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Can I Bring it on the Airplane?


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I always have a jar of peanut butter (all natural ;) ) and some packets of crackers in our carryon. I call it protection against starvation if we get into one of those dreadful experiences when pax can't get off planes stuck on the tarmac for hours or other airport nightmare stories.


With the new rules (inconsistent as they are).......is a jar of peanut butter allowed?

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I always have a jar of peanut butter (all natural ;) ) and some packets of crackers in our carryon. I call it protection against starvation if we get into one of those dreadful experiences when pax can't get off planes stuck on the tarmac for hours or other airport nightmare stories.


With the new rules (inconsistent as they are).......is a jar of peanut butter allowed?


You might get away with it, but it doesn't qualify for carry-on under the latest rules. Probably safer with wrapped protein bars.

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With the new rules (inconsistent as they are).......is a jar of peanut butter allowed?


No, it's not. I just happen to have gone to the TSA website and printed off a list of prohibited carryon items since I'm packing to go now, and this is a part of the list of food items that are prohibited:


"Canned or jarred goods such as soup, sauces, peanut butter, fruits, vegetables and jellies"


I'm going nuts trying to get some of my prescription creams and cosmetic items packaged to put in my checked luggage. It's a little more challenging than I thought it would be. Some of the items we're just going to pick up in a pharmacy when we get to California.

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Thanks, Gooselace and Tricia.


I'll have to start thinking up some other 'against starvation' alternative.



I know some power bars are better than others but most are loaded with sugar and are very high calorie. I suppose for an emergency though, they'd be better than nothing.


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I always have a jar of peanut butter (all natural ;) ) and some packets of crackers in our carryon. I call it protection against starvation if we get into one of those dreadful experiences when pax can't get off planes stuck on the tarmac for hours or other airport nightmare stories.


With the new rules (inconsistent as they are).......is a jar of peanut butter allowed?

Sail7Seas your phenominal !


Well that Legume is a wonderful blend when made right..


Asking the USDA may be wise too.. as some items are disallowed.. even taking off purchased flower arrangements.. which had prior inspections..:)/)


Ask the airlines as well they may have an American Peanut Butter Restriction... (((\:eek:/)))


*YIKES* in all my days I never thought we would have so many laws and regs that even limited ..the ole mighty American PeanutButter..


And yes have you noticed the price rising on Peanuts now? thats because we had one of the worst crops in history of that legume.


In our larder we do have a couple of cases now...:cool:

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Thanks, Gooselace and Tricia.


I'll have to start thinking up some other 'against starvation' alternative.



I know some power bars are better than others but most are loaded with sugar and are very high calorie. I suppose for an emergency though, they'd be better than nothing.



Some decent low carb bars are available in the diet section or at a vitamin store. The ones by Optimun Nutrition, IMO, are better than the Atkins brand, although I haven't tried some of the new ones.


Or why not just take nuts? I took a bag of unsalted pecans and had no problem.

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I like to have something a little more substantial. A few crackers and a spread of peanut butter can satisfy my hunger for hours. Peanuts are fine and I like them but they don't 'fill my hunger' in the same way.


Speaking of crackers........


Have you tried the "Seasoned Ry Krisp" crackers HAL serves at Lido Buffet at lunch time. They are in a big basket with other crackers and graham crackers. They are packed two long rectangle crackers to a package and are about the best crackers ever. I love them. (Only down side is they have partially hydrogenated soybean oil -----Trans Fat!!! but they are whole grain.)


I've tried to buy them on line; I've searched the Internet; I've asked my grocer and no one can find them for me. Each time I'm on HAL, my favorite lunch is a spoon of tuna fish from the sandwich bar, some of those Ry Krisp crackers and a big salad. I could go for that RIGHT NOW!!!

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The Quaker Q-Smart snack bars are great. 2 varieties---Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and Cranberry Vanilla Almond. 10g protein, 9g total carbs (1g sugar), and 12 calories. One of those and a package of almonds are all you need.


Bookworm.......Those sound PERFECT!!! I'm putting them on my shopping list right now. Are they available in regular groceries or should I look for them at a Health Store? Are you sure they are allowed in our carryons?


Thank you for the suggestion. I'm stoked.... I like the sound of these bars!!

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I like to have something a little more substantial. A few crackers and a spread of peanut butter can satisfy my hunger for hours. Peanuts are fine and I like them but they don't 'fill my hunger' in the same way.


Speaking of crackers........


Have you tried the "Seasoned Ry Krisp" crackers HAL serves at Lido Buffet at lunch time. They are in a big basket with other crackers and graham crackers. They are packed two long rectangle crackers to a package and are about the best crackers ever. I love them. (Only down side is they have partially hydrogenated soybean oil -----Trans Fat!!! but they are whole grain.)


I've tried to buy them on line; I've searched the Internet; I've asked my grocer and no one can find them for me. Each time I'm on HAL, my favorite lunch is a spoon of tuna fish from the sandwich bar, some of those Ry Krisp crackers and a big salad. I could go for that RIGHT NOW!!!


When is HAl going to have there Cruise Food at your Local Supermarkets? Yummmm even call it Yum Yum HAL food...


What a revenue generator.. They always want more profits... I have had N.E. Hood Products on the ships.. etc... why not HAL YumYum at home..?


You must have heard now the problem with spinach is labeling it where it is grown/packaged...



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Bookworm.......Those sound PERFECT!!! I'm putting them on my shopping list right now. Are they available in regular groceries or should I look for them at a Health Store? Are you sure they are allowed in our carryons?


Thank you for the suggestion. I'm stoked.... I like the sound of these bars!!

Sorry, I had a typo which I corrected- 120 cal. They are in the breakfast bar section next to the cereals of all the grocery stores I go to and being Quaker I'm sure you have them, too. I can't imagine they couldn't be in carry-ons- no liquid, they are in sealed individual packages- 5 to a box, and if you had to you could break one in half for proof you are not concealing a weapon!

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I liked the 12 calories MUCH better. :)

Oh well, 120 isn't all that bad. Peanut butter is high calorie, as well.


They still sound like a very good choice and easy to toss a few in our carryon....just in case.


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I just tried google again and found the company that makes the wonderful crackers I mentioned above.


Bermner Inc.

Princeton, KY


I'm calling there tomorrow to ask if they sell retail and if I can buy them locally.


Anyone else know which crackers I mean?

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I always have a jar of peanut butter (all natural ;) ) and some packets of crackers in our carryon. I call it protection against starvation if we get into one of those dreadful experiences when pax can't get off planes stuck on the tarmac for hours or other airport nightmare stories.


With the new rules (inconsistent as they are).......is a jar of peanut butter allowed?


DH & I just flew from Seattle to Columbus, OH on flights that were too short to have more than a snack of literally nuts and berries and a pack of crackers and cheese. We didn't starve. Not sure why you're worried about bringing a jar of peanut butter on board an airplane, but my thinking is if you need a jar of peanut butter from point A to point B while flying in this day in age, maybe you should change your travel plans or eat a bit more before you enter the airport.


If you have health reasons that demand more than the airlines provide, then tell the airlines you're flying about your health needs.


If you're worries are only about how hungry you can get on a delayed flight and not about health issues then I have no other advise to give than eat a big meal before your flight and pray there is another meal awaiting you at the end of your travels. As long as your plane lands safely at the next airport you are only a fast-food sandwich away from your next meal via the kiosks.


Flew home last week from Seattle with some fresh fruit in our carryon from Pike Place Market. Not one TSA questioned the apples and grapes in our carry on luggage. Peanut butter would have been a stretch. Deal with it.



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Thanks, Diane. Yes. I'll deal with it. In my way.

Thanks for your fast food suggestion. That thought had occured to me but we don't eat most of the fast food that is available in airports. That is why I pre-plan.


Happy flying. Hope you are never left sitting in an aircraft for 5 hours at the end of a runway. Or in an airport for many hours after they have run out of food. Those things actually happen to people as you probably have heard. I'm of the thinking we should be responsible for ourselves and plan for our personal needs.


Just my ownway of looking at things. Your mileage may vary. ;)

By the way......I sure hope you didn't take that fruit off the ship with you. Department of Agriculture could be very unhappy with you for breaking that most important law.











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If you have health reasons that demand more than the airlines provide, then tell the airlines you're flying about your health needs.

Please enlighten me. I in no way mean to be snarly or smart mouthed. In what way would any airline be helpful as regards food? Airlines no longer serve food. What would any airline care if I had a health issue that required I eat? If I need food, isn't it for me to arrange to satisfy my needs? This isn't something any airline I know of is going to be helpful about.


We always flew first class.....just recently we stopped. Got to the point, we couldn't/wouldn't bother with it anymore. Wasn't worth it to us. Far as I know, only first class gets food (if one can call it that) on most domestic flights.


Am I mistaken about airlines and food these days?




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I think what the poster means is that if they have a problem with you bringing your peanut butter on board the plane, tell them that for health reasons you need some sort of nourishment at certain intervals which might bge dsirupted by the flight or any delays which may be incurred . Its not like you are asking them to provide you personally with food, just allowing you to bring on your own, in case there is a problem with you bringing on the peanut butter.

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Okay....I see what she meant.


But, isn't it up to TSA to make that decision? I didn't think that AA or Jet Blue or whatever airline had any influence as to articles permitted to be brought aboard.


I read recently how airport security was going to force J.K. Rolling to check her carryon bag which contained the only manuscript for the next Harry Potter book. They were absolutely insistent she could not carry it aboard.


Yah, sure........She was going to let that out of her personal control. She claims it to be the only copy (??) but even it there are ten copies...... trust that to not be stolen or lost?


In the end, she informed them she would be sailing across the Atlantic before she would let that manuscript out of her hands.


They decided it probably wasn't too big a risk to permit her to bring it aboard.


Wonder why she didn't just charter a plane? With her gazillions??? She probably will next time she flies with something so precious.


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We always flew first class.....just recently we stopped. Got to the point, we couldn't/wouldn't bother with it anymore. Wasn't worth it to us. Far as I know, only first class gets food (if one can call it that) on most domestic flights.


Am I mistaken about airlines and food these days?





Not sure about domestic flights - but on United/SAS flights to Zurich and from Copenhagen, we are given hot meals and snacks, as well as free drinks, in both business class and, returning, in economy. Quite surprising.


But as one of those plan-for-the-worst types, I always bring something along just in case. But we have to become more flexible about what we bring as the regulations change. Packages of nuts, low-carb protein bars, individually wrapped hard candies all passed inspection. Probably clear packs of plain cookies(no Oreos) or crackers would too.


I also brought Brush-ups for after-snack teeth cleaning:)

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Have always flown economy coach class on all flights, domestic and foreign. before and after, the new flight rulings. If we're in for a long flight we pack a sandwich, like a Subway, or prepackaged commercial peanut butter and crackers, along with a pre-packed candy bar or two.


We just don't pack liquids in our carry ons -- and no items that can be construed as liquids, gels or salves of any kind -- that incudes jars of peanut butter, jelly, make up or whatever.


Less problem we give the TSA's the quicker we go through security. Works for us. Wish others would do the same.:D



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Have you tried the "Seasoned Ry Krisp" crackers HAL serves at Lido Buffet at lunch time. I love them. (Only down side is they have partially hydrogenated soybean oil -----Trans Fat!!! but they are whole grain.)


I've tried to buy them on line; I've searched the Internet; I've asked my grocer and no one can find them for me.

You peaked my interest about the Ry Krisp. I was at 2 grocery stores this afternoon and looked for them at both stores. Both had the Seasoned RK. Can't understand why your stores would have a problem. I am in a small town and both stores had 3 kinds of RK, including the Seasoned. Yours certainly can order them if my local stores can.

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Sail, I am so glad you brought this up. I've got a direct cross-country flight on a no-food airline coming up in a few days. I had barely begun to think about the food (going and returning) problem.

That Quaker Q-snack bars idea just might work! :) Thanks, bookworm! I had been considering a peanut butter sandwich in my carry-on, but if the jars are forbidden I'm certain the sandwich would be, too.

Flying is getting harder and harder. :(

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