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What is the worst behaivor you have seen by a passenger on an NCL ship


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I should never have read this thread. Here I sit, 1 week before my first cruise, and I'm now trying to figure out how to pack my tazer gun, duct tape (for mouths), and 20 copies of Dr. Spocks "Raising a Spirited Child" book, to deal with what I imagine is a boat load of 1,998 rude people. :rolleyes:


hmm, maybe I won't pack the rubber gloves and fake doctor's outfit. :eek:

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This was on an excursion on one of those open-air vehicles on St. John or St. Thomas that seat about 15 people on 5 benches laid across a kind of flatbed truck. Normal adults fit about 3 across each bench, so if it's mostly couples, some couples will end up sitting one behind the other rather than side by side. Well, when a couple who were the last ones to board saw that they wouldn't be able to sit side by side, they started complaining stridently that they hadn't been warned they would be "split up" on the bus. The others of us listened in disbelief at this childish behavior, while the driver tried to reassure them that they'd be very close nevertheless. After a few moments, a seated couple offered to split up so the last couple could be together.


My second story also involved one of these excursion vehicles in the U.S.V.I. Six or seven of the passengers were all teachers from the same district and during the ride through the most gorgeous scenery one could imagine, they just talked on and on, loudly, about union politics, school policy, etc. so that one wonders if they even noticed the magnificent views, plants, etc. that the guide was pointing out. They were so loud that it was hard for the rest of us to speak--we just rolled our eyes to one another.

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From my many years managing ships:


Husbands punching wives; wives punching husbands.

Husbands strangling wives; wives strangling husbands.

Husbands and wives threatening each others' lives.

Fistfights - usually over sunchairs or a place in line.

Brawls in cabins where everything was destroyed.

Passengers trying to jump overboard.

Passengers trying to push other people overboard.

Passengers biting security Guards.

Passengers assaulting Security Guards.

Passengers assaulting Receptionists.

Passengers assaulting Sales Staff.

Passengers assaulting Shorex Staff.

Passengers assaulting dining room waiters.

Passengers assaulting cooks in the Lido.

Passengers sexually assaulting Security Guards, Sales Staff, Receptionists.

Passengers arrested for shoplifting (Many, many times).

Passengers arrested for stealing ship's property (Many, many, many times).

Passengers unwilling or unable to pay their bills (Many, many times).

One passenger punching the Captain.

People running naked through passageways.

People having sex in public rooms (with other passengers present).

People; some naked, some clothed, defacating in public areas.

People; some naked, some clothed, urinating in public places.

One kidnapping (over ownership of a sunchair).

Passengers throwing furniture overboard.

Passengers throwing ship's artwork overboard.

Passengers throwing just about everything overboard.

Passengers trying to smuggle firearms onboard.

Passengers booking additional cabins and then opening shops, beauty salons, and travel agencies in those cabins. ("Nobody told us we couldn't do it")

Passengers firing up charcoal BBQs on their balconies.

Passengers lighting candles and butane hair curlers, forgetting about them and burning up their cabins (Many, many times)

Passengers dropping heavy objects from the top of the atrium.

Passengers spitting from the top of the atrium.

Passengers with service dogs, allowing them to bite other passengers.

Passengers with service dogs, allowing them to defacate and urinate in passageways and then walking away from it.

Passengers witrh service dogs, allowing them to swim in the pools.

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last year while on the crown we went poolside for music trivia games.being quite crowded we finally found a table but with only one seat.next to us was a table with 3 people and 4 chairs. my wife asked the lady if we could have the empty chair and was told it was taken.fine but for the whole time afterwards all this lady did was use it for was a footrest and it didn't bother her at all .that we were watching her do it.

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Last year on the Dawn, there was a lady riding around in a scooter. All I can say is you better get out of her way because she would practically run you over. What was amazing was that she got around pretty well in the casino without it (she left it outside).


I believe that lady or her double was on the Caribbean Princess last month. I think she fancied herself a crotchety old eccentric wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses at all times. I was behind her in the buffet (about five feet) and she suddenly hit reverse and headed backward toward me at full speed. I literally had to jump out of her way. Luckily I had just entered the buffet and my plate was empty. She grumped somthing about us youngsters (:D I like that since I am 56) not having any regard for the disabled. Her daughter did not like it when I wandered away grumbling about the "nasty old cow" :p .

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I believe that lady or her double was on the Caribbean Princess last month. I think she fancied herself a crotchety old eccentric wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses at all times. I was behind her in the buffet (about five feet) and she suddenly hit reverse and headed backward toward me at full speed. I literally had to jump out of her way. Luckily I had just entered the buffet and my plate was empty. She grumped somthing about us youngsters (:D I like that since I am 56) not having any regard for the disabled. Her daughter did not like it when I wandered away grumbling about the "nasty old cow" :p .


We had a similar situation a few years back...except there was about 2 dozen of them riding their little scooters. Most were very cognizant of their surroundings. But, there were 5 or 6 of them that were continually banging into people with nary an apology. One lady (:rolleyes: ) actually would blame her victims for the collision. :eek: She would say (quite loudly) that "You people need to watch where you are standing"



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Back in 95, I was on my first Carnival cruise, it was a 4 day Bahama cruise onboard the Fantasy. Had a wonderful time but on the first sea day, I was at the pool and talking to a couple people I just met when a family in the hot tub proceed to remove the diaper there toddler was wearing and ring it out into the hot tub.

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I'm just was on the Sun to Alaska last week. The rudest thing I saw was at a cooking demonstration up in the Observation lounge. The Executive Sous Chef was running it, and they had Chef's from each of the speciality restaurants making a dish from their menu. At the end of it they opened it up for questions. Most were about things in the demonstration. Except for one guy. He pipes up with "Why are the pancakes so dense? They aren't fluffy like we make them in Minnesota." Now, mind you, pancakes were NOT part of the demonstration. The Executive Sous Chef handled it by saying that they had a new employee on that station and that he would work with him on it. Well the guy who asked the question followed up with "I was going to go back there and show him how to do it. They're just bad."


If you don't like the pancakes, fine. Don't eat them. Complain at the place serving them even. At this cooking demo was neither the time nor the place. You could tell the rest of the crowd thought the guy was just being a jerk.

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I'm just was on the Sun to Alaska last week. The rudest thing I saw was at a cooking demonstration up in the Observation lounge. The Executive Sous Chef was running it, and they had Chef's from each of the speciality restaurants making a dish from their menu. At the end of it they opened it up for questions. Most were about things in the demonstration. Except for one guy. He pipes up with "Why are the pancakes so dense? They aren't fluffy like we make them in Minnesota." Now, mind you, pancakes were NOT part of the demonstration. The Executive Sous Chef handled it by saying that they had a new employee on that station and that he would work with him on it. Well the guy who asked the question followed up with "I was going to go back there and show him how to do it. They're just bad."


If you don't like the pancakes, fine. Don't eat them. Complain at the place serving them even. At this cooking demo was neither the time nor the place. You could tell the rest of the crowd thought the guy was just being a jerk.


Gee I wonder where he gets fluffly pancakes in Minnesota. WE live in MN and my husband hates the pancakes in restaurants here. They are doughy, thick and my DH says makes his tummy feel like a lead balloon. :eek:

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Back in 95, I was on my first Carnival cruise, it was a 4 day Bahama cruise onboard the Fantasy. Had a wonderful time but on the first sea day, I was at the pool and talking to a couple people I just met when a family in the hot tub proceed to remove the diaper there toddler was wearing and ring it out into the hot tub.


I think its a toss up here between you and the ship's manager for the best story.


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Here is my experience, but this happened on Princess last December. We had a group of 4 couples traveling. We are old high school friends so we were really looking forward to our first cruise as a group. Leading up to our trip each of the couples put together little goodie bags with items that we thought would make the cruise more enjoyable.


My wife and I put together a goodie bag meant to decorate the cabin for the holidays. I included Christmas lights and a holiday wreath. I mean they were not expensive, but a nice token to personalize the vacation.


When we got to the cabin Princess had place a small piece of holly on each door to give the ship a holiday feel. All of us were very excited and opened our goodie bags once we first got to our cabins (they were all balconies in a row). The wives all went outside and hung their wreaths on the doors and took pictures. We all went back inside of the cabins and continued with our Bon-Voyage party.


Later that night when we returned from dinner we noticed that Princess had removed all of the holly they had placed on the cabin doors. When I asked the stewardess what had happened, she told me that some passengers had complained that Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated in December. We were ok with that (we were on vacation and besides we still had our personal wreaths on the doors).


The next morning I was shocked to find that someone had stolen my wreath off of my door. Now I know that it was not a family heirloom, but I was disappointed that all the other cabins still had theirs. We spoke to our cabin stewardess and advised what had happened and she said that she would keep and eye out for it. We thought nothing about it after that.


Then that same afternoon we get a knock at the door. It was our cabin steward asking us to follow her. We were shocked to see that the cabin across from us one door down had our wreath sitting on her night-table. We figured that we would take the high road and make a cute ransom note making up some story that it was a family heirloom. We knew that there was a teenager in the cabin so we even included some glow sticks with the note as a sort of trade for the return of the wreath.


We went to dinner that night and dancing and returned to our cabin expecting to see our wreath back on the door. The note and glow sticks were gone so we expected to see our wreath. No Wreath! NO Glow sticks! What to do.


The next morning we went to security and told them what had happened and how we tried to solve this without controversy. When they confronted the passenger, the mother said that since someone had stolen her holly off of her door that she took the wreath from ours. And she continued to say that Princess could afford to just give us another one. That "what was the big deal". Even after security explained to her that the wreath was a personal item brought onboard by us she still hesitated in giving up the wreath. Well in the long run she gave up the wreath.


In the end she got the vengeance that I guess she needed because the last night of the cruise we found that all of our wreaths had been destroyed and thrown into a trashcan next to the elevators close to our cabins.

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In the end she got the vengeance that I guess she needed because the last night of the cruise we found that all of our wreaths had been destroyed and thrown into a trashcan next to the elevators close to our cabins



Wow, how much energy did that woman have to use up just to "get the last word"? It's downright sad. And....her teenager got to see her in action. <sigh>

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1Wow, how much energy did that woman have to use up just to "get the last word"? It's downright sad. And....her teenager got to see her in action. <sigh>


All negative energy - perhaps the worst behavior yet posted on many levels.

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I guess this is in the same vein... crew member behaving badly - on a coastal about 10 yrs ago; going through metal detector after being ashore, my purse got ahead of me. I got through & realized my purse was not there. I looked at person ahead of me walking VERY fast & noticed my purse was in his hand. I grabbed it as I yelled at him. Didn't think much more about it untill I saw him in crew uniform a day later (engine staff). I reported it to security only beacause I didn't want the same thing to happen to someone else. It has kept me on my toes through security checkpoints ever since.

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a fight over chairs

Would that be "chair hogs in action" on the Discovery channel? I still don't get why people get up at 7 am to grab a chair to hog for the whole day. When they get up to go to lunch, can't anyone else use the chairs without imperiling their lives? It must be a cruise thing LOL

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on a coastal about 10 yrs ago; going through metal detector after being ashore, my purse got ahead of me. I got through & realized my purse was not there. I looked at person ahead of me walking VERY fast & noticed my purse was in his hand.


This is why whenever I go thru a security checkpoint with a family member, one of us goes through b4 any of our possessions go into xray.


I'm surprised that any of the crew working security didn't notice you had to yell and grab and then do something.



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Would that be "chair hogs in action" on the Discovery channel? I still don't get why people get up at 7 am to grab a chair to hog for the whole day. When they get up to go to lunch, can't anyone else use the chairs without imperiling their lives? It must be a cruise thing LOL



Not, IMO, a cruise thing, more a case of some people thinking that they, their wants and needs, are more important than the needs of anyone else around them. Sad to say, Ive seen this attitude in lots of places not just on cruises.

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Not, IMO, a cruise thing, more a case of some people thinking that they, their wants and needs, are more important than the needs of anyone else around them. Sad to say, Ive seen this attitude in lots of places not just on cruises.


Even on message boards:)

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Last August on the Dawn people were bringing kids who hadn't finished toilet training into the children's pools. My fellow passengers acted as if I was making up my own set of rules, and yelled a bit, when they were asked politely to take their babies out of the pools.


To make things worse, largely NCL's fault in wording their restrictions, people would remove swim diapers and then put their babies back into the pool. NCL tried to highlight that swim diapers are not a substitute for potty training, but made it appear as if wearing swim diapers was the only behavior prohibited in the pool.

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To make things worse, largely NCL's fault in wording their restrictions, people would remove swim diapers and then put their babies back into the pool. NCL tried to highlight that swim diapers are not a substitute for potty training, but made it appear as if wearing swim diapers was the only behavior prohibited in the pool.


Like when you go into a store or restaurant and they shoes and shirts required, but don't say anything about pants?:D

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