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How to best plan a cruise for a group of friends???


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Hi all -- My DH and I have been "elected" by our group of friends to put together a cruise to Alaska for 2008....... the 2 of us just returned from what we thought was our perfect cruise to Alaska on the Volendam May 10-17. We just loved the ship and we loved the early May weather and we loved the itinerary! We were obviously happy campers! So, now our group of friends want to go too -


My question is to those of you planners who have done this before -- HOW do you present a variety of itineraries and ships and pros and cons of dates to help folks decide what they would prefer?


I would like to be fair as I know some of the couples might have different priorities than we did. The 2 of us are willing to try a new itinerary and ship and even time of year - so we are not locked into doing it "our" way - but we do want everyone to have the best experience possible.


Bucky3 - I hope you will answer here as I know you were the planner for your group cruise the week after I cruised......how did you help your novice Alaskan cruisers decide among the options available?


I know it took me several months of reading on this board to decide first the itinerary and then the cruise line and finally which ship....it was no easy decision for the 2 of us -- I am trying to imagine how to throw several others into the equation as well!


It may be that I offer several options my DH and I would be happy with for a second trip - suggest pros and cons to the others and just let them decide which one to book on their own ..... any help out there??? :confused:

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I am presently planning a trip for 4 couples. A couple of rules:


1. If you're willing to take the lead & do all the work, the basic decisions are yours to make. Example: IMHO you get to choose the ship, dates sailing, etc. Of course, you would keep the common good in mind.


2. Not everyone needs to be in lock-step the entire time. At the ports, you could help them as a resource person. I've researched and then told the other 3 couples what we were doing for excursions, how they could do the same, other options they might be interested in, etc.


3. Make decisions a little at a time and don't second-guess (or let the others either). Start with the basics and move forward.


Good luck & have fun. We're going in August; if I learn other lessons, I'll share.

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You are best to first- make out a simple list. What I have done is have them check- round trip Vancouver, one way, one way with land touring. Give a rough factor of costs. With a one way, there is the option of some doing land touring or not.


Once that is done. Make another list and have them select- ports, glacier. Go with the majority. The potential problems you will have, is you've only been sailing Alaska once, and the others none. So with you having the most experience- factor out ports, time in ports, glacier, route, ship naturalist, price. Pick 3 of the top choices. Then vote on the list.


Prior to all this, tell them to get to the library- read up- order cruise brochures, or go to AAA for a selection.

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Thanks, MsMiss!!


You echoed my initial thoughts -- especially about the excursions - my DH and I enjoy the more active excursions but there are some in our group not phyically able to do as much -- and others (mainly a few females) who would prefer to just shop and browse the area.....some more interested in wildlife -- so I figured I would do as you suggested - do the research for them and type up some suggestions - let them make their own reservations. That will work just great.


I am in a quandry about the itinerary to choose, time of year and ship -- large or small. I have an idea, since none of them have been to Alaska and few have cruised that ANYTHING will be wonderful for their first time (as we have experienced....once is NOT enough!).


I will welcome your review of your experience once you all return -- which one have you chosen?


BQueen, I just read your post before I hit submit - thank you so much for your "how to" list -- because of your many tips on this board I think we did the very best round trip we could have hoped for!


I think with your suggestions and the method I used to figure out what was best for our first trip, I will begin with the lists -- I like the idea of doing it in increments or steps -- vote - let that settle and then move to the next step -- great idea.


I also figure that if some want to chose one trip over another there is nothing to stop some from a separate trip - and I am sure there will be no hard feelings among any of us with that choice. There really is only one other "planner" type person in this group of friends so I think they really just want someone else to do the "work" and give them a few well thought out options!


I will appreciate tips from others who have done this in the past.


Thank you for taking time to respond.

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Run away! Do it now! Friends are the WORST to plan for, cause they will hound you to death. If my warning did not scare you, then you are brave! I am not talking about stranger groups. Those tend to be a bit smoother.


Make it clear from the get go that you are there to facilitate, but not hand hold.


Create a web site. It's very easy to do. It's a good way to keep in touch with your group. I have one up for a cruise right now. It's not a group cruise, just people who met on CC and happen to be cruising together. wwww.cruise.liedel.org it might give you some ideas.


Give them ideas for excrusions, but only plan one group excurion.


Plan a sail away meet and one coctail party for your friends onboard.


Work with a TA who does groups.


Learn to not answer your phone sometimes. There will be people who really want to be involved in the group experience and some who don't. You will have to walk a fine line.


Make sure your reservations are linked (which they should be, since you are going to work towards a group rate). You will eat together every evening. You should work towards a group, even if you don't have enough for a group rate. A good TA can help you round up others for a group rate. You will never see the others at all. I think the group thing is a win all the way around.


I would narrow it down to three ships and three itinerary's. Put the pros and cons on paper and let the group vote.


I don't mean to downplay the group experience with friends. I've had wonderful cruises and trips like that. Just be warned that it can be a tough nut.

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The problem with being the organizer is - people tend to rely on YOU for their info rather than doing their own homework. There's nothing more irritating than having someone say, "Why didn't we do THIS instead?" - when they haven't done squat to help plan the trip!


Last summer my husband and I went on a 12-night Baltic cruise on Jewel of the Seas with 4 other family members. I was the one that got everyone to go, and I arranged the 2-day independent tour of St. Petersburg, Russia through Den-Rus. (Wonderful tour, by the way!) That was the only excursion we all did together, because it was more cost-effective as a group of 6 than if just my DH and I had a private tour. We ran into problems regarding payment when one person had to cancel the tour at the last minute, and we still had to pay for her. Her husband was in a snit for the rest of the cruise about the money. Therefore, I have vowed to NEVER EVER get involved in making travel arrangements for my family again! We're not inviting any of them to go with us to Alaska next summer, although they can certainly book the same cruise if they want.

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Maybe it is a little blunt, but my approach has been to say "This is the cruise/excursion/option we're taking - you're welcome to come along - it's up to you." but let it be known that on a once in a lifetime adventure like this, I'm not their mama. (We're all just hitting empty nest stage, so I think that makes my friends really understand that sentiment.)


We agreed early on that everything is voluntary. I'm not holding a gun to their head or visa versa. We made a pact that we would be honest and do only what we want and not take it personal. OF COURSE WE'RE NOT ON THE BOAT YET so I'll let you know how that works out:rolleyes: .


So far (and all the major decisions are done), so good. We're flying in & out 3 different routes. 3 of us are doing a land tour prior; one isn't. We're all going to Emerald Lake; my husband and I are the only ones flightseeing Denali - you get the drift. I got email addresses early on and whenever we made a decision/booked anything, I would immediately email the information to them so that they could consider that option. I think the website idea is awesome even though some of my companions aren't computer savvy.


I will add that the only snag so far is that we booked guarantee - Princess could put us wherever they wanted as long as it was a certain category (or higher). 3 of us understood and were cool with that; the fourth couple thought we would all be in a row.


Anyway, just some additional thoughts...

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Well, I was just thinking I'd better stop replying or I'll get kicked off AGAIN! AND IT HAPPENED!!! I'm SO mad - mostly at myself for not being more computer literate. When I get in trouble here I usually just holler for DH, but he's not here right now!! Darn, I just wrote you all about our planning and lost it! I'd be glad to relate our experience if you can give me an e-mail address. From reading the above posts, I think our little group of 16 went very well, but I can certainly relate to the problems that occur when you are/feel responsible for others. Best general advice I can give is to put the RESPONSIBILITY on the participants as MUCH as possible. Would be glad to help you out with planning if you can send me an e-mail address - so sorry I lost all I just wrote 'cause I was just about ready to click the darn "Submit Reply"

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Learn from the problems that others have had. Like NancyIL, we've had issues where someone will backout and expect no consequences. Let it be known up front what the committment is (deadlines, financial, etc.) Then it is up to them to be responsbile for themselves. Get the money upfront for any excursions you do agree to plan and if anyone needs to back out it is THEIR responsiblity to either find someone to take their place or eat the cost.


Make certain EVERYONE understands ahead of time that pricing and any cost savings due to booking as a group are contingent upon everyone carrying through with the cruise.


I haven't had too many problems with the family trips I've planned (not allowing my older sister to particpate under any circumstances helped :D ) but I have found just from organizing outings for my GS troop - make rules and stick to them - if you are "nice" and let someone join a activity after the deadline, it will always come back to bite you!


Good luck!

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I know there is someone else on here who planned a trip for a group and they created a simple webpage of all the information to make it easy for everyone to check on everything. You can set up free webpages on many different sites and you could link to different threads on cruisecritic, cruiseclues, etc. as well as provide information such as itinearary, what to pack, available excursions, etc to keep everyone up to date on what's going on and what they need to do.

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Last year I planned an Alaskan cruise for a group of 6 couples. Most were friends and 1 couple was an out-of-town brother/sister-in-law.


None had been on a cruise prior except me and that was over 26 years ago. Since I handled travel planning extensively in my job, I was the "ringleader."


I talked with a TA regarding handling a small group, did my research, and identified 3 lines -- Princess, Celebrity and RCI. I had the group over to our house for dinner and afterwards made a presentation that I had put together on the computer (Powerpoint). We weighed the pros and cons, coordinated calendars, and came to a consensus on cruise line, ship and date. I then contacted the TA who booked 6 side-by-side balcony cabins. It was up to each party to contact him with their credit card info, etc.


Once the major decisions were made, I would pass along information regarding excursions, cruise tips, etc. via e-mail. It was up to the individual couples to decide what they wanted to do. Two couples stayed in Alaska for a post-cruise land trip and the others flew home.


We decided early on we weren't going to be "joined at the hip" for the cruise and that no one's feeling would be hurt if you wanted to do your own thing.


I have to admit it was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it tremendously. Once we were on-board, I was relieved we had made it that far and now it was up to everyone to make their own fun.


We probably only had 3 of the 7 nights when all 12 of us ate together -- we had Anytime Dining on Princess. We only had 1 excursion that we all did together -- White Pass train in Skagway.


We were able to get together during the day or early evening out on our balconies (room steward opened up partition between all of them), and discuss our day or upcoming plans over some wine and snacks.


We all got along tremendously and got to know each other a little bit better. None of us had traveled together before.


We've talked about doing a "reunion" cruise in a couple of years. I think I'm up to it.

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CiGi -And no matter how much information you provide be assured that not EVERYONE will read it - or remember it! We found that many short e-mails were better than our original L O N G ones! We usually asked a question at the end of each communication, hoping we would get a response so that we could be sure the information had been read and understood!! You cannot possibly anticipate all the problems that can occur. You just have to do the best planning you can and be prepared for anything that comes up! Again, I would emphasize putting the RESPONSIBILITY for reservations for both the cruise itself and excursions that require upfront money on the participants.


Once onboard: We had already made reservations through HA for two side by side rectangular tables with seating for 8 at each. We ASSUMED that everyone would NOT be present for dinner there every single night - WRONG! NO ONE missed a dinner in the dining room! - so a round table might have been better!


We arranged for our sail away party in the Crow's Nest where everyone ordered their own drinks and HA passed a few snacks, not just to our group but all passengers who gathered there. It was surprisingly uncrowded and easy for those that wished to get out on deck if they wanted. We put together party bags with a few items for each couple - they all were surprised and enjoyed that. NOTE: We live in California and drove to Vancouver, so we were able to carry an extra duffel bag for this purpose!


The only shore excursion that we arranged for others was the drive to Emerald Lake from Skagway. Before even mentioning this to our group, in January we reserved, under our name, 4 full size cars thru Avis - just in case everyone decided to do this excursion! Guess what? EVERYONE decided to join in! We were glad we had anticipated and reserved 4 cars. It worked well with two couples to each car. Each driver rented under his own name on the morning the cars were picked up. The four drivers walked to the rental place and then met the rest of us at the dock. DH was one of the drivers and the rest of us met me in our cabin and we all went down to the dock together.


We provided PLENTY of information, or where to get it, on all the ports in our before cruise communications and everyone made their own reservations for excursions in Juneau and Ketchikan. Most of us did the City Tour and Mendenhall Glacier and several of us did the Misty Fjords Wilderness boat excursion in Ketchikan. Both of these were Holland America excursions. I would not recommend the Juneau excursion as this can be done much less expensively and with better timing on your own, BUT, in our case, because of the time in port not starting until 2 PM, we felt this was afternoon time better spent. The Misty Fjords excursion from Ketchikan, however, was wonderful and one of our trip's highlights - especially good for anyone who has been to Ketchikan before and has "done" this town before.

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I planned for a smaller group - only 3 couples went. We knew what cruise line we wanted to go on - this was important to us, so it made it easier.


I had everyone over for coffee and cake and I had a packet for everyone with basic information in it. We all have different work schedules and that was our second decision - when to go based on when we COULD go.

Third was making a list of our Alaskan "dreams".

We highlighted the things that were common on all our lists - glaciers, Denali, train riding, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Ketchikan, etc.


Then, while the men were "chatting", the women picked out which cruisetour of the various options we could go on and after narrowing it down to just a few, we involved the men again and decided which to take.


There were four others who were mildly interested, so, after we picked which we were going on, I contacted land based, internet, and "telephone" travel agents for prices. Once we had the prices, I called the other two couples and I made the deposits. Then, I made new packets, just with our cruise/tour info. We had another coffee night and invited the others who were interested, telling them this is what we are doing and if you want to join us, make your deposits or let me know by ... and I'll do it for you.


Then the fun really began. I made new packets, with our itinerary, days and dates and what, if anything, we were doing on that specific date. I included at least one page with optional excursions/excursion suggestions, highlights of the towns, ports, descriptions(and pictures) of the mode of transportation, approximate times. At another coffee night (yeah, some cake too ;) ) about a week before the on-line booking of excursions, I gave everyone descriptions of those and we picked which we each wanted to go on and I made the reservations.


What was especially nice is we have vacationed with both couples, together and separately and they have vacationed with each other without us and we all know we have different styles and respect them. Three of us get up early, three MUST have coffee, two are slower moving, three don't want to miss a meal, etc. We took all the included tour excursions together - but split up while on them - two of us wanted to be out on the top of the riverboat, 4 didn't, etc. We split up on the non-included excursions that we took - three went horseback riding, four went on a jet boat to a homestead, 5 went on a hayride, three went on a floatplane, two went fishing, one went snorkeling, all of us went on the White Pass RR. It was fun doing things together and separately and I'm just waiting for our next big vacation to plan again (maybe New Zealand/Australia).

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:eek: I am exhausted already reading all of these responses! What a treasure trove of wonderful ideas! So good to have you posting, Bucky (so sorry you lost it all....again!! I do write long posts in WORD first and then paste onto the message board for that very reason!) - - my "board" email is g4uess"at"cox.net if you or anyone else has anything to email me.

I figured out a lot of this already as I did plan a 4 night cruise this past Feb for 9 of us gal-friends (a first cruise for 7 of us) - and most of these will be included with husbands in the group for Alaska.......that was a LOT of work just for that short cruise with only 1 port!!! It was a lot of work as I had mostly type "C" personalities and I DID tell them - I am NOT your momma!!! We had a blast but I did not try to book any excursions - gave the info to them to do so, if they desired - and they all opted NOT to! Now, IF I'd booked they would have put up the money and would have participated - but I was a bit tired by that time........

Working with couples will be a tad different as the male dynamic is added in here ;) ......

I have gotten some great advice from you all and I really appreciate it. I am rather computer savvy and do have my own (paid for) website - but I did not know there are freebies out there that you can link to cruise sites and other info - I will have to explore that - super idea!!!

Nliedel, I love your website - that is helpful to have all the info in one place - I did send a lot of emails to our gal-friend group and some of the gals "mis-placed" important deadline info -- so a website is super. I could even attach it to my personal website if I need to.

I look forward to others' comments here -- especially on what does NOT work since I have so much great positive info posted here....... I know being a "commadant" will NOT work for anyone - I am all for throwing out suggestions and letting everyone take it upon themselves to actually book their own excursions. I will be glad to be the leader and research as much as I have time for if I do not know the answer.....but amen, sister, I am NOT the momma!!! We are all empty nesters too - or a few may have a college kiddo still - but basically we've been the momma, done that and appreciate that no one wants to raise us again! We are very good friends (most of our kids grew up together) and most of us have traveled with others in the group at one time or another -- so we know the various personalities involved and love each other anyway. There are several different budgets involved so not everyone will do it all or stay in the highest class rooms -- and that is just fine.

Alaska05, I like your idea of a power point or some other type presentation -- I figured it would have to be presented in a formal format with pros and cons of various ideas - and then as BQueen suggested - put it to a vote.

NOT many will actually read on their own - they just want to be "told" the best ideas and take it from there...........but investing several dollars to me means they MUST take some ownership and have some options -- as I DO want them to be able to say they made certain decisions on their own.

At this point I have NO idea how many couples I am looking at (could be 3, could be 8 or more)- I have an idea that when the basic plans have been laid out and "talk" begins - there will be others who will want to join in - and that will be fine - if they like the dates, itinerary and ship then the more the merrier! I WILL get involved with a TA and hopefully plan it as a group cruise -- a little incentive for me as well.......our local TA for our Feb cruise was NOT much help - I think I knew more than she did from all the research I'd done -- I have the name of a bang-up super duper TA from some friends on this board who I plan to enlist to help me out......but of course I am looking a year in advance here of even making the deposits and do not even yet know the exact itineraires or ships going! I think it pays to plan way ahead though......

Well, I once again want to thank you all for such wonderful advice! And to those of you yet to travel PLEASE report back! I will be watching for your trip reviews!

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Genessa, I was busy re-reading my post while you posted - wonderful info! Thank you! Your group sounds a lot like a group of 4 couples included here - we travel somewhere together every year - and 2 of the others went to Ireland this past fall - and you are right - some sunrisers and some burning the midnight oil..... sounds like you did a super job meeting everyone's needs.


Thank you for the specific ideas that made yours work.


I think this is a great thread and may help a lot of others toying with the idea of getting a gang together!

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Working with couples will be a tad different as the male dynamic is added in here ;) ......



Absolutely NOT male-bashing here (do love 'em), but I have found that the men in my group - including my own precious - have a different timeline. At the beginning, they were very laid back: "whatever", "sounds great", "you girls plan it and let us know when to show up" BUT now that they've received the <60 days information from Princess it's as if they woke up from a long sleep. I've been amazed at how often my phone has rung the last day or two, how many questions I've re-answered, websites I've re-provided and how many times I've said "I thought you had handled that." And we have a great travel agent that everyone is supposedly using. I'm used to planning all-girl trips and this has been very interesting to me. Be forewarned. The hoot of it is that they're at my mercy!!!! oh what a thrill!!!


All this to say that I think the website is the best idea I've heard of. I foresee planning more trips so I definitely will figure out how to start a travel website.

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I think this is a great thread and may help a lot of others toying with the idea of getting a gang together!


it is a great thread and I wanted to thank you for making me think it's about time to start planning another group vacation!



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NancyL - I just read your post on another thread: "It differs from other one-way Princess cruises in that it goes to Tracy Arm, Hubbard Glacier (rather than Glacier Bay), and College Fjord."

What ship is this? As I plan for our group my husband and I really want to try a few different sites - and for the others ANYTHING will be wonderful since they have never been.

Your itinerary excites me as Tracy Arm was my very favorite area - those icebergs were just magnificent!!! I really wanted to try to find an itinerary that included that area again and also wanted to see Hubbard since we've seen Glacier Bay - so you see why your post got me excited! :D

If you do not mind posting the ship I can look up this itinerary and have it on hand for our 2008 possibilities. I do understand the ships and itineraries vary from year to year. I LOVED the Volendam and really wanted our friends to experience that ship - who knows what we will decide.

Thanks for your help!

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NancyL - I just read your post on another thread: "It differs from other one-way Princess cruises in that it goes to Tracy Arm, Hubbard Glacier (rather than Glacier Bay), and College Fjord."

What ship is this? As I plan for our group my husband and I really want to try a few different sites - and for the others ANYTHING will be wonderful since they have never been.

Your itinerary excites me as Tracy Arm was my very favorite area - those icebergs were just magnificent!!! I really wanted to try to find an itinerary that included that area again and also wanted to see Hubbard since we've seen Glacier Bay - so you see why your post got me excited! :D

If you do not mind posting the ship I can look up this itinerary and have it on hand for our 2008 possibilities. I do understand the ships and itineraries vary from year to year. I LOVED the Volendam and really wanted our friends to experience that ship - who knows what we will decide.

Thanks for your help!


We'll be on the northbound Pacific Princess June 6-13, 2007. (The southbound goes to College Fjord and Glacier Bay.) I like the fact that it will go to 3 glaciers, plus it's a small ship - only 670 passengers: http://www.princess.com/pb/itineraryDetails.do?voyageCode=K714&date=0607&noOfPax=2&definition_name=

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WOW! I had no idea Princess had a ship that small - I will definitely keep this bookmarked and will do a bit of research into this ship --- hope to find others' reviews as well.


Thank you so much for the info and I really look forward to your trip review.....next year! :)

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WOW! I had no idea Princess had a ship that small - I will definitely keep this bookmarked and will do a bit of research into this ship --- hope to find others' reviews as well.


Thank you so much for the info and I really look forward to your trip review.....next year! :)


The Pacific Princess was built for Renaissance Cruises and was purchased by Princess when Renaissance went under. There aren't many reviews of that ship on CC, but it's a sister ship to the Tahitian Princess.

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Ok... I'll play the Queen of Doom here on group planning!:)


Actually, I planned for a group of 8 last year, and a group of 11 this year, and had a blast. Both trips started out as just our family of 4, then other's joined in, so I already had ships and dates set.


For the negative side as you requested:


I had to get over my 'Oh my gosh, they're watching Princess Pop-Star!':rolleyes: attitude. I LOVE Alaskan scenery, and it was very difficult for me to accept that not everyone wanted to be out on deck looking at the scenery as much as me. DH told me once when I was lamenting how much scenic beauty our group was missing out on just to see a dumb ol' show..."They know we're in Alaska, they know what's out here... you leave them alone and let them do what they want!" (It really was exceptionally scenic when we had this conversation!!!)


Push INSURANCE! No matter how ridiculous it may seem, there could be someone in your group who has to cancel last minute then will possibly blame you, as the planner, when they can't get a refund and lose $1000's. It's for their own good anyway!


Consider what happens if YOU have to cancel. Make sure everyone has a game plan even if they want to only be passively involved. Or have a second in charge who knows the ups and downs of group tours, etc.


We really had a blast on our trip. Everyone was pretty much responsible for their own activities, and very few things we all did together. Supper was 'anytime dining' with Princess, and worked out great. We all met for supper each evening, but we only ate together for the rest of the meals if we ran across each other on Lido.


Everyone split up in port, with the exception of Juneau, then we all enjoyed listening to the adventures of others that evening.


I think cruising is the best way to group vacation. Lots of fun together time, but lots of independence too. Two families in our group stayed in Alaska for another week RV'ing, and had a great time, while one family felt they needed to get back home (to work...ugh!) at the end of the cruise. I just got a call from one in our group... wondering if we'd all like to get together for another cruise next week... in a canoe, floating/paddling down the river...then camping out. I told her to count us in!!!

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This has been such interesting reading. Makes me wonder what our experience will end up like!


Two of my old highschool classmates, who also happened to be my DH's cousins got together to plan a 40 yr class reunion. Along the way we decided to forget the old hs class and do an Alaska cruise family reunion. So far it has been great fun. We just had a precruise party and had a great time. Everyone is so excited. None of us are very experienced cruisers. My only concern at this point is that no one else has come on here or done any research at all so when I tell them the excursions I am booking, which are based exclusively on my interests most of them call right in and book the same things. This leaves me with the fear of booking something that they don't like and will blame me for getting them into. With the cost of Alaska excursions I want everyone to be happy with what they are doing. I really tried to stress that everyone should do what they are interested in but since they don't check anything out it's much easier to just book what I did. Oh well, no use looking for problems that will probably never happen. I truely believe we will have a great time ( of course I do I'm doing everything I want,lol).


Our happy group will be heading out on Radiance on Aug. 5. Wish us luck!!

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Sym -- GREAT points to ponder and take heed! Thank you - very valuable info ... I will definitely have to bookmark this thread for future reference. I would have certainly "almost demanded" the insurance idea - I highly encouraged it on the gal-friend cruise I put together -- I think that is the only way to cruise.......with cancellation insurance.


I don't think I would have thought about "what if" something happened to me - who else would be in the know -- I already know which friend (the ONLY other type A travel planner in our group!) should be the 2nd in command -- IF they go, of course. But I do keep files and records of everything and know I'd have a book of docs and all the plans that someone could refer to if I could not be there,,,,,,,horrors to think that!:eek: Thank you so much for mentioning that angle.


I, too, would have worried about others not seeing the scenery & feeling they were missing out -- but as your DH said -- it was their trip to do as they pleased -- different strokes for different folks and all that jazz.......


Just curious -- what cruise was your group was on? Sounds like it was enjoyed by all and you did a great job.


Mickym -- I feel your pain!;) Most of our group will be right there with yours - just "feed me and I'll go" -- with NO thought into researching or reading or even thinking for themselves! HOW do folks like that survive in the world?? They are probably the ones without ulcers and who live to be 110!! At any rate - I do plan to have a listing of available excursions for them all to choose from and then it is up to EACH one to book their own - if they decide to book the same as me - that is their choice and I will NOT be responsible for if they enjoy it or not.


as quoted from your note:

"This leaves me with the fear of booking something that they don't like and will blame me for getting them into. With the cost of Alaska excursions ..."

I hope you realize that you are not forcing them to join you nor to book anything at all- it is their own free will to do so - and laziness, if I might be so blunt, in doing so without researching it out for themselves - and exactly my thoughts about the money - this type cruise is not a $500 quickie -- it IS an investment of hard earned money for most folks - I know my DH and I spent ~$1000 each (total) on our excursions this past May -- we thought it was worth every single penny and loved each one we did - but I can tell you, most of our friends could not physically have kept up with the active excursions we chose...... I am sure if yours are active you know if someone would be unable to keep up and let them know. Obviously you are a doer and not one to just let life pass you by -- your friends are lucky to have you plan the trip of a life time for them!


We will all be waiting mid August for that trip review and how the others got along on those excursions!!! Be sure to report back!!:D

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Just curious -- what cruise was your group was on? Sounds like it was enjoyed by all and you did a great job.



We sailed the Sapphire Princess northbound Vancouver to Whittier, May 20-27th, 2006. I personally had to have an itinerary with 2 glacier days since the Carnival Spirit had mechanical malfunction when we sailed Alaska in 2005, and we missed our only glacier sailing and Sitka. We were hoping for at least one glacier day in case we were on a jinxed cruise again:eek:! It ended up being a purrrrrfect sailing!!! Beautiful in Glacier Bay, beautiful in College Fjord.


We chose Princess because we liked the itinerary best, and it seemed the best fit for our family with the activities offered.


I debated back and forth between the Coral Princess and the Sapphire Princess. Finally settled on the Sapphire because it was larger and I figured it would offer more entertainment for our teenagers. I'm glad we chose it since we ended up with a group... plenty of options for everyone and their interests. I think we'd have all been happy with the Coral, too, from reviews I've read. The Spirit was a bit easier to 'get-around' on than the Sapphire, but my overall view of the Spirit is jaded simply because of the pathetic sailing we had last year, so I'd choose Princess over Carnival again. Food was similar, lecturers were similar, but Carnival did offer a better naturalist onboard. Good enough that I remember her name, but have already forgotten the name of the one on Sapphire this year.


I made some recommendations based on what I knew, but left all excursions up to the individuals/families. For example, both the train or a car rental are excellent for Skagway and I recommended those. One family went train, the other car. Lucky car-renters got within a few feet of a black bear! But the train-riders were just as happy with their excursion and history narraration. One family pretty well went with us or what we recommended, while the other took more active excursions... rock rappelling and snorkeling, for instance. Everyone got on the Princess website and looked over excursions offered. They booked some excursions via cruiseline, some not. I think everyone ended up happy with what they did... and some are already planning a return trip with family members they want to introduce to Alaska!:)


My one regret is the lack of enough port time in Juneau this year to take a day trip by small boat to Tracy Arm and the Sawyer Glaciers. After 2 trips to Alaska, from Denali to Ketchikan, that still stands out as an exceptional highlight for both DH and me. Our third cruise (next year ?!?!) Juneau port time will be a deciding factor for which ship we choose.


Wow, great memories... the group trip we had was just fabulous, from the planning stages to our recent 'picture review get-together'. I'm sure you'll have a great time planning, researching, then revising, then planning some more, for your trip. You know... we're really the lucky ones... getting to do most of the 'work' preparing, that's half the fun!!!

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