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How short of a lay-over are you comfortable with?


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I've flown quite a bit, but have never attempted such an almost NON-EXISTANT lay-over time. We're talking 35 (!) minutes. It's an evening flight (I'm worried about all the other delays throughout the day could be effecting this flight), changing planes in ATL and connecting flight is on the same carrier. Because of the time of day we're having to travel (to miss the least amount of work for everyone involved, as possible), we really don't have a ton of options, other than paying more for a flight that leaves at the same time, but doesn't get into MIA until after midnight. :(


So, my question is this...it's a 5:30 p.m. flight, with a 35 minute lay over in ATL, is it within the realm of possibility to catch the connecting flight to MIA at all? :confused:

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I've flown quite a bit, but have never attempted such an almost NON-EXISTANT lay-over time. We're talking 35 (!) minutes. It's an evening flight (I'm worried about all the other delays throughout the day could be effecting this flight), changing planes in ATL and connecting flight is on the same carrier. Because of the time of day we're having to travel (to miss the least amount of work for everyone involved, as possible), we really don't have a ton of options, other than paying more for a flight that leaves at the same time, but doesn't get into MIA until after midnight. :(


So, my question is this...it's a 5:30 p.m. flight, with a 35 minute lay over in ATL, is it within the realm of possibility to catch the connecting flight to MIA at all? :confused:


There are too many variables to give you a really good answer-what airline, what time of year, what type of plane, first or coach, etc. etc.????


I frequently have only 25-30 minutes at DFW to connect to my Kansas City flight from my Phoenix flight. I also miss the connection about 30% of the time, due to weather in the midwest or other problems. So I arrive in KC at 5:30PM instead of 2:00PM.


You could book the cheaper 5:30 flight and HOPE there are seats available on the later flight, if you miss the first connection. What is your risk tolerance level???

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If you are flying Delta, they use multiple concourses. You can go to Delta.com and see if the flights USUALLY use gates that are close together. If they are on different concourses, it will be difficult to make if both flights are on time.


I think most other airlines in Atlanta have gates that are close together.



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There is no way I would do this. It is just too risky given the probabiliy of your flight being delayed in the originating airport, and the time it takes to get between gates and or concourses. If it was me, I would look at other options.



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We're talking about Air Tran, coach, last Friday of April. As for the plane size, I can't find any information on that, but I'm sure it's small...the ones we affectionately refer to as the "Magic School Buses". Originating in Moline, IL. 5:40 p.m. (last flight out). The only other afternoon flight is at 12:45 p.m. and everyone isn't off work until 2:30 and the airport is an hour away. There is a flight from Moline to FLL with almost an hour layover, but it's also $25 pp more expensive (no real biggie) but then we're talking cab fare to the hotel (and we got the Crowne Plaza right at MIA, which, ofcourse, has a free shuttle), does anyone know off hand how much cab fare from FLL to MIA is?


This is driving me bonkers. We had a flight all picked out, from the airport right here in my city, then American goes and changes the flight time a half an hour, which makes it impossible for us to make the last connection to MIA. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. :mad:

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35 minutes at ATL is a bit too close for me. You can always book it and if you are delayed, you will be reacommodated on the next available flight (could be the next day if all other flights are sold out for the remainder of the day).


As airlines are winnowing their flight schedules, this is one of the after-effects as we no longer have as many flight options to choose from.


You mentioned you're flying Delta, what about connecting in Cincinnati? You didn't say where you're originating from, but if it's anywhere in the midwest, this may be an alternative.


Or if you're loyal to Delta because of miles, maybe look at Northwest or Continental since all 3 are part of Skyteam and you can earn miles on any of them and deposit them in your Delta account.

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35 minutes at ATL is a bit too close for me. You can always book it and if you are delayed, you will be reacommodated on the next available flight (could be the next day if all other flights are sold out for the remainder of the day).


As airlines are winnowing their flight schedules, this is one of the after-effects as we no longer have as many flight options to choose from.


You mentioned you're flying Delta, what about connecting in Cincinnati? You didn't say where you're originating from, but if it's anywhere in the midwest, this may be an alternative.


Or if you're loyal to Delta because of miles, maybe look at Northwest or Continental since all 3 are part of Skyteam and you can earn miles on any of them and deposit them in your Delta account.


Actually, someone else mentioned Delta as an example, I'm looking at Air Tran.


And, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Atlanta the airport that you have to take shuttle buses to all the terminals? ugh.

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Actually, someone else mentioned Delta as an example, I'm looking at Air Tran.


And, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Atlanta the airport that you have to take shuttle buses to all the terminals? ugh.


Ah, I hear ATL and I just automatically think of Delta.


For AirTran, they're in concourses C & D. All concourses are connected by an underground people-mover (think a train). If you have to go from one concourse to the next, 35 minutes isn't doable. Even if you're in the same concourse, it could be tight if the gates are at opposite ends of the concourses.


ATL is not known for its on-time record as a whole as well, especially if bad weather comes through.


Luckily though AirTran only uses Boeing jets - 717-200 (2x3 seating/engines in the rear) and 737-700 (3x3 seating/engines under the wings). No "magical school busses" for this airline which is nice.

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It will be tight; but it is a "legal connection" (30 min. being the "legal" minimum on domestic flights). I've never (knock on wood) missed a connection in ATL. For an airport that uses an underground train system between terminals, this one is very efficient. Sometimes those late afternoon spring storms can work in your favor. Arrival delays quite often cause departure delays. Although I'm not up on AirTrans ontime record. Not to steal your thread...but I too am concerned about this. I have a 40 min. change of plane window next May on Air France at CDG (Paris). I've checked to see what gates these flights USUALLY occupy. The distance between Terminals "D" & "F" is daunting. And from posts I've seen on the boards, signage & efficiency is a joke. I'll be traveling alone, don't speak French; & this "situation" scares me to death!

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The short answer is that it is possible that you will make it.


But, if you're travelling to your cruise, your hotel is already booked (and can't be cancelled) so you're in many ways tied to flying to MIA rather than FLL, then personally I would not risk it.


Different if you're on non-time critical travel, eg getting home after the cruise.

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After a frustrating morning on the darn computer, I think I found a solution.


A 4:40 flight out of Moline, an hour layover in Memphis and flight into FLL. Shuttle service to hotel=$60 for 4 of us. Then we'll probably end up having to do a ship sponsored excursion the day we return, as the flight out of FLL isn't until 4:30 p.m. (and the $30 for the Carnival excursion+transfer to FLL sounds like a deal to me, versus sitting in the airport for 6-7 HOURS). ;)


Thanks, everyone!

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I think you will be a lot happier with at least a one hour layover. Personally I prefer two hours, but that is me. I have only an hour in Cincinatti in February though and I am "fussing" about that a bit.


In April 2005 we were supposed to fly from Toledo through Atlanta to FLL. We had a two hour layover. Well....the best layed plans.... Our flight out of Toledo was delayed because Atlanta was having severe thundertorms. Nothing was going into or out of Atlanta. After two hours we were put on a flight to Cincinatti. Once we got to Cincinatti the next flight to FLL that they could put us on was a 6.5 hour wait!!!! Yikes! That was basically sitting in CVG all day. What I am trying to say is that things can happen any time of the year, not just winter storms.


Personally I would never have anything less than a one hour layover minimum.

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(30 min. being the "legal" minimum on domestic flights).


While this may be a good rule of thumb, my admittedly dated copy of the OAG Flight Guide for North America gives a minimum 25 minute connect time between Air Tran flights at Atlanta. Since minimum connect times vary by all sorts of factors, would anyone know of a website that displays this information?

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From what I know minimum legal connection times vary between airports and airlines. An airline that has 10 gates in one terminal at an airport would probably be able to have a lower connection time than one that has 100 gates spread over 5 terminals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just returned from FLA 3 weeks ago and only had 45 min at DFW.......we were lucky......our gates were only 9 gates apart in the same terminal. Even though AA considered this a "legal" connection it was still stressful until we heard our connecting gate. I now will do nothing less than a 1 hour time between flights, especially at DFW.........also check and see what your airline considers a legal connection time between flights...........what I'm saying here is they may not guarantee your luggage to be switched to a connecting flight if you choose flights under their minimum time guarantee.

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Hi There,


Going to Atlanta in a few weeks for the first time agent has given us a two hour gap between flights.


Now do not fly often maybe twice a year, but on past flights


However this year bomb scare ten hour gap we had to run between planes but made it.


Pilot did not turn up stay overnight.


Windscreen cracked on plane 24 hrs to repair.


Fuel truck broke down 2 hour delay


Pilot missed take of slot 3 hour delay stuck in planr not nice.


Good luck


yours Shogun

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Flew on 11/5/06 from FLL to Pittsburgh, connecting through Atlanta w/a 42 min. layover. We could not check in ahead of time, as we were on the ship, so when we got to the airport at FLL, long lines, but we were there 3 hrs before our flight. We ended up w/seats in the rear of the plane. As we approach Atlanta, the captain says we will be early, horray, as now we have plenty of time to go from concorse C to D. Well, they run into traffic, and we circle the airport for 1/2 hour, and then after we land, there is a problem with the walkway connecting the plane to the terminal, so a few extra minutes. And, with us in the back of the plane, we had problems. My SIL and BIL were in the front of the plane. They get off, and run to our gate, and the Air Tran Agent says he will check to see if they can board, 6 min. before the flight leaves, comes back and says, "Sorry". Air Tran closes the door 10 minutes before the plane is scheduled to leave. There ended up being 12 passengers from the FLL flight transferring to the Pittsburgh flight. Air Tran knew where each of us were, (on the plane circling the airport in Atlanta)! They are known for overselling their flights. They gave away our seats to the overbooked passengers and the ones flying standby. They then put us on the next flight, and ended up being overbooked. We know this happens, as we watched them give away seats at another gate while waiting for our later flight.


Will we fly Air Tran again? YES. I knew going into it, 42 min. was a high risk, and we made the connection on the way down to the cruise. On the way home, it was no big deal. They have fantastic rates, $59, $79, $89. rates, and those are pretty cheap. From now on, I will make the connection at least 1 hour. Lesson learned, and it was not costly at all, only time consuming!

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Continental put us on a flight with a 38 min. layover in Houston, once. I called and they said no problem, we will change your flight for free, seems not to be a "legal" layover they need to lot you 40 or 45 mins. I think she said it was 40 min. so we missed it by 2 min. Great to our advantage!! I will not take anything less than an hour after I talked to her. We were on the shuttle in Houston and my husband sat by a Continental pilot and was telling him about it. He said she was correct and there was no way we would have made the connection. He was right-- we landed too late to make the first connection. Call the airline. You never know you might be able to change with no fee. I know too when I fly into Atlanta (On Delta) and less than an hour, my luggage or at least part of it, never makes it! Luckily they deliver it and it has always been after my vacation!!! Good Luck and give that airline a call!!!!

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I have the same problem on our return flights. We were booked on a flight which leaves Fort Lauderdale at 3:40 arriving in Atlanta at 5:34 pm connecting to a flight that leaves Atlanta at 7:00 pm arriving in Salt Lake City at 9:00 pm. Well Delta did it again cancelled the 7:00 pm flight we are now booked on a flight that leaves Atlanta at 6:18 pm Delta insists that this is a legal connect time so does my ta so we are booked on this. As my dh is legally blind we have request assistance in Atlanta in hopes we make connection I'm not holding my breath on this. I have a good feeling that we will be spending the night in Atlanta and flying out the next morning. I noticed that on the flight that leaves at 8:45 pm out of Atlanta almost all the first class seats are gone and that's what we are flying is first class.


At least the screw up is on the way home not going, my dh says go with the flow I wish we had never booked Delta so my screw ups. I know all airlines are changing and cancelling flights but man Delta is really bad lately.



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I've flown connecting in Atlanta several times in the past couple of months. They are doing construction on some of the runways and I would be very hesitant with a connection time that wasn't at least an hour layover. On both of my flights, it took while to even get to the gate once we landed. On one flight, we were an hour late leaving my originating airport due to the planes being backed up in Atlanta and I missed my next flight. My luggage also ended up being lost. Not a good thing since I was going on a cruise :eek: I would avoid Atlanta if I can right now or make sure I have a long layover.

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