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Live from the Land of Princess

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5 hours ago, azbirdmom said:

Actually I think he's echoing the company line.  They consider a designated smoking area to be for anyone who smokes.  But in the casino it's only those people who are actively gambling who are supposed to be able to smoke.  Which in practice isn't the case because as a non smoking casino participant I have always observed people just coming in there to light up then leave.  The fact that the casino employees look the other way adds to the problem.  But yea, the Princess staff are splitting hairs when they say it's not a designated smoking area.  When there is smoke pouring out of a venue into other areas that should be smoke free that's a problem no matter how it's designated.

I agree with you completely.

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7 minutes ago, YVRteacher said:


I bought you something today!


I was in a grocery store and saw little bags of those treats you buy your kids for Christmas. I didn’t shop then because I didn’t want to carry the bag all day so I returned later in the afternoon.


I couldn’t remember where I saw the treats so I said to the grocery man,

”Hi! I was in here earlier and now I can’t find the satellites. Can you please show me where they are?”


Grocery man: Gives me a puzzled look and clarifies, “satellites??”


Me: “yes. Satellites.”


Grocery man: “satellites.”


Me: “they are candies. They look like this (makes a circle with thumb and forefinger) and they are like styrofoam that dissolves. They are from space.”


Grocery man: bursts out laughing and says “you mean flying saucers! Here they are!”


Me: “you’re going to tell this story at home over the dinner table, aren’t you?”


Grocery man, still giggling, “ay.”

This might not a good time to tell you....


The teen brought some back with her from her trip to Europe earlier this year and they broke in her bag. When she arrived at the airport she had to go through a security search as they spotted "suspicious powder"....(it was sherbert from inside the flying saucers)

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7 hours ago, dog said:

To OP- you sound sad. And lonely.  Did you join and attend any cruise critic or Facebook roll calls and meet & greets?

Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and taking us along.

Hi! For sure I was sad yesterday and the sadness came from being disappointed in Princess.


I’m not lonely at all. Thanks to the excellent wifi on Princess I talk to my friends every day via What’s App and they have sent me so much love, encouragement and funny stories today. Of course I miss my friends and my dad but I’m not lonely. I always have a book on the go.  Somewhat ironically the book I borrowed from the ship’s library yesterday is this one



I don’t do FB at all and I have realized that CC roll calls are not the thing for me. I’ve met lots of kind, interesting people on board (actually I’ve met great people standing in that long tender line in Dun Laoghaire) and have been connecting with them at different venues.


I’m doing great today and appreciate all the support I’ve received in this thread.


Thank you!

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I’ve always wanted to write this


It’s a dark and stormy night!


I’m drinking a Milky Way



I will never be a fiction writer. I have no plot or story line. I just wanted to tell you it’s raining.






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2 hours ago, BabySarge said:

While it certainly doesn't justify the unacceptable rudeness you've experienced, it's possible that many crew members are nearing the end of their contracts, putting them at the end of their rope in dealing with the public many of whom are not anywhere as nice as yourself.  This, coupled with being understaffed, overworked, homesick, and just plain worn out can obviously affect service quality.

Plus, I would be willing to guess there might be a leadership issue on board, starting at the top and rolling downhill, resulting in a negative atmosphere for the crew that is, unfortunately, being passed on to the passengers, which should never happen.

It is the opposite. Southampton was a big crew turnaround port for the crew of the Regal and many just on-boarded July 26.


It is also evident the crew are stretched thin and are stressed. A couple I sat next to in the dining room said they could feel the tension in the room. 

Cruise Director JaYson said today there are 4600 passengers and 1100 crew which is the lowest crew to passenger ratio I have ever seen and experienced.


There is definitely a leadership issue on board. The Business and Brand Manager disgusted me with his defensive response and his total lack of “make it right” yesterday.


I have received several letters and cards in the cabin from the Hotel General Manager. Here is today’s letter




He has done NOTHING to address my concerns and has not met me personally, yet he keeps sending me letters. He has offered zero compensation, zero ways of remedying the loud music, the smoke, the poor behaviour from staff in the buffet, the poor conduct of bartenders and the poor condition of the cabin upon embarkation. Zero. 

I also received this card today from the person at Guest Services who took my complaint about the dirty, smelly cabin and who arranged the offer of the Future Cruise Credit.




Now she wants me to write her a glowing review? Nope. If the cabin had been properly cleaned I wouldn’t have had to register a complaint. She did not go “above and beyond” and just made a wrong into a right.


I know the crew are tried and overworked so I told my room steward today he didn’t need to do my cabin. I don’t need my bed made and I don’t need new towels so why not give him a teeny tiny break?



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30 minutes ago, YVRteacher said:

It is the opposite. Southampton was a big crew turnaround port for the crew of the Regal and many just on-boarded July 26.


It is also evident the crew are stretched thin and are stressed. A couple I sat next to in the dining room said they could feel the tension in the room. 

Cruise Director JaYson said today there are 4600 passengers and 1100 crew which is the lowest crew to passenger ratio I have ever seen and experienced.


There is definitely a leadership issue on board. The Business and Brand Manager disgusted me with his defensive response and his total lack of “make it right” yesterday.


I have received several letters and cards in the cabin from the Hotel General Manager. Here is today’s letter




He has done NOTHING to address my concerns and has not met me personally, yet he keeps sending me letters. He has offered zero compensation, zero ways of remedying the loud music, the smoke, the poor behaviour from staff in the buffet, the poor conduct of bartenders and the poor condition of the cabin upon embarkation. Zero. 

I also received this card today from the person at Guest Services who took my complaint about the dirty, smelly cabin and who arranged the offer of the Future Cruise Credit.




Now she wants me to write her a glowing review? Nope. If the cabin had been properly cleaned I wouldn’t have had to register a complaint. She did not go “above and beyond” and just made a wrong into a right.


I know the crew are tried and overworked so I told my room steward today he didn’t need to do my cabin. I don’t need my bed made and I don’t need new towels so why not give him a teeny tiny break?




According to the Princess website, there are 1,346 crew members usually on the Regal Princess.  I'm curious why your sailing is short around 250 crew members?  Add onto that your sailing has 1,000 passengers over double occupancy,  It definitely stretches the crew members extremely short.  Hopefully Princess fixes this ASAP.

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Welcome to Invergordon where the people are kind and the paint budget ran dry.



I have been to Inverness before so decided to stay in Invergordon today and explore on my own. Originally I had a shore excursion booked but I cancelled it because the next two ports are bus excursions for me.

I woke up when my body was ready, had breakfast at the International Cafe and set out to enjoy this seafaring town that needs a boost. I had done a little reading and research and knew I wanted to walk the mural trail and go to the garden.  

I spent about 5 hours in Inverness, walking the whole time. Sometimes it rained and sometimes it sunned and sometimes the wind blew. 

The Main Street is High Street. can you spot the doggy in the window?





These are items I did not buy. Some were hard to resist. You be the judge!


 Large Heeland Coo. The bangs were too short.








I did not buy Swede.



or swede seed







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Homes of Invergordon 



Laundry of Invergordon 






Rich cat of Invergordon




Stray cat of Invergordon. I went to say hello and discovered she was covered in fleas. She was so friendly and just wanted cuddles so I cuddled her and rubbed her head. I asked her not to rub all over my pants but my Canadian accent threw her off and she did so anyhow.  I had to wash my pants once back on board the ship. I hated to leave her and I hope someone steps up and cares for her.


Flowers against stone walls of Invergordon 




Sloth of Invergordon 



Traffic jam of Invergordon 


One of many seagulls of Invergordon 


One of many churches of Invergordon 



Jammie Dodgers of Invergordon 






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I took this photo of the library from across the street. A woman from the ship saw me taking the picture and said “isn’t this town weird?” That seemed like an odd thing to say and I replied “well, I love it here. This building is the library.” Then she walked away and I walked across the street, through the door and into a world of reading and community. I said hi to the librarian and we talked for a while. She said this summer librarians from all over the world have been stopping in to say hi and see the library.

















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Sorry you had a poor onboard experience. We once had an 18 day Barcelona to FLL cruise that was by far the worst crew experience we have ever had. The CD was very poor and she had an Assistant CD who was actually rude and offensive to passengers. We were amazed by his behavior and his hostile attitude to the passengers. We normally like to participate in the trivia and other activities but he totally ruined them for us and for many other cruisers as well. Fortunately he doesn't seem to have returned after the shutdown.


On our cruise(s) last fall on Grand Princess we had 31 days in one cabin with a wonderful room steward and then had 32 days in a different cabin with a truly terrible room steward. There were a lot of little things about her that were annoying as heck - such as calling my wife by somebody else's name multiple times, spraying cleaning stuff all over my items on the bedside table and in the shelf under that table - but the last straw was when we were dressing for dinner one night. She tapped at the door and said, "Laundry!" We were not dressed at all. My wife yelled our loudly, "Come back later!" The steward repeated her tapping and again called out, "Laundry!" Again, my wife yelled loudly and said, "Come back later!". The steward repeated her performance yet again and my wife moved to stand 2 feet from the door and bellowed, "COME BACK LATER!!! At that point the steward used her key and barged through the door. We were in our underwear. You can bet your boots that I sent a letter to Customer Service, complained bitterly about the steward in several places on the post-cruise survey, and filled out the "Made a difference" card at Customer Services. We did learn a valuable lesson though. We use the deadbolt when we don't want the steward barging in.


I know it can be difficult (impossible) to just ignore the poor treatment you have received but it's best to not let it get you down if possible. Be sure to use the card at the front desk, the post-cruise survey, and it is a good idea to send a letter to customer service. You can attach it to email sent to customerrelations@princesscruises.com I have sent letters to them with complaints but, for the most part, I have sent them follow up letters praising crew who have gone above and beyond or simply made our cruises extra good experiences. I've received follow up calls from them.

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On 7/31/2024 at 1:26 PM, EllieinNJ said:

I love your photos.  But the ones that you put of nine in a big square make me think of "capcha" and I have to guess which square has a picture of......(flowers)😄

I made a captcha for you based on flowers of Invergordon. Select the ones that have…






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Are you a list maker?

I am.

I am always making lists, often in my head.


I have a friend who makes to-do lists and puts items she has already done on the lists so she feels like she has already accomplished something.


I often make lists of favourites but up until today had not given train stations much thought. If I was a making a list of favourite train stations, Invergordon’s would be at the top.
















This door is a mural!





This clock? Painted as part of the mural.













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I’ll share the rest of Invergordon tomorrow. I just loved my day here so much!


I was hungry once back onboard the Regal Princess so went for an early dinner in Horizon Court. They still had some lunch items and were also setting up dinner. I made a big salad and had some nachos. Tonight’s theme was Asian street food. 












Those little innocent looking cupcakes were delicious! See the stack of cookies? These are not mine. A mom was helping her young son make his dinner and that was what he chose. I asked if I could take a photo and she laughed and told me that these cookies are all he eats on board.😀




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After dinner I:

1. Went to Vista Lounge to see the comedian, Geoff Boyz. He is Scottish and funny.

2. Went to the Princess Theatre to see the production show, Born to Dance. This is hands down my favourite show so far.












3. Marveled at the wonder that is CD JaYson’s suit


4. Went to Princess Live for Liar’s Club



5. Had another opportunity to gaze upon the suit



6. Dodged the bagpiper in the Piazza. I heard him ask for requests and someone suggested Sweet Caroline



7. Had one drink in Crooners


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@Eleanor Rigby 14



this is my favourite photo from today and it is for you.


Thank you.

Thank you for writing words of care.

Thank you for reading and for enjoying and for understanding.

Thank you for sharing.


I read your post so many times last night and today.

Keep inviting people in. I always tell my students to look for the people who need to be invited in. Thank you for noticing us and including us.


I hope your healing goes well!

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2 minutes ago, BamaVol said:

After 3 pics in a row, I thought maybe you had found the 69p shop. Which I don’t suppose is a real thing. 

No, but I found the next best thing…


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I love Born To Dance too!

The street I grew up on was called High Street (I noticed that immediately in your pictures).

They have apple blackberry Jammie Dodgers!? That’s new to me!

Did you buy dad some Penguins?


Currently in our candy jar…


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I wanted to bring back one of everything. I should pick up Penguins for Dad tomorrow.


(for those that don’t know @ceilidh1 bought some Penguins for my dad last summer when my one port in Scotland was cancelled due to a medical emergency evacuation and rough seas)

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1 hour ago, YVRteacher said:

Went to the Princess Theatre to see the production show, Born to Dance. This is hands down my favourite show so far.


It's a very different type of show than any of the other Princess productions. I saw it twice last fall on Grand Princess. My wife was feeling under the weather so I went to see it by myself and told her she would like it so I went again when she was feeling better. Since we were onboard for 63 days straight it wasn't like I was going to the show back to back.

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OK @YVRteacher it's time for a challenge. Don't let me down. Before this trip is over, I challenge you to drink a Snakebite (the drink of my youth) and toast me while drinking it. Let's go...I will allow you have a Snakebite and Black if you must, but be forewarned that when (not if) you throw up, it will be purple.

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