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Summit Alaskan cruise disappointment (MERGER OF 5 THREADS ON THIS TOPIC)


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Well someone has to do something. The cruise lines sure aren't going to change their rules on their own. As long as people keep saying "oh well, that's the cruise lines policy" things will never change. If the cruise lines were losing money because people weren't sailing, they'd make some changes.


I do have a cruise planned in Sept/Oct to Canada/New England, but it will be my last one. I have been on 5 cruises and guess I was very lucky they went where I wanted to go, with no mishaps. I read the Cruise Contract,

but never fully realized that the itinerary or ports could be changed "for any reason whatsoever". You are really just signing up to cruise on the ship wherever they choose to take you, and that's not my plan at all.


I select the itinerary, the ship and the cruiseline for my destination. What do I want to do, and what do I want to see, with as few at sea days as possible. When you are paying thousands of dollars to a Company, any Company to transport you on an itinerary, that Contract should also be binding.:p

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Yes, I would. My self-respect is worth more than a free cruise. I need to be able to look at myself in the mirror without disgust at what I've become. Also, ambulance chasers who "cruise" around looking for opportunities for spurious lawsuits (regardless of their success rates), are the equivalent of pimps and drug pushers. :mad:


Wow, well said.

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Well someone has to do something. The cruise lines sure aren't going to change their rules on their own. As long as people keep saying "oh well, that's the cruise lines policy" things will never change. If the cruise lines were losing money because people weren't sailing, they'd make some changes.


I do have a cruise planned in Sept/Oct to Canada/New England, but it will be my last one. I have been on 5 cruises and guess I was very lucky they went where I wanted to go, with no mishaps. I read the Cruise Contract,

but never fully realized that the itinerary or ports could be changed "for any reason whatsoever". You are really just signing up to cruise on the ship wherever they choose to take you, and that's not my plan at all.


I select the itinerary, the ship and the cruiseline for my destination. What do I want to do, and what do I want to see, with as few at sea days as possible. When you are paying thousands of dollars to a Company, any Company to transport you on an itinerary, that Contract should also be binding.:p


Yes, they could do that and make the contract binding. They could make a contract that guaranteed that any time "anything" goes wrong you could get a complete refund. How much do you think you would have to pay for your cruise then?


For the most part cruises go where they say they will. Do you think the cruiselines want to face these problems? There are also a lot of things that can cause changes to an itinerary. When you're dealng with transporting, feeding and entertaining a large group of people the opportunities for things to happen are endless. There are plenty of things that happen along the way that never affect the sequence of events and we never even hear of them.


This mentality that the consumer is always right and any unreasonable demand should be catered to is wrong. There is a balance that needs to be achieved in order for both sides to be able to get what they want. If there were a consumer guarantee for every situation, there would be no cruiselines because they couldn't possibly stay in business. Very few people would be able to afford a cruise.

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Thanks, Wookeef! And to OuiOnBoard - you are right - I need to relax, that's why I leave on Constellation on the 3rd of June! Enjoy, mon ami!:D


Except for the plane ride, we're sure you will find that cruise really calming :D ...and added plus; Connie doesn't have the same history of propulsion problems as the other M-class ships....so rest easy and smooth sailing...Oui :) .

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Well someone has to do something. The cruise lines sure aren't going to change their rules on their own. As long as people keep saying "oh well, that's the cruise lines policy" things will never change. If the cruise lines were losing money because people weren't sailing, they'd make some changes.


I do have a cruise planned in Sept/Oct to Canada/New England, but it will be my last one. I have been on 5 cruises and guess I was very lucky they went where I wanted to go, with no mishaps. I read the Cruise Contract,

but never fully realized that the itinerary or ports could be changed "for any reason whatsoever". You are really just signing up to cruise on the ship wherever they choose to take you, and that's not my plan at all.


I select the itinerary, the ship and the cruiseline for my destination. What do I want to do, and what do I want to see, with as few at sea days as possible. When you are paying thousands of dollars to a Company, any Company to transport you on an itinerary, that Contract should also be binding.:p


First - congratulations on five cruises with never a changed itinerary. Second - cruise lines aren't immune to real life. Things happen. However, throwing a temper tantrum is ugly in 2 year olds - and worse as you get older. Third - read the documentation - they give it to you for a reason.

Last - I agree - if you can't handle the fact that life involves unplanned changes, then stay home. Don't insist that the rules be changed to suit you because you want them to be & make life unpleasant for others as well. I'm sorry if they aren't perfect - but I could see fares tripling under your (well intentioned) 'suggestions'. No thanks!

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My husband and myself were on this cruise. I am just going to say that Celebrity did not want this misfortunate event to happen. We felt that they made a corporate decision in which they felt was in the best interest for the company and the passengers. We were going to meet family in Seattle and we were looking forward to going to Sitka. We really had to go to plan b .If the trip would have been cancelled we feel the negavtive impact could have been greater for some passengers. We do not gamble, drink or do any of the other things the ship had to offer while at sea but we just relaxed and just enjoyed the peace of the ocean and the wonderful staff on that ship that would do anything to make us happy. The worse part was feeling bad that so many people were so angry and we tried to be friendly but that was not going to happen. We have cruised 3 times with this company and have enjoyed all three journeys. We waited until the kids were grown and we had to save our money also. Life is too short. Enjoy what you can when you can. Magmagee

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My husband and myself were on this cruise. I am just going to say that Celebrity did not want this misfortunate event to happen. We felt that they made a corporate decision in which they felt was in the best interest for the company and the passengers. We were going to meet family in Seattle and we were looking forward to going to Sitka. We really had to go to plan b .If the trip would have been cancelled we feel the negavtive impact could have been greater for some passengers. We do not gamble, drink or do any of the other things the ship had to offer while at sea but we just relaxed and just enjoyed the peace of the ocean and the wonderful staff on that ship that would do anything to make us happy. The worse part was feeling bad that so many people were so angry and we tried to be friendly but that was not going to happen. We have cruised 3 times with this company and have enjoyed all three journeys. We waited until the kids were grown and we had to save our money also. Life is too short. Enjoy what you can when you can. Magmagee


You are the sort of person I hope is on every cruise. Well done -

you are an example for us all. I hope your next cruise is the best yet.

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I was on board and I do feel there are two sides to every story but you would have had to be there to see how some of the unhappy passengers were trying to pursuade others to join in with their crusade. We were just trying to enjoy our vacation. For example, we went to listen to the violin players in the cafe lounge and there was a crowd of people. It was not to listen to the violin players it was a loud group telling the passengers how they can sign the petition. We felt that should have been done in another arena. They had the right to protest but not when I was trying to enjoy my cruise.The meeting should have been confined to an arena where it would not disturb the ones who were having a good time. I found the rage in the speakers voices to be very disturbing. Magmagee

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I suppose we all see this a bit differently and I can sortof see both sides. But the whole point is that yes we don't want to be to passive but we must act with dignity and respect for ourselves and each other.

I know that I would have been disheartened over the whole thing but you make the most of it. I am a southern girl and as my momma would say: "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

I have found that the harder I kick and squirm the more people will ignore me over things, dignity goes a long way in respect. Just one of those hard learned lessons in my life.

I sincerely hope everyone comes out of this happy and satisfied with the outcome. This has been an interesting conversation and reasonable for the most part and I thank you all for that.


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I think the bottom line for me here is the way the demands were being handled. I felt the anger was over the top and I would rather cut my losses rather than be a part of this lynch mob. That is just me though. I wrote earlier that I had to save for this cruise just like the next guy and I did have to wait for my kids to be grown for us to do this comfortably. I am not just a push over and just says la-te-da or oh well. We felt like we made a rational decision to just hang in there with an unusual situation. I think the ship credit and discount was a fair offer. Now some will say they might not be able to take a cruise again. I say start saving. We are. You are 30% there. Magmagee

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Wookeef - you are right - this has been interesting and I'm glad that docjph

posted his side of the story. I hope that those who were on the cruise can come to some resolution with it.... either to put it behind them, or to get the compensation they feel they deserve.


I think the most interesting fact I read on this thread was that over 1200 of 1925 people signed the class action suit. That says a lot!

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To Wookeef,

You hit the nail on the head. That is all I have been trying to get across. I had this feeling that maybe Celebrity would have been more flexible in their decision if they had not been confronted in such a hostile manner. Magmagee

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I was wondering if so many signed it because maybe they were afraid of missing out on something free. We thought about signing for that reason but we just decided let it go. Maybe you might say that was not wise but maybe this is our way of putting it behind us and saving up for our next cruise the right way. I do not feel a free cruise is what is deserved for the passengers. Magmagee

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To Wookeef,

You hit the nail on the head. That is all I have been trying to get across. I had this feeling that maybe Celebrity would have been more flexible in their decision if they had not been confronted in such a hostile manner. Magmagee


We may stand to be corrected, but to this point hasn't the standard policy been for Celebrity to offer up to 200USD per cabin, perhaps some period of free bar service, and some small amount for refund of port charges depending on the number of ports missed?

If so, perhaps the complainants achieved something even if some disagree with their methods.

In any case, may we all have smooth sailings!!

....Oui :)

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maybe this is our way of putting it behind us and saving up for our next cruise the right way. I do not feel a free cruise is what is deserved for the passengers. Magmagee


Just wondered how you feel about the free cruise offered to the passengers of the next sailing (along with a full refund)? I think if I was in that situation, I would probably wonder about the difference in treatment between the two sailings.

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My opinion (and it is only that) is that as the cruise lines have tried to appeal to a broader market they have brought on some of their own problems. As more people cruise, they bring with them their own expectations as to what a cruise is, such as an earlier poster who compared a cruise line to any other transportation company.


However, a cruise line is not in the business of taking a passenger from point A to point B. That is an airline, a railroad, a busline or a ferry company. A cruise line is in the business of providing a vacation at sea. If the destination is more important to you than the means of getting there perhaps you should rethink your mode of transit.


Just an opinion, and I am entitled to it whether I was on this most recent Summit voyage or not.



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I'm guessing libramitch threw out this question as kind of a fun thread, and as a real "Survivor" fan, I thought there would be a lot of fun comments. I'm sure we all have a few "Here we go again" moments when we see the names of some of our favorite posters. But I have to admit I'm a little stunned to find that there are people on these boards who have been stalked.


This is serious stuff and is a little scary, too, when you realize that there are people who don't even know you but become fixated on you for some obscure reason....or that some offhand comment may so enrage someone in cyberspace that they seek revenge. I have always been reluctant to reveal personal information or post pictures and at times have felt a little foolish when I see how open some of the members are and how freely they give out their names, locations, email addresses, and even telephone numbers. After reading this, I don't feel quite so foolish any more.

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You are absolutely correct. We all have our opinions, and are definitely entitled to them.


I am the poster that sees the ship as a mode of transportation. To me, time at sea is wasted and boring. I don't drink, gamble, or want to play trivia games by the pool. I don't want to sit and watch the water go by as that causes motion sickness. The spa and bingo are so outrageously expensive, as to be prohibitive. I can sit and raed a book at home and not have to pay $2000-$3000 to do it. The hotel/transportation of getting to different areas that can't be reached by other modes of transport is the only thing that drew me to cruise at all. And now that I know I can't rely on that mode of transportation to get me to a destination, I will definitely fly. While airlines may not always provide great service either, at least when I buy a ticket to New York, they don't send me to Miami. Maybe sometimes my luggage, but not me.


Have a great time doing what the cruise lines want you to do, rather than what you had planned or wanted to do!:D

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I think the most interesting fact I read on this thread was that over 1200 of 1925 people signed the class action suit. That says a lot!


My husband and I were also on the May 7th sailing on the Summit. We were not, and would not, be a part of the mayhem.


Where the 1200 figure came from baffles me - we did not sign the class action suit, we were not asked to sign one and we WILL NOT SIGN anything to do with one.


We did resent the disruption by the disgrunted ones and how they tried to "rope in" others that were trying to enjoy their cruise.


This was our first cruise and we were VERY PLEASED - things happen in life and everyone should learn to "roll with the punches". We also complimented the officers, staff and crew for the EXCEPTIONAL service.


One other thing, upon docking in Juneau, my husband and I were standing on our balcony and a "gentleman" on the deck above was talking on his cell phone to each of his children - each one he spoke to the story of the incident was exaggerated more and more to the point of nauseum - I was so upset by what I heard him saying that I went into our stateroom and closed the door!


The "opportunists" were and are looking for "freebies"! Incidentally, I heard one of the leaders is an attorney - hmmmm - who's going to get something from this class action suit after all?????


Well, I have been telling all my friends (and I will continue to tell everyone I talk to) that we had a GREAT TIME and I would highly recommend taking another cruise with Celebrity.

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You are absolutely correct. We all have our opinions, and are definitely entitled to them.


I am the poster that sees the ship as a mode of transportation. To me, time at sea is wasted and boring. I don't drink, gamble, or want to play trivia games by the pool. I don't want to sit and watch the water go by as that causes motion sickness. The spa and bingo are so outrageously expensive, as to be prohibitive. I can sit and raed a book at home and not have to pay $2000-$3000 to do it. The hotel/transportation of getting to different areas that can't be reached by other modes of transport is the only thing that drew me to cruise at all. And now that I know I can't rely on that mode of transportation to get me to a destination, I will definitely fly. While airlines may not always provide great service either, at least when I buy a ticket to New York, they don't send me to Miami. Maybe sometimes my luggage, but not me.


Have a great time doing what the cruise lines want you to do, rather than what you had planned or wanted to do!:D


I do think you will be happier using an airline to get to a destination.


And actually, what I plan to do and want to do is to take a vacation at sea. I'm not in a big hurry to get anywhere except to the embarkation port for my next cruise.



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I think the most interesting fact I read on this thread was that over 1200 of 1925 people signed the class action suit. That says a lot!


Hi Susan,


I am not sure what you think it says. If signing a piece of paper results in even the smallest chance on additional compensation, unfortunately most people will sign. Compensation, compensation, compensation - that's what's it all about. It doesn't matter if it is justified or necessary, people just want money or a free cruise. It's sad.


Even on these forums, people write things like "We will check for wear and tear when we board, and report our findings." Who wants to go on vacation like that?!


I maintain my position that missed ports will always be part of cruising. If we get to a situation where cruise lines are forced to compensate significantly for missed ports, cruising will become a lot more expensive for all of us. In the end, we pay the cruise line's bills, and this small group of 'drama queens' ruins it for all of us.


Best Regards,


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I have an idea. All the people on the Summit that actually tried to enjoy their cruise should sue the ringleaders for disrupting their vacation. Just a suggestion.



What a wonderful idea, sue everone who's name is on the petition. That would be so neat.


Honestly folks, if you hated the cruise that much why would you want to go on a free one? It would be the same company. They're not going to give you a free cruise on HAL or Crystal. Why would the company want you on their ships again? I would have all your names blacklisted and you wouldn't be able to buy another cruise on my cruiseline.


Better yet, they should give the names on the list to all cruiselines. That would be fun.

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