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What is the worst behaivor you have seen by a passenger on an NCL ship


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Hmmmm... Just to be clear - It's alright to be drunk, just not disorderly, right?


I'm happy to say that on the only (short) cruise I've been on, nothing stands out as bad behavior. So, if someone was rude - I don't remember it.


But hey, I'm a criminal defense attorney. I deal with people's bad behavior for a living. Maybe I just don't notice it anymore!

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Just got back fromthe POH 8/28 sailing. We saw a couple of things that might fall into this thread.


1. first morning for breakfast we purposely waited to go until around 8:20 to go think that the early excursion group would have already headed out. We thought wrong. Go to the GP dining room, and there were a lot of people doing what we did, wait unitl later, so we agreed to share a table with 2 other couples. One an older couple, and one a little younger than us.


Well, the waiter came over, nice young lady, asks us about our plans and immediately the younger man says, we have a 9:00am excursion (it's after 8:30 now) , please take our order first and make sure they bring it right out!! I was a little taken back by this, since they did agree to share a table?? It get's better, the waitress said ok, looking at us as if asking if we minded, which we didn't, but still? The couple then proceed to order a 3 course breakfast, complete with lox, omellete and desert thingy..... :mad:


Well, now I was a little ticked, we did get our coffee and order in amongst this couples express 3 course breakfast... couldn't order THE express breakfast either.... geeeeezzzeee; They ate were gone thankfully before our order came, and we were grateful they were. Very rude, and arrogant....


2. One evening we were waiting for an 8:30 show and decided to take our maritini's fromthe martini bar (good martini's BTW) up to the Spinnaker lounge and listen to some big band tunes for a bit. The lounge wasn't very crowded, so we went over to the port side where the giant brightly colored pillowy chairs and chaises were and sat down to listen. A few minutes later an oriental couple comes in and headed toward the chair, table and chaise group behind us.


Next thing we hear is this loud "CRACK CRACK", the guy had actually sat on the thick glass drink table and it broke into pieces!! WOW? He wan't hurt, and some bar staff came over to wee what happened and he said he fell on it. He did not, we watched him sit right down on it!! The bar manager and another officer came in checked out his story, took the broken glass table pieces away and called for housekeeping... the couple, they just went on and sat there listening as if nothing happened?


3 Last afternoon we were at the bar overlooking the pool area and found out about the collectable large fish glasses ( they hold more we were told). DW ordered 2 and when we finished I asked her toorder another round to go , but I headed to the RR first. As she turned to order at the bar behind her, this jerky looky 21 year old apparently grabbed one of the glasses. When I returned and she told me, I looked the jerrk square in the eye and said where I know he could hear me, can't afford a $1 to get your own, have to steal them, huh?? He just sat there with his sunglasses and hat lowered around them smirking.... watch out for the cheap jerks.. and the chair hogs.... The nice bartender also from our hometown, Jax, gave my DW another glass fro free....



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3 Last afternoon we were at the bar overlooking the pool area and found out about the collectable large fish glasses ( they hold more we were told). DW ordered 2 and when we finished I asked her toorder another round to go , but I headed to the RR first. As she turned to order at the bar behind her, this jerky looky 21 year old apparently grabbed one of the glasses. When I returned and she told me, I looked the jerrk square in the eye and said where I know he could hear me, can't afford a $1 to get your own, have to steal them, huh?? He just sat there with his sunglasses and hat lowered around them smirking.... watch out for the cheap jerks.. and the chair hogs.... The nice bartender also from our hometown, Jax, gave my DW another glass fro free....




Uh-oh, there are a few CCers who take the souvenier glasses from the bars. Here's hoping they all wait a bit before taking them

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Returned from the 8/26 cruise to Bermuda, Bahamas (which turned out, Thanks to Ernesto, to be Bermuda, Bermuda, Bermuda -- thank you WHICH WAS A WONDERFUL alternative). An occasional rudeness on board here and there, but nothing to write home about....




The very end. As we were waiting to disembark, DH, another couple and myself, were waiting in Gatsby's Champagne Bar playing a dice game and generally enjoyed our last time on the ship. Down the stairs comes 4 of the rudest young men I have ever encountered, ages 13 to about 19, together with Dad and Grandparents. They proceeded to jump down the stairs, and park themselves in chairs right in front of the Grand Piano. They complained that they had to wait to disembark -- that they were thirsty -- that they were hungry -- that the weather was bad -- they complained about anything and everything. They roamed the general area and came across a microphone which was placed on the piano. One turned on the microphone and proceeded to harass and make obscene and rude comments to everybody in the area and to those passengers filing out one floor above (express disembarkation). One played the piano (he obviously never had lessons and proceeded to bang away at the instrument). Another took the mic and got even ruder. My DH (who is a PE teacher and body builder) was about to say something to them as it was clear that their father and grandparents were going to say nothing, but an unfortunate crew member came down the stairs and quietly and professionally took the microphone out of the hands of the boy and went to the piano and closed the top. The Dad started calling her rude names and the boys joined in. It was clear that the apple didn't fall far from the tree in that family. Grandma and Grandpa said NOTHING. It was horrible and we felt terrible for the young girl. Then the Dad and one of the boys were called to reception. When they returned, they spewed several curse words and complained that they had to pay $5 which was not covered on their onboard credit. Said they ought to stow away and show them..... that they ought to have taken the microphone as it was worth about $5. Then they proceeded to jump the bar 1/2 door and actually got behind the bar and tried to break into the beer tap, likely breaking it in the process. Dad thought it was amusing and Grandma and Grandpa again said nothing. Finally, Grandma decided to go upstairs and wait in Dazzles lounge. THANK YOU GRANDMA!. We were so pleased that they finally left. It could never sour our wonderful vacation, but the behavior of those young men certainly left much to be desired. Hopefully, they will never cruise again! They just needed a good spanking!!!!!


Worst behavior????? You bet!!!

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ok, I guess I need to apologize for being one of the horrid behavior guests.


I went cruising with kids, 9 and 6. They are active kids, and 99% well behaved. Lets see, a 12 day cruise, 24 hours in a day, lots of schedule changes day to day, hmmmmm, bound to have a little ripple here and there.


I apologize for the why do I have to wear tennis shoes just because we are walking miles today tantrum, and the what do you mean there isn't kids club this afternoon tantrum.


Really, I thought they did well. They were polite to the other passengers, loved the crew, dressed appropriately and used good manners at the tables (ok they ate french frys with their fingers.), and made sure they didn't hog the hot tub or splash the adults.


The cruise was 5 years ago, and they still talk about the details and the wonderful things they learned about other people, places, histories, and manners.


I hope that we won't be sent post cruise to the brig (although it would get us back on board.....:))

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ok, I guess I need to apologize for being one of the horrid behavior guests.


I went cruising with kids, 9 and 6. They are active kids, and 99% well behaved. Lets see, a 12 day cruise, 24 hours in a day, lots of schedule changes day to day, hmmmmm, bound to have a little ripple here and there.


I apologize for the why do I have to wear tennis shoes just because we are walking miles today tantrum, and the what do you mean there isn't kids club this afternoon tantrum.


Really, I thought they did well. They were polite to the other passengers, loved the crew, dressed appropriately and used good manners at the tables (ok they ate french frys with their fingers.), and made sure they didn't hog the hot tub or splash the adults.


The cruise was 5 years ago, and they still talk about the details and the wonderful things they learned about other people, places, histories, and manners.


I hope that we won't be sent post cruise to the brig (although it would get us back on board.....:))


I've never had problems with kids on vacations! The only times they've ever gotten me annoyed is when they've actually thrown food or themselves on me. Please, your kids don't sound like they were doing things like that. Every kid gets a little excited. I don't think anybody would mind that! :)


That being said ---- some of these parents that have been talked about on here really sound like they didn't want to be parents!

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Wow, sure am glad this is about NCL!! Or I might be written about on here!! Well, my first NCL cruise is an October, so keep this thread going. Ok, so I like to throw cabin crawls, drink on my vacation (buckets of strawberry coladas in St Maarten are the best), just watch because you tend to loose your pants and drop your brand new camera!:eek: Ok, I forgot I brought my pants back and hung them on the balcony. Had a swimsuit on. I must admit my groups, sometimes just me, mostly my groups though get a bit loud and crazy but at heart we are good people and let anyone join in on the fun. Mostly this is on Carnival, which they say is the funship right? Glad this isn't a Carnival thread!

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Uh-oh, there are a few CCers who take the souvenier glasses from the bars. Here's hoping they all wait a bit before taking them


Should not be a problem unless like this guy, they wait 5-10 seconds after someone turns their back on their cup. Clearly this guy and his friend were probably doing this all around the pool deck.



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(ok they ate french frys with their fingers.)

What a terrible mother you are. It's people like you that make my cruise holidays terrible. How can you dare let them eat french fries without a fork? :)


To be honest my general experience is that the kids on cruises tend to be excellent. So keep up the good work.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just got back from a 17-day transatlantic:


1) Went to coffee bar, literally minutes into the cruise and one customer was berating the bar tender because the bill was taking too long to come out of the printer.


2) What ever has happened to the words Please and Thank you? I sat at a bar (sober) and listened to 20 passengers ordering drinks. 2 passengers said please with their request and 1 said thank-you.


3) At casino Blackjack dealer accidently picked up the money on a push. Instantly realized her mistake, returned the money and apologised. 'Patron' proceeded to tell her how useless she was etc etc. She left the table crying. (I spoke with her a couple of days later and she told me: we all know him...he's like that with everyone.)


4) Sat at the buffet and a customer told us "to make sure no one takes my table." Didn't ask us politely: just told us. Felt like pissing in her iced-tea.

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Egalitarianism has its price.


27 cents?


Egalitarianism is any belief that emphasizes some form of equality between morally-significant beings




Egalitarianism is a trend of thought in political philosophy.



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We returned from our frist cruise on the Dawn this weekend and perhaps it is just me that finds this horrifying but i'd like to know what you think.


So.... *I* know that the people who work in the restaurants work several shifts per day for days on end. I know that they live on the ship (obviously) and are STILL immensely pleasant when I know that I would be a complete meanie if working under those conditions. So having said that, I got horribly frustrated at the behavior of a group that was a table away from us at Cagneys.


First of all, the primary person involved was a woman with a gross display of expensive jewelry, a Prada bag bigger than my head and bragged extensively about her oh-so-important job that pays a ton of cash.


This woman went on and on and on for about 20 minutes about how put out she was about the auto gratuity and how there was a tip line for the bills that she recived from the bars and restaurants. The prime quote was, "Well those people don't do much more than carry a plate. Why should I spend my hard earned money on them. They wouldn't appreciate it anyway."


I swear that it took everything in my power not to get up, walk over and smack the Botox out of her face.


Every time I turned around, I saw a smiling staff member who worked god knows how many hours in that week we were with them. To see the face of our waiter while he HEARD this stupid woman say that utterly broke my heart.


If you can afford 3 kt diamonds in your ears, a Prada bag and a suite on this ship, you have no business whining about having to shell out $1-$5 on a tip.


Ooooh it made me so mad.


*shakes head* Incredible.

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Can I add a couple? A few years ago I was on a tour in Greenland and the little boat we took had picnic table style seatings.....a table with a bench on each side of it. Several of these throughout the boat. I was lucky enough to plop down on one and have a husband and wife sit directly across from me and FLOSS. Turned my stomach, it did.


Then on another cruise we were in the Lido type buffet when someone who must have been related to the Cohen's from several pages back, left his table of 8 to talk on his cell phone and came right to our table, as not to disturb his flock. I kept my mouth shut, but never again will I.


Just this past summer we were on a Celebrity cruise as was many people from the same non-English speaking country of several pages ago, with numerous ill-behaved children. (I hesitate to call them "children.") They would run down the aisles of the showroom and sit on the edge of the stage and throw themselves onto the seats in the front row. The next night I saw an officer standing guard. What ultimately happened was an entire group of officers, including the CD, stood guard and all children were forbidden to sit in the front row. I felt so bad for a family with 2 sweet children who wanted to see better; they were not able to sit there because of these awful horribles. By the way, rarely saw the parents!!!!!

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I was on the Celebrity in Sept. of 2004. I really never saw and real strange abusive behaviors. Everyone was pretty curtious and polite. I was on my way into Puerto Rico. I was in line. Infront of me was a mother and a daughter. They were complaining that the Century's service and food was terrible and that royal caribbean was better. I tried to say that the pools were nice. No, the pools with Royal Caribbean had a solarium that they could close when it rained and that Celebrity did not even have that. They also complained about their stops to be too short from what I remember. I looked at them and told them that this was my first cruise and I would take whatever I could get.:)

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Know what you mean. There are those who start complaining before they even get on the ship & it doesn't stop, even when they get back. I've been lucky so far, I guess, & haven't been on a bad cruise yet.



people can be funny animals. Usally people who complain like that, probally complain 24/7 and it's never enough for them. I hope I don't see any abusive behaviors next month, because they will get written up on this post.

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