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I will have to get my DD to make those cheese cakes...she is a good cook and is following a low/healthy carb lifestyle.

I am working evenings for 11 straight days..so I have been eating a lot of salad and Barbeque chicken. I also eat LOTS of celery with all kinds of stuffings...

I seem to be losing a lot of inches around my middle...which is awesome. I am still only down 6 lbs in 6 weeks. But I workout with weights and do situps every day..so am looking much better.. Making sure I get rid of that bingo arm:D
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[quote name='irislady']Tami,
Can you post your recipe for Lemonade pie? I wasn't able to find it in earlier posts (I couldn't open page 10, tho.)


Actually it's a copyrighted recipe and they ask that we don't forward copyrighted stuff on here but you can look it up on [url]www.foodnetwork.com[/url]. Look for the show Low carb and Lovin it. It's George's Key lime pie, I just didn't have lime juice so I used lemon. :D It got rave reviews btw.

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Well, I was down as much as 6 pounds this week but ended up at 4.5 pounds lost. Considering we had 2 labor day parties and it's close to that TOM I don't think that's bad at all.

The next two weeks are going to be hard though. Thursday we're going to a festival in our town (great pork chops! I'll take veggie sticks.) Friday is my birthday and we're caming for 3 days. Tuesday we leave again to go camping at our favorite state park for 4 days. I have a menu plan for camping but I always seem to gain some weight back even when I eat allowed foods. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm going to try really hard to keep this loss going. I just keep thinking of all those pictures I'm going to be in when the baby gets here. I have 2 pieces of paper I'm waiting on (from doctors) that should be here this week and then the pre-homestudy paperwork will be ready to mail in.

Today's goals:
am- celery with macadamia butter and mascarpone.
lunch-salad with tuna or hummus
snack- sf yogurt
dinner-salmon with feta and spinach
snack- LC cheesecake
exercise- 30 minute pool run or a 2 mile walk.

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Thanks for the link, Tami. I'll go to the site as soon as I logout of CC.

DH weighed himself this morning... first time since starting SBD 1 week ago, and he lost 4 pounds. (He only needed to lose 10 total.) He used to be one of those tall, thin types who could eat anything and everything and never gain weight. His LDL was elevated last time he had it checked, so I wanted him on SBD more for it's heart-healthy properties than the weight loss even. I'm so thrilled that he is going out of his way to eat healthy. We've decided that with his check up coming up on Sept. 23, and our cruise on Oct. 17 we'll go to a Phase 1 1/2 for a week or 2 after we finish Phase 1.
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Hey everyone! I'm just checking in with nothing really to report. I've been kind of bad this holiday weekend so I'm sure I won't have a loss. Maybe I'll have at least one pound gone by Thursday. I got sick of Phase 1 so I moved onto Phase 2 on Saturday. I just can't stick with Phase 1 for too long. :(
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I can relate. I use alot of low carb tortillas and I also like cereal and fruit in the morning. I've even taught myself to like Fiber 1. I miss those tortillas especially though when I'm doing phase 1.

I was good so far today and stuck to plan. I'm out of yogurt I can eat (I've been robbed! :D ) but I had some of the filling from my low carb cheesecake instead. I got in 20 minutes in the pool too. Hopefully that scale will continue the downward trend.

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I am finally down 1 more lb for a 7 lb loss in 6 weeks..and 19 days till cruise. I must say I am enjoying trying on clothes more than I did before...but unfortunately I am at the inbetween size 14 to big 12 slightly too small. So I will wait another week and see if the 12 will fit. It fits now...but just...and I am worried I will gain on trip and it will be too tight. Funny how the 14 is just too big and doesn't look good....Sorry for obsessing.:confused:
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Good morning everyone! DH decided last night that he needs to go back on Phase 1 again and wants me to do it with him. I told him that I had done Phase 1 for a week and that was enough for me to get over my cravings. So, we are going to Phase 1.5 today, which means we will only eat one good carb per day. Tonight we will have homemade pizza and that will be our carb for the day. I was in an ill mood yesterday and all I did was clean house and watch TV...didn't exercise like I promised myself. I'm promising myself that I will exercise tonight and will keep it up all week. I would love to be in a size 10 by my birthday, but I know that's not going to happen. I guess I should be happy that I'm not a size 16, like I was last year.

Hey, I would like that cheesecake recipe also. Can you just tell us where to look on the Food Network site? Thanks!!! :D
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[quote name='tuggers']Can you give more direction on finding that pie recipe? I have been all over the food network site and can not find it. Thanks!

I'm desperate! For some reason I seem to have all my old cravings back! Going nuts for sweets again.[/QUOTE]

Ok, try this. [url]http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,FOOD_9936_27009,00.html[/url]

If that doesn't work go into the foodnetwork page and click on shows, then low carb and lovin it. The Key lime pie episode is on this week so it's at the top of the list.
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Ok, I'm back on track now. :D Lost the other 1.5 that I had regained over the party weekend for a total of 6 pounds down since going back on phase 1. The best part is that I have 2 friends here doing it with me now. That helps immensely because they're going camping with me this weekend. Now I know there'll be alot less junkfood!

Today's goals:
am-egg susbstitute with mushrooms
lunch- leftover salmon and feta
snack- on the run, probably sf chocolate
dinner- at a restaurant, probably arby's
snack- low carb lemonade pie.
Exercise- not sure but I'll get 30 minutes of something in.

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[font=Times New Roman][size=3]OK people My name is Rick and I need to lose weight…..Starting the SB tomorrow…..[/size][/font]

[font=Times New Roman][size=3]I’m the heaviest I have ever been time to drop the 30lbs…:eek: …. [/size][/font]
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Hi Rick! Welcome to our South Beach thread. Good luck on Phase 1 and check back with us to let us know how you are doing. BTW, my DH started SB on Jan. 4, 2004 and lost 35 lbs (without exercise) by the first of April. You men lose way faster than us women.
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Hi All,

Been gone awhile - hard to post when I'm not feeling "overly excited" about things. I'm not having any trouble sticking to the diet - other than too much wine each night (2 glasses, not just 1 :) ). Yesterday marked the beginning of week 16 for us (DH and I). I'm down 42.8 lbs now. It's really slow, but I haven't "gone off" the diet once except for the alcohol. Anyway, just thought I'd say hi again and root you all on!
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Hi Jenny! I'm so glad you posted again. I've wondered where you were. It sounds like you are sort of down in the dumps. I'm sorry! I've been feeling that way for the past couple of days. You've been doing great on your WOE though! You should feel good about that. :)
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Weirdeyes, there is nothing wrong with pygama days. I wish I had more of those. And you should be so proud not to be a size 16. I wish I was there.

Jenny you are a girl after my own heart. You inspire me to lose. During your 42 # loss, did you drink wine? You see, I like to drink my share too and am afraid it will slow me down. I fudge more on weekends.

Rick, welcome! I took a look at your site and saw that you like to take the types of pictures that I like to take: food buffet and food places to remember. Now I'll have to check out the Rib place if I ever make down that way. Rick we are with you all the way!

I was looking for pictures of you but did not see any. Shame!

The cheescake is great with the low fat stuff. I substituted the cheese for 2 neufchatels and 1 fat free and of course low fat ricotta. What a treat. Bed Bath and Beyond sells the most fantastic zester by "Multistone" It is so sharp that you can zest a lime in less than a minute. Martha Stewart recommended it. It is not cheap but worth every penny, if you like to grate ginger, lemons and hard cheese.

Have a good evening all! later, j.
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Hi. I just took some time and read all 12 pages of posts! I feel like you are all family now! :)

I did phase one earlier in the summer and lost 10lb. Kept it off, now I have started again. I'd like to lose 50lb by my cruise in Feb, but I'd be happy with 10 more to start! I found SBD after having some "minor" heart procedures. I am only 45, so I figured it was a wakeup call. I lost 10lb, kept it off 6 months, lost 10 more lbs, have kept it off 3 months, now I want to get serious and try and keep up for more than 10lb at a time.

Eggs, Ugh!
Can't wait to get to phase 2.

Trader Joe;s is one of my favorite grocery stores, even though our other chain groceries have Wild Harvest sections.

I like SBD because I don't have to keep track, weigh food, figure out points, go without carbs completely etc. I have a 17 yr old son with diabetes, so I try to have him eat the same dinner as me to help control his blood sugars. He is skinny and active, so I don't worry too much, but next year he goes away to college, and I'd like to think I taught him something!

I don't really like sorbitol, so I have it only as a last measure, such as the slim soy milk I drink now instead of the regular. I also don't like the low fat version of some foods, but I use the "real" ones in moderation. I prefer foods that are not processed, so this is a great plan for me.

I grow some of my own veggies. Anyone have any good tomato recipies? I have them coming out my ears right now! And eggplant. Thank goodness zucchini is almost done. Peppers are just starting to turn red. Yum!

Anyway, I wanted to say hi. You sound like a bunch of fun, helpful people. Anyone else going on the Explorer of the Seas next Feb 27?
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Hi everyone:

I started SB on Monday -- so far so good! I can't say how much I've lost so far but my clothes actually feel just a little less snug. I have heard people say they get tired easily, but I've felt pretty good so far. I feel a little blah today but it's raining.

My husband is doing SB with me, but he's getting hungry. I fudge with his lunch (his biggest meal) and give him a sandwich with whole wheat bread. Other than that we are both hanging in. I miss my usual morning snack of Trader Joe's peanut butter filled cheese crackers -- I love those things. I never ate all that many of them at once, but I sure did enjoy the ones I had. Plus, I just love a glass of wine with my dinner so I'm missing that as well.

I notice some of you are talking about the Food Network low-carb show -- have you had success "remaking" the recipes with low/no fat ingredients? I enjoy most of the recipes in the SB book, but my husband is a little hard to please sometimes (he doesn't like "gourmet" type food).

Thanks a bunch everyone for your ideas and tips. This is a great forum.

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I LOVE Trader Joes! I have to drive 45 minutes to get to one but I do at least once a month. I have a little one with food allergies so we buy corn free ketchup, jellies, yogurts etc plus I buy lots of non-peanut nut butters. The roasted sunflower seed butter and macadamia/cashew butter are to die for. The also have apple butter that only has 1 gram of sugar per serving.

There's actually an organic grocery called Wild Oats that is putting in a store 15 minutes from me. I'll do there for a few things that TJ's doesn't carry like goat's milk yogurt and essential oils. They have a wonderful deli too. However, most of the time I'll be driving right past on my way to Trader Joes. Most of the things I buy at TJ's are half the price they would be at other organic stores.

Have you tried their simmer sauces? Most are very low carbs and fat and are excellent. I quit making paneer masala from scratch unless it's a huge crowd because their bottled masala sauce is so good and it doesn't take 2 hours to make. :D (We're indian food obsessed in our house.)

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Yesterday was BAD ya'll! I ended up spending 2 hours at the eye doctor with my son. It was a regular appointment but they over extended themselves forgetting that it was a holiday weekend. :mad: So, we didn't get back home before the kids had play practice for me to exercise and my husband chose to eat at taco bell.

Luckily I didn't regain anything but I didn't lose either. Today we're eating at home all day. We have to go to a football game tonight to see a friend's son play but I'm taking my own snacks.

Today's goals:

am- low carb bar
lunch- veggies and hummus
snack- sf yogurt
dinner l c asian chicken salad
snack -lc lemon pie
take at least 12,000 steps.

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Hi All,

Fighterone, yes, we've been drinking 1 - 2 glasses of wine with dinner since being on Phase II. We were on Phase I for almost 3 weeks (switched to Phase II on a Friday rather than the following Monday).

I'm thrilled to hear that the key lime cheesecake recipe works with the low-fat cheeses! Hubby will really enjoy that! He's more into sweets than I am - I prefer more savory tasting things (garlic!), but a little sweet now and then is not unheard of for me :).

Speaking of my DH, he has also lost over 42 lbs, and is looking amazing! We had to go buy him new pants and a new belt about 3 weeks ago, and they're already too big. He's lost about 8" in his waist size - even the neighbors are stopping him on the street to find out how he's done it! We just took his tuxedo and dinner jacket in for alterations. Our cruises are just about 5 weeks away. I hope things still fit when we go!

As of about 2 weeks ago, I had lost over 15" (total). I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in years and my formal wear looks much better on me now than it used to - certainly reason to celebrate. Even my dad, who I hadn't seen in about 6 years (he lives over seas) noticed my slimmer "rear view" - I just wish I could see a difference in the mirror. I can feel it, I have the "new" clothes to prove the loss, but I just don't see a significant change in myself. Perhaps after I break 300 I'll see something.

Okay, enough rambling! Welcome to you new SBers! It's a great WOE - I'm living proof. If I can stick to it, anyone can!
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Hi Deb & Elly!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome! :D I had a long post typed up earlier and I guess I forgot to hit the 'Submit Reply' button cause it isn't posted on here. :( I'm not going to retype the whole thing though.

Jenny, sounds like you and your DH are doing great! Keep up the good work. Pretty soon all of your clothes will be falling off of you and you'll have to buy a whole new wardrobe for your cruise. Now, wouldn't that be fun? ;)

Fighterone, thanks for the encouragement! I finally figured out what has been wrong with me lately. My GYN changed my hormones and now I'm having hot flashes and mood swings. :o Not fun!!! I've got a call into him to see if he can increase the dosage. I need some relief. I know my poor DH, my son, and co-workers are about ready to kill me. I'm usually a very nice person, but I've been very witchy lately.

I looked at some pictures of me and my baby cousin from last year (she was born on my 39th birthday - Oct. 21st) and boy was I fat then. I guess I should be grateful that I don't still wear a size 20W. :) Ok, I lied, this is a long post.
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