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What is the worst behaivor you have seen by a passenger on an NCL ship


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On our last cruise (NCLA POAm) there were three 20-something young men who had hijacked a ship's wheelchair and were taking turns pushing each other purposely toward other people and laughing up roarously when they managed to hit someone from behind. It was a dangerous situation. Security led them away.


On a RCCI cruise to AK, a woman from a table three away from us made a point to come over to berate my then 8YO for reading at the table. The lady told her it was "very rude" and then told me that she did not allow HER granddaughter (who looked to be about 11 or 12) read at the table. I made a point of stating my daughter had asked, and had been granted permission, from the four adults at the table to read. It was taking all my resolve not to tell her that lecturing others on manners was itself rude, when I was able to instead add that perhaps she should hurry back to her table - where her granddaugter had just fell having upended her chair while trying to balance it on just the back two legs' wheels! :D Fortunately no one was injured.


Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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....There is rude behavior and then there is gross behavior.....esp. at the buffets :)


but this year I had an experience that took the cake......We had a penthouse cabin and with that you get priority dis/embarkation......sidenote: we pay a pretty penny for this luxury but to us it is worth it....


So, upon being lead out by the concierge and staff with the other VIPs through a very large crowd, I was cursed out (F-ing B etc etc) and screamed at because other passangers thought we were getting off the ship first because we had a baby & a stroller.....

...This continue the whole way down the hall till we got off.....One women was a complete nut case and when she called me a F-ing B.....I acted like a nut case back and said "No, that is Mc F-ing B to you"

Not proud of my behavior esp. in front of my baby but no one would let us by........


....At this point you could tell that the vacation was over :)

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Sadly,and very embarassed) *I* demonstrated the worst behavior I have seen.



I hope to NEVER see that behavior from me again


Hi Bear,


I've been trying to get a thread with comments like yours up and going at Floataway Lounge. So far, it looks like you and I are the only ones who every misbehave on the waves:o. If possible, please visit over there and give me a little jump-start as these threads can really be fun once they're rolling.


Thanks in advance,



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Good question shoreguy.....We've been fortunate and have had very little negative happen to us. I'd say a rude couple on the Dream who thought their stuff didn't stink. They decided the wait staff was too slow and the food wasn't good. We were at the same table and we thought everything was great. Needless to say, we didn't look for them at our next meal. Some people just love to complain and the rest of us enjoy life. Happy sailing everyone.



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We took the Majesty from Boston to Bermuda. There was a whole line of about 100 people waiting for the Ferry in Bermuda. A couple walked over to the front of the line pretending to be waiting for someone. As soon as the boat got there, they very casually scooted to the front of the line and got on. they never spoke to each other. I could tell they do this all the time.


Out of 1,500 passengers, we saw the woman in action again. My husband was in line to return his towel. This woman bodly walked right up in front of him and said "excuse me". Being a polite person, he automatically let her get in front of him just as he was about to hand the towel to the attendand. She was unbelievable as she handed her towel to the attendant and simply walked away.


I was hoping I was going to run into them again. I wasn't going to be nice.

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In 2004 we sailed on the Dawn in early Oct. A family consisting of of husband and wife with two teenage daughters and one daughter's boy friend. One daughter was somewhat overweight while the other with the boyfriend was quite attractive and usually barely dressed.


When we stopped at the Bahamian Island for the NCL day at the beach, this family was sitting nearby us. The overweight daughter started whining that she was bored and there was nothing for her to do. The mother got annoyed with her and stated that "if she is bored she should..." and then proceeded to make one of the most vulgar remarks that I ever heard anyone ever mention and in this case it was to her own daughter.


If was unbelievable.

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We've had mostly great experiences cruising, but there are a couple of instances that stand out. Although these did not effect us personally they were certainly a display of humanity at its worst. On the Dream in Nov 03 the elderly couple in front of us during check-in received the wrong room. The husband did all the yelling as he expressed how many nights they've spent on previous NCL cruises blah! blah! blah!. He then proceeded to raise his cane as if to strike the employee with it. We continued to see him through out the week crabbing everytime we seen him. If you're not having fun then why are you cruising??? On the Sun in Jan 06, my wife went early to the Java Cafe to wait in line for tender tickets she was literally the first person there. The crowd continued to build and by the time the tickets were handed out the lobby was completely jammed packed with passengers. Knowing that my wife was in the front of the pack I began to fear for her safety. I especially became worried when they started to hand the tickets out in a random fashion, causing a near riot. And I am totally serious when I say "riot". People were yelling, screaming and pushing to get a ticket. I've never seen such ingnorant behaviour over something so trivial. Do you really think that your not going to get off the ship? For the life of me I can't figure out why the cruise lines can't come up with a better system to distribute tender tickets. My wife got the tickets first and escaped without harm.

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Worst behavior is other passengers who use complaining about the cruise to break the ice as small talk.


Bad table manners such as grumping about the meal with a mouth full of food. (How ironic is that?!)


Other times I've witnessed passengers become dramatic about being diabetic and needing to get on a tender right away to get back to the ship for insulin etc. and then seeing them later at the chocoholic buffet/restaurant eating enough for 5 people! Same frustration for those that use scooters for a convenience and not for a physical handicap.


Competitive behaviour. Like the tender ticket thing. If you don't get a ticket all you have to do is wait 45 minutes or so after they've started tendering and you can usually just get in line and be on shore before you know it.


I steer real clear of folks that get all huffy and can't seem to wait for the chance to spar with someone over the most minor inconvenience. Almost like they can't wait for someone to reassure them and announce to the peasants that the king/queen of the cruise are officially onboard.


On the other hand...on our last cruise almost all of our luggage was lost. We wore very casual things to the dining room, including my teenage daughter (sundress and flip flops were her only alternative) the staff knew our situation and other passengers didn't seem to notice and those that did kindly asked if we'd had a luggage problem and were sympathetic to our situation. (teenage son wore jeans EACH formal night - his girlfriend's luggage wasn't lost and she was dressed to the nines and they still looked cute together)


Here's my guilty confession: I love to people watch and get a kick out of watching the "humans" the same way I enjoy watching animals at the zoo! Sometimes the animals are better behaved !:p

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I didn't see anything too rude during our cruise a month ago on the Sun, except for the night of the Chocoholic buffet. People turned out early to wait in line, which in theory was a good idea - except the line got too long and wrapped one-and-a-half times around the circular lobby area. When the doors opened to the buffet everyone forgot their manners and rushed for the door - so the people at the very end of the line got in before the people near the front of the line.


It turned into a mob mentality, so even if you *wanted* to wait your turn it wouldn't have done any good. The whole line disintegrated.


I felt so bad for those people that got there early to wait in line, only to have the late-comers edge them out! I'm sure everyone got food, of course, but it just put a damper on the evening. :P

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There was a Norway passenger who got very drunk in Carlos and Charlie's in Cozumel - this was back when C and C's were still in their old location, when they still had loud music, drunk crew and the occasional naked woman on the dance floor.


This passenger had been told in no uncertain terms that when the Norwegians sitting on the next table got up and left, he had to follow them - they worked on the ship in the engine room (not on duty that night) and therefore they knew when to get up and go, and where to go to make the last tender back to the ship. The fact that they were so drunk that they were by then incapable of speech did not impair their chronological or navigational skills.


The passenger fared better. He got on board, and during the tender journey back used his well-oiled vocal cords to suggest to the CD that it had been a great pity that she was not more visible during the cruise as it would have been great to put a face to the voice before. He then directed his attention to the chief security officer, who thought that a very English po-faced approach would work well against the drunken ramblings of this passenger.


Somehow, I did not get thrown off the ship. Maybe the profuse apologies later worked a treat. ;)


I made up for it on my next Norway cruise. Mindful of what could (but should not) be done on the tender, I instead embarked on the process of teaching another bunch of Norwegians (family members of senior officers) the Electric Slide en route between the Cozumel town pier and the ship's side.

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I don't if you'd call it the worst behavior we've seen, but it certainly is the worst that has happened to us!


In August 2005 we sailed on one of the "other" cruise lines to the Greek Islands. As the waiter was serviing my husband dinner one night, the sweat was POURING off his forehead and into my husband's pasta! :eek: Needless to say he didn't eat much that night...

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Worst Behavior?


This is easy. It happens every sailing on every ship.



In fact, I recently overheard on the Spirit two people from a big group discussing their gameplan for the week: Each day they rotate getting a 7:00 wake up call, so one of them can go up to the pool deck and save six chairs. Then they go back to sleep, meet for breakfast and then make their way to the pool deck aftereward.


I didn't say anything because who wants to create a scene on a cruise ship in general, and on the embarkation date to boot? I bit my lip and quietly sneered at them when I saw them the next 8 days.



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On the Majesty 2 years ago, we attended the shopping discussion given by the port consultant, Tatiana. It was held in the Palace Theater and she was on the stage talking about the different stores. She held up a Pina Colada and said, the first person to come up to the stage will get this drink. I was in the first row about 10 feet form the stage. As I was walking up the steps, a guy raced out of the audience, ran by me and triped me so I landed face down on the stage. As he took the drink from the stunned Tatiana, he looked down at me and said "beat you". Tatiana tried to salvage the situation by joking, a little less enthusiasm please after asking me if I was ok. I saw the guy later at the pool and he had two large brass rings through his nipples. Ugh. So I guess, not only does he like pain, he likes to dish it out as well. LOL My wife and I still laugh at this moment and shake our heads at how competitive people are.

NCL Majesty Aug 2004

NCL Majesty Sept 2005

NCL Majesty Sept 2006

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This was on another cruise line...


We were leaving a Mexican Port of Call.....a couple of male passengers....completely drunk....decided to go through the buffet line we were in, just in front of us.......and they thought it was hilarious to serve themselves by scooping the food with their hands.


The ship had to close down the line and bring out fresh food. The drunks were shown to a separate table away from everyone else.

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At the Garden Buffet last March there was a family (non english speaking) that were so loud and there kids were free to do whatever they wanted. They had trays on top of trays of everything to offer at the buffet. When they left it was a pig sty with half the food not touched. After that my wife searched for them on both sides before we sat down. I am up early in the morning to enjoy some quit deck time and I could not believe to tactics used by chair hogs to rearrange chairs & tables by dragging them from one side to the other and line up 8 chairs & tables close to the pool and place a book here a towel there & then vanish

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While it seems people have encountered a lot worse behavior then we have, there are two scenerios that this thread brought to mind. Both occured on our recent cruise on the Star to Alaska (7/16-7/23).


1. The second night for dinner in Versailles there was an extremely drunk guy at the table next to us. He could barely keep his head up from falling into his soup. In fact he couldn't even keep his eyes open and as he tried to eat his soup, he would miss his mouth. At one point he got up and tried to walk into the galley, where some of the waiters escorted him out of the restaurant and into an elevator. This guy was in such bad shape we didn't know how he made it to his stateroom. This really would be more bad judgement of the passenger rather than rude behavior, but it is something we still talk about.


2. When the ship got to Ketchikan, it had to tender to the pier. There were a lot of early morning excursions (we had to be at the Stardust Theatre at 6:00 AM) and the people using the tenders at that time of morning were supposed to be only those people who had excursion tickets. While on the tender, the couple sitting by us said they did not have an excursion booked, that they were just going jogging. We felt this was rude as there were others who needed to get to the pier for their excursion. The joggers should have waited for the general boarding of the tenders.


Robin & Chris


NCL Dawn: 1/28/2007

NCL Star: 1/20/06 (Mexican Riviera) and 7/16/06 (Alaska)

NCL Dawn: 1/15/04 and 1/20/05

NCL Sky: 1/03

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On the Dawn this spring, we were in an AB penthouse and were pleased with the consierge service especially with the reserved seats in the theater since our DD is in a wheelchair. One night a guy came running up to us as we were seated wanting to know "on who's authority did we have reserved seats since seats were not supposed to be held for others". Who did we think we were, what made us so special to have these special seats? Brother, did he lay it on thick and loud! We told him this was a service of NCL for Penthouse people and we paid dearly for it. Alex was the consierge at the time and he escorted us to the seats the next night. This guy made us the center of attention for several rows with his volume and rudeness which our DD hated. She did not want to return to the theater again but Alex convinced her it would not be tolerated again. Great guy, Alex.

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I've seen many incidents of rude or boorish behaviour from people and there is no excuse for it. I was brought up to be respectful and to help when needed. When I got onto a tender (some kind of ferry thing) it began to fill up fairly quickly. People seemed to want their personal space and wouldn't move over to accommodate others. A middle aged woman had impaired walking and was having difficulty coming down the stairs. He children tried to help and when she got to the bottom, no one would give up their seat for her. It was impossible to miss that she needed to be sitting down. My daughter and I let the son know we had 2 seats available for their family to use. They were very thankful. We found single seats by politely asking people if we could sit. Another time, a young woman had a stroller (with a baby in it) and a youong child who was helped into a section for the tender. When it came time to get off, people pushed past her and her children and wouldn't let them get off. Needless to say, I was sworn at by passengers behind me when I stopped to let them go ahead of me. I guess I was holding them up a few extra seconds. Some people!!

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This past April we were on the star and two things stick in my mind. The first is funny. My DD and I were going to the shows at the Stardust. Every time we left a lady in a wheelchair who may or may not have been blind would beep continuously as she left the theater in a crowd. The first time we just laughed to ourselves the last show everyone around us was laughing out loud. We couldn't help it. She was so loud.


The next thing was as we were leaving during early disembarkment. My DH is in a wheelchair and as we are trying to get past security and onto the ramp no one is letting him through. No one is helping him and I couldn't because I got pushed through the crowd. Finally a very nice passenger took her suitcases and blocked everyone from passing and in no uncertain terms told everyone to wait so my DH could get by. My DH thanked her and if she is reading this I thank her too.

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Elevator behavior on all of my NCL cruises has been the most memorable negative part.


The elevator doors open and those waiting to get on stand in the middle of the doors OR worse, try to get right on while others are getting off! One time it was so bad, I waited until the new people got on and then said, from the back of the elevator, "this is my floor, I need to get off." They weren't happy when they had to get off again so that I could get off the crowded elevator!


Let's review elevator ettiqute: stand to one side with your arm in the door to hold the door and allow those getting off to get off before you attempt to get on!! Funny, kids are generally better at waiting to get on than adults!!




Also, when there are two doors to a restauarant and everyone is standing in line for one door, don't pass everyone by and enter the second doors! It is called waiting your turn!


I am one of those people who will call "dishers" out and embarrass them. I have and generally they sheepishly disappear.


To ignore rude behavior is to condone such behavior and allow the person to continue to get away with it!!

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I have to share this - first cruise 27 years ago - NCL Seaward - Jan 89.


The rudest family on any ship I have cruised. 26 members in all. So rude I remember their name to this the day - The Cohens. They were on our flight to Miami and was glad to be done with them (or so I thought) when we got off the plane.


The youngest member of the family was in the row in front of us and when he was not standing backward in his seat throwing the food grandma was passing out at us he would pop out at your feet from under the seat. They left food all over the seats and floor of the plan. We ran from the plan and headed to the port.


Who ended up in line behind us - you guessed it and here is were it started. Excuse us, we need to get thru, as 26 Cohens worked their way to the front of the line:eek: Every line on the ship had Cohens cutting in the front. Lined up for the tender " excuse us ........" midnight buffet lined up out the door they just went in the other door and to the front.


It gets worse they had the two tables next to us (pre Freestyle) and my little friend spent several nights crawling under our table.


It gets even worse - playing video poker and the little ones dad comes up "how do you play this" I told him and he put in $1 hit a royal and then hit the double down button - yes he walked away with 5000 quarters. I could have killed him


Now the best part. Just so you all know it was just not me. Last sea day, onboard Olympics, big crowd poolside and hanging over the deck above. The CD introduces the teams " our next them the Jersey bagels, the Cohen family from NJ"


The entire crowd started to boo and boo and boo it was great. What did they do ? Took bows to the boos :p



You can not make this stuff up

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This was way back when the Orient owned the Crown, before NCL owned the Orient. I digress.


Family with 4 kids. Parents were in a suite and yes all the kids were down below tucked into an inside cabin, which happened to be next to our cabin. The twoolder kids were in their teens. The youngest in diapers. I can't remember the other kid.


Anyway, the kids would routinely leave the toddler in the cabin, in the LIDO area, in the hot tub, unattended and this included port days. Parents were often MIA. Usually someone would find the toddler and turn him in. As the cruise progressed, this got old with passengers and the crew. Occasionally we saw the parents screaming the " this is our vacaton and we don't want to babysit you kids". This has stayed with me through the years. How does one babysit their own kids?

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The worst thing I ever saw, and this was on the Sun: A lady at the breakfast buffet was taking bacon, trimming the fat off with her hands, and tossing the fat back in with the remaining bacon. Unreal.

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