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70s Rock and Romance Cruise - discussion and questions

Honolulu Blue

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This one caught my eye as I researched music-themed cruises.  Yesterday they announced part of their lineup for the 2021 cruise, and I have to say it checked a lot of boxes for me:


  • One of my favorite bands?  Check.
  • Forgotten act with lots of cool songs?  Check.
  • Several other acts with a song or two - or three - that I like?  Check.
  • Compatible with my schedule?  I can make it work, so check.
  • Quality ship & cruise line?  I have sailed on the Celebrity Summit before, and the Infinity is in the same class.  In addition, it's getting a redo that will just be a few months old at the time of this cruise. Check.
  • Kind words from veterans on this and similar cruises?  Check.


I'd like to go on this cruise as I'm pretty excited about it.  The burning questions I have, which may or may not be answerable except by me:


  • Do they still have it?  Magic in the studio 40+ years ago may or may not translate to magic in the theater in the present day.
  • Will they play my favorite song(s)?  Almost certainly no in the case of Foreigner (I like their obscure ones most), almost certainly yes for the others.
  • Will I fit in?  The demographic I expect was described by the title of one of Foreigner's singles, and I don't generally fit that.  I'm not a big fan of the big 70s styles and trends and would prefer to avoid them (though I don't mind if others indulge).
  • Can I adjust to life without a view?  The single inside cabin is the only one I can afford without selling my soul or signing up for a roomie.


Let's see if I can make things work and join this cruise for what I'm sure will be an enjoyable time.

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I've been on more than a dozen full charter music theme cruises (Jazz, Oldies, 60's, Blues, Malt Shop, Do Wop) so hopefully i can provide a perspective that might help 


- the fusion of kinetic energy between a number  your favorite artists with a ship full of like minded fans will intensify the "magic" and trigger positive endorphins in your brain at the concerts 

- the artists will do their very best to perform as much of their music as possible and you have the opportunity in the Q & A sessions to ask them to play the obscure numbers (and will probably be flattered that you remember)

- you on a full music charter with a wide variety of artists that collectively represents an era...you have the luxury of immersion to pick and choose from a litany of experiences 

- there is so much to do 24/7 that you are never in your cabin so a dirty little secret on a full charter music cruise, the inside cabins are the 1st to sell out ..


get plenty of rest before your cruise and enjoy the experience

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12 hours ago, hattack said:

I've been on more than a dozen full charter music theme cruises (Jazz, Oldies, 60's, Blues, Malt Shop, Do Wop) so hopefully i can provide a perspective that might help 


- the fusion of kinetic energy between a number  your favorite artists with a ship full of like minded fans will intensify the "magic" and trigger positive endorphins in your brain at the concerts 

- the artists will do their very best to perform as much of their music as possible and you have the opportunity in the Q & A sessions to ask them to play the obscure numbers (and will probably be flattered that you remember)

- you on a full music charter with a wide variety of artists that collectively represents an era...you have the luxury of immersion to pick and choose from a litany of experiences 

- there is so much to do 24/7 that you are never in your cabin so a dirty little secret on a full charter music cruise, the inside cabins are the 1st to sell out ..


get plenty of rest before your cruise and enjoy the experience


Thank you for your commentary.  You've given me a lot to think about, which mostly confirmed what I had heard elsewhere and/or suspected.  


You certainly have diverse music tastes, though I can certainly see some overlap.  My tastes are almost as diverse, though shifted forward a decade or two.  I can't think of anything in particular that I wanted to pick your brain about at this time.  I'm sure you had a great time on your cruises, and I wish you well on future ones.

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my  diverse musical palate can be credited to my Parents ..I even like Opera and if I ever win the Lottery would love to take an Opera Barge Theme  Cruise out of Venice ..actually my taste have gone retro and I'm into the Big Band music from the 30's & 40's 


my cruising palate is also diverse ..been cruising since 1974 which includes River Cruising (both Europe & Mississippi River), Barge, Maine Windjammers , Charters and always looking for cruising opportunities outside of the Caribbean  so when I discovered full charter Music Cruising in 2003, I was hooked 


feel free to ask away..the Theme Cruise thread on CC  Board is small but fiercely loyal but judging by the Industry movement towards more full theme charters (especially music related) it will grow ..marketing folks on mainstream Cruise Lines understand that often vacationers that would not consider cruising as an option can be lured to try it if there is an affinity theme and then they become hooked 


initial resistance to trying a full music charter is the perceived higher cost vs value..rule of thumb, if there are 3 or more of your favorite  artists that you would pay to see if they came to your town in any given year then it becomes a great value for the incremental difference to see 20-30 plus the lagniappe of enjoying the benefits of making friends who share your passion and you will probably see every year ...the "downside" (if one can call it that) is for 7 straight days you are having so much fun you will get little rest and have to take the following 2 to 3 days of work off to recover 

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Hi hattack.  Thank you for your reply.  Sorry it took so long.


Your parents have great taste in music.  Part of my tastes can also be assigned to my parents, sort of.  I'm picking at certain artists of their era and deciding they made some really catchy tunes.


I've done a fair number of cruises so far (16 plus two booked for this year).  I've sailed to just about every port in the Caribbean and I'm little bored with it, but I don't really want to go to any other region at this point.  This would be my first charter of any kind.


And now for the boring part.  I still don't have any direct questions, and I'm still doing my research.  What I have decided is to put some kind of music cruise on my bucket list.  So this will get done sometime next year, unless I get locked out.  The three that have piqued my interest so far are:


  • 70s Rock and Romance Cruise, of course
  • Ultimate Disco Cruise
  • The 80s Cruise

Each have their pros and cons in my eyes.  UDC will be available first, next week.  Then the next week R&R.  The 80s Cruise probably won't be available until after this year's cruise returns in mid-March.  There's some chance I could book two of them, or perhaps one and another later in the year that catches my eye.  And, of course, 2022 is another year with its own opportunities.


I look forward to my musical cruise adventure.  I simultaneously am hopeful for and fearful about this being an addiction.

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I hear you..there are worse things in life to have an addiction to....I've always looked at combining  several of my addictions cruising, music and travel and then I just had to figure out how to budget for it 


interesting theme cruises represent a wide cross section of passions ..my friend just went on a Star Trek theme cruise and was in 7th heaven and he would have never consider taking a cruise if it were not for the "hook" ..TMC Movie Classic theme cruise is very popular ..I'm quite sure the SB Champions will have a cruise charter that fans can meet their favorite heroes 


don't forget to make a bucket list of life experiences and thus a music charter can be check off and then move on .l.since no more NFL until September,  on the next 3 Sunday afternoon's listen to the artists and music of your 3 cruise options then decide  

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Thanks guys.  I spent some time this weekend going deeper into the catalogs of the acts that are on the cruises I'm considerig, as hattack suggested.  It was an interesting experience.


I just received my invitation to make a reservation on the Ultimate Disco Cruise.  The booking window opens for me in a couple of days - after those who have already booked, but before the general public.  We'll see how that goes.

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AWESOME line up...remember its a 5 day vs 7 day so factor in a cost per day per diem ..watch Saturday Night Fever a couple times and check out local dance clubs for refresher disco dance lessons and scrounge local thrift shops for 70's outfits and watch Soul Train reruns on BET 


much like the Flower Power (60's) & Malt Shop Memories (50's) the Ultimate Disco Cruise (70's) is a more focused  deeper intense 24/7 immersion experience which is not only about the music, but also the  racial culture , political , fashion and social  norm flashback era which has a much narrower platform then the more general/generic 70's Rock & Romance or 80's theme cruise 


there are several excellent books about the Disco Era you might check out on Amazon to read if you elect to take the cruise which might help you with the trivia contest and understand the context of why your fellow cruisers loved that era so much and will spend that amount of $$$ to relive those days .


I grew up in New York  in the 60's & 70's and experienced both Woodstock & Studio 54 ( both wild &  incredible )  & actually saw live almost every artist on the UDC  so I could possibly help give you feedback if asked,  but in the 80's was working in Corporate America so the 80's Cruise Line Up would not appeal to me 


all depends on your musical palate ..I guess it would make too much sense to have a "best of" (50's-60's-70's-80/s) all in one theme cruise  ( or B2B2B  all on the same Cruise Line & Ship ) which is why I love the Jazz equivalent of that in the form of The Smooth Jazz-The Jazz - Blue Note at Sea offering 


you have no "bad' choices ...good luck 



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1 hour ago, hattack said:

AWESOME line up...remember its a 5 day vs 7 day so factor in a cost per day per diem ..watch Saturday Night Fever a couple times and check out local dance clubs for refresher disco dance lessons and scrounge local thrift shops for 70's outfits and watch Soul Train reruns on BET 


much like the Flower Power (60's) & Malt Shop Memories (50's) the Ultimate Disco Cruise (70's) is a more focused  deeper intense 24/7 immersion experience which is not only about the music, but also the  racial culture , political , fashion and social  norm flashback era which has a much narrower platform then the more general/generic 70's Rock & Romance or 80's theme cruise 


there are several excellent books about the Disco Era you might check out on Amazon to read if you elect to take the cruise which might help you with the trivia contest and understand the context of why your fellow cruisers loved that era so much and will spend that amount of $$$ to relive those days .


I grew up in New York  in the 60's & 70's and experienced both Woodstock & Studio 54 ( both wild &  incredible )  & actually saw live almost every artist on the UDC  so I could possibly help give you feedback if asked,  but in the 80's was working in Corporate America so the 80's Cruise Line Up would not appeal to me 


all depends on your musical palate ..I guess it would make too much sense to have a "best of" (50's-60's-70's-80/s) all in one theme cruise  ( or B2B2B  all on the same Cruise Line & Ship ) which is why I love the Jazz equivalent of that in the form of The Smooth Jazz-The Jazz - Blue Note at Sea offering 


you have no "bad' choices ...good luck 


Thanks.  Once again, you've given me a lot to chew on.


I never cared much for wearing specialized outfits any time, especially the 70s, which were... let's say not to my taste.  So I'll probably pass on that.  I watched some Soul Train during the decade and remember a bit; it might do me good to go down memory lane.  And I've never seen SNF, believe it or not.  We'll see if I can work it into my schedule.


I'm quite surprised that you like the UDC's lineup so much, but then again you've shown an extraordinarily broad musical palate.


These themed musical cruises do remind me of big, extended music festivals like Woodstock (which I would have been far too young to appreciate at the time).  And the UDC is touting their version of Studio 54.  It's very interesting that you experienced (and survived) both..


I do like your idea for hooking up decades in separate cruises, though I worry I'd be exhausted by the middle of the second week.

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my experience is that only a small number of guests really get into the dressing up in the outfits of the era, but they love the attention they receive from the rest of the guests (and yes the dining wait staff gets into the theme also ) ..plus with the cost of check baggage that the airline charges it causes one to be very prudent about what to pack 


you might look online You Tube for TV One Docu-Series 2 hour special unveiling the  "real" story behind Saturday Night Fever Disco era ..let's just say its an eye opener about how Disco was mass marketed (Bee Gees vs Tavares)which exposed the dark underbelly of racism that was really a reflection of the turmoil and division Our Country was experiencing then ( and sadly now)


you did not miss anything by being to young for Studio 54..went there once, over hyped & over priced ..Woodstock started out as a Folk Festival but introduce the World to Joe Cocker, Santana & Sly and the Family Stone ..greatest 18th birthday present of all time 


it's an amazing sight to see 2000+ cruisers of all races, and age groups, packed on the lido deck at sunset  on a full day of sea, singing  along with K. C. and the Sunshine Band  every word to every song from their Greatest Hits Album and the roar of the crowd hearing the opening chords from the Sound Track of Car Wash by Rolls Royce and watching the waiters bringing drinks dancing to the music 


for 5 ( or 7 )  days/nights , all is right with the world in the middle of the Caribbean on a Cruise Boat with 2000+like minded fellow cruisers (regardless of which cruise you select ) 



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15 hours ago, hattack said:

it's an amazing sight to see 2000+ cruisers of all races, and age groups, packed on the lido deck at sunset  on a full day of sea, singing  along with K. C. and the Sunshine Band  every word to every song from their Greatest Hits Album and the roar of the crowd hearing the opening chords from the Sound Track of Car Wash by Rolls Royce and watching the waiters bringing drinks dancing to the music 


for 5 ( or 7 )  days/nights , all is right with the world in the middle of the Caribbean on a Cruise Boat with 2000+like minded fellow cruisers (regardless of which cruise you select ) 


Thanks for giving me more to chew on.  What I've quoted from you above is what I want from my music cruise(s) and also what the charter guys promise in their videos, e-mails, and websites.  I can only hope that I can handle what I get.

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since all 3 of your choices are relatively new players on the block ..rule of thumb there should be very few cabins ( or categories )  available for sale to the general public ( 1st time cruisers like yourself ) after past guests have elected to exercise their options to secure their cabins from being a past guest ( or by doing so while they are onboard the current edition )..the other positive sign is that the promoter stays with same Cruise Line but moves up to a larger Class (more cabins ) or establish a wait list that has the promoter contemplating a second  sailing week ..also look at the Artists FB page that performed on board in 2019 and you can gain a sense of Fan satisfaction 


The cruisers on the current edition are the best sales force for a promoter thru word of mouth ..also the promoters worse nightmare if they fail to live up to their marketing hype 


which ever your choice you will be fine once on board and probably "adopted" and shown the ropes by returning cruisers once you indicate that this is your first music charter experience ..I'm betting the experience will start in the boarding area of your flight ..just look for very happy music fans wearing the 2019 Official Charter T-Shirts or t-shirts of their favorite artists that will be performing on the cruise ..that's when you will know you are no longer a regular cruiser 


not sure if you can find it online these days, but if you go to Cruise Travel Magazine website and search thru the archives for Jan/Feb 2012 edition on the final page (Different Perspective) you will find my article that was published regarding "An African American Perspective " about my Capital Jazz Super Cruise experience which includes the photo of 3000 lido deck  Jazz Fans  on Sunday on our full day at sea on the Carnival Conquest dancing (swaying) to Frankie Beverly & Maze ..an experience I will always cherish 


if and once you make your selection if you do not already own one, invest in a good small P & S digital camera with a zoom lens that takes photos with no flash  in low lighting (several good ones on the market these days for under $125) ..cell phone selfies do not do justice (IMHO) for those impromptu photo ops with your favorite artists when you least expect to run into them ..if you have album covers bring them also for signing sessions 



Edited by hattack
wrong date
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Thanks again, hattack.  You've given me even more to chew on.  I couldn't find your article online 😢, but I'll keep searching elsewhere.


As an update, I tried using my reservation invitation to the UDC.  There were some cabins available in other classes, but no interior single cabins.  😢😢😢  A regular interior would cost $1000 more, an OV about $1500 more, and a balcony up from there.  I made the executive decision not to book anything and take my chances with the waiting list (which isn't open yet, and probably won't be until cabin sales are opened to the public tomorrow).  There's also a small chance that StarVista is holding what's left of the single cabins until they can be listed to the general public.  I'm not optimistic that I'm going to get on this particular cruise, but life has taught me that anything can happen.


Plan B is currently to see what the R&R has to offer.  I have a similar invitation to book with them next week.  We'll see how that goes.

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Just now, Honolulu Blue said:

Thanks again, hattack.  You've given me even more to chew on.  I couldn't find your article online 😢, but I'll keep searching elsewhere.


As an update, I tried using my reservation invitation to the UDC.  There were some cabins available in other classes, but no interior single cabins.  😢😢😢  A regular interior would cost $1000 more, an OV about $1500 more, and a balcony up from there.  I made the executive decision not to book anything and take my chances with the waiting list (which isn't open yet, and probably won't be until cabin sales are opened to the public tomorrow).  There's also a small chance that StarVista is holding what's left of the single cabins until they can be listed to the general public.  I'm not optimistic that I'm going to get on this particular cruise, but life has taught me that anything can happen.


Plan B is currently to see what the R&R Cruise has to offer.  I have a similar invitation to book with them next week.  We'll see how that goes.


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actually the single inside cabin is highly desirable and along with the suites are the first to go...compound with the assumption that even if Celebrity offered that person to upgrade would probably be declined ..the other option is the roommate route (which is not as bad as a normal cruise because you have an automatic built in common ground)


i would sign up for the WL the day its open for sale to the general public , you have almost a year and things change (usually 90 days out for final payment ..the good news is if you are successful, while you are on the cruise next year you can exercise your right to rebook the same cabin 


good luck 

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22 hours ago, hattack said:

actually the single inside cabin is highly desirable and along with the suites are the first to go...compound with the assumption that even if Celebrity offered that person to upgrade would probably be declined ..the other option is the roommate route (which is not as bad as a normal cruise because you have an automatic built in common ground)


i would sign up for the WL the day its open for sale to the general public , you have almost a year and things change (usually 90 days out for final payment ..the good news is if you are successful, while you are on the cruise next year you can exercise your right to rebook the same cabin 


good luck 


Noted.  Thank you.  You mentioned the single cabins selling out quickly before, so I had it in the back of my mind.  As for a roommate, I don't want one at this point, so I won't ask for one.  I did sign up for the waiting list.


18 hours ago, George C said:

we are currently on rock and romance and booked rock and romance for 2021 yesterday 7 day cruise on infinity again on 2/27/2021. Went crazy and booked royal suite again. 


I'm sure you're having fun, fun, fun!  Wish I was there?  Maybe I'll see you next year?

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I just found the theme cruise forum and I am very interested in a couple of these for 2021 .

Probably a stupid question but does anyone know if you get Captains Club points for these cruises?

Guessing not but thought I would throw it out there.

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5 hours ago, jmdlv1 said:

I just found the theme cruise forum and I am very interested in a couple of these for 2021 .

Probably a stupid question but does anyone know if you get Captains Club points for these cruises?

Guessing not but thought I would throw it out there.


From the FAQ for the 70s Rock & Romance Cruise:


Q: Can I use my (Mariner's Society, Crown and Anchor, Captain's Club) earned perks? Can I gain points for this sailing?

Yes, you can earn points for sailing on the StarVista LIVE cruises. Unfortunately, you cannot redeem any earned perks through your cruise line membership. If you have questions regarding a specific perk or amenity, you are welcome to contact the cruise line directly. If you speak with the cruise line, please make sure they understand that this is a full-ship charter.

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43 minutes ago, Honolulu Blue said:


From the FAQ for the 70s Rock & Romance Cruise:


Q: Can I use my (Mariner's Society, Crown and Anchor, Captain's Club) earned perks? Can I gain points for this sailing?

Yes, you can earn points for sailing on the StarVista LIVE cruises. Unfortunately, you cannot redeem any earned perks through your cruise line membership. If you have questions regarding a specific perk or amenity, you are welcome to contact the cruise line directly. If you speak with the cruise line, please make sure they understand that this is a full-ship charter.

I might suggest you are better off in contacting Star Vista directly ...depending on which earned perked you would like to exercise it may or may not be available based upon how the charter contract is structured..please understand on a music charter the role of the Cruise Director is more of a liaison with the promoters designated on board coordinator ..the good news is that since this is not the 1st time, the Star Vista folks already have an understanding the rules of the road...be aware alot of your fellow cruisers may have the same level as you if they do alot of music theme full charters

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UPDATE:  An hour ago I checked on cabin availability for the UDC and guess what I saw?  A single occupancy cabin!  I decided to book it, so I guess this will be my first music themed cruise.  Yay!


I wasn't able to get the OBC that the prebooking would have given me, but I did get a couple of nice surprises:


  • The deposit was only $300.  I expected it to be $600 based on what Carnival does with their deposits for solo occupants.
  • The second payment is not due until July 1.  I chose the 3 payment plan with payments due 7/1, 10/1, and 1/1.

Now that I've booked this cruise, I have to get the pieces around it, including:


  • Do I book the 70s Rock & Romance Cruise immediately after this one?
  • Can I fit the 80s Cruise in?  Do I want to?  Will they let me in?
  • Travel insurance - yes or no?  And what coverages?
  • Airfare isn't available yet, but will start to open up next month
  • Do I stay in Miami an extra night pre-cruise?
  • What do I need to buy to help me optimize my time?

Stay tuned for the answer to these and many other questions.

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congratulations and welcome to the world of full charter music theme cruising ( warning, you might never go back to regular cruising )...if you would like some feedback 

    - the pace of the 5 day  Ultimate Disco Cruise will surprise you (as compared to a "regular" 7 day cruise )..., since this is your 1st exposure you might consider not trying to do a B2B  full  music theme charter (70's & 80's) until future years ..you may want to explore a 1-2 **** post ****UDC  land package at the Host Hotel to decompress ( trust me, you will not have any rest on the ship )  and avoid the normal airport  weekend chaos and fly home on Monday ..also Miami has an incredible weekend night life so make sure you explore your options 

    - trip (travel ) insurance yes, with this disclaimer, spent the time to comparison shop ( in other words don't automatically go with the coverage that the promoter or cruise line offers )..you might note that CC has a new thread Q & A from "Insure My Trip " which might be an excellent resource ..take note if you have "pre existing  medical condition" that there is a very brief window once you have deposited for the UDC & check with your existing health care provider about what they will cover if you have to have an emergency evacuation from the ship...also check with your family practice Doctor about having  your critical medical information put on a chip for you to travel with 

     - if Southwest flies out of your City, consider flying them into FLL to save $$$$ and give you more flight options (plus 2 check bags included into the price ) and you can sign up on their website to receive notification when they open for sale and special pricing ..if other than Southwest be very careful about other carriers checked baggage fees are ..what looks like a bargain air fare may not be when additional fees are added up ...of course fly in a day early (especially from the North in the winter ) 

     - can you expand what you mean with the phrase "optimize your time "

     -take a look at Star Live Vista's website to see the other full charter theme cruises they promote , very often once you have complete UDC it might make you eligible for repeat guests discount special rates on other offerings 


hopefully other CC members with experience on full charter music theme cruisers will post which will give you additional newer perspectives to draw on for your upcoming adventure ..time is going to go so much quicker before your cruise happens because you now have an additional incentives..every time you hear a song of an artist that will be performing on the UDC you are going to turn up the sound 





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Thanks hattack, again, for the kind words and commentary.  Your opinions are always valuable to me.  You can watch me screw up 10 ways from Sunday. 😁


The nearest big city to me is Detroit (DTW) and Southwest does fly from there.  I like them, but they're not always cheapest (even taking into account all the fees the other airlines charge), and getting from FLL to POM takes longer and is more expensive than flying to Miami.  I may or may not wait for them to open up their bookings.


"Optimize my time" is a catch-all for bringing items that may or may not help me on this cruise - bring CDs/DVDs/LPs for signature?  Bring a tripod for filming concerts?  Bring an autograph book for autographs?  That sort of thing.


I hope the year passes by quickly.  I'm listening to one of the performers now...

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We brought cds and some books and albums for signing, most days there was a interview session with a few of the artists, this lasted about a hour and was followed by a autograph session, some people also brought guitars to be signed , in some cases cds, T-shirts and books were also sold and then could be signed , could sometimes get pictures with artists also. 
  There is also a nice discount when booking while on the cruise, they guarantee this will be cheapest fare. 

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