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Pearl's Godmother Announced


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Whenever they want to in the best Suite available!


By the way ShoreGuy are you gonna be in Miami for the Christening...would love to have a chat with you!


No I am off the Pearl on the 12th and back to work on the 13th.


I guess I must have missed the invitation in the mail ;) :rolleyes:

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Shoreguy...I may be still jump on this one as well! Not sure yet, if I can take the 10 days off! You have to give Ruth a huge kiss from me...she will arrive today (Monday) in Papenpurg. The big Bosses are already on and the ship will be just phantastic!


And I really can not get some of you, talking bad about somebody you do not even know! I hope I will get to know Rosie at the Chritening ceremony! I think it is wonderful that NCL uses wonderful people who stand with both of theire feet in live and not some old lifeted up Hollywood monsters. NCL's Godmother's and fater's resamble a freespirit, whitty lifestyle, close to freestyle cruising!

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Shoreguy...I may be still jump on this one as well! Not sure yet, if I can take the 10 days off! You have to give Ruth a huge kiss from me...she will arrive today (Monday) in Papenpurg. The big Bosses are already on and the ship will be just phantastic!




Will do - I got an email from Klaus on the 16th as always the team is planning to make her the very best in the world:)

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Shoreguy...I may be still jump on this one as well! Not sure yet, if I can take the 10 days off! You have to give Ruth a huge kiss from me...she will arrive today (Monday) in Papenpurg. The big Bosses are already on and the ship will be just phantastic!


Sneakerguy: you need to come on and go with us. Pricing is great right now and airfares don't seem to be too bad right now. Just remember, it is not a full 10 days, it is just 7 days off from work.

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Shoreguy...I know, I talked to him and Sean yesterday! They are waiting to get her together and as far as I know Klaus...he's the best what he does! I'm so excited for you, I really wished to go myself, but it looks not like I can leave right now, too much traveling!

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How revolting. She's the one who sang that repulsive and disgusting rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" several years ago on T.V. Every time I hear her name it makes me want to vomit. I had been considering NCL for a future cruise, but no way now.

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How revolting. She's the one who sang that repulsive and disgusting rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" several years ago on T.V. Every time I hear her name it makes me want to vomit. I had been considering NCL for a future cruise, but no way now.


Wasn't that Rosanne Barr (or whatever name she's using now)? I'm no Rosie O fan. I find her strident, pushy, and annoying, but I'm fairly certain she's not the one you are thinking of this time. (OTOH, I have no idea if Rosie also destroyed the "Star Spangled Banner" at a game.)



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Wasn't that Rosanne Barr (or whatever name she's using now)? I'm no Rosie O fan. I find her strident, pushy, and annoying, but I'm fairly certain she's not the one you are thinking of this time. (OTOH, I have no idea if Rosie also destroyed the "Star Spangled Banner" at a game.)




It WAS Rosanne Barr, not Rosie. And personally, I thought it was quite amusing.

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..."if it weren't for low class, some people would have no class at all..."


That really sums up my opinion of Rosie O'Donnell. Admitting up front that she is among my least favorite celebrities, I must say that that it's rather puzzling to see a corporate decision honoring someone as offensive and shrill as Rosie.... Who's next: Tom Cruise???


I agree 100%!!!!!!

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Can someone enlighten me on how Kim Catrell got to be the Godmother of the Dawn:rolleyes:


Let`s see....she played the sex-starved, brash,hardly ever clothed strumpet that lived in NY. That is it....the NY part:p


I thought it was because she played a nun in the 1969 Elvis Presley movie with Mary Tyler Moore called "Change of Habit".

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How revolting. She's the one who sang that repulsive and disgusting rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" several years ago on T.V. Every time I hear her name it makes me want to vomit. I had been considering NCL for a future cruise, but no way now.
This was Roseanne Barr. In the future, if I was going to boycott something based on something a celebrity did that had nothing to do with cruising, etc., I'd know the facts and know the celebrity I'm talking about. :-) Having said that...I find it very interesting that anyone would boycott an entire cruise line over a position that's in name only. I think I'll boycott clowns because that serial killer years ago used to dress up as a clown. ;) :rolleyes:
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I'm with you Sid. I've never worried about who the GodMother of a ship is and get totally confused when I hear things such as "Well if that's the Godmother of the ship, I'll never sail that one". But it does happen from time to time.




I think I would be upset if the Godfather was Admiral Karl Dönitz. I hear they asked Rosie becuase this ship has a natural wide berth.


Cheers cruisers


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I have a huge problem with this sexist discriminatory thread. The stopped naming hurricanes after only women. Why are there still only Godmothers for ships. I demand equality - every other ship should have a Godfather:eek:


SG <---- will throw hat in ring to be first---:D ;)


POH has a God Father... That senator from Hawaii... I know I will butcher his name, Daniel Ionnye...



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This was Roseanne Barr. In the future, if I was going to boycott something based on something a celebrity did that had nothing to do with cruising, etc., I'd know the facts and know the celebrity I'm talking about. :-) Having said that...I find it very interesting that anyone would boycott an entire cruise line over a position that's in name only. I think I'll boycott clowns because that serial killer years ago used to dress up as a clown. ;) :rolleyes:


You are so right! It is really funny how dumb people reacting to something, actually irelevant! I guess they should think about what they say, before they go public with total nonsense!

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I agree that it's foolish to boycott a cruiseline based on something as insignificant as the Godmother. I think it's mainly a publicity thing anyway. I will say though that I find Rosie extremely tacky and the fact that NCL is associating themselves with her does not give them points on my scorecard. But then, that's just my entitled opinion. :)

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I thought it was because she played a nun in the 1969 Elvis Presley movie with Mary Tyler Moore called "Change of Habit".

You're not serious, are you? Kim Cattrall was 12 or 13 back in 1969. You must be mistaking her with some other actress.

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You're not serious, are you? Kim Cattrall was 12 or 13 back in 1969. You must be mistaking her with some other actress.


She looked like she was very young in the movie, around 16-18 years old.


I do not know if you can believe any birthdates with celebrities.


I have to make a point to keep an eye out to watch the movie again the next time it comes on TV. But, my wife and I were pretty sure that she was in the movie.

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She looked like she was very young in the movie, around 16-18 years old.


I do not know if you can believe any birthdates with celebrities.


I have to make a point to keep an eye out to watch the movie again the next time it comes on TV. But, my wife and I were pretty sure that she was in the movie.

You do have a point about celebrity birthdays. But I still think she's too young to have been in that movie.


Here's the main cast, according to IMDB:


Cast overview, first billed only:

Elvis Presley .... Dr. John Carpenter

Mary Tyler Moore .... Sister Michelle Gallagher

b.gifBarbara McNair .... Sister Irene Hawkins

b.gifJane Elliot .... Sister Barbara Bennett

b.gifLeora Dana .... Mother Joseph


Perhaps it was Barbara McNair or Jane Elliot?

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I agree that it's foolish to boycott a cruiseline based on something as insignificant as the Godmother. I think it's mainly a publicity thing anyway. I will say though that I find Rosie extremely tacky and the fact that NCL is associating themselves with her does not give them points on my scorecard. But then, that's just my entitled opinion. :)
I do not believe that anyone is serious when they say they are boycotting NCL over this rosie thing.... if true it would have no bearing on the future of NCL as only a few would actually boycott NCL... That statement is more of a " I can not believe that someone as outspoken and in your face personal life would be a good choice for a corporation like NCL to even use her name. Much less to launch a new cruise ship with her as the honorary godmom.... If you heard rosie on "The View" television show a few weeks back blasting the USA and our servicemen because of the war in Iraq... She and another View member got into on the stage live on TV... It was bad.... rosie certainly knows how to divide our country....:(
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I do not believe that anyone is serious when they say they are boycotting NCL over this rosie thing.... if true it would have no bearing on the future of NCL as only a few would actually boycott NCL... That statement is more of a " I can not believe that someone as outspoken and in your face personal life would be a good choice for a corporation like NCL to even use her name. Much less to launch a new cruise ship with her as the honorary godmom.... If you heard rosie on "The View" television show a few weeks back blasting the USA and our servicemen because of the war in Iraq... She and another View member got into on the stage live on TV... It was bad.... rosie certainly knows how to divide our country....:(

First of all, let me preface my comments by saying that I am not a big Rosie fan. I don't dislike her but I'm not really a fan.


I didn't see the episode of The View that you're referring to. What exactly did she say about the U.S. and our servicemen? While I DO believe that she probably expressed displeasure with the war in Iraq, I find it extremely hard to believe that she blasted our servicemen.


Divide our country? Pshaw! That's what people always say when others disagree with them. To me, dissension is exactly what democracy is all about. Without a free exchange of ideas, you might as well have a dictatorship.

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[ If you heard rosie on "The View" television show a few weeks back blasting the USA and our servicemen because of the war in Iraq... She and another View member got into on the stage live on TV... It was bad.... rosie certainly knows how to divide our country....:(


Oh, please! She absolutely did NOT not blast our servicemen. In fact, she says she supports them and thinks the highest of them. She just thinks the best way to support them is to demand accountability from our leaders, especially the commander in chief. I don't want to get political so I won't expand on this too much, but let's be accurate if we are going to criticize celebrities about their politics.

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Come on Kids, get over it...Rosie is going to ceremonially bash the ship with a super magnum of champagne, smile for pictures and that's it.


She's not the new spokeswoman for NCL, not a representative of the line, not out in front for the company.


We haven't seen Melania Trump putting up her two cents for the Jewel or Senator Inouye plugging the Pride Hawaii have we ?


I once had a big fight on the radio with Tom Cruise (whatta jerk, hate him)in the air over Santa Monica Airport. How silly would it have been if I had said "I'll never use this airport again, because Tom Cruise flies out of here"?


My momma taught me never to cut off my nose to spite my face, so far the whole face is still here :p

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I do not believe that anyone is serious when they say they are boycotting NCL over this rosie thing.... if true it would have no bearing on the future of NCL as only a few would actually boycott NCL... That statement is more of a " I can not believe that someone as outspoken and in your face personal life would be a good choice for a corporation like NCL to even use her name. Much less to launch a new cruise ship with her as the honorary godmom.... If you heard rosie on "The View" television show a few weeks back blasting the USA and our servicemen because of the war in Iraq... She and another View member got into on the stage live on TV... It was bad.... rosie certainly knows how to divide our country....:(



Why is this post any different than the one I posted last month, which got the entire thread pulled?


The only difference is that I expressed views similiar to Rosie's, not arguing against them...... but everyone yelled that the cruise board was no place for such political statements.


Here, I've read the replies and NOBODY has mentioned the political nature of this post.


Why not?


Just curious.

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Why is this post any different than the one I posted last month, which got the entire thread pulled?


The only difference is that I expressed views similiar to Rosie's, not arguing against them...... but everyone yelled that the cruise board was no place for such political statements.


Here, I've read the replies and NOBODY has mentioned the political nature of this post.


Why not?


Just curious.

You have a point but it is not apples and apples... rosie o is a very political person and out spoken as are other TV and Movie persons and that is not what NCL needs in the press.... Keep politics out of it.... Can you imagine NCLA using a person of her political views as a godmom of one of their all American ships? Remember Jane Fonda and now rosie o... Thank goodness that NCLA is an American company.... Most older Americans remember the price paid by our servicemen over the past 65 years and the hard decisions to protect our freedoms.. Decisions made by the Commander in Chief, the President of the United States, during a war... Remember Japan? It was horrible to drop the A bomb but was a means to an end and save hundreds of thousands of Americans and Japaneese... People like rosie o are not willing do pay the price that your grandfathers paid those many years ago... We would all be speaking German now if not for hard decision by our leaders...
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