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Large group on my cruise


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Due to the nature of this cruise, I imagine it's a charter, not just a "large group!" ;)

I hear that with the nudist cruises ... as soon as the ship sails ... and gets a certain distance from shore ... the word goes out over the PA that members can shed their clothing. So, yes ... nudist cruises absolutely have to be charters.


A lot of gay cruises will be charters too ... because the organizers want to have a lot of special events onboard that I guess can't be done on a regular sailing.


I would imagine most organizations would clearly prefer a charter ... but often they just don't have enough people to charter the ship and have to go as a group on a "public sailing." The problem with being scheduled on a public sailing is that you can only go so far with your group activities and I would imagine HAL could not allow you to do anything that could be considered "offensive" to other passengers. Charters are much nicer because the whole sailing can be 100% geared to the group. The group can decide to do away with formal nights if they would prefer, they could also have all of their own entertainment onboard (great for Christian and gay groups), and they could probably even jiggle to a certain extent with the itinerary of the sailing. But when you have non-group passengers onboard, of course these things are not possible. People aren't going to be happy to find that all the music onboard their sailing that week is Christian, or that nudists are walking around in front of their children with no clothing on ... or that a gay group is running some special events and games out on the pool deck every afternoon ... events that maybe they would prefer their children not be exposed to.


I know of one big charter ... a Christian group (not on HAL) whose primary purpose on the sailing is to do some outreach work, I believe on Grand Cayman. They chartered the ship and modified the itinerary so as to cut out one of the ports that would normally be hit on that sailing, and substitute it with an overnight in Grand Cayman. This allows them to put on special events on the island as a part of their missionary efforts. Could never do that on a regular sailing. I doubt other passengers would be happy missing a port in lieu of staying overnight in another.


Frankly, I would actually prefer in some cases if a large group would just go ahead and charter the ship ... even if that means I get bumped off of my sailing. Believe me, in many cases you are better off in that case and I, for one, would probably write the cruise line a note of thanks. :)


Blue skies ...



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A couple of months after we booked our 10/28 Zuiderdam cruise, I discovered by reading the roll call board that it was being booked by an agency as a gay cruise! Rather than worry us in any way, though, we thought this would add to the fun quotient-- after all, we're gonna get to see some totally fabu costumes on Halloween, don't you think? I went to the booking agency's website and they boast that the group size is over 300. All in all, I can't see this impacting my cruise negatively whatsoever.


Two more weeks! Can't wait!!

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I hope they don't close down the Crows Nest for just the group on Halloween for their costume party.


We once were 'surprised' (to say the least) to find we were on a ship that was substantially a charter with only about 250 of us not a part of the group on an "S" class ship.


Crows Nest was closed to us all but one or two nights of a ten day cruise. We simply were not permitted to enter.....among other venues. Those of us who were not part of the group were made to feel very unwanted and out of place.


HAL had no business 'surprising' us with that most unpleasant cruise.

We certainly paid a fare indicative of full use of the ship but we did not, by any means, have full use of all public areas of the ship.....including aft pool on a bright, sunny sea day. We were told to leave shortly after noontime.


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It would be terrible to be on a cruise with a large interest group. To have areas taken over or reserved - not for the banished average cruiser would be a crime. Is there any way to find out ahead of time if there is a large group other than chance?

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There used to be a nice site maintained by a couple who used to post here. It was a lot of work keeping it current so they stopped doing it.






I'm not known for posting many 'totally negative posts' and my post above could only be taken as negative. It was awful for HAL to do that to us, IMO.


But, I want to add that in one way it was a fantastic cruise.


By circumstance, the very first morning I met a woman early in the morning in Lido. We both appeared there at about 6:30, began to talk, while our husbands slept. We made the time throughout our cruise to spend much time together (including with our husbands). We became the closest of close friends. After that cruise, we talked on the phone and/or e-mailed every single day for years. And then she died suddenly.


Had we not been on that cruise, I never would have met dear Noreen, who I shall never forget.


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I hear that with the nudist cruises ... as soon as the ship sails ... and gets a certain distance from shore ... the word goes out over the PA that members can shed their clothing. So, yes ... nudist cruises absolutely have to be charters.


I read the FAQ of a nude charter once, although I will likely never go on one (nobody needs to see me in the buff!) and I was surprised that the only times you are required to be clothed is in the dining room, at the Captain's reception and when the ship is in port. This must be an odd week to be on staff!



A lot of gay cruises will be charters too ... because the organizers want to have a lot of special events onboard that I guess can't be done on a regular sailing.


I don't think that they do all that much that couldn't be done on "regular" cruises so much as they provide an environment where nobody is going to look askance if you hold hands or dance with your sweetheart. Many gay people don't feel they can be themselves on a mainstream cruise for fear of an uncomfortable incident. We don't feel that way so you will see us dancing in the club or walking on the deck but I am glad there are cruises for others. I know you didn't likely mean to intimate it but gays are not any more likely to have lewd events than straight people. I don't think any "gay afternoon by the pool" would be anything less tame than the sexy legs and belly flop competitions currently feaured on some ships. I do agree that the entertainment is more high-profile, with folks like Lily Tomlin, Wynonna Judd and the like being recent guests on gay cruises.

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I hear that with the nudist cruises ... as soon as the ship sails ... and gets a certain distance from shore ... the word goes out over the PA that members can shed their clothing. So, yes ... nudist cruises absolutely have to be charters.


i would think that crewmembers of either sex would find this offensive to their religious beliefs (muslim men seeing naked women) and female crewpeople seeing naked men

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I know you didn't likely mean to intimate it but gays are not any more likely to have lewd events than straight people. I don't think any "gay afternoon by the pool" would be anything less tame than the sexy legs and belly flop competitions currently feaured on some ships. I do agree that the entertainment is more high-profile, with folks like Lily Tomlin, Wynonna Judd and the like being recent guests on gay cruises.

No, that's not what I meant at all. I just meant that some parents ... the big "family first" crowd ... might not want their kids ... especially very young kids ... exposed to the "gay lifestyle." Not saying it is right ... just saying it may be a fact.


As for me ... I love sailing with gay groups. I find them much more open and friendly than being stuck as a single at the Ocean Bar surrounded by heterosexual couples who pretty much ignore me and try to pretend I'm not even around. Generally, the gay folks will readily include you in their conversations and fun.


Blue skies ...



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i would think that crewmembers of either sex would find this offensive to their religious beliefs (muslim men seeing naked women) and female crewpeople seeing naked men

I'm sure HAL is not particularly concerned about offending the "sensibilities" of crew members. These charters bring big bucks to the cruise line, and the crew members will just have to learn to suspend their judgments as to certain groups they'd prefer not to be around.


I'm sure HAL does some "sensitivity training" as part of their overall staff training program in Jakarta. I'm sure the crew has seen it all and while they may not share certain lifestyles, they are not put off any longer by them. And besides ... think about it ... can't you pretty much get along with anyone who is decent and treats you like a fellow human being?


Blue skies ...



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We once were 'surprised' (to say the least) to find we were on a ship that was substantially a charter with only about 250 of us not a part of the group on an "S" class ship.


Crows Nest was closed to us all but one or two nights of a ten day cruise. We simply were not permitted to enter.....among other venues. Those of us who were not part of the group were made to feel very unwanted and out of place.

This is exactly when the passengers need to get together and hire a lawyer. You paid for reasonably full access to ALL of the ship's ammenties. You did not get that. Sure, it's understandable for a private group to maybe have a lounge for an hour or so on one night of the cruise, or a section of the Crow's Nest for their private party. But to lock up major venues to the general passengers on a steady basis throughout the cruise, that ... in my humble opinion ... is not getting what you paid for. Would you put up with that on land ... say you bought a car that was supposed to have certain luxuries ... and paid for those luxuries ... only to find out upon delivery that the luxury package was no longer offered, but you weren't gonna get a refund for it? Of course you wouldn't. So, why should we put up with this crap on a cruise.


I'll just say that I am nowhere near as nice a person as you are, Sail. In fact, I can be pretty obnoxious when I want to be ... when I am pushed to be. I don't enjoy it, believe me ... but I can do it. So, if HAL or any cruise line pulled this crap on me without offering some serious compensation ... like along the lines of a 50% discount voucher off a future cruise ... I wouldn't even be disembarked from the ship before I was calling an attorney and talking to him about a possible class action by all of the affected passengers.


No way would I put up with that. If the group needs major venues every night ... then let them charter the ship and be done with it.


Blue skies ...



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Kryos: Just imagine all those poor people trapped on the Zaandam with a huge group of unruly CC members. I mean Ruth C must be running around demanding her chocolate! Scotty and the Rev must be demonstrating the proper formalwear for gentlemen! :D

LOL ... and imagine ... they are probably taking over the piano bar every evening ... to the consternation of all the other, non-group passengers. :)


Seriously, I hope they are all having a great time. I'm only sorry circumstances did not allow me to be a part of that group. Maybe next time we can both join them?


Blue skies ...



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Rita....... ;) We all have our own style.

No where did I say we didn't complain to the appropriate people.

No where did I say what 'was done about it'.


We didn't even have to specifically ask for anything. The crew knew better than us what was happening to 'the rest of us'. They did everything in their power to do as much for us as possible under the circumstances. We knew they were doing their best..........but it still was an unpleasant situation. We simply chose to not take it out on those crew persons we knew were handed this situation and had to deal with it.




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No, that's not what I meant at all. I just meant that some parents ... the big "family first" crowd ... might not want their kids ... especially very young kids ... exposed to the "gay lifestyle." Not saying it is right ... just saying it may be a fact.


As for me ... I love sailing with gay groups. I find them much more open and friendly than being stuck as a single at the Ocean Bar surrounded by heterosexual couples who pretty much ignore me and try to pretend I'm not even around. Generally, the gay folks will readily include you in their conversations and fun.


Blue skies ...




Well, you're most certainly welcomed to come sit with us if we ever meet on the seas. :)


As for families who might not want their children exposed to gays, well, I suppose that it's their right. If I had kids, there are certainly some intolerant situations that I wouldn't want them exposed to, no matter how much it tried to parade itself as morality so I guess it's just the flip side of the coin.


Now, not only am I worried that I won't get the table or seating I want on my sailing, I'm worried that some huge group will come along and dominate the sailing. While I know that all lines have groups and charters, I have to say that this situation seems more prevalent on HAL than on Celebrity or Royal Caribbean, based on my reading of those boards.. I wonder if that's because the HAL ships tend to be smaller, and thus more easily taken over, or why? The chartering of cruises seems to be a regular occurance on HAL, based on the posts here.

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I second that!! Rita, I would love to have you sit with us at any time... you are so well spoken and I'm sure you are a great conversationalist!


As for being on a ship with a large gay contingency... I wouldn't have a problem with it, but my husband most likely would (please don't judge him intolerant, he would just be uncomfortable, like when we were skiing in Aspen for a week a few years ago, and it was Gay Ski Week there....)

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Well, Twinkle, you may get your wish. The 2/3 Zuid cruise is one we are seriously considering. still have the Superbowl/hotel issue though and flights are tough. But at least the cruise price is the same as the 2/4 West.


One problem is my in-laws might not be able to fly in the day before. Since they are on the East coast and it's a short flight, they usually fly the day of the cruise (I know, it's risky in the winter - bad weather possible, but it's their choice). They have a dog and HATE to leave it w/ for ANY length of time. One day shouldn't matter, but it does to them. Plus they have the extra cost (about $250 for the hotel plus dinner and bkfast for the extra day).


There's a flight that gets in on the day of the cruise at 1:25PM. I think that's cutting things too close and am pushing them to fly the night before to be safe. I know it's only 15 minutes to the port. But w/ Superbowl in town it could take a while to get a cab AND traffic will likely be heavy. They also have to wait for their luggage from the airline. That could be up to 30 minutes. Then a wait for a cab and traffic. They might not arrive at the port until 3:00. Any air delays puts them at serious risk. I think you need to be there by 4 for the 5PM sailing.



You could also consider a cruise from Port Carnaveral as it is only about 2 hrs north of West Palm Beach airport. Your hotel rooms would also be less up that way. Not sure what time your are getting in but Tampa may be an option also. It's about 4 hrs away and you might just be able to switch your flights. Just a thought.

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This will be a difficult decision for you, but I would probably try to cancel out. A religious large group may limit the "diversity" one usually enjoys on cruises. Of course, I may be entirely wrong here......but I would not book such a cruise if I had the knowledge of the large group being on board.


We did, not knowingly at the time of booking, sail with a large group on the Milleniium. The cruise was discounted heavily....and that was probably why! The group was a business, The Royal Bank of Canada. As it turned out, they did not interfere with our cruise in any way! They did have business meetings in the theater on a few days....but it was never a problem for us, nor did we feel that we were missing anything. In fact, when the group was in their meetings, we enjoyed the ship amenities and services even more....as there were fewer bodies about the ship.


Good luck to you!

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Now, not only am I worried that I won't get the table or seating I want on my sailing, I'm worried that some huge group will come along and dominate the sailing. While I know that all lines have groups and charters, I have to say that this situation seems more prevalent on HAL than on Celebrity or Royal Caribbean, based on my reading of those boards.. I wonder if that's because the HAL ships tend to be smaller, and thus more easily taken over, or why? The chartering of cruises seems to be a regular occurance on HAL, based on the posts here.

Thank you ... and I hope we do find ourselves on a sailing one day. I'd love to get to know ya'all!


I don't know that HAL gets more groups than other lines, but if they do, it's because they offer killer deals to bring the groups onboard ... better deals than the other lines. From what I understand, when a group seeks to reserve space on a ship, the agent representing that group will seek "quotes" from the different cruise lines. Then, if say cruise line "A" promises more "bennies" to the group than cruise line "B," but the agent would really like to put her group on cruise line "B," she will go back to "B" and tell them what "A" promised and see if "B" will match it. I think in a lot of cases, since the HAL ships are nicer ... and the cabins are generally larger, agents just want to put their groups there.


Also, maybe HAL gets more charters than other lines because many of its ships are smaller and many groups can pony up the required numbers of people to charter the boat. But I doubt HAL gets more groups on regular sailings since any size of boat can accommodate most groups that are not charters. I just think that perhaps HAL is being more competitive to get those group dollars than other lines. They might simply offer the groups more "bennies" ... more private parties with open bar, better accommodations for the group leaders, more nice venues for group functions, etc. ... than the other cruise lines. I know when I took my one and only group cruise on HAL in 2004, the HAL management couldn't kiss the butts of our group leaders enough. All of the author/instructors at the writer's conference at sea had at a very minimum luxury suites, one even a penthouse suite ... and you can believe none of them paid a dime for those accommodations. The line wanted the group to book another writer's conference at sea ... which they did ... and made sure that the word went out to the onboard staff that these people were VIPs and were to be very, very well taken care of.


So, my guess is that HAL is just fiercely out there fighting for the group dollar and maybe that's why they seem to get a lot of large groups ... but all the lines get them. It's just that with the larger ships many of the other lines predominantly sail, maybe the groups can be "buried" better, and thus don't generate the number of passenger complaints a large group on HAL would generate. After all, if you have a group of 800 on a ship with six dining venues and 18 bars/lounges, even if the group locks up a couple of venues several nights that week, most of the other passengers won't even notice, and certainly won't be inconvenienced very much. But on HAL ... if you lock up the Pinnacle with a group function for 200 people ... you can bet that no one else is gonna be able to dine there that night ... and some people are gonna have a problem with that.


I just wish HAL had another smaller ship in their fleet that many of these groups could easily fill and just charter. That would keep them off of public sailings and let the passengers on those sailings enjoy their cruise.


Blue skies ...



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like when we were skiing in Aspen for a week a few years ago, and it was Gay Ski Week there....)

Ohhhhhhh, with all those colorful spandex ski outfits? I'd been in hog heaven. :) Wish I had been there. :)


Thank you so much for the kind words, Julia. I'd love to cruise with you one of these days. Betcha we could have some good fun too!


Blue skies ...



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Ohhhhhhh, with all those colorful spandex ski outfits? I'd been in hog heaven. :) Wish I had been there. :)


Thank you so much for the kind words, Julia. I'd love to cruise with you one of these days. Betcha we could have some good fun too!


Blue skies ...




Rita, why don't we invite Julia and Schplinky to join us on the 30 day Hawaii/Tahiti cruise? Dang, we would have some great times. We could have such fun; I can see us now. . .

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Rita, why don't we invite Julia and Schplinky to join us on the 30 day Hawaii/Tahiti cruise? Dang, we would have some great times. We could have such fun; I can see us now. . .

Ummmm ... think Schplinky would be willing to wear spandex ski outfits? :)


Seriously, that was one of my favorite parts of skydiving ... watching all the young hunks walking in from the landing field in their multi-colored jumpsuits ... tight-fitting spandex ... leaving VERY little to the imagination. :)


Hey, a gal's gotta have some joy in this life, right? :)


Blue skies ...



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Me? Spandex?


Oh Lord, I am blushing.


Mine would blouse and stretch in all the wrong places!!!!

LOL ... no, probably all the RIGHT places. :)


My dad caught me oogling some of the jump instructors when he came to pick me up at the drop zone back in the day when I was still jumping. What can I say? Their spandex jumpsuits were fitting really good and I guess my face must have reflected that. :)


Frankly, he was shocked at my behavior. Then he told me that I was nothing but a female chauvenist pig. :)


Blue skies ...



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