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Cruise Cancellation Process


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we aren't 100 percent sure still we need to cancel or not. There are some difficulties that we are currently facing and hopefully it will work out. However In case we do need to cancel a cruise how does it work?

We only paid a 100 Euro deposit in September and are set to sail on the 23 of November.

If we cancel the cruise 30 days before the sailing do we somehow need to pay half of the cruise cost? How would they charge us the missing money?


Additionally, how do you even pay for the cruise. Since we only paid 100 Euro deposit, there doesnt seem to be a place to pay the remaining balance anyway.

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Anybody here can give you an answer, because it depends on the country you booked. On the Costa website of that country the terms and conditions state exactly the amount due according to the days left before the cruise should start. Even within the different European legislations the differences are huge. If you really need to cancel you should do so early not to loose too much money. And if the amount you owe turns out being higher than the deposit you need to pay for a cancelled cruise. Of course it is for Costa much easier to keep a deposit than taking someone to the court who refuses to pay, but a debt remains a debt.

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then the other question is how do you make the full payment. Again we still trying to decide if we will be able to go through with the cruise. Sadly, as always a lot of small things are waiting to be finished.

There doesn't seem to be an option on the website to finish a payment or to pay for the cruise even though we got a request for the rest of the payment with no information.

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Again it depends. I booked through half the EU for getting the best conditions and things are pretty different. In some cases you have in MyCosta the option to pay electronically (somewhere under My Cruise). This you can do any time. In one case I paid by credit card while speaking to the call centre. Otherwise you’ll get an invoice to which bank account you have to transfer the money, roughly ten days before you have to pay. This may be a local account or one in Italy. Even when I booked through an agent I always had to pay Costa directly.

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I book through the US-office and I need to call and give them my credit card information to pay. On the US-site there is no link to make payments online. I also always need to pay 3 month before embarkation otherwise I lose my reservation, so I assume you have booked through a different country.

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What payment options Costa offers depends really on the market where the cruise has been booked. This includes different menu items in My Costa. I am aware of a dozen Costa sites for the different European markets only, all with more or less different rules, and I have booked through five so far. Here in Europe - and the question came from someone who is from Central Europe - credit card payment is mainly done for the deposit, but sometimes it is just one of several options. Bank transfer is regularly asked for by Costa for the much higher final payment. But credit card payment through the call centre remains an option in Europe as well, especially if My Costa doesn’t have this option for a market. One thing we have in common in the EU, there is a European rule that forbids companies to ask for travel packages the remaining payment earlier than 30 days before the journey starts. My upcoming cruise I simply can’t pay by card, there is no way to change the limit of any card to that extent. I know that bank transfers are frowned up against in the US, here in Europe they are a very normal way of payment.

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On 10/11/2023 at 7:30 PM, funcruise2023 said:

then the other question is how do you make the full payment. Again we still trying to decide if we will be able to go through with the cruise. Sadly, as always a lot of small things are waiting to be finished.

There doesn't seem to be an option on the website to finish a payment or to pay for the cruise even though we got a request for the rest of the payment with no information.

Go on to the Costa website, click sign in, on the sign in page there is the option to pay your balance on the left hand side of the page. 






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I hope someone can help, I recently booked a celebrity 12 days cruise, with cruises only Apparently I booked a non refundable deposit if I cancel ( which I do) I wasnt aware thsts the rate I chose. The deposit was 950.00!! From what I am reading I can change to another cruise and pay 100pp per person, my question is does it have to be a 12 day cruise or can I apply the deposit to any other Celebrity cruise losing 200 is better then losing 950 I am hoping they will allow be to book like a 6-7 day cruise later on perhaps even in 2025? Any info would be greatly appreciated TIA !

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No idea besides to contact cruise line or TA. But are you aware that this is the Costa forum, not Celebrity? Perhaps you make a better chance to get an answer if you post your question on the Celebrity pages.

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2 hours ago, Rio1978 said:

To make final payment from UK we have to ring them up and it's due 60 days before cruise. So my Christmas cruise is due end of October 

I book on UK site and get the option to pay balance on the website as shown in my earlier post. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 8:13 PM, gerryuk said:

I book on UK site and get the option to pay balance on the website as shown in my earlier post. 

Arh maybe that's the difference. I always book on the phone so maybe that's why that option doesn't appear online for me. 

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On 10/19/2023 at 6:27 AM, At7Seas said:

Again, this depends on the market. Here a menu showing the options "customise" and "check-in" only:



It took me a ridiculous amount of time to find that small print! You would think they would make it obvious how to pay them... But it also doesn't surprise me after booking stuff on Italian websites the last couple of weeks. 

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6 hours ago, Yukiie said:

You would think they would make it obvious how to pay them...


This link provides just a possibility to pay long before payment is due, not the most important thing. If you don’t pay too early Costa sends an invoice in time and tells on which bank account they want to receive the payment and - if applicable on that market - inform about alternative payment options. Couldn’t be easier.

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