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New to Cruising and Very Nervous--Need Advice

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Hi. My family and I are going on the Zaandam (HAL) in June to Alaska. I'm scared too death. Worried about illness (my son is 16 months and will be on the cruise), making sure he has meals (can't get HAL to return the appropriate meal forms, booking a high chair, is the verandah safe for my son, etc. or answer my emails). My parents and in-laws are also cruising with us. My parents are very difficult to please and have a knack for blaming others when this happens. I've spent numerous hours making myself sick with fear and trying to find every piece of info I can to try and make sure they have something to do every moment of the day, any info on this particular cruise, excursions, illnesses, rape/crime, etc. Can anyone please please tell me anything that will help put some of my fears to rest and make it so I can enjoy my first vacation in years?

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Alaska is like no place on Earth and with Holland American starting that market for Ship Trips there your in luck with the Crews Skilled and knowing how to help you in this situation especially with a new born child... take lots of movies... pictures too and post them here if you wish as that will help more people..


God Speed and enjoy.


On your parents it will be ok once they see it is better than they thouht( Point >>That Out)



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Considering your worries about your son, parents, in-laws, and illness, perhaps you should reconsider your cruising plans. If the prospect of a vacation makes one "scared to death" and "sick with fear" that vacation should not, in my opinion, be embarked upon.

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Well, to embark or not is no longer the question. As my husband said, "This trip is paid for and WE ARE GOING." I am just in search of information that will help lay some of the "controllable fears" at rest (i.e., assorted questions) but as for the parents/in-laws, those fears are uncontrollable and I'm at the point if they have a good time or not, its up to them.

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Nice bumping into yiou also *OUCH (\:p/) Welcome and thanks.


I am just one person of many and American.


Have fun enjoy thr cruise and here Cruise Critic is filled with lots of people with all kinds of information, DATA, Personalities and mostly opinions.. :eek:

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Dear HM Mom,


I recently read about food for babies on HAL. If you want to bring your own baby food it MUST be sealed jars - not homemade and HAL does NOT supply formula (at 18mo Tiny Tot is probably on real milk anyway). I beleive they will make fresh by grinding. You should contact your TA about the resevation of highchair/booster as the following states that these should be requested at booking and about Tiny Tot's special dietary needs.


Following from HAL website

Holland America Line is dedicated to making your family's cruise vacation memorable and happy for each member of your family. We serve a wide variety of kid-pleasing food, including special sandwiches, tacos, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. Baby food, high chairs and booster seats may be requested in advance of boarding. Baby-sitting services are available for a small surcharge. Special kid friendly birthday parties can also be arranged with advance notice.


Important notes


A limited number of high chairs, booster seats and cribs are available at no charge. These must be reserved in advance at the time of booking. An international children's menu is offered at dinner and includes a variety of appetizers, salads and soups, standard items such as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and chicken, plus chef's specials like beef tacos, grilled cheese, fish and chips or spaghetti.




Try to pack for any contingency, as you would for any trip, all that good baby stuff that you might need if they get snuffy, upset tummy, ear ache, ect. Bring the big people meds too.

Wash your hands, use the handsanitizer, (I am known for taking the can of lysol and spraying down the cabin and leaving for a while or stepping out on the balcony until the scent dissapates.


Remember the favorite toys and keep some hidden until midweek when ---"Surprize, look at these new toys." can make your day easier.


I found that the service we received on HAL was beyond reproach, we were treated kindness, respect, and with a smile.


You did not state if you have a fridge in your room but if you do and you want to use it for baby items you can alert the steward and the stocked items can be removed and you will have more room.


I never felt unsafe onboard. I never noted any out of control behavior. Like anywhere one should always be cognizant of what is going on around them.

In all of the uproar of "bad things" happening on cruise ships I have never seen HAL mentioned.


Please relax and try to enjoy yourself and maybe even use a babysitter (maybe MIL & DIL) for a night for you and your DH on your own.


Smooth sailing and sunny days to you


ps. I would be thinking more about all of those layers Tiny Tot is going to wear.;) You might get someone to let you know what kind of attire Tiny Tot should have.


BTW, remember the travel playpen and use the laundry service so you do not have to pack quite as many clothes. I well remeber the days and how many outfits they can go through in just a day.

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...make sure they have something to do every moment of the day, any info on illnesses, rape/crime, etc.
There are so many activities on the ship that your parents will have a great choice of things to do at any one time. Illnesses? Vastly over-reported, if you mean the Norovirus (stomach flu, or whatever the tv news calls it). Rape/crime? Almost non-existent, despite all the junk you hear, especially on hard-hitting "investigative" tv shows. You're probably in more danger at your church women's annual tea party.


Put your parents in the Crow's Nest lounge, give them a few strong drinks, then disappear. When they come to, it will be time for bed.

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Unfortunately, we didn't go through a TA. Bummer, should have but didn't. A friend of a friend of the family works for HAL so booked that way and now everything else (not sure what all that is) left up to me. Not knowing what to do and running around trying to cover all the bases has been the main issue. I will definitely use a TA from now on.


I found another posting from a frequent toddler traveler and she provided a list of everything to pack. I'm well on my way to sanity once again.


I do have a fridge in the room. As far as the food, I am just going to bring Gerber Graduate Entrees, juices, etc. Its one less thing to worry about. I guess that's where a TA really comes into play. Well, live and learn for next time.


Great thought on the toys. I'm adding that to my toy list now.


Thanks so much. I really appreciate your advice.

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Did anyone ever tell you that you are a hoot! Its been awhile since I've had a good laugh (and I can't tell you how much I need one right now) and your message brought tears to my eyes. I'm adding the Crow's Nest to my list with a special note to review the drink list. Ha, just kidding. They are very difficult but I love them just the same.

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Tom wrote:


Put your parents in the Crow's Nest lounge, give them a few strong drinks, then disappear. When they come to, it will be time for bed.


What about the kid? Should they give him a round, too?


Just kidding, happily married mom. Middle-aged mom, here. As one mom to another, I know that worrying and fretting about the unknown can drive you crazy. Take a deep breath; you're not alone. You have a husband; put him to use:) I'm completely new to cruising myself, and I'm about to embark on the same adventure as you, only two months later. Same ship, same itinerary. Two kids, one husband, one mother. I expect we'll all survive.;)


Do some reading. I've just picked up a great little book for first-timers called Alaska by Cruse Ship by Anne Vipond. Alaska is exciting! You'll be finished with your cruise well before we begin ours. I look forward to reading your review here when you return. You'll be an experienced cruiser then, and you can give ME advice:) Bon Voyage!

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I've spent numerous hours making myself sick with fear and trying to find every piece of info I can to try and make sure they have something to do every moment of the day, any info on this particular cruise, excursions, illnesses, rape/crime, etc. Can anyone please please tell me anything that will help put some of my fears to rest and make it so I can enjoy my first vacation in years?

My word! You must be one of them there "type A" personalities, huh? :)


Relax! You're all about to have the time of your life.


HAL will have high chairs available in the dining room ... just ask your waiter for one. They will have food your child can eat. You can use seabands if you are afraid of sea sickness, though it is rarely a problem. Regarding safety on the ship, the government is making a big deal about crime on cruise ships right now because of a couple of high profile cases in the news recently. Believe me, I'm a solo traveler and have never had a problem on any ship. Of course, use common sense in port and don't go wandering off by yourself ... especially outside of the tourist areas. But, as far as on the ship ... I can only say that I have never felt threatened and I'm one to walk the decks late at night by myself ... it's just something I enjoy.


As for your parents and inlaws, obviously if they are cruising with you, then they must be looking forward to the experience. Otherwise, why would they go? So, as far as any problems they may encounter, and anything that may not go perfectly for them on the ship, don't worry about it. They're big boys and girls ... they can deal with the staff about their own issues. As for making sure they have something to do every minute of the day, I can't understand that. I assume they can read. They will get a copy of the dailies listing all the activities and the times. I think it's up to them to figure out how they wish to spend their days ... busy or maybe just relaxing in a comfortable deck chair with a good book. Heck with formal activities ... I personally can kill a whole day just hanging out in the Explorations Cafe ... listening to music, reading or checking my email on the computers. I've seen others wile away the hours playing cards or other board games. I've seen even more people just lounging out by the pool all afternoon. Believe me, you don't need formal activities to be happy on a cruise ship. But, if you want them, they are there ... team trivia a couple of times a day, Bingo, group games, sports activities, lectures, cooking demonstrations ... you name it. Your family will find what they enjoy and then slip right into a regular routine. You're not responsible to ensure they have a good time. Frankly, I can't imagine anyone not having a good time aboard a HAL ship, but that's just me.


So, just relax and anticipate your cruise. Don't obsess with every little detail. Believe me, things will all work out fine.


Blue skies ...



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My parents are very difficult to please and have a knack for blaming others when this happens.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to address this. Nothing you can say ... nothing you can plan to avoid. I've seen perpetual grousers on cruises, so I can sympathize with you.


As others have said, just relax and go with the flow. Determine that you will have a great time (you will) and let others wallow in their own misery if they want to. Ignore it as best you can. Everything will be fine.

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I know you love your parents but ask yourself why you are at all responsible for them having a good time. No one has that much control over the environment or other peoples moods.

I know you want them to have the best time ever, but people don't change personalities or traits on a cruise ship.


I know the pressure you must feel but you can't conjure up perfection, and even if you could, it might not be their image of perfection.

My mother, rest her soul, was a great packager and producer of guilt, and it took me years to stop buying into it.

It's not your job and you are not a magician.


I often tell my students


"you are not responsible for those things over which you have no control"

Try to internalize this statement, it might help you.


Please don't ruin your cruise by trying to micro-manage every detail.

Do your normal good planning and then promise yourself that YOU will have a great time. The Zaandam is a great ship with a great crew and wonderful service.


You're a good daughter.


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Try to keep in mind that while you are new at cruising, HAL is not. They're pros. They've seen it all - from difficult parents to robust 16-month olds. You're going to be amazed at how everything will fall into place. With the planning you are doing you will be fine. And you're sailing to Alaska - where they also have 16-month olds who eat baby food. Whatever you forget should be easily available.


I've found that the planning of a HAL cruise is ALMOST as much fun as the cruise. Try to enjoy this process.


And don't worry about everyone else's good time. It will happen, or it won't. It won't be up to you either way. We cruised with my daughter and son-in-law a couple of years ago. He decided long before we got on the ship that he didn't like cruising. (That was his first cruise.) NOTHING could have made that trip a good one for him. By the end of the cruise he was spending all his time watching TV in their cabin. The rest of us had a wonderful time, once we accepted that he preferred to watch TV than to give the other activities a chance. You parents are adults...let them be responsible for their own pleasure...and you enjoy yours!


I'm glad you found these boards...there are a great group of folks here happy to help in any way, and their information can be invaluable!

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The anxiety of your post is making me tense.

First, you cannot please everyone, everytime.

Second, HAL is a wonderfully competent line, with the exception of the new computer service which is killing all of us.

Third, the Zaandam is a beautifully appointed ship with a first class service crew (was on her in December).

Tell everyone up front that you want each of them to have a great time, but it is up to them to do what will make them happy and to stay upbeat as to not drag anyone else on the group down.

Your concern should be for enjoying this time with family, having your own personal good time, and caring for your children....even you husband is an adult who should be looking after you and your children to ensure everyone is enjoying the time.

I know there were highchairs in the Lido and in the dining rooms upon request, although I think most parents must have fed their children in the Lido and then rotated watching them or paid for sitters, as I do not remember seeing but one high chair used in the Rotterdam Dining Room. Just my observation.

Second, if I was cruising to Alaska, the beauty of the skies, lands, and seas would be enough to keep me happy and humble, but this ship is loaded with activities for all ages from Breakfast time until bedtime.

Third, please give yourself a massage or some down time in the thermal suite...sounds like you deserve the treat for doing all the planning and pre-cruise preparations..

I will pray that this will be a wonderful experience for the entire family.


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Wow, what a great group of people. I just wanted to say thanks for all the great advice. Since my post, I've gone from "what should I do next" to, "forget it, they can do it themselves."


I have one question about the Zaandam imparticular, not sure if anyone knows. Since I don't have a TA, I was hoping one of your wonderful folks might now. The Verandah's suites....does the actual balcony/verdandah have see-thru glass or is it bars or something along those lines?

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It's probably not going to help, but you are worrying WAY too much. If you don't learn to relax, you're not going to enjoy your trip and you are going to be the one that's ill.


By the time you cruise, I'm sure all of the food issues will be in place. If not, I'm sure that HAL will "make it right." As for the verandah, just keep an eye on your little one (which I'm sure you'll do anyway).


I'm not a shrink, but you are NOT responsible for your parents to be happy and for their cruise experience - they are. Love your parents, but don't let them make you feel like any negative experience is your fault. We all need to be responsible for our own happiness.


Cruising is basically safe. You just need to take the same precautions that you would in normal life.


As another poster mentioned, look for some folks on the same cruise on the roll call or start one if there isn't one already.


You deserve and need a vacation. You'll probably find that you love cruising and wonder why you worried so much beforehand.


Hi. My family and I are going on the Zaandam (HAL) in June to Alaska. I'm scared too death. Worried about illness (my son is 16 months and will be on the cruise), making sure he has meals (can't get HAL to return the appropriate meal forms, booking a high chair, is the verandah safe for my son, etc. or answer my emails). My parents and in-laws are also cruising with us. My parents are very difficult to please and have a knack for blaming others when this happens. I've spent numerous hours making myself sick with fear and trying to find every piece of info I can to try and make sure they have something to do every moment of the day, any info on this particular cruise, excursions, illnesses, rape/crime, etc. Can anyone please please tell me anything that will help put some of my fears to rest and make it so I can enjoy my first vacation in years?
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The Verandah's suites....does the actual balcony/verdandah have see-thru glass or is it bars or something along those lines?
They are glass. Very heavy glass. No openings through which a youngster could pass. We really enjoyed sailing the Zaandam last year. It's a very nice ship.
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The Verandah's suites....does the actual balcony/verdandah have see-thru glass or is it bars or something along those lines?
Well, actually there is a cabin with bars on it, located pretty far down in the ship. You don't want to occupy it, but if your parents get real grouchy, you can remind them it's there and meals are all room service....
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