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should i have complained? what whould you have done?


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dh and i went on the mexican riviera cruise on the star april 26th... GREAT TIME... i loved it all, except for one mix up...


when we boarded the ship, we walked around and found where everything was (well not EVERYTHING, don't think that would be possible)... but we definitely wanted to find the fitness center, as that would be a must throughout the trip... the fitness coordinators were there doing their little promo's and i was very interested in doing a fitness evaluation where they measure your body fat, metabolism, etc. one on one... i booked it with one of the fitness coordinators for the next morning at 9am... better to get it done and out of the way... oh, and it was a $30.00 consultation... so, dh and i scheduled our day around getting up and going so that we could get to they gym and all... he would do a workout while i was in the consultation... so... we get there, and i wait... and wait... and wait... and realize that she is teaching a yoga class that i thought was just ending, but was actually just getting started... so, as dh had gotten busy with his workout, i stormed out of there (all of the cardio equipment was taken, and all the weight machines were busy, bunch of keeners;))... and went back to the cabin to look for my appt. card to see if i had made a mistake, but i hadn't... i was so angry i thought i would cry, and knew that if i had confronted somebody at that point, i would have made a fool of myself crying... sounds really stupid, but it was not the way to start out the cruise... anyway, dh came looking for me, and in the meantime i had gone out walking on the deck and pretty much we lost each other for the whole morning, finally meeting up again around 12:30... he had talked to the fitness coordinator, and she was very apologetic, but she NEVER talked to me about it, and i felt really foolish for feeling so hurt over it all... i DID fill out one of the cards that are supposed to be for those crew members who go out of their way to be helpful and just turned it around to make my little complaint, but never heard anything from it...


so this has made me feeling the whole time that i should have done more to make my irritation known... this was my very first cruise, and i know i could have made a complaint, but felt silly at the time... so what would you have done???

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Yes, definitely write a letter to NCL. A very similar thing happened to me on a Princess cruise. We spoke with the Spa & Salon Mgr., who said basically, "Oh well. These things happen." All they offered me was a free hair washing!!!!! I never did get the service done that I had made the appt. for and I refused to go back to that salon/spa the rest of the cruise when I had planned on having a massage, pedicure, etc.


Their excuse was that someone else had added on a service and that put them behind. Can you believe it? After 30 mins. of waiting, I never did get a real apology or even an ESTIMATE of when they might be able to get around to my appointment!!


We complained to the Pursers' Desk which did no good. All we wanted was an apology and an acknowledgement that they had screwed up. I wish we had written a letter right then and there. The longer you wait, the easier it is to push it off. Do it now and put it behind you. :)

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You should have talked to somebody immediately once you realized that you were watching a yoga class that had just started. You should have calmly approached someone else in the gym (I'm hoping that there was at least one other staff member you could talk to) and asked how to proceed. No need to lose one's temper or overreact. If a mistake was made, simply request a refund and/or ask for the mistake to be rectified. IMO, any time you allow something like this to go unaddressed, it's more likely to fester and bother you more than it's worth.

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The "smartness" level of staff any time one travels seems to less than expected. Since they gave you an appt card, that would have been good to show up with. And, then show it to another staff member to get some kind of resolution.


Though I think most crew members do want to help, keep in mind that

a) they are dealing with all kinds of people all day, some of which get pushy, nasty or demanding and

b)in the long run, who cares, they know you are leaving in a few days and they will never see you again. Sort of cold, but it is reality.

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Though I think most crew members do want to help, keep in mind that

a) they are dealing with all kinds of people all day, some of which get pushy, nasty or demanding and

b)in the long run, who cares, they know you are leaving in a few days and they will never see you again. Sort of cold, but it is reality.

I certainly agree with Point A. But Point B ignores the fact that comment cards concerning the staff are viewed very seriously by management. A crew member could easily lose his job or fail to get a promotion because of a passenger complaint. At the very least, it could negatively affect his portion of the tip pool. With this in mind, the vast majority of crew members that I have encountered have been courteous, professional and helpful.

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I would have gone to the desk at the reception area with my appointment card and shown them that I was "stood up" by their staff, and asked them what kind of spa credit they planned to give me to make up for it. If they declined to give me a credit, I would remind them of their policy that they would charge me if I missed a scheduled spa appointment. If they still came up with nothing, I would tell them I planned to write a letter to all higher-ups I could contact including a Steiner executive if possible---and then I would follow through on it.

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i was so angry i thought i would cry, and knew that if i had confronted somebody at that point, i would have made a fool of myself crying...


So, you should feel good about yourself that at that time you made the decision that was right for you.


Since it is still bothering you write a quick note. If nothing else, it may make you feel better.


In my opinion you are overreacting, but my opinion doesn't matter; only you know how you feel.


I remember one time I was really mad about something regarding an NCL cruise and I sat down and wrote a four page letter. Then I looked at it and said to myself, "Wow, who cares?" and never mailed it. I felt better, though.:)

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Since you specifically ask "what would you have done"...


I would have assumed the instructor made a mistake, remembered that I make mistakes too, and recognized that this is not really a large deal in the whole scheme of things. I would have rescheduled the appointment and gotten on with my day.


I'm sorry that this crew member overbooked or forgot you or got mixed up. But if this makes you so mad that you're almost crying, you might want to step back, take a deep breath and remember that getting that upset over a reversible problem serves no purpose except ruining your own day.

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In my opinion you are overreacting, but my opinion doesn't matter; only you know how you feel.


I remember one time I was really mad about something regarding an NCL cruise and I sat down and wrote a four page letter. Then I looked at it and said to myself, "Wow, who cares?" and never mailed it. I felt better, though.:)

Definitely agree with your comments. This is one of those posts that I tell myself to stay away from if I don't think my point will come across nicely, but you were very diplomatic in your response.

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Since you specifically ask "what would you have done"...


I would have assumed the instructor made a mistake, remembered that I make mistakes too, and recognized that this is not really a large deal in the whole scheme of things. I would have rescheduled the appointment and gotten on with my day.


I'm sorry that this crew member overbooked or forgot you or got mixed up. But if this makes you so mad that you're almost crying, you might want to step back, take a deep breath and remember that getting that upset over a reversible problem serves no purpose except ruining your own day.

Also a good one ;)

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Since you specifically ask "what would you have done"...


I would have assumed the instructor made a mistake, remembered that I make mistakes too, and recognized that this is not really a large deal in the whole scheme of things. I would have rescheduled the appointment and gotten on with my day.


I'm sorry that this crew member overbooked or forgot you or got mixed up. But if this makes you so mad that you're almost crying, you might want to step back, take a deep breath and remember that getting that upset over a reversible problem serves no purpose except ruining your own day.


Well said Droopy!


I'm not sure what makes people think their vacations should be absolutely perfect. While I'm sure that NCL does their best, human error happens. And, when it does we sometimes need to forgive. Dollymomma, I don't mean to direct this only to you, but we see it often here. Something goes wrong, most likely human error that we have all done at one time or another in our own lives and yet, people want to be compensated and escalate the issue. Most probably this was human error and if brought to the person's attention in a calm manner, I would think that she would have apologized directly to you and it would have been resolved. In addition, I don't think you should expect to hear anything in regards to you putting this on the comment card. I believe that NCL reads the cards and will deal with this in an effective manner. Case closed if you ask me.

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Since you specifically ask "what would you have done"...


I would have told my husband, as I was leaving the gym to go back to the room, that it looked like I had been stood up... at least that way your whole morning wouldn't have been shot...only the amount of time he was working out, and you were walking on the deck.


But that's just me.

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thank you all for your replies... honestly, i felt really irritated at the time, and now it is in the past... i think that part of the reason that i didn't do more about it at the time was that it was minor in the grand scheme of things... it didn't ruin my trip, just my morning... i (like previously posted) just wanted an apology... (they never did charge me for the consultation, so i wasn't out any money, believe me, i would have made my point known if they had)... and i suppose filling out the comment card made me feel like if those cards really were read, that she would get her just dues...


so, having heard all of your comments, i will do just what most of you have suggested... forget it and move on... :D


just to clarify, i am totally addicted to cruising now, and will definitely cruise again!!!

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i (like previously posted) just wanted an apology... (they never did charge me for the consultation, so i wasn't out any money, believe me, i would have made my point known if they had)... and i suppose filling out the comment card made me feel like if those cards really were read, that she would get her just dues...

In your original post, you say that the fitness coordinator was "very apologetic" to your DH. I guess that wasn't enough for you. Did you really expect her to seek you out for a more personal apology? After all, you never gave her a chance to make things right, did you? And you ended up filling out a comment card with a "little complaint" about the coordinator, right? How fair do you think it is to complain about someone without having given the person a chance to admit the mistake, apologize, and try to make things right?

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Whew. There is a real lack of perspective happenin' here.


Once again Droopy, I agree.


DollyMomma - do you want "just dues" to happen to you everytime you make a mistake? I think you get what we're saying here... I'm hoping/thinking you picked the wrong choice of words???? If not, what do you think she deserved for "just dues"?

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WOW, didn't realize there were so many sharks out there...


like i said, it only ruined my first morning there... not the whole cruise...


second, i would think that the fitness coordinator would have tried to contact me personally to apologize... she didn't have an appt. with my dh, he just happened to talk to her...


third, i realize that it was a mistake... however, when she booked my appt. she had full knowledge of when her yoga classes were... i understand it was a mistake...


fourth, i'm really sorry that i don't have the exact words to describe how i felt, i am not great with that... also, the way i feel is the way i feel... don't judge me on that... i don't think i should be attacked in the way i have been here... i was just voicing my frustration at an experience i had, and wondered what anybody else would do...


the fact that i didn't go ahead and make a big deal about it shows that it really wasn't worth doing that... i honestly thought about it, but really felt that it was a mistake made in booking in her schedule and ultimately only complained in the comment card... i'm sure that i could have made a much bigger deal of it... she was very nice when i made the booking with her and very enthusiastic, and i could tell that she did her job well, thus, i didn't want to jeopardize her job, just make aware what happened so that it didn't happen to somebody else... that is what i meant by "just dues"


i PAID for this cruise, so i feel that i should get the best service offered... and i did, except for this one small incident... this is what she is paid for, to provide that service, and when she made the mistake, i think she should be held accountable for it... after all, the whole cruise we were reminded over and over to SPEND SPEND SPEND... special fitness classes, spa treatments, booze, jewelry, clothes, specialty restaurants, gamble, anything to make money... so when the opportunity to make more money is lost for whatever reason, it only hurts the company... and i would think they would want to know why they lost money from me...


okay, got that out of my system... hopefully this will be a more friendly place to post at... not one where people get blasted...

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Q: When was the last time that you were actually on a NCL Cruise


A: for me and my wife, the 10th thru the 13th of this month on the NCL Sun


For those of you who have cruised recently with NCL, great.

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i was so angry i thought i would cry, and knew that if i had confronted somebody at that point, i would have made a fool of myself crying


Over a $30 treatment? Seriously? Maybe I'm wired a bit differently, but to let something that trivial (please see the big picture of WHAT really is a crisis) seems just insane to me. Move on.....

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WOW, didn't realize there were so many sharks out there...


like i said, it only ruined my first morning there... not the whole cruise...


second, i would think that the fitness coordinator would have tried to contact me personally to apologize... she didn't have an appt. with my dh, he just happened to talk to her...


third, i realize that it was a mistake... however, when she booked my appt. she had full knowledge of when her yoga classes were... i understand it was a mistake...


fourth, i'm really sorry that i don't have the exact words to describe how i felt, i am not great with that... also, the way i feel is the way i feel... don't judge me on that... i don't think i should be attacked in the way i have been here... i was just voicing my frustration at an experience i had, and wondered what anybody else would do...


the fact that i didn't go ahead and make a big deal about it shows that it really wasn't worth doing that... i honestly thought about it, but really felt that it was a mistake made in booking in her schedule and ultimately only complained in the comment card... i'm sure that i could have made a much bigger deal of it... she was very nice when i made the booking with her and very enthusiastic, and i could tell that she did her job well, thus, i didn't want to jeopardize her job, just make aware what happened so that it didn't happen to somebody else... that is what i meant by "just dues"


i PAID for this cruise, so i feel that i should get the best service offered... and i did, except for this one small incident... this is what she is paid for, to provide that service, and when she made the mistake, i think she should be held accountable for it... after all, the whole cruise we were reminded over and over to SPEND SPEND SPEND... special fitness classes, spa treatments, booze, jewelry, clothes, specialty restaurants, gamble, anything to make money... so when the opportunity to make more money is lost for whatever reason, it only hurts the company... and i would think they would want to know why they lost money from me...


okay, got that out of my system... hopefully this will be a more friendly place to post at... not one where people get blasted...

It does appear you may be a little too sensetive, perhaps you even realize that so you chose not to do anything most. Probably a good choice on your part; should you write a letter now, for what reason? If just to make you feel better, go ahead, but I can't imagine what would be accomplished. I certainly am not trying to blast you for stating what happened, I just happen to believe anyone can make a mistake. You said the spa treatment rep was very apologitic, I don't know what else she could have done. A simple "I am so sorry" should have been enough. Other than that it was great to hear you had a good cruise. NMNita
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dh and i went on the mexican riviera cruise on the star april 26th... GREAT TIME... i loved it all, except for one mix up...


when we boarded the ship, we walked around and found where everything was (well not EVERYTHING, don't think that would be possible)... but we definitely wanted to find the fitness center, as that would be a must throughout the trip... the fitness coordinators were there doing their little promo's and i was very interested in doing a fitness evaluation where they measure your body fat, metabolism, etc. one on one... i booked it with one of the fitness coordinators for the next morning at 9am... better to get it done and out of the way... oh, and it was a $30.00 consultation... so, dh and i scheduled our day around getting up and going so that we could get to they gym and all... he would do a workout while i was in the consultation... so... we get there, and i wait... and wait... and wait... and realize that she is teaching a yoga class that i thought was just ending, but was actually just getting started... so, as dh had gotten busy with his workout, i stormed out of there (all of the cardio equipment was taken, and all the weight machines were busy, bunch of keeners;))... and went back to the cabin to look for my appt. card to see if i had made a mistake, but i hadn't... i was so angry i thought i would cry, and knew that if i had confronted somebody at that point, i would have made a fool of myself crying... sounds really stupid, but it was not the way to start out the cruise... anyway, dh came looking for me, and in the meantime i had gone out walking on the deck and pretty much we lost each other for the whole morning, finally meeting up again around 12:30... he had talked to the fitness coordinator, and she was very apologetic, but she NEVER talked to me about it, and i felt really foolish for feeling so hurt over it all... i DID fill out one of the cards that are supposed to be for those crew members who go out of their way to be helpful and just turned it around to make my little complaint, but never heard anything from it...


so this has made me feeling the whole time that i should have done more to make my irritation known... this was my very first cruise, and i know i could have made a complaint, but felt silly at the time... so what would you have done???



I think you are just a little too sensitive. You absolutely had a right to be irritated by this incident but you should not have let yourself get so upset.

I think a personal apology from the fitness coordinator would have been in order. But I also think you should have dealt with it immediately - maybe talking to one of the other coordinators or even discretely interrupting the class. Letting problems stew always seems to make them worse.

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Over a $30 treatment? Seriously? Maybe I'm wired a bit differently, but to let something that trivial (please see the big picture of WHAT really is a crisis) seems just insane to me. Move on.....


In the real world we face screw-ups and hassles all the time. The communication we thought was clear is missed or ignored. The project isn't completed correctly. It always seems to take 3 phone calls to accomplish anything.


But the cruiselines promise us we will be pampered. Everything will be taken care. We will be made to feel special.


So we book cruises to get away from the frustrations real life. This is our get-away from frustration and disappointment.


On her first day, the OP went in believing the promises only to discover cruiselife is just like real life. Employees are just real people doing the best they can (hopefully).


Sure, eventually she will get her head around this. But I completely understand her emotional response to having been forgotten. Every commercial, every brochure, promises us that on a cruise its going to be different.


But, as the OP knows now, that's just marketing, and we have to adjust our expectations to reality, even on a cruise. Next time she probably won't take it so personally, because she won't believe the hype.


I do, however, think that the instructor could have done 1 of 2 things to mitigate:


1) if she was filling in for a sick crew member she could have alerted another staff member to be on the look-out for the OP to make apologies and reschedule - (better still a call to the cabin to explain in advance, if possible)


2) if she just plain forgot, then YES, definately a note or phone call to the cabin once she realized her mistake. Double booking is a simple mistake that we have all made, but we should be prepared to apologize for it when we do it.


Up to now, I've only asked question on this board (thanks again for all your kind answers). This is my first "discussion" post. I hope I haven't made any enemies ;-)


And apologies to OP for speculating about where her head was at.

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all i can say is we are all entitled to our own feelings and how we react to things... i admit that i felt really stupid feeling the way i did, but that is my own problem, and i chose not to make it a big deal to anybody else... i just asked the original question to see what other people would have done, not to judge how i handled the situation...


IT IS IN THE PAST... again, i let it go... i really didn't think people here would take it THAT seriously... but thank you for voicing your thoughts... it is interesting how we are all different...

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