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ROLL CALL: 2/25/07 Caribbean Princess


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Thanks Max... I'm kind of hoping that they put Amy & Freddy in the main theater the last night. It's always their biggest night, and would truly be a very nice way to close the cruise. They always used to save their big name for the last night but I really liked how they did it on the October cruise and didn't try to over do it the last night.


Not so thrilled with Thelma Houston. The October cruise had all fairly current entertainers headlining the parties... Deb Cox, Kristine W and Abigail. I was hoping that RSVP had gotten past the disco diva of yesteryear thing. Perhaps they have someone else more current lined up for one of the other parties.


oh yeah, I forgot all about the oscars last year. In fact, didn't they end up cancelling the main stage entertainment for the night and play the oscars there in the main theater? I seem to remember all the entertainment got moved around from the original schedule when they realized they *had* to clear a night for the oscars LOL I do know it was underwear night. I remember all of us laying on a friends bed in our skivvies waiting for best picture to finally be announced then finally went out the party.


I'm so excited, Feb 21st can't come soon enough :)

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I don't remember the Oscars on the Westerdam last year? Oh wait, that was week 2 wasn't it? We were on week 1. I'll just have to Tivo it. But it's pretty common for all the cruise lines to pay the fee to get big TV events like the Oscars, so I hope they have it. Maybe they'll use "movies under the stars" for it.


I loved Amy! And you're right Phil, by the end of the week, there aren't enough seats as everyone has heard about her.


I'm glad everyone seems to be getting upgrades or other compensation... it's the right thing for them to do.

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ok, that was a test.

couldn't log on til now. some kind of problem.


we're david and john.

we were on the 2nd week of the westerdam last year. costa rica/panama. loved it so much we're booked for the mediteranean cruise in august. then this one did that 2 for 1 and we couldn't resist.


yes, the academy awards were shown. we watched in the big theater, (with no commercials), just our cruise director dishing like crazy in between segments. best oscars ever (except for the "crash" debacle). should have been "brokeback". anyway, now that i've found you, let me hear from you.

we live in fort lauderdale so if anyone has any questions........"shoot"......


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Hey Matt,


Thanks for the welcome. You all sound like great guys and hopefully, we can all meet sometime on the ship.


I too received and upgrade, but only after complaining. I booked an inside cabin for this cruise while on the Mexico cruise and received a $500 discount. They assured me then that it wouldn't get better than that. So when I heard of the 2-4-1 deal, I requested an upgrade (after receiving an upgrade voucher in the mail). I was told that because I already received a discount, I wasn't entitled to an upgrade. That didn't sit well with me. I was hoping that, being a loyal customer (this will be my 5th cruise with RSVP), they would give me an upgrade. Then they sent me a second upgrade voucher, and that did it. I complained, and was upgraded to an outside, so now I'm happy. I won't let this ruin my trip, but I'm not happy with the way they handled it, even though I understand the situation they're in as far as being under pressure to fill the ship. You don't treat loyal customers that way. Makes me wonder if I should go Atlantis next time, since their Caribbean and Mexico cruises always sell out. Any of you guys been on Atlantis before?



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Welcome David, John and Steven! Looks like it's going to be a great group!


I only wish we knew who our entertainers were going to be! I've searched the internet for every diva, magician, drag queen, comedian, etc... and haven't been able to find anyone booked other than the ones we already know. We need an RSVP insider so we could at least know who they were courting.


TravlerRoss, thanks for the youtube suggestion. A user named johnscarroll has some VERY good videos of a Caribbean and Mexican cruise he took with his partner. I don't know who he is, but he should work for the Travel Channel. His work inspired me to purchase a video camera just for this cruise.

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Yes, welcome to our latest posters. Glad to have you on board (the message board and the cruise).

I already was addicted to YouTube, and now I am also getting a lot of use out of Webshots, finding pictures of the ship and the destinations.

Tim, I didn't think anyone could be more excited and obsessed with all the details of the cruise than me, but I think in you I've met my match! I almost went into withdrawal yesterday when the Cruise Critic message boards were down! I couldn't get my daily fix.

Just a tip for all: I ordered a Cruise Critic water safe to keep stuff in at the beach, and pleasantly discovered that my digital camera fits in perfectly (although I haven't tested it yet to see just how waterproof it really is. (http://www.cruisecritic.com/store/index.cfm)

I'm anxious to see if they have any excursions lined up especially for our cruise. We are still hoping to take a Champagne Catamaran Snorkling excursion to St. John (with shopping on our own afterwards in Philipsburg), and taking a taxi to Orient Beach in St. Martin.

We also want to make reservations for Sabatini's Trattoria onboard some evening for dinner. I read many reviews stating that it is definitely worth the extra $20 per person (whereas the Sterling Steakhouse is not worth it).

Max and Bob

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Hi Tim-n-Rick,


Thanks. It will be a great cruise, as they always are. I also hope they have more entertainers planned. Have you tried calling Nick or John at RSVP and asking them directly? That's how I got info on the costume parties before it was posted. I don't know about the super hero theme though--the Caribbean is too warm and humid for tights.



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Hi Tim-n-Rick,


Thanks. It will be a great cruise, as they always are. I also hope they have more entertainers planned. Have you tried calling Nick or John at RSVP and asking them directly? That's how I got info on the costume parties before it was posted. I don't know about the super hero theme though--the Caribbean is too warm and humid for tights.



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Max, this cruise has sent me over the edge! I'm using this board as a sort of support group and yesterday when it was down I was nuts!


I've never traveled like this before and I can tell it will become an addiction for me!


Prom, I haven't contacted Nick or John, but they have been so nice putting up with all my initial questions and upgrade requests I hate to bug them. So, I'll just vent here in public where everyone can watch the mental breakdown of a cruise virgin!


Something even worse is that part of me hopes that the reason it is taking so long to post is that they are waiting on a REALLY BIG name diva to agree to perform!

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Well, let's see if this posts - there still seem to be board issues. That software update they are doing this week can't come soon enough. :)


Welcome David & John - what part of FLL are you in? We are just outside Wilton Manors in Middle River Terrace.


Steven, I have only done an Atlantis land vacation in Puerto Vallarta, but many of my friends bounce back and forth between the two. There used to be huge differences between the two (Atlantis was very circuit boy), but over the years the differences get less and less, and the passengers get more and more mixed. I think you can have a great time on either. As for the upgrade situation, I was wary about booking this year because we got on last February because of a late special deal...supposedly my TA had my reservation noted about my concern that that would happen again and that's why there wasn't such a hassle with our upgrade. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but I think they are inclined to do the right thing even if it takes a push.


Max, I have read that Sabatini's is also open for lunch, and it's not usually crowded, in case you can not get a reservation for the night you want. It's so funny with food reviews. Some people swear the steak house is the best, and Sabatini's is not worth it, and vice versa... Of all my cruises, I was the least thrilled with the food on Diamond Princess and also the poor traffic flow of the Horizon Court buffet. But I will go on this with an open mind and mouth (make your own bad joke here). If the Horizon Court is too crowded for breakfast and lunch, remember that the Coral dining room serves both, and it's usually not crowded and fairly fast.


Tim & Rick - don't worry - it's perfectly normal to get that way before your first big cruise. :)

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We have been on 16 RSVP cruises. Last year we decided to book on Atlantis too. That was our first Atlantis cruise. We know many who have cruised with them over the years and also heard it was basically a circuit crowd. We were very pleased with the cruise and found that it caters to all groups. The parties they had were wonderful and there were many other forms of entertainment as well. (As a matter of fact we are going on Freedom of the Seas this Sunday with Atlantis) I think both companies are changing and becomming similar although each has its own unique features. We enjoy both for what they offer but our roots in gay cruising began with RSVP. We always remember the good times and people we have met with RSVP. Some we have been friends with for many years now.



We very much looking forward to the Caribbean Princess sailing and meeting all of you. We enjoy decorating the door and viewing everyone elses decor. Some are very unique!!! That's something they don't do to much of on Atlantis.


Jim & Terry

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Tim and Rick, Nick is pretty nice about answering questions so I don't think he would mind.


I understand your addiction. Since I discovered this board I feel the same way and turn to it to escape this very straight work environment I'm in. Just counting the days!



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I had written a big post only to have it disappear when they had problems.

To those that find they are getting way too excited.......thats what its all about. When it stops getting you excited, thats when you stop booking passage on a ship.

I have been lucky..this will be cruise number 61 for me....and let me tell you, as soon as I get a glimpse of the ship, its Christmas morning and I'm 5 years old all over again. I will sit in the preboarding area chomping at the bit to step foot on the ship....entering my escape world. Traveling by ship makes me feel like a rich person, someone special and as long as a cruise does that for me.....I will continue to sail.

Comment on RSVP...I think with the transition over to the new owner there are some growing pains. I think there are alot of new hires and with so many passengers, they are feeling the crunch. I also think they are doing a great job having opened pandoras box with "deals". Not only for this cruise but I think they are now getting hammered into inquiries concerning other cruises. I called them today and was told they had a staff of 8 people manning the phones and the calls were backing up left and right with way too many people on hold. I was treated wonderfully on the phone and all my questions were handled politely and to my satisfaction.

I had not received anything in the way of a deal...and considering I am sailing single and paid double I was lets say a little off....... Well I nicely asked what was being done for alumni this close to the sailing date especially after I got a mailer offering free airfare for new bookings. Well I didnt expect anything, but to my surprise they made me an offer I could not refuse. They spotted my booking for the August trip and offered me a 2 for 1 price. well I asked if that meant I could have the room all to myself (currently booked on a share basis)...they said yes.......a single at the double rate. This was far more than I could have asked for considering this is longer than a 7 day cruise. My hat is off to RSVP. I think they were great in doing this...no complaints from me. I have 10 or so cruises with RSVP and maybe that meant something after all.

Atlantis...about 10 of theirs as well. The Atlantis product is fine although up to this point I prefer RSVP. The reason...the way the company runs while on board ship. If you want specifics...meet me for a drink and we can talk. Would I go back on Atlantis..yes if it was a specific ship or Itineary I needed to hit. As for these jumbo ships......I prefer something smaller. No size queen here. LOL

Did someone say catamaran...I'm there, especially the St Thomas ride.

For all......Make sure to meet Matt...he is a really nice guy. We met the weekend he met his other half who I have not had the pleasure to meet. Yes Matt....I believe that was the weekend we had lunch together at Pineapple Point resort, and then you went out and met your honey.

Well its cold here in Lansdale Pa.....someone send up some Florida heat! Or a nice hot bald man will do........its like Christmas and I'm 5 all over again...whoops, I already said that...my bad.


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Awww, thanks Tom. Don't make me blush :) Yes, that was the day we had our lovely lunch, and I unexpectedly met Ralph during dinner with my other friends.


I am the same way when it comes to ships. It's just so great to be on a ship. Yesterday, on my way home from the library, I drove down under 17th Street Causeway and watched Caribbean Princess pull out from her berth and sail off...can't wait to be on her and watching everyone on land :)


I often wish we could funnel up some of the Florida heat in exchange for some cooler northern air... but from what I am seeing these days, I'll keep the Florida weather. :)

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Hi All, I keep getting messages that replies have been posted, but they aren't showing up on the page? I'm guessing software upgrade still.


Anyway, after Googling for a while I found Tom Yaz a VJ that is booked as entertainment on our cruise as well.


Ok, off to watch Heroes now. Maybe some good sci-fi will clear my mind of cruise dreams.


Good Night All :p

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Who could pass up this deal!


We were on the Mexican trip last October.


Princess did a pretty good job.


RSVP did an outstanding job.


We are also booked for Alaska with RSVP.


We think we may know Janet and Maria who posted back on page 2.


Looking forward to seeing all of you soon! Thanks for all of the great information.


Buck and Jeff/Chicago

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We can't wait to join everyone next month! :)


We just haven't bought our airfare yet!!! I can't believe it is going to cost us near $700 for a direct flight to FLL from Washingtion National (DC) or even Dulles and BWI! We have 3 major airlines and all even have the 'discount' airlines! We typically pay $125-$150 per ticket!


We have been holding out, however, we may just give in and book this week!!!


We can't wait to hear about the entertainment! Rosie got Gloria Estefan and Kathy Griffin on hers! I think it would be nice to have Cyndi Lauper or someone like Shannon-- 1980's singer "Give Me Tonight" and "Let the Music Play"- she is also a lesbian and club singer.


We will wait patiently and see! :-) hehe

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Mike & Gary,

We are flying out of Washington National on Sun. morning Feb. 25 at 7:30 a.m. on Spirit Airlines, arriving in Fort Lauderdale at 9:52 a.m. Returning on the following Sunday. We got a great deal at $357.20 for both of us. We'll be staying Saturday night in Arlington at the Hampton Inn and going to Freddie's Beach Bar. Have you gone there? We know Freddie, the owner. In fact, he and Johnny went on the RSVP Panama cruise last February.

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We are considering Spirit (never flown them before). Which flight do you have back on Sunday?


We live right up the road from the Hampton Inn (if its on 23rd St.) and about a 5 minute walk to Freddie's from our house!!!!


We LOVE Freddie's! We met Freddie and his partner recently on a gay home tour (his was one of the homes). They are practically neighbors and live about a street away from us!!


It is a SMALL gay world! :D


Too bad you weren't coming in on Friday as we could have met you at Freddie's then for a drink! :) How far is the drive?




Mike & Gary,

We are flying out of Washington National on Sun. morning Feb. 25 at 7:30 a.m. on Spirit Airlines, arriving in Fort Lauderdale at 9:52 a.m. Returning on the following Sunday. We got a great deal at $357.20 for both of us. We'll be staying Saturday night in Arlington at the Hampton Inn and going to Freddie's Beach Bar. Have you gone there? We know Freddie, the owner. In fact, he and Johnny went on the RSVP Panama cruise last February.

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Mike, I am sure you already know this, but just in case - have you thought about doing an Orbitz search where you choose "nearby airports"? You might get a great deal on a flight out of IAD, and into FLL, with a return from Miami instead... the transfer to Miami wouldn't be too bad. In fact if you got a later flight on Sunday, you can rent a car from FLL for the day and drop it off in MIA without a drop off fee (Hertz and Budget usually don't charge one). You might also book two independent one ways. Jet Blue had a $70 one way from IAD to FLL the Sunday we leave... you might find a cheap one way back on Spirit, Air Tran, Southwest, or even TED (United).


On another note - besides the entertainment, I am really wondering if RSVP is planning any special excursion on either St Maarten or St Thomas. Orient Beach on St Maarten would be an obvious choice, I suppose. I am trying to decide if I want to try the America's Cup challenge on St Maarten, but might want to do an RSVP thing if they offer it. If I do America's Cup, Ralph will need company - he'd be way too sea sick on that :)


I've also heard that there are a couple of private tour operators on that island that are really worth it.

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I got a call last night from Chi Chi of Mexican RSVP fame, informing me that by partner was surprising me with passage on the Caribbean Cruise for Valentine's Day. A super surprise, as we enjoyed the Mexican Cruise so much. So we'll be joining you all!!! So many costumes so little time...

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Yes that's right, I live in Switzerland and we are finally getting our first snow- at least down at my elevation. But it has been a rough start to the ski season over here.


Anyway, now that itis finally getting cold and snowy I can really look forward to this cruise. OK I admit I have been counting the days down faithfully since 100 days out.


I have not posted here since page one way back in November but hings sure have been active lately. Very good to see. I hope I get the opportunity to meet all of you.


On this side of te ocean I have not received any incentives for upgrades etc. but I have decided to just let it ride this time through. Fingers crossed that whoever I am assigned to share with is compatible enough to make it through the week. I am pretty flexible though so should be all right. Just have to remember to pack a set of ear plugs.


The last time I was in this part of the Caribbean I took a catamaran sailing excursion. I think it was in St Thomas. It was an awesome experience with a sail to a beach around the coast of the island away from the port, snorkeling, and alcohol that never seemed to stop. Quite an enjoyable excursion. I am thinking of seeking out a similar style excursion on this cruise but may venture out into something more adventureous such as an ATV tour (if offered as listed for Princess Cruises on their website).


Had booked to stay at one of the RSVP selcted hotels for the Saturday night before we sail but managed to find a Guest room in Wilton Manors for a quarter of the price so opted for that so I could save some money for the in my mind obligatory spa treatments while on ship.


I feel like a cruise virgin in comparison to many of you but completely share the feelings of being a 5 year old on Christmas morning. It seems I just can't wait to have someone take my picture upon boarding (and then at every port of call and meal:rolleyes: ).


But I will be flying in an out of Miami, with a rental car arranged for arrival. If anyone is looking to share transport costs to Miami on the Sunday return, let me know.


Still counting the days and will be here alot more often until then.



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