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Time to open up a can of worms. Swim Diapers?


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[quote name='djklove']Okay since we are being so gross, here goes. Now I have seen these swimming pool debates several times. I have 2 kids, 1 out of diapers, 1 in diapers. Now, as a mother, I am aware of when my kids have to "go" and I would not choose a time that I thought this was going to happen as a time to go swimming. This worked fine w/ my 1st one and he never had "that kind" of an accident while in swim diapers. But to be frank, this is what I think every time I see this debate. Ladies, back me up here if you are brave enough. I have a DH and I also lived w/ a family for a while who had 3 men in the house ranging in age from 45-17. Also have done laundry for other men over the years, wether it be friend or family. Ahhhh...how to put this delicately... Can you say SKIDMARKS?! :eek: I mean THAT is gross, and there are tons of MEN in the pool also. There are also people in the pool with skin conditions and open wounds you don't even notice. I think that it is just a fact of life that pools and hot tubs are just going to have gross stuff you don't want to know about in there, wether there are babies in there or not. Fact of life. If you can't live with it, stay out of the pool.:D[/QUOTE]

I think your right, being a swim teacher I had to just not think about that stuff, I do feel better being in a pool FULL of cholrie and other chemicals though. ;)
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[quote name='Lou33']It is *extremely* inconsiderate to put babies with diapers in a public pool or hot tub. Accidents do happen. There is always a sign by the hot tub that says something like "for health reasons babies in diapers are not permitted in the hot tub". Do you read the sign and say "the heck with it, I'll just do it anyway"?

I won't swim in your toilet, but please keep your diapers out of my pool.[/QUOTE]

That's not right, babies should be taught to swim at 6 months so they don't have a fear of water, this is the reason swim classes start so young, where do you expet these babies to learn to swim or should we just wait until they are 5, when they are deathly afraid of water and just pee in the pool with out the protection of at least a dipar? (Belive me, I know how much older kids pee in public pools I've taught all age groups)
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[quote name='djklove']Now, as a mother, I am aware of when my kids have to "go" and I would not choose a time that I thought this was going to happen as a time to go swimming. [/QUOTE]
I just have to say, in all seriousness, that I wish my kids were predictable like that. With my first we had several "blowouts" in the car seat :eek: that I would have preferred to have avoided, had I only known... Blowouts are never fun, but cleaning a carseat cesspool -- in the middle of a parking lot -- enough to get baby home in said carseat is NOT a pleasant experience. And it doesn't smell very nice either. :( Have since learned to always carry a roll of paper towels in the backseat, just in case...
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djklove, no offense, but if you KNOW when your children, in diapers, are going to "go"... why are they in diapers? I don't think it is possible to "know" when your children are going to go... first off, when you set them in the water, at that young age... whether you know it or not, they probably pee just a little bit... not their fault of course, but it happens. Oh, the diaper is empty when they come out of the pool... that does not mean they didn't "go".... I agree, there are horrible things in any pool... but more than ANYTHING, I would think you would want to abide by this rule NOT for the other passengers sake, but for your CHILD'S sake? Children that are of the age that they are still in diapers are MUCH more susceptible to picking up illness, whatever form it may come in. There are reasons that it is a rule. As for babies taking swimming lessons, that is great and I believe they should start at an early age... but there are generally no "unsuspecting" adults in the pool at the same time and generally by the time there is, the chlorine has had time to work it's magic....
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My children have been toilet trained for years and you wouldn't think I would have any swimming pool problems with them. Well, this past weekend we went on vacation and decided to swim in the large, crowded pool at our hotel. Here I am sitting in the hot tub with my husband and a few other adults when I see my yougest child who is 5 years old head to the bathroom. Well, first off, she leaves the bathroom door wide open as she goes in because she's waited so long that she almost didn't make it. Then, she stands near the door struggling to get her wet suit back on. It is so wet and sticky that she can't get it back on. So she decides to just shrug out of it and kick it to the side. And as you have probably guessed, here comes my daughter naked as a jay bird. She just walks over to the pool and jumps back in. I could have died right then and there. It was so embarassing! And all my husband could do was laugh. So I had to go get her and dress her. I think living out in the country with no one around has made her a little immodest. But at least I can say that my children don't pee in the pool. I don't think I can say the same for the other kids who never got out once to go to the bathroom the entire time we were there. My children went at least 2 or 3 times while we were there. Thank god for chlorine!

And I must say well said to djklove! There are a lot of skidmarks in our laundry and it's not mine or the kids! Adults can be gross too! Especially men! Sorry guys but growing up I had laundry duty. And my brother and father had the worst underwear (yellow in front and skidmarks in the back.) And why do men always insist on keeping those old underwear? When I got married, the first thing I did was throw out hubbies old underwear and replace them with new ones. When my husband saw what I did he got his old underwear back out and said it took years to get them "just right." He said new ones were binding and tight and the threadbare ones were soft and comfortable. Go figure! And men say women are hard to understand!
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Guest Time2gocruzn
[QUOTE]Goincruzin: djklove, no offense, but if you KNOW when your children, in diapers, are going to "go"... why are they in diapers? I don't think it is possible to "know" when your children are going to go... [/QUOTE]Of course I don't predict every time they go, but my kids are both pretty regular (if you must know) and if they usually go (AS IN #2) in the morning. If they haven't gone yet, I'm not going to put them in a swim diaper and put them in the pool. Now, if they have already gone, chances are thay arent going to go again that day, or at least for the hour or two they may be in the pool. I guess it is a common sense thing. They are in diapers because they are not able to control and I am not able to predict when they are going to urinate. But let's keep in mind that kids are not the only one's who might pee in the pool.:D

SNOWBALL, what is the deal? I am not contradicting myself.

The rule that you speak of usually does NOT apply in most public pools. When there is a rule about no babies in the pool, I follow it. If there is no rule that pertains to use of swim diapers, this is where we choose to go. Why is it that I post a simple post stating that there are all kinds of things in public pools that are unfavorable, and you and others automatically make the assumption that I am saying I think it is okay to put kids with crappy pants in the pool. Did I once say duh I think that swim pants keep everything in so yippie, go ahead and crap in the pool? Did I once say I am going to put my kids in a cruise ship pool? I do not think that, no where did I say that, and I do not appreciate you or anyone else assuming that is my point of view. I stated very clearly that I am careful about when I take put my kids in the pool. Unless you are swimming around in the local toddler pool, I am not sure why you are concerned what I do. I think we all need to be a little more willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. I am getting pretty tired of seeing others scolded on this board and being jumped on myself . I am not an idiot. I do not need anyone to stress the importance of public saftey rules to me. Thanks again.:rolleyes:
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dkjlove, I hope you don't think I was jumping on you.... I did not mean to. I did think it was odd to say that you know when your children are going to go to the bathroom and just wanted some clarification... you did that and I am cool with that, but I do think that sometimes kids can "drop" a surprise on you... LOL. We are all good here I think... just a touchy subject, I hope you take it in stride... I was not trying to jump on you doll :)
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Guest Time2gocruzn
Goincruzin, thanks! I know what you meant, and I didn't think that [i]you[/i] were jumping on me. I know it is a touchy subject, it just seems like no matter what your point of view on this, somebody else assumes that you are an idiot and takes it upon themselves to "educate" the poster. Not just in this thread, but in others as well. I hate to see it happen. I think it may scare people off who really have a good question to ask, and are scared they are going to get flamed. Has happened to me more than once. Personally, when I read some posts, they may sound strange to me, but I always assume that they have good intentions. I think people getting upset about this thread/subject is pretty rediculous, seeings how it was just started to ruffle feathers in the first place! People get so overdone about the strangest things sometimes!:D Thanks for letting me know where you stand. I do appreciate it;) .
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I know what you mean... I too try to maintain civility until people get personal... then the natural instinct to protect yourself kicks in. Today seems to be a weird day... like a full moon! >LOL
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[quote name='tinydancer21']That's not right, babies should be taught to swim at 6 months so they don't have a fear of water, this is the reason swim classes start so young, where do you expet these babies to learn to swim or should we just wait until they are 5, when they are deathly afraid of water and just pee in the pool with out the protection of at least a dipar? (Belive me, I know how much older kids pee in public pools I've taught all age groups)[/QUOTE]
Not to flame here....but I think that's a load of horse puckey. I tought a child to swim at 7 and there was no fear of water at all.

Babies is "swimmies" should not be in pools or hot tubs period.
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I [color=black][size=3][font=Times New Roman]have a two year old who is semi-potty trained. She wears swim diapers and we have never had a problem. I take her to the pool all the time and the diapers are dry inside when I take them off of her. She wears them "just in case." As far as the cruise ship pools. I wouldn't keep her out of them to protect other swimmers; I would keep her out of them to keep her from swimming in unclean water. And it isn’t unclean because of some babies in the pool with no swim diapers on; it is dirty because [b]all[/b] people have their own “dirt” and if the water isn’t kept clean I don’t want her going in there. Think about it, water goes up into your “crevices” and rinses them out. I don’t know about you, but most people do not take a shower before they swim.[/font][/size][/color]

[size=3][font=Times New Roman] But, you do have to take in to consideration the amount of water in the pool and how they clean it. There is always going to be gross stuff in public pools (pee, puss, bodily fluids, etc.) but most of it is diluted to non-harmful levels by just the sheer amount of water in the pools + the chemicals they put in the water. Most pool water is pretty safe, even if you accidentally swallow some. [/font][/size]
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My girls have been team swimmers since they were 6 years old. I can't tell you how many practices and swim meets have been cancelled due to fecal contamination in their pools due to babies/toddlers having accidents during open swim sessions at the pools my girls use.
The cost of draining some of the water from the pools and then shocking the water by super-chlorinating it is high, and then when the pool is reopened for the teams, when it is tested as free of e-coli...it usually is so high in cholorine for a day or two that the kids just hate it...not to mention the fact that the teams pay for pool time that is lost and their practice time is gone...enough rant...anyway, what I am trying to say is that although one poster defends the issue by saying there is a bunch of 'stuff' in the water, and this may be true (I'm sure if we put it under a microscope, we'd cringe)...fecal contamination is very dangerous...[U]especially[/U] to other small children.
Kids that are not potty trained should not be allowed in pools on ships.
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[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Arlene F[/I]
I know this is a serious topic but I have to tell you that I sit here laughing until I have tears in my eyes. Some of this is too hilarious![/QUOTE]

I gotta agree with Arlene, I can't believe this is into 3 pages already. Keep it up it's entertaining.
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Just something to think about...children lack total sphincter control until about 20-24 months. This is not my opinion...this is scientifically proven physiological fact. So, you can't tell me the LD (little darling) is 8 months (or whatever) and potty trained. If so, you must have some sort of potty-training prodigy on your hands. :D

I don't buy for one minute that those little swimmer diapers are air tight. I know some adults (as disgusting as it is) do take a whiz in the pool, but I have yet to encounter an adult pinching a loaf in the pool instead of getting out and using the appropriate facilities. LD's (especially small ones), can't help it a lot of the times. I just can see a happy turd sitting in a little swimmers diaper, getting a nice warm saltwater bath, while the LD frolicks and plays in the pool...surrounded by 50 or so passengers. Urine, for the most part, is sterile when it exits...and no one ever got a gut-busting nasty illness from being peed on. It's still gross to think about. I don't like the idea of swimming in either, which is why I refrain from using public pools. You can rationalize that adults can be dirtier than children, but the facts remain that kids carry some NASTY bacteria that can cause a healthy adult to miss a week of work.

Little swimmers diapers may look cute (especially with the little fishes on them), but not in a public pool.
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[quote name='headhurt']
I don't buy for one minute that those little swimmer diapers are air tight. [/QUOTE]
Absolutely true. The only thing that makes them different from regular diapers is that they don't absorb tons of water and bloat up like regular diapers do in the pool. They are not any more airtight. Stuff still leaks. I know. I had to clean up the evidence. ;)
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livetojump - I think that post by tinydancer1 is a lot of "horse puckey", too! Kids need to learn to swim at 6 months to "avoid fear of the water"? What nonsense! None of my 5 ever took "infant" swim lessons (I was too busy just spooning Cheeriios and leftover pork chops down their baby throats!). We went to the pool when I could GET them to the pool, and they were generally in elementary school by that time. They learned how to enjoy the water because their siblings routinely threw them into the pool in an attempt to drown them. My kids were potty trained when they marched into whatever room I was in with wipes and a clean diaper, took off the dirty one, rolled it up and put it into the diaper pail, laid down on the floor with legs sticking up in the air, and said, "Mom, I'm ready for a clean diaper, and my math homework is due tomorrow. Can you help me with fractions?".
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[quote name='imsulin']livetojump - I think that post by tinydancer1 is a lot of "horse puckey", too! Kids need to learn to swim at 6 months to "avoid fear of the water"? What nonsense! None of my 5 ever took "infant" swim lessons (I was too busy just spooning Cheeriios and leftover pork chops down their baby throats!). We went to the pool when I could GET them to the pool, and they were generally in elementary school by that time. They learned how to enjoy the water because their siblings routinely threw them into the pool in an attempt to drown them. My kids were potty trained when they marched into whatever room I was in with wipes and a clean diaper, took off the dirty one, rolled it up and put it into the diaper pail, laid down on the floor with legs sticking up in the air, and said, "Mom, I'm ready for a clean diaper, and my math homework is due tomorrow. Can you help me with fractions?".[/QUOTE]

Imsulin....I need to say something here.

It's not "livetojump"....it's "livtojump". Got that butchered with an enema yesterday ;) Just kidding LOL.

I'm so glad that "someone" finally agrees with me. I don't like stir the lemonaide with a baby ruth. That's just nasty.
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[quote name='imsulin']My apologies, LIV! Sorry about adding the "e", and hope your "nema" wasn't too traumatic! :)[/QUOTE]
I was just jokin' with you LOL......

The "nema" was uncomfortable but all is well now :D
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cruise for two, it is amazing how many people think it is okay... I am shocked first and foremost that they would put their babies in the pool and subject them to the large amounts of bacteria, that are much more dangerous to small children... but also subject ALL OF US to getting sick as well... Ick, Ick, Ick.
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