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Willdra's Massive Carnival Mardi Gras Apr 30- May 7 Review


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14 hours ago, Hogladyrider said:

@willdra.....please share where you buy your bathing suits, love them!


Thank so much! I get ALL of them on Amazon! Here are the links to the ones that I wore this cruise:











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3 hours ago, rmh661983 said:

I am laughing so hard I have tears coming down my face. The way you and W interact sound like me and my hubby. I swear that man wouldn't survive without me. LOL I can't wait to read the rest of your review.


W gives me so much material to write about! He keeps me on my toes. I'm really happy that we can find the funny in everything! 🤣😂

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Running into Roatan


This day began as so many others. Slow and sluggish. We are prolly the laziest cruisers ever. #Proud. My alarm went off at 9. This seems to be the magic time for us. When we are on vacay, we don’t want to get up too early, but we don’t want to miss stuff either. For a change, I got up on my own, and I didn’t have to be jostled.


As I was bustling around the cabin, I noticed movement out on our balcony. I walked over and looked out. There was a Carnival employee out there opening all of the balcony dividers to prepare for cleaning. Um normally we get a notice about the balcony being cleaned. We 100% did not get that this time.  I was suddenly very glad I had clothes on! For my sake, as well as his. I can’t say that’s always the case, and it ain't always pretty. I snatched the curtain closed, and went about my business. I also forewarned W, so he wouldn’t scare the Fruity Pebbles out of that guy.  


Sending W to go do stuff seems to be a solid plan, so I did that again. And it worked again. Now that I had the cabin to myself, I could take my time, and think about my purpose for being. Just kidding, I’m not that deep. I just needed to not have to squeeze around him, as I pulled it all together. Especially in that tiny bathroom.


I walked up the 2 flights to LIDO to join W when I was mostly ready. He was easy to spot, and he wasn’t still in line this time. He got me an Omelet, so I just needed Coffee and French Toast. I skipped the cereal. Nobody had time to babysit my colon that morning.













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We were going simple today as far as plans go. I booked the "Relax On The Beach" Package thru Carnival. It included the covered clamshell loungers for 2 people, 2 beach floats, and unlimited rides on the Flying Beach Chair. The instructions just said go to the Orange Booth at the end of the pier “at your leisure”. I’m all about leisure, so I was definitely there for that part.


After we ate, we stopped by the cabin to utilize the facilities. Again. I’d much rather “go” in my own cabin that outside somewhere. Not out like in the bushes out, but out in a public restroom. You get my drift.


We were off of the ship pretty quickly. We walked through Dufry then out onto the shopping area. The Orange Booth is at the beginning of the Beach Chair Ride. You just show them your ticket then ride over. Once you get off, there’s another little booth at the end. This is where you get your wristbands. The line to get on the Beach Chair Ride is slow, so pack patience. They also have this mist spray that gets you humid while you are waiting. I didn't understand why they added additional humidity. Doesn't that already come with the climate? I hope they don't charge extra for it. I only took my ticket out for a minute to show the guy, and it got soggy. Just. Why?




The Orange Booth



 Wristband Booth





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The ride over is chill. No rush. It’s also a stop and go to let people on and off. If you have a fear of heights, or if you have an overactive imagination like mine, it may not be the best thing for you. I kept thinking "what if a snake got on the ride with you from one of those trees?" Would I jump off, fist fight the snake, or accidentally fall off trying to evict the snake?" One thing about me, I don’t do snakes. At.all. Periodt.


We made it across thankfully, unscathed and unsnaked.  We checked in with the guy in the hut, and he gave us our wristbands. Then another gentleman led us to our lounger. They let you pick if you want. We were ok with the one we had. They also set it up for you. While we waited to get setup, a waiter stopped by with menus from Fat Tuesday, which is kinda cool that it translates to Mardi Gras in French.




















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W went to get in the water after covering himself in sunblock. I slathered my arms, then sat down to talk to you nice people. While I was typing my notes, I got a message from AT&T saying that we could use the International Day Pass. It’s $10 for the day, and it basically lets you use your devices as normal with no additional fees. We’ve done this for years when we travel, so I was with it. Another good thing about our  AT&T plan, is that most of Mexico is free, so we don’t have to do anything special when we go there.



Now when we got to the beach, I checked the WiFi offerings to see what was out there. I noticed a network that said it was $5/day. I’ve never used that before, so I don’t know how safe or reliable it is. But if you’ve used it, let a sister know the deal.




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Once I caught up and I got to a good place, I put away the phone and went exploring. Even though we have been to Roatan more times than we can remember, it’s always good to see what’s new.


I went to that first Fat Tuesday bar that’s always crowded. They do have a quick service line, which moved quick-ish. I ordered a rum punch, and the server brought it to me in the regular size cup for $10. I’m mad I forgot to bring my Fat Tuesday Sports Bottle that can be refilled for less $$$. I used to leave it in my suitcase, but I think this time since I didn’t bring the smaller bag, it got overlooked.


There’s another Fat Tuesday farther down the beach, which is always less crowded, there’s also another set of restrooms down there with usually no line. I walked around taking pictures until I ran into W, who took my picture. It was funny that we were doing the same thing. We walked back over to the loungers, and since W can’t sit still too long, he went and got in the water. I read and sipped my drink. We really just did a whole lotta nada all day. W brought me another drink later on, and I drank it fairly fast too.


We were content until the sun started creeping into our spot. I didn’t ask for extra sun, so the sun was an unwelcome, vagrant, freeloader. We inched our loungers back a little which gave us more sun-free time.















































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17 minutes ago, willdra said:

Once I caught up and I got to a good place, I put away the phone and went exploring. Even though we have been to Roatan more times than we can remember, it’s always good to see what’s new.


I went to that first Fat Tuesday bar that’s always crowded. They do have a quick service line, which moved quick-ish. I ordered a rum punch, and the server brought it to me in the regular size cup for $10. I’m mad I forgot to bring my Fat Tuesday Sports Bottle that can be refilled for less $$$. I used to leave it in my suitcase, but I think this time since I didn’t bring the smaller bag, it got overlooked.


There’s another Fat Tuesday farther down the beach, which is always less crowded, there’s also another set of restrooms down there with usually no line. I walked around taking pictures until I ran into W, who took my picture. It was funny that we were doing the same thing. We walked back over to the loungers, and since W can’t sit still too long, he went and got in the water. I read and sipped my drink. We really just did a whole lotta nada all day. W brought me another drink later on, and I drank it fairly fast too.


We were content until the sun started creeping into our spot. I didn’t ask for extra sun, so the sun was an unwelcome, vagrant, freeloader. We inched our loungers back a little which gave us more sun-free time.







We were in the cabana on the left! :classic_laugh:

Edited by Jamman54
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At around 3, we started to get hungry. Back on board wasn’t until 5:30, but our food venue choices got narrower as the day went on. The Lido was closing at 3:30. I don't know about y'all, but we try to eat on the ship if we can. We already paid for that food, and sometimes food off of the ship is expensive for absolutely no reason. We gathered our belongings and rode the Flying Chairs back over. W took out of his phone to take pictures in the air, even tho I advised him not to. He got lucky this time, he didn't drop his phone. 



















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Big Chicken stayed open until 5, so that’s what we got. I was smart this time, I was like” just give me whatever you don’t have to have a meeting about”. The only way I was waiting another 15 minutes for dark piece of that chicken, was if Jesus himself was serving it. Which I don't think he does. 


I inhaled my food when we sat down. I didn’t even remember chewing or tasting it. I’m sure I did both, cuz the Bok Bok bowl was empty. I got some lemonade from the dispenser, and we went to the cabin. I was out on deck for maybe 20 minutes, when I realized Street Eats was still open.  Lord please deliver me from this spirit of eating more food just because a venue is still open. But not today. Maybe deliver me after this cruise.






I threw my shoes back on and told W I’d be back. He was reading, and barely noticed me. I like not knowing what you will find at Street Eats. It makes it more special when it's something you like. They had Buffalo Tater Tots at Time Fries, and Bulgogi Beef at Mad Sizzle. I got 'em both. Cuz, somebody had to.


I will add that the Buffalo Tater Tots were good, but they were just some basic tater tots with a little hot sauce sprinkled on them. Buffalo Tater Tots, in my mind, should be dunked in Buffalo Sauce. These were more like Spicy Tater Tots. Maybe. 
















After I got the food, I made the mistake of walking back into the Lido Buffet area to get my drink. Most of the drink stations were closed. I did find an open one all the way aft, so I got my lemonade there. That also proved to be futile. When I got back to the cabin, I tasted it, and it was just water. That was no problem. I brought the liquid squeeze concentrated lemonade to use for my tea. I also brought a bottle of strawberry syrup, cuz you never know when you might need a bottle of strawberry syrup (my fluffy girl problems). So, I just squeezed some of those in the cup and voilà! Strawberry Lemonade. It was surprisingly pretty tasty. 






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I sat out on our balcony with W, eating and waiting for sail away. I wanted to catch this last one from port. I guess my food was looking good, cuz W decided to go see what was still open. I didn’t have the heart to tell him Street Eats closed at 5. He’ll find out.


I was finally really getting into the book that I was reading, so I read some while I was out on the balcony. A few minutes after 6, the Mardi Gras pulled out of port for the last time this cruise. Now comes the ugly part. We are definitely on the downhill side of our journey. Booooooo!!!













































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After we were in open water, W went to the casino for a while, and I stayed behind. When he came back, he said we needed to get ready for dinner. I know you’re thinking “But y’all just ate!”. Yep you’re so right! 


We got ready and decided on Chibang for dinner. When I was almost dressed, W checked us in. There was around a 15-minute wait. We walked down when we got the notification. We were greeted and shown to our table, as soon as we got there. Our table was right next to one of the server’s stations. Our server came over and asked if we needed a printed menu. He poured our water while doing so. We said, "No we got it", this isn't our first rodeo. He went away, took some orders, talked to the other servers, cleared some tables, got a haircut, called his family, and everything other than take our orders.


After waiting 25 minutes, I leaned over and asked if our orders could be taken, or did we need to go to the kitchen and help ourselves? I mean, I'm down for whatever, just let me know the deal. I'm a thug.  Our server then apologized, made an excuse for ignoring us, then came right over. We had our food maybe 10 minutes later. I had Sopa, Tacos de Carnitas, Pollo en Mole, and Chocolate C-Bang.


Everything was edible, or at least it was at one time. I think my favorite was the Tacos de Carnitas. The pork was tender and juicy. For the Pollo en Mole, the chicken was cooked cooked. Like somebody was mad at it, so they just kept cooking it to teach it a lesson. It was also a baby chicken (who's checking chicken ID's on this ship?). The Chocolate C-Bang tasted like chocolate flavored dirt. I may be wrong, but  typically that’s not desirable in a dessert.  The texture was strange. It was very dry. I’m sorry but Chibang was not Chibanging for us. It was Chibombing. 


So you mean to tell me, we waited this long for this?? No bueno. 

























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We finished dinner around 9:46, so W suggested that we go to the Mardi Gras Theater for the comedy show which started at 10. We were in time to get decent seats. The theater is large, and I actually like the seating. We chose a row that was almost empty, and we sat in the middle so other people could fill in the ends. I never understand why people sit on an empty row at the end, then get mad when people need to pass. But I digress. 


The comedian was Happy Cole, and he was very funny. I laughed a lot, and it was a fun atmosphere. He actually worked well with the audience too which is hard to do. We planned to try to catch another one of his shows in the future.











It was 11 by the time we made it back to the cabin. I was tired, so I was in for the night. I didn't even need to make my tea. Miraculous. W went to the casino for a little while,  got his Diet Pepsi then came back to turn in.  




Before I fell sleep, I said a prayer thanking God that W didn't drop his phone when we were on the Flying Chair ride. That would've been unattractive, and the "I told you so" wouldn't have been worth it, cuz it would've adversely effected my life as well. And who requested that?? Absolutely not I. God takes care of fools and babies. We appreciate you Big Guy! 






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First time reading your review, wont be the last!!

we are sitting around with friends drinking wine. After one of your particularly hilarious comments, I snorted my wine out of my nose. And kept laughing. 🤣😬

now everyone wants to know what is so freaking funny 😆 

I’m gonna have to find those past reviews too!!


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18 minutes ago, BigNance said:

First time reading your review, wont be the last!!

we are sitting around with friends drinking wine. After one of your particularly hilarious comments, I snorted my wine out of my nose. And kept laughing. 🤣😬

now everyone wants to know what is so freaking funny 😆 

I’m gonna have to find those past reviews too!!


LOL 😂 Hope you are ok!! All of my reviews are in my signature below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾. Thanks so much for enjoying our antics! 😆😆😆

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5 hours ago, willdra said:

Big Chicken stayed open until 5, so that’s what we got. I was smart this time, I was like” just give me whatever you don’t have to have a meeting about”. The only way I was waiting another 15 minutes for dark piece of that chicken, was if Jesus himself was serving it. Which I don't think he does. 


I inhaled my food when we sat down. I didn’t even remember chewing or tasting it. I’m sure I did both, cuz the Bok Bok bowl was empty. I got some lemonade from the dispenser, and we went to the cabin. I was out on deck for maybe 20 minutes, when I realized Street Eats was still open.  Lord please deliver me from this spirit of eating more food just because a venue is still open. But not today. Maybe deliver me after this cruise.






I threw my shoes back on and told W I’d be back. He was reading, and barely noticed me. I like not knowing what you will find at Street Eats. It makes it more special when it's something you like. They had Buffalo Tater Tots at Time Fries, and Bulgogi Beef at Mad Sizzle. I got 'em both. Cuz, somebody had to.


I will add that the Buffalo Tater Tots were good, but they were just some basic tater tots with a little hot sauce sprinkled on them. Buffalo Tater Tots, in my mind, should be dunked in Buffalo Sauce. These were more like Spicy Tater Tots. Maybe. 
















After I got the food, I made the mistake of walking back into the Lido Buffet area to get my drink. Most of the drink stations were closed. I did find an open one all the way aft, so I got my lemonade there. That also proved to be futile. When I got back to the cabin, I tasted it, and it was just water. That was no problem. I brought the liquid squeeze concentrated lemonade to use for my tea. I also brought a bottle of strawberry syrup, cuz you never know when you might need a bottle of strawberry syrup (my fluffy girl problems). So, I just squeezed some of those in the cup and voilà! Strawberry Lemonade. It was surprisingly pretty tasty. 






BYOB 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤣🤣🤣

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On 5/30/2022 at 2:49 PM, willdra said:


Whoa $5.15??? That's painful! 😱

Our son's office workers demanded a raise or telework until this gas fiasco (or the US Holidays are over which ever comes first) is over. Funny how management decided on telework! 

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6 hours ago, jetsfan58 said:

Our son's office workers demanded a raise or telework until this gas fiasco (or the US Holidays are over which ever comes first) is over. Funny how management decided on telework! 


You have a very wise son! 😍

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