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I NEED help......where do I start?


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I need help, advice, support, and anything I can get. I am going to be painfully honest and start from there.

I am a 37 year old mom, I weigh 198 and wear a size 18 pants. I hate searching through the WOMEN'S section of a store. I want to lose weight without diet pills and do it in a healthy way but I would like to see a difference of one size almost immediately. I have lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks by working in the yard ( pushing a mower, pressure washing the house, and pulling weeds). I strongly suspect the 7 pound loss is water because no matter what I do I am stuck. I watch what I eat. I have noticed that for the last few days I am so afraid to eat anything for fear of putting back on the 7 pounds. I can't afford a gym. Where can I go and what can I do to lose the fat???? Please, oh please help me. I want to lose weight, be able to wear nighties that I don't feel like a whale in and look healthy. Plus, I promised my mother on her death bed that I would lose the weight. I would like to lose about 60-65 pounds. Once I lose that weight I will fight and fight and fight to keep it off. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You can do it! Yes you can.


Your 7 lbs could be water loss but also from the exercise you were getting.


So do exercise at home. Do floor exercises, best to do is walking..doesn't cost a thing. Walk around the block, start out doing as much as you can..then each day walk a little longer.


Drink lots of water and then some more!


Main thing stay away from the sweets and bad carbs (sugar, flour, ect . Eat the good carbs, vegatabkles grains ect. thats one way.


On this board you can see some do Atkins, South Beach, WW, lowfat, lowcalorie..read them do whats best for you.


We weigh in each Thursday, say what we did for the week. Helps keep us in check. Good Luck!

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:) You've made the first step in wanting to lose the weight. We are all in the same boat! Belle has some excellent ideas! Keep coming to these boards and don't be afraid to say how your feeling...we are here for you! 7 pds is great so keep up the good work and just make good food choices...after awhile it will become enjoyable! ;) I'm here for you!


~gina~ :)

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I know how you feel. I am close to your age, and used to be your weight. I have shed a lot of those pounds due to excercise at Curves 3 times a week and watching what I eat. Most gyms are pretty expensive, but Curves is not. I only paid $37.50 down and $33.oo a month. That's not very expensive as far as gyms go. Of course my down payment was a special half price deal. But it's still not too pricey. But if you still can't afford Curves, go walking every day. Or get an excercise video and work out to it at least three times a week.


Once you start exercising regularly , then you need to watch what you eat. A 200 lb. person typically eats 2000 calories to maintain that weight. A 180 lb. person will eat 1800 calories to maintain that weight and so on and so on. I got this information from a friend who is a nurse and works in fitness and nutrition. So you need to go several hundred calories below what you are taking in now. Get a book on how many calories each food has. Start a diary of how many calories you are consuming every day. Or better yet, get a nutrition assistant for a one time fee of only $29.95 at http://www.nutritionassistant.com. It will count the calories for you every day. All you do is enter in what food you are eating. It has a daily diary where you can store all of the food you have eaten and how many calories you have had. It has helped me to be more aware of how much I am eating. I have a better control of my calorie consumption.


One word of caution. Don't starve yourself. Starvation only works for so long. Then you break down and binge on bad food. That's when you really start feeling bad. Sometimes you just give up. Eat what you want, just eat smaller portions. If you have to have something, then have it. Then go walk or exercise to burn off those extra calories. But most of all, you need the support of your family and friends. Tell them you are dieting and enlist their help. You might be surprised at how much help they can be. My friends order salad or low calorie food when we eat out to help encourage me. My husband bends over backwards to help me get in my exercise. We walk together often. They will help you. But you need to ask for the help first.


When I was your weight and first went on my diet I cut back to 1500 calories a day. Now that I am thinner, I have cut back to 1200 calories a day in order to keep losing the weight. There are also other diets to choose from. The low carb diet has worked for a lot of people. So has weight watchers and the south beach diet. If those diets appeal to you, then get their book and start reading. Just remember that exercise is the key. Not only does it help you to lose weight, but it adds years to your life. I hope this helps. I know this is a little long winded, but I have been where you are and feel for you. I wish you the best of luck. You can do it. Just don't try to do it alone. And don't forget that your cruise critic friends are here for you too.

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You are in the right place. :) Sometimes good intentions aren't quite enough. Would it help if you organized your eating and exercise habits a bit? Try writing down everything that goes into your mouth during the course of the day as well as how long and hard you did any physical exercise. Measure or weigh everything you eat or drink, even the water. Since we all wound up overweight, we all were doing something wrong. If you write it down, maybe you'll see where you're going wrong, whether it be serving sizes, the kinds of food itself or snacking. If you don't see where the problem is, you'll have something on paper that we can help you with. We have a good bunch of people here and you'd be wise to use us as a support system and resource. We'll help you. :D


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Welcome cruzrgrl!


This really is the right place for you to be. Alot of great advice in the posts above me.


We're all on the same journey here and we're here to help you and anyone else that needs it. You're off to a great start and it sounds like you're getting motivated to keep on track. Good for you!! 7 pounds is awesome!


Remember, whatever diet you decide is for you will have to stay with you forever if you want to keep the weight off. So my advice would be to choose a plan that you can live with for the rest of your life.


Congratulations on wanting a new, healthy, and slimmer you!



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I know what you mean about shopping in the women's section. Being 40 I am at the age I want to look younger if I can, and my husband likes it when I dress younger. Shopping in the women's section is tough. Everything I see looks like something my grandma would wear. (okay I am exagerating a little)

I have been a size 24 for a long time, but now am down to an 18. This is the size that seems to be the cut off for the regular misses section. It is nice to be able to shop either section. Actually what is nice in the women's section is that the really nice clothes that always get taken first in my old size, now the only stuff left is in 14, 16 and 18. So it can be nice to have the best of both departments. It is also amazing to me how my mind set has been for years. I am from a small town, and I would never shop in the plus size at my Walmart because someone I know might see me. Also I wouldn't shop at the JC Penny's in the mall near my home because they put the plus size dept. on the first floor with the furniture, home decor, and baby stuff. It made me really mad, so I just wouldn't shop there. I am sure I missed out on a lot of good stuff because of it. Does anyone else feel like this?

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Why did you get to keep some of your post numbers and I didn't?


5 posts for me..never been that quiet! LOL


Because I'm good! :p


Honestly I have no idea. Luck of the draw I guess. Hopefully those aren't all new ones where I'm asking everyone I know for help maneuvering around these new boards. :rolleyes:



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Hi, I am new to this portion of cc - I am also overweight but started to get really serious about losing in January and belong to a TOPS group in my area if you want support and encouragement at a low cost and much needed help. Check out the Chapters in your area if you want to find a Chapter go to the TOPS Web and put in your Zip code, but a word of warning if you do not feel comfortable and welcomed the first time you walk in the door try another one, our group is just wonderful. I have only lost 10 lbs since January but also hurt my knee in March and had to wait till May for surgery

as we were taking a cruise to Alaska in May and the doctor would not operate before our long flight from the East to West Coast, but with the help and support of my group I did not gain anything I had lost and now am happy to say am back on the road to losing, Walking, drinking water and watching your intake... Atkins is fine but do not do it without the consent of your doctor, my husband suffers from gout and almost everything on an

Atkins diet would give him a gout attack. I must admit I follow the WW points and have had success with that, I cannot walk along way yet but

am trying to add another block each week. We are going on a 10 day cruise

to the Panama Canal in April 2005 and I want to wear sundresses and not

look like I have squirrel wings under my arms. For many years I tried to

joke that my sister and I could buy the same dress but I would get more

for my money she a size 10 me a size 18-20, but that joke is long going

stale and with the trouble with my knees I need all the support I can get.

So thank you for starting this thread....

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7lbs is a GREAT start. If you have a YMCA in your area check them out. They aren't to expensive (I'm paying $65 a month for a full family) and if you can't afford to pay the entire monthly membership fee they have "scholarships" available to help pay the portion (or all of it if necessary) that you can't.


As others have suggested read through the posts of different diet groups and see what fits your life style the best. To be honest I switch back and forth between Atkins and WW. I love the fast results I get with Atkins but can't seem to stick with it for more than 3 weeks. (I love my carbs) When I start feeling like I'm going to puke if I eat another piece of meat I switch over to WW and follow the point system. I lost 40lbs doing this last year but got really lazy after our cruise in August and gained some of it back. I'm now trying to lose 30lbs before our sept cruise (I'll be happy with 20 but would like to lose 30)

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When I went to the doctor for my yearly physical end of Dec and weighed 196 I thought I was going to have a stroke! I had been in denial for quite a while. I had even avoided going to the doctor because I knew I would have to weigh. I tried on my own for about a month and lost 9 pounds but I was miserable. I knew that I couldn't do it without a plan. I joined WW the first week of Feb when they had a free registration special. I weighed in at 151 today and know I have the tools to reach my goal of 135 and keep it off. It's 10$ a visit but I decided I was worth it. I personally need the weigh ins and the support of the meetings. There are alot of programs out there. Just research some and find the one that you feel will work best for you. I KNOW you can do it because I have so far and I started at your weight. Good Luck!

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Wether water or weight you are 7lbs lighter. Good for you! My Dad has struggled with weight his whole life and is now about 375lbs. He has just been diagnosed with a Heart problem for the first time ever. The weight is catching up to him. I would suggest visiting your internest and seeing if they can refer you to a nutritionist so that insurance will pay and you will get one on one attention. Everyone I know who is overweight loves Curves and have lost several inches using them. I think the Combo of a nutritionist and a low impact workout like curves will give you great success.

The main thing to remember is to never give up and sometimes it just takes the Body time to get into the new weight loss mode. I just took off 7lbs pre-cruise by cutting down not our carbs at night. For example instead of pasta in my soup at dinner I would put loads of my favorite veggie such as cauliflower or Eggplant. It was little adjustments that helped. Try not to eat late at night is another key. The biggest is to not starve yourself because your body will fight back. Graze on healthy snacks during the day so your never really hungry. Please for your health stay with a plan and expect the occasional week where your weight will stay the same or up a pound or two because as women our weight fluctuates. KEEP DOWN THE SALTY FOODS!

Always causes water weight gain, like after I eat a Chinese Dinner up goes the scale for two days by about 3lbs. Hope this helps Good Luck and keep us informed........Cheryl

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Cali, you sound just like me! I started doing this way of life 2 years ago when I was 37. It has taken me 2 years (off & on) of watching what I eat and exercising to lose 60 lbs. I was a size 18 or 20 plus and now I'm a size 12. I thought I wanted to stop here, but now I want to keep going and get into that size 10!


What worked for me was changing my eating habits and exercising. I joined a gym, but couldn't stick with it. I loved lifting weights, but it didn't help me to lose weight or fit into smaller clothes. I started doing South Beach last year and then started doing Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds workouts on DVD. They are awesome and the weight just falls off when I do it religiously. Unfortunately, I went on my cruise in May and gained 4.5 lbs. I am leaving Friday for another vacation (with the kids) and I hope I don't gain any more. I have vowed to get back on South Beach and walk with Leslie when I return. I have 15 lbs to lose to get to a size 10 and I WILL do it!


Good luck to you and I know if I can do it, you can. I'm a sweet-aholic also! Take care & keep us posted on your progress. :)

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Hi everyone,


I'm new to this portion of the boards, but I'm very excited to read all you have to say!


I'm in my late 20s and weigh 145 (I'm only 5' 4"). I'd love to get back down to my college weight of 125 before my cruise in late August, but I doubt that'll happen. This is really the first time in my life that I'm trying to commit to getting my weight down and am ready to get this started. (I've waited too long.)


I'm watching what I eat and think I'll take your advice of starting a daily journal detailing everything I eat. I'm also exercising here and there, but need to motivate myself to stick to a regular schedule. How often do you guys typically exercise? Just wondering if 3-4 days a week is enough?


I don't have a gym membership, but have found a great exercise DVD program called "The Firm." It's amazing - kind of hard at first, but once you learn all the steps and whatnot it can actually be fun and stimulating. It's just the first step of actually putting it into the DVD player and getting started that's hard for me.


I wish you the best of luck, cruzrgrl! :)

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Hey, we are going on the same cruise. Me and my wife have been on the "Body for Life" program. The book "Body for Life" is written by Bill Philips(The President of EAS). Me and my wife started out 9 weeks ago. I started out at 204 lbs, and now I'm at 187 lbs. I am 6' 2". My wife started out at 135 lbs, and is down to 127 Lbs. She is 5' 4".


To summerize the diet: 6 meals a day(a complex carb and low fat protien)

Exercise 6 days a week(3 weight training/3 aerobic)

One day a week eat what youwant/No exercise

(Curves cravings).


Lay off the sugar and fat, and drink lots of water. It works good if everybody in the house goes on diet that way everybody motivates everybody else. Hope this helps! See you on the cruise(59 days).

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You've done really well! I'm impressed, but I just can't imagine finding time to eat 6 times a day.


I guess this is my main problem -- my schedule at work is from 3 p.m. - 12:30 a.m., which means I usually only eat two real meals (sometimes just one) a day and rarely have time for a snack in between.


Hopefully, I'll figure out something quickly! I'd love to look great come Aug. 29! See you there!

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If you want to keep a daily journal of eating, I have an idea for you. The website "www.dietpower.com", is a software program to log your daily calories. I downloaded a free 15 day trial back in Feb., and after 15 days and 7 lbs I downloaded the real deal for $49.99. It was the best investment I ever made. All you do is program in the questions they ask and it sets up a diet for you. It tells you how many calories you need for the day to lose the amount you want. The food section has 20,000 items and a place to add your own foods. My favorite part is the recipe section. You put in the info of your favorite recipes and it tells you what is in them. It has graphs, to show weight progress, pie charts for daily intake, it tracks your exercise and metabolism and vitamins etc. After you get to know it a little better it only takes a few minutes a day to program in all the info to get your daily total. I have lost 28 lbs in the last 4 1/2 months, and it is all because I watch my calories faithfully and use this software. There is no obligation to trying the 15 day trial. I urge you to do it, it really can help. And it works with any diet also, atkins, southbeach, weight watchers, etc.

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I agree with the above posters that you need to read through these boards and see the different "diet plans" that everyone is doing. Determine which one sounds like one you could live with for the rest of your life and go for it. I think we all basically agree that it has to be a "way of life eating plan" or otherwise you will loose it and then regain it. I know this from experience. Over the many years I have lost a considerable number of pounds but always regain them plus more when I go back to regular eating.


As far as exercise, I agree Curves is the way to go (for women). It is not very expensive. I also agree with the above poster that was raving about Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. The videos/dvd don't cost much and are awesome to do at home. Before things got so crazy at work for me two months ago, I was doing Leslie every morning before work and then doing Curves 3/4 times a week. I could tell I was loosing inches and I also felt much healthier (more energy). Our Curves is great. My husband calls it my "social club". He says I go to socialize more than to exercise. It is really fun and everyone is so supportive. If you can possibly afford it, then give it a try. You can go for a week free to see what you think (at least at ours you can). Buy the Leslie Sansone program and do it either in association with Curves or alone.


If you do these two programs and pick a way of eating that you can stick with that helps you to lose weight I think you will love the results.

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Hi Cruzrgirl,


You've definitely made it to the right place. We're the same age though I'll be 38 in September. When I started I weighed 236 1/2 and now I'm down in the 206 range. I was lower but then the cruise, vacation, and party season happened. :mad: I had gained about 9 pounds back but now I'm back on track. If it makes you feel any better by the end of July I'd like to get down to 198!


I hover back and forth between several similiar diets (atkins, south beach and Dr. Phil.) I think I have diet attention deficit disorder. :D One of the best things I've done recently for days when I can't get into the pool or the ice rink is to buy at $10 pedometer. I try to get as many steps as possible in with a goal of 10,000 (about 3 miles.)


Also remember if you're new to exercise the scale may not be moving but muscle weighs more than fat and it takes up less room. Judge your progress by how things fit. I've already gone from needing a 24 but refusing to buy them to a 16 even though I've only lost 30 pounds.

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You're off to a great start by the sounds of it!!!


I've found that a sensible eating and exercise program works for me. I do Weight Watchers with my dad (we compete to see who will be the 'biggest loser' each week). You really don't need a special program or gym. As far as exercise goes, try to make sure you are active at least a few times a week. Walk around the block, find a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps a day, park farther away from the store entrance next time you go shopping, walk the dog if you have one, use a push mower instead of a riding one (as you mentioned), if you have stairs in your house, walk up and down them for about 10-20 minutes (longer if you like). Resistance exercise is important, so make sure you include movements that involve lifting weight (like moving boxes, hauling groceries, do simple exercises in your living room with soup cans as hand weights).


For foods, try simple things like getting low fat, low sugar foods instead of the regular counterparts. Switch to diet soda and limit your soda and alcohol consumption. Drink a TON of water. Make sure you get those 6-8 glasses a day in, on my 'bad' weeks if I load myself with water, I'll still lose at least a pound. Try using healthy substitutes in recipes, like Eggbeaters instead of real eggs, Splenda instead of sugar, or whole wheat or low carb breads instead of regular white bread. Try the WOW potato chips (if your a chip fan like me, you won't find a difference). Substitute healthy 'free' (a weight watcher term) vegetables like carrots, spinach, green beans, etc. for starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn. My best move has been to get a couple of good healthy cookbooks. I got one of low carb recipes that helps with spicing up some boring vegetables, and I got a good one from Weight Watchers that I use at least once every other day. YOu can do this alone. I'm on a program but definitely don't use it as much as I should. I'm having success with these hints. If you have any questions, just feel free to ask!!!


Here's to losing and happy cruising!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am 18 weeks, 5 days, and 36 pounds away from my first cruise. Mom and I are having a "Who's the Biggest Looser" contest. Each doing our own "diet" plan and weighing in every 5 weeks. The "Biggest Looser" gets a new pair of shoes, pedicure, new outfit for the cruise at the the "non-looser's" expense.

I have chosen the 6 week body make-over as my weapon of choice. TONS & TONS & TONS of water and 5-6 mini meals. I have found that if I cook chicken & fish on the grill, steam brocolli, prepare salad greens, etc. on Sunday and portion them out (with my handy-dandy cheap kitchen scale from WalMart) in little snack size baggies it makes the mini-meals a lot easier. I also set my cell phone to ring every 2.5 - 3 hours to remind me to eat. I even use the calendar function in Outlook. I have a reoccuring message that pops up on my computer screen "Take a Drink of Water - NOW." It sounds silly but whatever works. Some days it is tougher than other days but I just had to make a promise to myself.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Happy Loosing!


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