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[quote name='superstein61']Ahhhh, and there we have it - another Profit Motive move by HAL. Yippee[/QUOTE]
Argee, what other motive makes any sense?
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We went to join friends for a 4th of July BBQ. Not gone more than a couple hours. I return and I see dozens of new posts. In one hour's time Superstein has posted no less than 11 times. And angrier in each and every one. Maybe someone smuggled some booze into Superstein's BBQ.

The fact is we're not supposed to bring liquor on board. If you want to do it anyway, fine. If you're caught, it's gone.

There are rules on these boards, too, and one of them is not to lash out at others and make snide, nasty remarks. The same people who break that rule are probably the ones dragging bottles of booze into their cabins.

We all get our pleasure in different ways. I'm going to go watch the fireworks.:) Happy 4th of July to all.
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[quote name='HeatherInFlorida']We went to join friends for a 4th of July BBQ. Not gone more than a couple hours. I return and I see dozens of new posts. In one hour's time Superstein has posted no less than 11 times. And angrier in each and every one. Maybe someone smuggled some booze into Superstein's BBQ.

The fact is we're not supposed to bring liquor on board. If you want to do it anyway, fine. If you're caught, it's gone.

There are rules on these boards, too, and one of them is not to lash out at others and make snide, nasty remarks. The same people who break that rule are probably the ones dragging bottles of booze into their cabins.

We all get our pleasure in different ways. I'm going to go watch the fireworks.:) Happy 4th of July to all.[/QUOTE]

Me angry - LOL. I am in a wonderful mood. Maybe something from your friend's barbecue has clouded your thinking a bit. I am not angry in the least. Just responding to the wealth of comments on this thread since I was last here.

But hey - whatever floats your boat Heather.

Happy 4th of July to you and others as well
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[QUOTE]Whats absurd is your mother judging someone as a Lush from a few words on a message board. My guess is from your comments, your mother drinks far more than I do in a year. So its real funny seeing her comments. Thanks for my laugh today Rev[/QUOTE]

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
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[quote name='revneal'][color=black][size=5][b]WRONG[/b][/size][/color]
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.[/QUOTE]
[b][i][font=Arial][color=navy]...and he can no longer use the little top hat!:D [/color][/font][/i][/b]
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[quote]Whats absurd is your mother judging someone as a Lush from a few words on a message board. My guess is from your comments, your mother drinks far more than I do in a year. So its real funny seeing her comments. Thanks for my laugh today Rev [/quote]

[quote name='revneal'][COLOR=Black][SIZE=5][B]WRONG[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.[/QUOTE]

Oh, but your mother can insult someone else??? Ahhh, I don't think so.

And I clearly must have struck a nerve - so I am pretty sure I am right and you are wrong Rev
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[quote name='revneal'][COLOR=Black][SIZE=5][B]WRONG[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Do not pass go, do not collect $200.[/QUOTE]

Insulting someone's mother is definitly below the belt. Deduct 10 points from Superstein's score.

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[quote name='ryansmemom']Insulting someone's mother is definitly below the belt. Deduct 10 points from Superstein's score.

Insulting ANYBODY personally is below the belt...someone's mother...even more so.
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[quote name='ryansmemom']Insulting someone's mother is definitly below the belt. Deduct 10 points from Superstein's score.


Just wait one second Linda. It was the dear Reverand who posted that his Mother called me and others who bring our own liquor on board LUSH's.

As you know, I advocate being civil to one another here even if one disagrees - but I am not going to sit by while The rev's mother calls me a lush.

And anyway - where is the insult of his mother. Here is what I said:

"Whats absurd is your mother judging someone as a Lush from a few words on a message board. My guess is from your comments, your mother drinks far more than I do in a year. So its real funny seeing her comments. Thanks for my laugh today Rev "

Add my 10 points back - and deduct 20 from the Rev for the poor manners of his mother
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[quote name='stillfrantic'][font=Arial Black][size=4]If any one wants to insult someone, I'll offer up my mother in law. You all have at it!:eek: [/size][/font]
[font=Arial Black][size=4][/size][/font]
[font=Arial Black][size=4]Carry on![/size][/font][/QUOTE]

LOL :)

I will have to bring you 2 drinks for that one :)
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Superstein61 -

You can rationalize it anyway you choose, but sneaking contraband on board diminishes HAL's opportunity to increase its profit margin. Like it or not, there are moral implications to such behavior, and failure to see that connection gives credence to those who complain that America's moral fiber is frayed. After rereading your posts, I've come to the conclusion that there is no reasoning with someone whose logic is as convoluted as yours.

By the way, you've failed to respond to the scenario of someone repeatedly stealing your morning newspaper. Would you defend their actions as vigorously as you defend cheating HAL, or is it only OK when you're cheating a faceless corporate entity?

On second thought, never mind responding. These new boards are wonderful. I've discovered that if I click on your screen name, I can access your member profile. On that profile screen is a marvelous little link entitled "Add Superstein61 to Your Ignore List," and that is what I intend to do immediately after posting this message. At this stage, your opinions are of little value to me.

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[quote name='stillfrantic'][font=Arial Black][size=4]If any one wants to insult someone, I'll offer up my mother in law. You all have at it!:eek: [/size][/font]
[font=Arial Black][size=4][/size][/font]
[font=Arial Black][size=4]Carry on![/size][/font][/QUOTE]

:confused: If we start insulting your mother-in-law, and it has a calming effect on you.
Will you [I][COLOR=Sienna]still[/COLOR][/I] be [I][COLOR=Sienna]frantic[/COLOR][/I]? :D[U][/U]
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[quote name='lddam']Superstein61 -

You can rationalize it anyway you choose, but sneaking contraband on board diminishes HAL's opportunity to increase its profit margin. Like it or not, there are moral implications to such behavior, and failure to see that connection gives credence to those who complain that America's moral fiber is frayed. After rereading your posts, I've come to the conclusion that there is no reasoning with someone whose logic is as convoluted as yours.

By the way, you've failed to respond to the scenario of someone repeatedly stealing your morning newspaper. Would you defend their actions as vigorously as you defend cheating HAL, or is it only OK when you're cheating a faceless corporate entity?

On second thought, never mind responding. These new boards are wonderful. I've discovered that if I click on your screen name, I can access your member profile. On that profile screen is a marvelous little link entitled "Add Superstein61 to Your Ignore List," and that is what I intend to do immediately after posting this message. At this stage, your opinions are of little value to me.


Hey Dave

keep on riding your high horse and keep pretending you are the final word in these matters.

As I clearly expalined - your analogy is all wet. Comparing someone stealing my newspaper is far different that someone bringing their own drink on board.

You see - for it to be stealing - the item must belong to me. If I paid for my paper and someone stole it - thats theft.

But it is NOT theft to bring your own bottle on board a HAL ship and drink it. HAL never owned that bottle.

You want to argue HAl loses an opportunity to make a profit. true - BUT that isn't theft. And what is to say there is any guarantee I would purchase a drink from HAL ???? none - So HAL is losing nothing except some potential opportunity that may never occur. Not theft in the least.

And again - not on topic to the original post in this thread in the least.

Again - I ask you - why do you have your panties in such a knot over what someone else does?????

Now you can take your sanctimonious opinions and get back on that high horse you rode in on and sulk back to the stables. I think you may be in for a long night of shoveling.
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If, in any given [i]day[/i], you drink more than a whisky sour cocktail and a glass of wine with your dinner, you are drinking more than my mother does these days. To assert that she drinks more than you is both an invalid insinuation AND an unwarranted insult to which she, personally, has no option of rebuttal. You do not know my mother, have never met her, and if you did you would probably find her delightful; most people do. I don't think she has any enemies.

If you don't like my mother's opinion -- lightly offered, with a chuckle in her voice that reflected her often mischievous sense of humor (I get mine from her) -- then I'm truly sorry. Her remark wasn't directed at, or about, any one person; it was a general, non-specific, non-judgmental remark made without malicious intent. And, yet, your negative, accusatory response betrays (among other things) the precision of how she actually managed to paint those who are doing what you admit to doing. If you don't like that, perhaps you should take her advice. Friends of Bill W can always be found on HAL ships. It's never too late to turn over a new fig leaf.
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[quote name='joeinwpb']
[b]Now back to our regular programming. I believe we left off with someone saying ... [/b]

[b]"Let's hog-tie that smuggler, and throw him in the brig".[/b]
Joe - I almost choked on my iced tea. - very funny!

[quote name='gizmo']iluvcruzin,

I emailed a friend with Hal and he said they do not need to have anything in place to sell liquor in international waters. He also mentioned same thing goes for casinos, nothing needed to run a casino in international waters.

He did mention that the scuttlebutt was too many people were bringing booze on board and Hal felt they were loosing money.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for finding out the scoop Gizmo!

There's some crazy stuff going on in this thread. Now I know Joe's purpose of starting this thread - pure entertainment. It's sort of like the smoking topic.. Is the babies wearing swim diapers in the ship pools the next one??
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[quote name='iluvcruzin']There's some crazy stuff going on in this thread. Now I know Joe's purpose of starting this thread - pure entertainment. [/QUOTE]
I got my popcorn and lounge chair out long ago. I did love the suggestion to ask HAL for a special item if it wasn't offered on the order forms. I did that and am so glad it was mentioned. Now, if Superstein brings his own beverages, I do not care in the least. He'll enjoy what he brought, my husband will enjoy what I rightfully ordered from the company. Just because in the end Superstein and I went different ways doesn't change my opinion of him in the least. I don't watch the pool decks for brands which I suspect were not purchased on board. I save my butting into other's business for reporting the license plate numbers of those parent's who do not buckle their children into car seats. Now that is breaking a rule which does endanger an innocent person.
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[quote name='revneal']Superstein61,

If, in any given [i]day[/i], you drink more than a whisky sour cocktail and a glass of wine with your dinner, you are drinking more than my mother does these days. To assert that she drinks more than you is both an invalid insinuation AND an unwarranted insult to which she, personally, has no option of rebuttal. You do not know my mother, have never met her, and if you did you would probably find her delightful; most people do. I don't think she has any enemies. [/quote]

Hey Rev - I guess I was right on then. Your mother drinks far more than me. You qould be surprised to know that I drink very little. Christmas Party , New Years, a nice cold Franziskaner a few times a year, and on vacation. I come no where close to your mom having 2 drinks a day.

And my comments were pure facts - not any insult to your mother.

What I find unwarranted though is her judgemental assertion that people here who are arguing about bringing their own drinks on board are "Lushs". That is an unwarranted insult

[quote]If you don't like my mother's opinion -- lightly offered, with a chuckle in her voice that reflected her often mischievous sense of humor (I get mine from her) -- then I'm truly sorry. Her remark wasn't directed at, or about, any one person; it was a general, non-specific, non-judgmental remark made without malicious intent. [/quote]

There was no chuckle in what I read. No note that the comment was lightly offered. If you want to express humor - please learn how to do so so that humor is clear. IMO, you, and your mother were making a very judgemental comment towards others here

[quote]And, yet, your negative, accusatory response betrays (among other things) the precision of how she actually managed to paint those who are doing what you admit to doing. If you don't like that, perhaps you should take her advice. Friends of Bill W can always be found on HAL ships. It's never too late to turn over a new fig leaf.[/QUOTE]

There you go with your judgemental approach again - assuming that everyone who brings their drinks on board is a lush or everyone who rebuts your statement should be attending AA meetings. It appears you still haven't learned a thing Rev. Which is especially sad coming from a man of the cloth.

Lets see - your mom - 2 alcoholic drinks per day x 365 days = about 730 drinks a year. Me - I am lucky if I have more than 30 alcoholic drinks a year.

Ahhhh - now it is clearer why you are so upset - its really your mom who needs the help, and she is just projecting her drinking problem onto others. Don't worry - as you said, it is never too late for your mom to turn over a new fig leaf
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[quote name='iluvcruzin'][font=Arial][/font]

There's some crazy stuff going on in this thread. Now I know Joe's purpose of starting this thread - pure entertainment. It's sort of like the smoking topic.. Is the babies wearing swim diapers in the ship pools the next one??[/QUOTE]

The baby diapers perhaps - but I think possibly the kids peeing in the pool is due to follow :)
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[quote name='superstein61']What I find unwarranted though is her judgemental assertion that people here who are arguing about bringing their own drinks on board are "Lushs". That is an unwarranted insult[/QUOTE]
Interesting! I also don't care who brings drinks onboard and would have brought for my husband so he could have a specific kind, yet I rarely, if ever, have a drink myself.

Seems those supporting a person's choice to bring a favorite brand of soda or alcohol on board aren't the ones drinking.
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