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Papeete to Guam on Seabourn Pursuit and pre stay at Brando Resort


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Today is a sea day and we are nearing the end of the first segment of our cruise.  So,e will leave in a few days in Honaria, Soloman Islands ( Guadalcanal), some will continue for another two weeks ( including us) to Guam, and some new passengers will join.

On this cruise we have about 200 guests, some have come all the way from Chile and others got on on Papeete as we did.  A large portion are from the USA, about 25 from Canada,  about 25 from Australia, the rest from varying parts of the world - Britain, Germany, Sweden and others.  We’ve met some very nice people and I’d say a wide age span.  One gentleman is 96 and there are a few that look to be in their 40’s but most seem to be in the 60-70’s age range.  I’m guessing but that’s what it seems.  I haven’t seen any children.


The service from our suite attendant has been excellent.  Some of the best I’ve experienced despite the fact she has 21 rooms.  Unfortunately for us she’s going home from Honaria so we will have someone new on the next part of our journey.  We do have a second person who helps her which I hadn’t experienced previously.  He focuses on the outdoor decks, the bathrooms and does light maintenance, helps her with a variety of things and he’s outstanding also.  He will stay on but it’s unclear if he will still be assigned to our room.


The dining staff have also been terrific.  We tend to have breakfast in our room every day and it’s always  been very timely.   We have had dinner most nights in the MDR but have had several dinners on the patio which is lovely in the evenings.  We pick and choose based on the menus.   One disappoint,ent for us is the MDR is closed except on sea days.  So the Columnade and patio become extremely busy.  We don’t care for buffets and the cafeteria atmosphere so try to get a table on the patio even when it’s very hot.  You have to go early or late to get a spot.  There is a limited menu - burgers, hotdogs, salmon, chicken breast, on the menu.  I asked one day if I could have a Caesar salad from the room service menu and was told I could make my own at the buffet.  I was told nothing from the room service menu could be ordered on the patio or in the Columnade as it was a different kitchen.  So I ordered a burger ( they are quite good).  Then 5 min later a waiter told me he could make a Caesar salad for me from the buffet but I passed and said thank you very much but I’d just ordered a burger.  I think the situation is funny as I have seen people eating club sandwiches ordered from room service so maybe it depends on who you ask.   Having said that the service has been attentive and very good.  Just for those of us who don’t care for crowded buffets lunch can be a bit if a disappointment although some days I’ve just skipped it when we have morning and afternoon activities.   We often eat on the patio on the regular Seabourn ships but there are more choices - usually a fish and dish of the day in addition to the salad bar, pizza, and same menu items.


Food overall- it has been fair to very good depending.  I on,y had one dish that was poor.  On an Italian night on the patio I made the mistake of ordering Branzino - a dish I often order at restaurants.  I have to say it was awful IMHO.  It was dried out and way too fishy in smell and taste.  Something I’ve never experienced before.  I took only one bite.   The staff could tell I hadn’t eaten it and offered to bring me something else but I passed.  One never starves here so missing a main course of a meal is not a bad thing at all😎. I probably should have given the feedback but I just said I wasn’t hungry. ( bad on me I suppose but I hate to complain).  On the other hand we’ve had some very good meals including a very good chicken tikka masala the other day.  I do think the food could improve but realize it’s hard with such a large and varied group of passengers.  

More later!



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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the updates. @kej1 my husband and I are thinking sometimes to have lunch in our suite as the room service menu looks good and the Signature Suite outside dining looks reasonable. Would you agree or think it is too small?


We like to chat with people and onboard there will be friends we have sailed with before but like to have some quiet breaks to ourselves so hope this is an option. 


On sea days is the MDR not open for lunch? Oops, I just reread your post out to my husband and saw you did mention that MDR is open on sea days. 



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@LocoLoco1  and others. for the first part of our cruise it was not expedition ( although sold as expedition)   in fact the excursions were the same as any other cruise ship, used third parties and IMO  should have been published in advance, and we should have not been paying the uplift.  We found it easy to find a taxi and guide to take us around the island site seeing and were lucky we got good people.  Normally I would have researched this in advance and organized ahead of time but since when I called Seabourn destinations repeatedly they assured me there would be small, intimate unusual excursions I did not bother.  Now there were some free included excursions and some paid.  But they were essentially everyone on the ship - not small and intimate and with varying local guides.  We did our own thing and paid for the taxis as the alternative was not to our personal liking.  You could easily find a grid bar to taste the local beer btw.  

so I think you could easily do what we did but I’m not sure you could find someone to take you snorkeling or diving except in American Samoa where the snorkeling beach is only about 20 min from the ship, but that port was a substitute for Niue.  

I did talk to one of the guests who is a diver on this ship last night ( I think they limit the number to 6 or 😎 and he said they had great dives in the two stops in Fiji.  I don’t think they were given permission ( Seabourn) to dive before this except maybe the second stop in Tonga where we did have decent snorkeling.  The dives were with the expedition staff so in Fiji they had the permission.  And the snorkeling was off the zodiac and by far the best we had day one but day 2 they warned us was off the beach and not much to see so we skipped and I had to do some work anyway.  Heard we didn’t miss anything but some liked swimming in the cave.  


We are on our way to Vanuatu right now and stopping there tomorrow.  No excursions have been published but in looking at the Silversea and Linblad websites I can see what the typical excursions are:  Rom Rom dance with village visit, hike, and snorkeling. I’m assuming we will find out tonight those are our options and there will be a mad race to sign up!  Perhaps there will be a diving opportunity and we are hoping for a submarine opportunity.  So far Seabourn hasn’t received permission to use the sub anywhere.  This is the last stop on this leg.  After tomorrow we have two sea days and then some disembark in Honaria ( gudacanal) and others get on.  We are staying for the next part so if no sub tomorrow maybe in Solomons, PNG, or Micronesia.  I’ll keep updating on things as they unravel.

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@frantic36 The signature suites are fantastic. Certainly large enough to have room service for any meal outdoors or inside.  The weather mid day can be quite hit and humid where we’ve been but if you eat indoors the table and chairs are situated in such a way you have a great view.  We often have caviar and champagne in the evening outside before dinner and have had breakfast outside too.  On,y did room service lunch once but it was too hot that day to eat outside.

Also @highplanesdriftersasked about the jacuzzi temperature and it is lukewarm which works well for the evenings.  It can be adjusted but has to be dine by the staff.


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@kej1 Thanks for the extra detail. The indoor table sounds like a good option if too hot outside.


As I mentioned we have some friends onboard so might organise some organise a cocktail party pre-dinner. I know this is possible with enough notice on the classic ships so hope this is okay on Pursuit though I'm concerned it is trickier if there is less crew because of the expedition team. I won't want to cause trouble.


Thank you also re jacuzzi temperature as it was one reason we took this suite and not the Wintergarden. From YouTubes we have watched it looks like the patio cover would obstruct the view of most of the verandah from people above on Deck 9. Do you think so? I'm just trying to manage my expectations 🙂.

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So on my general more later….


Expedition program:   Well, there wasn’t much of one until we arrived in Fiji.  I think the team is very nice and friendly but a bit disorganized.  I realize this is Seabourn’s furst time doing an expedition cruise in this area, but there is no reason in the ports that are frequently visited the tours could not have been published mo this on advance.  And tomorrow Vanuatu?  Like I said earlier the tours are pretty std on other expedition ships.  And I realize they don’t know for sure about the sub and the diving in advance but why not publish other options.  I think all of this has been left up to the expedition team who works like this in Antarctica where it makes sense but not all of these ports.  
So this has been a lowlight so far.  We will see if it improves but nothing has been scheduled for Vanuatu which we visit tmw, nothing for Guadalcanal, ( glad I arranged a private here in advance), nothing for Papua New Guinea or Micronesia.  I did receive the name of a private  tour coming Rabaul so will set something up there as my husband doesn’t want to miss the WW2 sites in these spots and I don’t think there is a WW 2 historian on the expedition team ( maybe someone will get on in Guadalcanal or maybe someone here is that we don’t know?).  Anyway for us and many others we have spoken to this is the disappointing part of the cruise.  Everything else has been great but we are paying a big uplift for the “ expedition” piece and so far it really hasn’t been up to snuff IMHO.  I’m hoping it improves.  Trying to give feedback in a positive way as I’m not a complainer but I just don’t think it’s being heard or maybe just too late?  Anyway we are still having a great time, just think Seabourn needs to better set expectations or improve in this area.


Spa and gym:  nothing to say here.  Haven’t even walked by it!  I’m probably not the best person to ask about this aspect despite the fact on the regular ships we prefer the penthouse spa suites due to the location at the back of the ship!


Wines:  we love good wine so only a few complimentary we drink.    We order off the reserve list many nights.  Coming from California where we have pretty good pricing the prices seem  high but you can find some good prices here and there and if you qualify for a discount it’s ok!  We very much enjoyed a lunch with wine pairing one sea day.  It was great.  We haven’t done the dinners as we know many of the wines they have offered and just opted out but I think for others would be fun.


in Antarctica where 

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@frantic36 I think you could easily organize a smallish cocktail party.  When we arrived our suite had every kind of alcohol I could imagine and good brands.  We only drink wine so told our stewardess she could give to someone else but she insisted we keep it for a cocktail party.  We haven’t done yet but may do one evening. 

And yes the hit tub is private and covered from deck 9.  If there is a great sunset however deck 5 co had look up but once you get in they can’t see!  Just cover up getting in if there are lots of peilke down below but usually they aren’t looking up any warps as they are looking out!  It’s a wonderful room!  We love love it!








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Thanks for this and all of your blog as it is interesting reading and having tried to do one know it is not as easy as it looks to keep up. 


For the cocktail party we only know three couples so it will be small. 


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kej1. My times thru Polynesia keeps me ready for more. Hoping a Seabourne expedition could be a good fit for me, but now I’m not too sure. Methinks perhaps a flight to Papeete then extended stays here n there and/or MV Paul Gaugin for cruising would suit me more. Hmm. 

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We just received an update for tomorrow on Vanuatu.  We will do two landings:

1.Ambryn island in the morning.  We will see a ROM ROM dance ( I expected having read on other ship sites) and a village walk.  No snorkeling or submarine.

2. Afternoon - the island famous for the bungee jumping.  Again no snorkeling or sub which is disappointing to many including us but these will be very interesting experiences. 


The good news is they will have room to accomodate everyone who wants to go.  We will go on shifts in the zodiacs.  

This will be followed by two sea days and then a two day stop in Honaria, Guadalcanal where some will disembark.  Because we are staying on for the next segment to Guam fingers crossed we will have more snorkeling and submarine opportunities.  I’m glad I made a private tour plan for Guadalcanal as when I asked today it still hasn’t been planned.  These things I don’t understand as they seem pretty std, but hopefully as time goes on Seabourn will get their act together on planning!

Now on to dinner!  Looks like a good menu tonight with lobster, Dover sole, and some other goodies.

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@LocoLoco1i think based on our experience so far, if you want to do a lot of diving and snorkeling unless things change so far, this isn’t the trip.  But, as this is their first expedition trip to this region perhaps it will improve as I’m sure they will receive lots of feedback.  Interesting the previous segment from Chile to Tahiti had several submarine trips, this has had none.  We used to dive but haven’t in some time but had hoped to have a lot more snorkeling.  Pre cruise at Brando we snorkeled twice a day every day right off our room.  If we’d stayed longer and I’d known more about this trip we would have gone out on their boat to some of the outer reefs, They like most resorts in the region also have diving.  We are having a very good time but are disappointed in the minimal amount if good snorkeling so far and lack of planning.  Hopefully on this next segment there will be more snorkeling but I doubt more planning!  😎

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4 hours ago, kej1 said:

@LocoLoco1i think based on our experience so far, if you want to do a lot of diving and snorkeling unless things change so far, this isn’t the trip.  But, as this is their first expedition trip to this region perhaps it will improve as I’m sure they will receive lots of feedback.  Interesting the previous segment from Chile to Tahiti had several submarine trips, this has had none.  We used to dive but haven’t in some time but had hoped to have a lot more snorkeling.  Pre cruise at Brando we snorkeled twice a day every day right off our room.  If we’d stayed longer and I’d known more about this trip we would have gone out on their boat to some of the outer reefs, They like most resorts in the region also have diving.  We are having a very good time but are disappointed in the minimal amount if good snorkeling so far and lack of planning.  Hopefully on this next segment there will be more snorkeling but I doubt more planning!  😎

The ship has a large expedition staff (per Seabourn web site it's 24 I believe); what are they doing if not providing "expedition" landings/tours? 


We are on the May 15th cruise from Guam that in includes Micronesia, PNG, and Solomon Islands and am hopeful that there will be many "expedition" activities/landings. We specifically wanted this expedition cruise to do the "expedition" type activities so will e very disappointed if they are few/limited.


Note: they have recently posted 3 excursions/tours for our stop in Rabul; 2 included and one paid. One of the included excursions includes visits to WW2 sites.

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BillK400, Key to visiting out of the way Polynesia Ports & Anchorages is the draft of the ship and time in Port. Sounds like Seabourne marketing overshot their ability here to deliver true expeditions. I pre-arrange port days if at all possible but getting older makes that harder so I was hoping Pursuit voyages would be the ticket. Maybe I need my own yacht with a Zodiac aboard. 😹🌈

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14 hours ago, kej1 said:

@LocoLoco1i think based on our experience so far, if you want to do a lot of diving and snorkeling unless things change so far, this isn’t the trip.  But, as this is their first expedition trip to this region perhaps it will improve as I’m sure they will receive lots of feedback.  Interesting the previous segment from Chile to Tahiti had several submarine trips, this has had none.  We used to dive but haven’t in some time but had hoped to have a lot more snorkeling.  Pre cruise at Brando we snorkeled twice a day every day right off our room.  If we’d stayed longer and I’d known more about this trip we would have gone out on their boat to some of the outer reefs, They like most resorts in the region also have diving.  We are having a very good time but are disappointed in the minimal amount if good snorkeling so far and lack of planning.  Hopefully on this next segment there will be more snorkeling but I doubt more planning!  😎

Can you confirm that snorkel gear is available onboard? I was told the gear, mask, fins & snorkel were available onboard for use by passengers.



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30 minutes ago, BillK400 said:

Can you confirm that snorkel gear is available onboard? I was told the gear, mask, fins & snorkel were available onboard for use by passengers.



BillK400, Dunno about Pursuit’s onboard gear, but for MY water experiences in Polynesia wearing my own foam belly-belt and good KEEN’s sandals over very tight anklet socks saved the day. Never used fins except when I SCUBA’d. Good Luck

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43 minutes ago, LocoLoco1 said:

BillK400, Dunno about Pursuit’s onboard gear, but for MY water experiences in Polynesia wearing my own foam belly-belt and good KEEN’s sandals over very tight anklet socks saved the day. Never used fins except when I SCUBA’d. Good Luck

We have Keene sandals we use when river kayaking and will be bring them for use on wet landings, etc. I would prefer to not being our snorkel gear due to the bulk. I was told by Seaborne rep that the gear is available onboard as I would expect for an expedition ship, but just wanted to confirm.

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39 minutes ago, BillK400 said:

We have Keene sandals we use when river kayaking and will be bring them for use on wet landings, etc. I would prefer to not being our snorkel gear due to the bulk. I was told by Seaborne rep that the gear is available onboard as I would expect for an expedition ship, but just wanted to confirm.

I agree. I love my ‘Belly Belt’.

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Regarding today’s excursions in Vanuatu. - morning was terrific with the ROM ROM dance and village visit.  It was one of the best if not the best cultural experiences.


It did start to rain, a tuallly I should say pour halfway through the morning!  We all came back to the ship soaked but happy for such a great experience.    Due to the rain the afternoon bu gee jumping was replaced with another location and it seems like it will be another cultural experience.  No snorkeling or submarine so for people on,y on this leg no submersible experience as the team could not get the right permits.  We are hoping fir the Honaria to Guam leg.  And hoping for more snorkeling.


Regarding gear, they have masks, fins and snorkels on board.  ( we brought our own masks and snorkels but are using their fins).  For divers they provide weights and tanks but you must bring your own BCD, etc.


I highly recommend a skin as some areas are shallow and a few people have coral “owies”.  Also if you have the right skin will protect from the coral as well.  Happy to have my full body skin but on,y a few of us have brought.  Makes a big difference!  Better than just a short rash guard for where we have been.


now two sea days and then Honaria.  We have a private tour booked on May 1st to see WW 2 sites.  However after I asked almost every day they are now organizing something for the ship on May 2.  Not sure paid or complimentary.  I think we will stick with our private.   I see others on the May 15 cruise have options published for Rabaul.  We still have nothing even after asking so I did go ahead and book another private there to see WW2 sites as well.  Not sure the disconnect as I’ve asked the expedition team several times.  Maybe not the right person?  





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Btw, I’m wrong we are still going to see the bungee jumping/ diving.  Just from another location!  Yay!  Just boarding zodiac now!

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Thank you for your great reporting!  

It does sound like it’s been more of a standard cruise than an expedition so far.  How is the onboard evening entertainment?  Is it more like a standard cruise with guest entertainers, deck parties etc or more like an expedition with informative lectures and presentations?

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9 hours ago, kej1 said:

Btw, I’m wrong we are still going to see the bungee jumping/ diving.  Just from another location!  Yay!  Just boarding zodiac now!


The RomRom was one of my favorites. And so happy you'll get to see the land diving.   Ours was a huge event drawing people from all the surrounding islands. YAY is right.

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Land diving yesterday was a really great experience.  In fact the last few shore visits - two on Fiji and yesterday in Vanuatu were what we had come to hope for with an expedition cruise.  There was a tremendous squall that started after the ROM ROM dance and many were drenched but had a really great time.  So for the afternoon visit for land diving the ship moved its location ( had always planned on moving to the other island but moved the location on the other island).  There was a bit of confusion as the announcement said we had switched locations and there would be after getting off the zodiacs a truck ride to a village visit.  Much to my delight and others it was a truck ride to the location where you would walk up the hill to see the land diving.  It was quite muddy due to the earlier rain climbing up to the land diving but the wonderful  local villagers helped us all to prevent us from slipping.  Overall the whole day was a highlight despite not having a snorkeling opportunity.  For those that do this cruise I recommend doing both excursions if offered.


Today and tomorrow are sea days.  Many leaving the ship when we reach Honiara.  We are so happy to be staying on!  There are lots of interesting lectures during the day and typically the MDR is open for lunch on sea days although today some were turned away due to lack of staffing.  ( and only about 12-15 tables seated).  Those guests were asked to come back later so not turned away completely.  So staffing seems to be one of the reasons the MDR is nit always open for lunch.  We have had really good service so hadn’t noticed but I guess staffing is an issue for some things.  

Still no information on what to expect in the next leg of the cruise although someone on this forum stated they had listed shore  excursions for Rabaul on the following cruise.   We don't have nor can I pull up the next leg anymore on the website.  I asked the expedition team and was told we’d know the evening prior which most guests I’ve spoken with and I find very frustrating.  If the cruise after ours has it published I don’t understand why we are still in the dark.  

They did send out a flyer that there would be a tour of WW2 sites in Honaria on day 2 of our stop.  It’s not too clear but maybe they will talk about it in the briefing tonight.  We also saw a notice on our Seabourn source iten about a  submarine on May 1st, but it’s unclear if this is just a notification  that we are signed up for it on the next leg or it’s happening and we are being included.  I tried to track down the expedition lead today as if so I’d likely cancel our private tour as it’s the same day and do what Seabourn has planned the next day but couldn’t find one of the expedition team members in the know.  Maybe this evening I’ll find out what’s up!  Again we are really enjoying the cruise but a bit more advance communication would be helpful understanding that things can be canceled last minute due to weather or other concerns.  Both Honaria and Rabaul are stops with a number of cruise ships so should be possible to publish in advance unlike some of the more remote islands we recently visited.  

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Posted (edited)
On 4/27/2024 at 1:55 PM, LocoLoco1 said:

kej1. My times thru Polynesia keeps me ready for more. Hoping a Seabourne expedition could be a good fit for me, but now I’m not too sure. Methinks perhaps a flight to Papeete then extended stays here n there and/or MV Paul Gaugin for cruising would suit me more. Hmm. 

We have Diamond status on Seabourn, but after having sailed Scenic Eclipse11 (because Seabourn Venture "bumped us") we were a little disappointed with our subsequent sailing on Seabourn Venture  Same old menus and the Colonnade, where we usually enjoy dining was like a Cafeteria.  People were queuing for their lunch before finding a table and the queue stretched far. We are very much looking forward to a 10 day cruise on the old Seabourn Spirit, now Windstar's Star Breeze, from Papeete to Papeete.  I have been reading the Windstar boards and it sounds just like the Seabourn of old

Edited by Laylam
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I'm really enjoying this thread as the South Pacific is my favourite part of the world and the perfect expedition cruise location if the ship is small enough.  I'm reading this aboard a Silversea expedition ship, the Wind, currently in the Bijagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau.  

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