lunch. i
  5. What is the earliest you can reserve for dinner with MTD?
  6. I just read the entire thread and did not see any mention of the SVs on Constellation. Anyone know?
  7. Sorry,, but I have not read the entire thread but...... what about the aft balconies on Constellation? They are huge on her and her sisters. Do they still have loungers and footstools? It would seem ridiculous to just have two lonely chairs and a small table on a balcony of that size.
  8. We were in a CLS (cruise April 28-May4) and got ice every day. Coastal Kitchen was asking everyone within earshot if they wanted another lobster. Then another!
  9. Baha Mar is beautiful and the casino is too. (we won!)
  10. Leaving on Symphony tomorrow😄 What pier does she leave from and what garage should I park at?
  11. Thanks for your replies, your help, and concern. Something very strange happened. I was also emailing my travel agent and not getting a response. So I called him. He said he was responding to each and every email I sent (4). I said I had received none. He said he clicked on my From and it went to Outlook.com. That's not my email! How did that happen? So I emailed the Concierge again and asked that they specifically do not click on my name but to send any reply to my email ___________.com. I received a reply last night. To the correct email. They said their emails were going to Outlook.com., but I didn't receive them. So all my requests have been fulfilled. The concierges probably think I'm crazy, but I'm happy now. Anyone know how/why this happened?
  12. Thanks for your replies. I'm just getting frustrated with them (it's two). I answered their email within minutes of receiving it on Monday with what I thought were pretty simple requests. I did request early dinner in Coastal Kitchen and the two specialties because I had gone ahead and made my show reservations and this way I would have time to see them without rushing. I just wonder why they decided my requests are not worth responding to.
  13. I replied Monday morning. It's now Thursday and I have not heard a peep.😣
  14. My cruise leaves on Sunday. A few days ago I received the concierge email. I responded with my time requests for Coastal Kitchen and two specialty restaurants. (I have substantial OBC and wanted to spend it onboard). My show reservations were made by me. I did ask this question before, and one person answered that they received a response (not on my cruise or ship), so I resent yesterday. (am I on my way to being a pest?). Still no response. Shouldn't my specialty dining reservations be showing be showing in my Cruise Planner if Concierge made them?
  15. After you respond with your requests, does the SL Concierge then confirm or do you just assume that all is OK?
  16. Have you gone to the suite lounge? Are loungers available there (w/o being occupied by towels?_))
  17. My cruise is a week away. We're in a suite. My understanding is that the Concierge will contact us for CK reservations. This email I just received isn't that, is it. It just tells us what to bring, not bring, etc. No where do I see a place to reply with my requests. The subject is "get ready for your cruise."
  18. Those who are in a suite, when did the Concierge contact you for CK reservations? We're going the cruise after yours and I find myself checking emails several times a day.
  19. My understanding is that it's just one elevator bank to get to the Crown Loft Suites on Symphony. Also, how is Muster handled? Do we watch a film and then go to our station to check in?
  20. ??? please elaborate. We are considering Constellation next year.
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