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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all! I found my book! I reread it again. I am doing everything right according to the book. I have been stuck for about 2 months and have lost no weight at all. Exercise, water, eating enough...everything I am supposed to do.


Does anyone have any advice? I have been doing Atkins for a long time. I started induction again, but haven't lost any more weight.


qosmo8, I will try the fish oil supplements since they worked for you. How much do you take per day? What times of the day?




hi patches

well i'm new to this and still learning about it but here's a link that should help you decide if its what you want to try http://www.tomvenuto.com/articles/fish_oil_fat_loss.shtml

i was just like you "STUCK" and everything i did to kick start my fat burning failed from induction, to eating too little(1 meal) to eating 6 small low carb meals, to getting the most protein i could every 2 hours(i almost hate hard boiled eggs) to drinking water, apple cider vinegar anything to detoxify my body(yes i used those foot patches) to lifting more to add muscle mass to keep my metabolism high and nothing! then i tried this and it got me over the plateau

right now i'm taking 2 1200mg tabs 3x a day and getting about 2gs of epa/dha i don't think i'll go over 3gs from what i've read its good to stay below 3gs

i also got pills that said mercury free, but thats just me being a punk because from what i'm reading its not really a factor but hey i figure it can't hurt to get one that says it

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Hi Liz,

Welcome! Yes I am sailing on the 27th with my DH, but we are flying into Miami on the 26th. Still looking for a hotel for one night. I will try to take a peek in on the roll call, thanks for the invite:)


BTW, I just took a cruise on the SOS and I have to tell you that I worked out everyday and stuck to my WOE for the most part but I did have wine in the evening and SF desserts and only gained 2 lbs in 7 days (we went to Fl early) RCCL had great SF desserts. So this WOE is very doable on a cruise.;) :)


Jocelyn please check out our roll call - there are many members arriving early into Miami, so they can offer some advice on hotels (if you need it). We are also a great bunch of people!:D


My DH will agree with you on the SF desserts from RCCL - oftentimes, they are more desirable than the regular ones. Not only does Liberty of the Seas have a fantastic (and massive gym), you will get plenty of exercise walking around "the biggest cruise ship in the world". My sisters have often come off a RCCL cruise losing weight due to all the available activity and all the walking!;)


Hope to see you on the roll call,



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Hello All:

Well last May through August I lost 30 lbs on Atkins with regular exercise. Then I went on my cruise in August and was doing fine in September and then I just stated to slip and from October/ November( I think) until Friday before last I managed to gain all of the weight back.

Bottom Line I really let other people influence my WOE. Also I got busy and Lazy. So easy to be in denial about gaining the weight back.

Good news is after a week on induction I am down a solid 5-6 lbs. Good to see some people I remember from back then....


Tom in Long Beach

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My next cruise is 186 days away and I just want to focus on eating healthy whole foods. I know low carb is really good for me becuase I feel best when I follow it. So I am in no hurry but I really need to not blow adding back carbs and I need to stay away from to many deserts, low carb or otherwise....

Lets just hope the third time is a charm for me. :D I am the king of yo yo dieting. :eek: I know my issues are emotional eating, letting people undermine me and denial....

Friday before last I woke up at night with horrible hart burn and some sort of acid refux from a total junk carb binge, That and my clothes being to tight is hitting bottom for me. :mad:

Also looks like my last post before really going off the wagon was Nov 7th 2007.

Tom in Long Beach

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Hello all! Is it okay if I join this group?


I'm a long-time low-carber. At one time, I lost over 100 pounds doing Atkins. It took 3 years. I slowly gained 60 pounds of that back due to emotional eating (mom got cancer, lots of other stuff going on in my life at that time).


I'm back on the right path now and doing well. I do a sort-of modified Atkins - I take diabetes medicine for wacky blood sugar and PCOS symptoms so I do eat some carbs not recommended on the plan (such as a slice of LC bread with breakfast). I've found with being on the medication, I feel bad if I don't eat enough carbs. I lose pretty slowly, but slow and steady wins the race, no? I've lost almost 20 pounds since the beginning of the year, which for me is a miracle!


I've already spoken with RCCL about getting LC meals while onboard, SF desserts, etc. Had my TA note it on the reservation. Though I have a while before we go, I wanted to be prepared! :P


Look forward to getting to know everyone here, providing that it's okay that I join you!

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Tom!!!!! Great to see you back on the boards!:D I for one know that you have great will power when you put your mind to it, you are a great motivater and I am glad you are back with us. I still use your tip about carrying macadamia nuts around with me (just in case);) :D


Welcome Blonde, slow and steady is best;)


Hey Jean, where are you? I am going through withdrawls from not reading your posts LOL:D


Well gang, I am down 1 more to make 18 total, 2 away from my mini goal of 20. Have fun on the 4th if I don't "talk" to you all by then and think LC thoughts.

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Tom, I am sure your words echo what many have gone through - a significant weight loss, only to let it slowly slip away until all is gained back (or more).


I was very successful with Atkins twice - before each of my two pregnancies. I knew the extra strain of weight gain could be harmful, so I wanted to make sure that I lost double of what I would put on in pregnancy weight. It was a great motivator, as I was concerned about my health and the future health of a growing fetus. It was funny, because I never needed pregnancy clothes, I just wore my bigger clothes, and because many people were used to me bigger, they often didn't realize I was pregnant!


I have tried Atkins on and off for the last 3 years, usually several months before a cruise vacation, and I'm successful at losing 20-30lbs, only to slip back to old habits after the vacation. I haven't been able to keep up the momentum as I had before, and be on the program for a longer time.


I do believe strongly in this WOE, as I do feel better - less fatigued, no heartburn, no bloat, no hunger. However, when I am "off" Atkins, which is more often than not these days, I totally regress and all I eat is carbs - it's so easy to eat something processed or pre-made, rather than making a healthy dinner for yourself. I just need to get into the groove, and once I'm there I'm good, but I have to stay there for a while.


We all know what to do, as we have all been there many times. The hard part is getting there and staying until we are done.


Good luck to all who are starting, yet again...:)



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Hello all:) Sorry I've been scarce on the boards...getting ready for the big wedding of DS 7/19:eek: We also have a good friends wedding the following weekend and I'm making the favors:eek: What was I thinking:confused:


Putting it nicely, my diet has sucked lately:( I've not managed to take off an ounce but I guess that's good considering I've cheated twice! I'm not trying to make excuses, but am soooooooo stressed with everything going on and really won't be able to truly relax until all of the weddings are over.


Hope everyone's doing well and has a great holiday weekend!



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Happy Wednesday!

Gotta tell you ...Lisa ... I love Tennessee!! Had a really good time with 2 sisters ( I'm in the middle of 5 girls!) and Mom this last weekend traveling together! We went from Nashville to Spring City - Watts Bar Dam for the big day on Saturday. I have to tell you ... after a family reunion it's really a great time to confirm that there are some crazy nuts in that family tree - and us 3 sisters are some of the craziest! I know that surprises some of you! LOL!:p Anyway, I was sooo excited to see that we had BBQ, Cole Slaw for the Big dinner! yippee! Yeah, the cherry cobbler kinda threw me off a bit - But Hey! Family Runions only come around every 2 years! And I was working it off by singing, laughing, playing around with the kiddos....It was just great! So sad that I spent 5 extra hours on Monday getting on and off planes in Dallas until the 3rd plane wasn't grounded by the Mechanic's and we got back to ABQ about 10:15 pm!:eek: :mad: I started out from Nashville at 3:00 that afternoon! But, I was so glad to see my DH and that furry face Sadie, that part is just now a fuzzy memory. (Ok, Jocelyn, no fuzzy memory jokes ! heh! :p )


HEY!! WELCOME all of you new Posters!


AND LOOKY THERE! :) TOM'S BACK! yeahhhhh!! Tom, come over here and sit on this bench for emotional eaters with me - - it's soo hard, isn't it!?! But we have all seen the great results you have had when you have set your mind on your goal!


Kim - Hang in there girl! - Get through the wedding's - choose wisely and you'll be back on track in no time!

Pink - How ya doing?

Jocelyn - CONGRATS on getting all of your tests done and now to enjoy a little bit of Summer!! Still thinking about the Canada/NE trip - so much going on family wise right now, I'm just putting off commiting to anything in the next 4-6 weeks. But I did look at you link - thanks! I wonder if just driving from one place to another and staying in land wouldn't be a bit better.....thinking, thinking,....


Hey Liz, Blonde, luvroberts, Erica, Dion, Patches! - Big step to get on track - - clean out the pantry and fridge - get rid of all the stuff that whispers your name when you open the doors. Fill it with good stuff and start planning your meals with low carb left overs for when you need something to keep on track!!


What's everyone cooking for the 4th? I am doing ribs, slaw, and wings! yummo!

Come on - post what your planning on eating and cooking - BE Prepared!! This is where you find the support and help that we all need. And I'm taking some nuts to the dollar movie - no not my sisters! :p - Macadamia Nuts! I know I'll smell the popcorn and would like some, but I enjoy my shorts & pants fitting more.


oh...I'm at work, I guess I should do something....heh...Catch ya's later!

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Hey Jean,

glad you had a great time with your family. Sounds like lots of fun, and who doesn't love NUTS LOL!!:D :D A road trip might be nice up the coast, that way you really get to see the sites and enjoy the food mmmmm.;)


Kim, have a great time at the wedding, and try not to stress too much about the WOE, your not gaining right;) plus you have enough to think about with the wedding, you can get back on track after;)


Hey Liz, it is so funny what you said about losing double weight b4 having a baby, that is exactly what I am trying to do. I just don't want to undo all that I have lost b4 having a child so I want to lose more and start rom there.


As for the 4th, we are making a brisket, peel and eat shrimp, and a cold veg salad packing it all up and taking it to the beach.

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I only wish I could clean out the cabinets of all the carb-filled stuff. I have a hubby who is seriously addicted and won't give up his Oreo Double-Stuff cookies for anything! :p He does try and keep it to a minimum, though, God love him. He's one of those tall thin types who can eat anything and still have perfect bloodwork, etc. :rolleyes:


As for the 4th, it's supposed to rain here so no cookout for me. It will just be DH and myself, so it will either be steaks or burgers - depending upon what is on sale. :o I'll probably make some pasta salad for DH and some coleslaw for me.

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Hello all!!


I hope everyone will have a wonderful 4th. We leave tomorrow for the Outer Banks again!! I wonder if I will get a relaxing weekend as I did two weeks ago! :) My daughter will be going with us this time as well as his fishing buddy and wife, and one his employees. We will really have a full house. We are taking our dogs too!! It looks like it will be a perfect weekend. I am really looking forward to shrimp, crab and scallops. No cheating this trip. :D Have a great weekend and I will check back on Monday!!



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Hello Jean, Jocelyn and Liz: Thanks for the kind words. Anyway I am really in the groove at the moment. But I am thinking alot about long term too.:cool:

Jocelyn: Sounds like you are making your mini goal :D


Anyway Jean I know at least 50% of my weight issues are emotional and co-dependant. I just need to keep telling myself that I am worth a better quality of life. We all are !!!


Its that blonde: I really feel your pain. If I tried to really decarb my house I would be kick out. :eek: Best I can hope for is a little understanding when I do my W.O.E.


Liz: I really hear you about how this WOE works and makes us all feel better. I have decided I just have to take the time to cook and preplan.

It is such a snowball effect once you start on the quick junkfood. I know we all are busy. That was the beginig of the slide for me. Thinking I will eat quick until this one project was done....


Dr. Atkins really knew what he was talking about when he wrote about abandoning sugar and white flour and not ever adding them back in.... Why do I think I am smarter than the Dr. when I reach my weight goal???



Also most plans that work talk alot about "whole foods". It really is the junk that brings me down.


Hope you all have a great 4th. I will be on the QUEEN MARY (working) hey but at least it is a little like being on a cruiseship...



Tom in Long Beach

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Hey Liz, it is so funny what you said about losing double weight b4 having a baby, that is exactly what I am trying to do. I just don't want to undo all that I have lost b4 having a child so I want to lose more and start rom there.


Jocelyn - You are right to do what you are doing! Although I was never near goal, I did lose a significant amount of weight before each pregnancy, but I started to backslide for a few months before I got pregnant. While pregnant the first time, I did not continue with Atkins and just ate what I wanted, but I was busy at work and selling/moving into a new home, so the activity kept my weight gain on track. However, when I got pregnant the second time, I had some real weird issues with food. I couldn't stomach anything other than carbs, and I gained almost 20lbs. in my first trimester!:eek: I was concerned, and started seeing a nutritionist to control my pregnancy weight gain. Thankfully, it returned to normal limits for the other two trimesters. I still had a weird relation with food though - I remember going to a nice steak restaurant for our wedding anniversary (2nd trimester) and after only a bite, I had to leave the table and eventually the restaurant! I felt suddenly really ill, claustrophobic, and somewhat dizzy. If I was near a lot of food, like at a family dinner, I would start to feel panicky, and I would have to go into another room and wait until everyone had eaten, and the food was put away. I would then fix myself a plate and I would eat no problem - weird, huh? I also steered clear of any restaurant buffets, and basically refused to go out to eat, because I worried that we would sit down, and I would get those feelings, and then I would have to leave. After the birth of my DS, I never had those food issues again. It wasn't the smell of food, (because some women get turned off by particular food smells when pregnant), it was something else. I had felt similarly like that twice in recent years, after a rich meal - feeling incredibly full like I was going to burst and feeling like I would suddenly be sick, but didn't. But the strange thing with that pregnancy is that I would feel sick and panicky BEFORE I sat down to eat.:confused:


The best advice is to get as healthy as possible before you get pregnant - that advice applies to your spouse as well. Take vitamins, especially folic acid! Once you are, try to maintain healthy eating and exercising habits, and then, you can always go back to stricter levels of Atkins after the birth and when you are done breastfeeding (if you choose to). I have not been fortunate to reach the maintenance level of the Atkins WOE, so I cannot comment whether it is suitable for pregnancy or when breastfeeding.



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Good Morning Everyone!

And for some it's our 'Friday', ready for the holiday weekend! So glad to have

3 days off!

Hey, This morning I was driving to work and saw this same gal that I've been watching for about 3 months now. Your thinking.... come on, we all see people when we head to work in the morning - But I've been keeping my good eye ;) on her and wanted to tell you what is unique about this. Every morning that I see her she is doing a - faster then a walk, I guess maybe an easy jog? She's in sweat pants, long sleeve shirts that you can tell she's working up a good sweat in. I would have to say that getting up and running in the summer here in the southwest is

1) Amazing in its self 2) She's got a goal in mind to do it every day 3) She is getting results! 4) She's using the good ol' outdoors for her morning work out!

I would say she is now on at least her 3rd set of work out clothes!! She was Big when she started and I could tell she was just trying to get one foot in front of the other - - and now she moves along at a pretty good easy jog speed! I would like to give her some encouragement one morning with a thumbs up or a wave or something - - on one of those days I don't have a crazy tail gater on my bumper and I won't get smacked from behind! :mad:

But I guess all of this to say - when we are doing our WOEX, we just might be encouraging someone else!

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Love the Red, White & Blue!! Eat smart and remember that our Independance Day of today, started off with some very brave men back in 1776!!

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Hello All:

Well last May through August I lost 30 lbs on Atkins with regular exercise. Then I went on my cruise in August and was doing fine in September and then I just stated to slip and from October/ November( I think) until Friday before last I managed to gain all of the weight back.

Bottom Line I really let other people influence my WOE. Also I got busy and Lazy. So easy to be in denial about gaining the weight back.

Good news is after a week on induction I am down a solid 5-6 lbs. Good to see some people I remember from back then....


Tom in Long Beach


Hi Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome back, buddy!!!!! I think a lot of us are in the same boat, so it's good to see you.

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Liz & Jocelyn ~ maintenance level is super for pregnancy & breastfeeding. Just make sure you don't go into ketosis, and listen to your body as to what you eat. It's amazing how the pregnant/lactating body knows what it needs!


Its that blonde ~ it sounds like you are doing pre-maintenance? Whatever works for you is best! Congrats on your great success in the past & I'm sure you'll have it again!


Jean ~ awww, I'm so glad you had a great time! I really have fallen in love with this place. For all the wonderful aspects of L.A., I'm really happy here.


For the 4th, we're not doing anything special, so WOE won't be an issue. My girls & I went & picked 2 1/2 gallons of blueberries, so that's my desserts right now. The problem will be next week, when we're off to Six Flags. Jean & Tom, isn't it amazing we "met" over a year ago? And how encouraging to see all the great people who have joined this thread in the last year!


Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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The freshly-picked blueberries sound fantastic - I myself am about strawberried out. The blueberries we get here are mostly dried, shriveled-up looking beebees. :p


I'm actually not doing pre-maintenance. I have about 60 pounds left to lose to get to my goal of 160. With being on the diabetic meds, if I keep the carb level too low, it leads to wooziness, forgetfulness, and I stumble around the house like I'm drunk LOL I find by keeping the carb level somewhat higher (around 40g a day), I just feel better and more "normal".


So nice to "meet" everyone, and I'm so glad I found this forum! Happy 4th, everyone!

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Hi everyone! Ooh, I guess I better check in at least every other day. I've been researching Atkins more and also reading Sheila's site. Very informative. She is so nice. I emailed her and she took no time to respond back. She's very helpful. I ordered her Atkins start up books. I hope you all are doing fine. I think I'm going to start Atkins full force Sunday. I just have to be careful since I'm diabetic. As It's That Blond stated. Hopefully I will monitor my glucose levels closely and slowly drop the meds (on 3 now and have to alter depending on what glucose looks like).


Anywho, have a great 4th everyone!



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Welcome to all the new (and returning- welcome back Tom- remember you from last year!) people on the boards :)


Been busy. Enjoying maintenance eating (yeh, I have air-popped popcorn and wheat bread too!!) and outdoors. For everyone new here, get outside and enjoy the summer weather! Exercise, exercise, exercise!


Will write more with more time (likely next week)


And Jean... I will share my ginger chix recipe then too ;)



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Happy 4th of July All:

Lets declare our freedom from fattening junk carbs. (for life).

Hi Lisa good to hear from you. :D I am supposed to go to 6 flags in about a week and half. My son's 13th B-day. ( I am already planning the snacks and bunless burgers if I cannot con the group into going to the sit down place.)

Hi Pink, I remember you too. I am really thrilled that you are all still here.

Erica best of luck if you decide to start this week.

Jocelyn have a happy 4th...

Jean, I liked the storey about the runner. Even though I really am to flat footed to run. But I love to walk.

Blonde: It is all about feeling well. So as long as it is working keep it up. I myself on induction this two weeks have added a little more veg to keep regular. (But I am also started adding more psyllium husks than I have in the past and that is helping alot) Bottom line keep doing what works for you.

Hope you are all doing well.

I was thrilled that I am down another 5 lbs. I have been pretty strick wiht myself and have been walking 45 min a day.... I am telling myself that the first induction lbs come off quick. So to not be bummed out latter when things slow down. But it is so motivating to have slighty looser clothes. This time I am not in a hurry because I do not cruise agian for something like 180 days. But I do want to enjoy the summer. :cool: I also really love my stomach not feeling bloated and other stuff.


Tom in Long Beach

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Welcome, Erica! Good luck with starting Atkins tomorrow!


Tom, congrats on the 5 pound loss - that's fantastic!


I myself don't weigh again until the 1st of September (I weigh monthly - seems more encouraging that way LOL).


How did everyone manage the 4th? Am I the only one, or are weekends hard for everyone? With DH home, seems all I want to do is eat whenever he eats. :p

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Hey All,


Have some downtime at work and thought I'd share the ginger chix recipe from a healthy living magazine in early 2003 that I'd have in the recipe box a few years and just recently pulled out.

Ginger Chicken




  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger plus ¼ cup grated fresh ginger (don't be tempted to use the powder, I'm told it makes a difference!)
  • 4 teaspoons canola oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 4 scallions chopped up
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted in pan


1 Slice chicken crosswise into ½-inch-thick pieces. Toss with ground coriander, tsp grated ginger, 2 teaspoons oil, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Marinate at room temperature 15 minutes (or until you remember it four hours later).


2- Stir together broth and garlic in a separate bowl.


3- Heat remaining 2 teaspoons oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet (or wok) over medium-high heat. Add scallions and 1/4 cup ginger; stir-fry 30 seconds. Add chicken and stir-fry until thoroughly cooked, 5 to 7 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted almond slices and serve.


I didn't use the almonds because I didn't feel like buying those in addition to my large costco bag of $12 whole unsalted almonds. I wasn't sure if I could chop and toast those the same way... but I bet it would add a nice touch.

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That recipe sounds delicious! Thanks so much for sharing - I'm a total recipe fiend :p I love trying new things.


How did everyone manage the holiday weekend? I stayed on track, but I had waaaay too much salty food (ie: hot dogs, cheese, etc.). I stepped up my water intake today, but I fear it will take several days of guzzling to cure the bloat I've got! :p

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