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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hey all low~carb eaters!!


A weigh in on Sunday!! Are you crazy!! hehehe:D I never feel accountable on the weekends, because that's when I allow for a couple of DOD's ( ya know, Drink of the Day on the cruise...)... & I'm never far from cruising, or at least feel like I'm cruising...yeah, I know, I only go once a year, but it IS the hi~light of my year, after all...


Anyhoo, congrats losers: WAY TO GO!!! I thought once I bought my groceries last week I would get it all together & start induction all over again & be THE biggest loser:(...NOT!!!


Yet, tomorrow in 'diet' , or as we like to say WOE ~land, hey, it's a NEW day, yipee!!! but, I will post my weight anyhoo...this is ...ummm...nekkid, in the morning, after ALL bodily functions, moving the scale around until it is pointin due magnetic north.... wait for it... yesss...oh noooo (for me anyhoo)...161......see??? up a couple, down 1, up 1, down 3....yadayada. I will try to check in more diligently, but work is in high season, the leaves, they are a changin' (sorry Jean, wish ya could come & bring your camera ~ we could go on a photo excursion...& never leave the farm!!! for real!!!):p

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Hey all low~carb eaters!!


A weigh in on Sunday!! Are you crazy!! hehehe:D I never feel accountable on the weekends, because that's when I allow for a couple of DOD's ( ya know, Drink of the Day on the cruise...)... & I'm never far from cruising, or at least feel like I'm cruising...yeah, I know, I only go once a year, but it IS the hi~light of my year, after all...


Anyhoo, congrats losers: WAY TO GO!!! I thought once I bought my groceries last week I would get it all together & start induction all over again & be THE biggest loser..NOT!!!


Yet, tomorrow in 'diet' , or as we like to say WOE ~land, hey, it's a NEW day, yipee!!! but, I will post my weight anyhoo...this is ...ummm...nekkid, in the morning, after ALL bodily functions, moving the scale around until it is pointin due magnetic north.... wait for it... yesss...oh noooo (for me anyhoo)...161......see??? up a couple, down 1, up 1, down 3....yadayada. I will try to check in more diligently, but work is in high season, the leaves, they are a changin' (sorry Jean, wish ya could come & bring your camera ~ we could go on a photo excursion...& never leave the farm!!! for real!!!):p


LOL......that's what I'm thinking! Sunday's are killers for me!:eek: But you brave young things Go For It !! I'm still sporting the 6 that I put on from our Cruise...and gulp 2 more from a really great weekend! GULP!!:o Uh...yeah...I'm not sharing ....... But since it is Cyber Monday...I'm thinking a new pair of walking shoes for my treadmill .... will give my motivation a real kick! Yeah...I need a kick...right where I sit! :p I just keep teeter-tottering back and forth from good choices to not so good choices.


Cerabella.......What a great suggestion to go shooting on your farm - umm that's with a camera folks! hehe Most leaves around here that was going to fall....did on Thanksgiving day! We had rain and then a huge wind storm that ripped most leaves off the limb that was hanging on!


What is it with all of the spam mail on an Acai berry - stuff. Never heard of it, but I don't watch Oprah either...and then I had like 10 in my junk mail in 1 day!:eek:

It's like what's all of this hub-bub about!?! huh?


Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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Hey All!

Hope your having a good day!

Went home for lunch today and made turkey salad with the last of the left overs.

I think it's time to clean it all out...what hasn't been eaten and isn't low carb - it's out the door.

How about you guys? What have you done with your left overs?

Going to be putting up the lights outside - this is our last warm afternoon for a few days. I'm a happier person and find this task fun, if my hands and face aren't frozen when doing it! lol! :) Anyone else have their decorations already up?

Took my afternoon walk/hike yesterday after work - takes about 45 min to do the loop. Got home and realized that I'd lost my cell phone! :eek: So I took the dog & DH and retraced my steps to find my phone...which I did - whew!! only had to go 1/2 way instead of the whole route! DH took his phone and called my number and I could hear the phone ringing - so that was how we found it! Funny thing - my DH couldn't hear the phone ringing...so when I started heading to the phone - he was wondering where I was headed off too! :p

See ya around!

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Hi Jean

Good job on the hike. Love the phone story and I am so glad you found it!

All our turkey is gone-lots of stuffing left. It will probably go tomorrow. I also made a spiral honey ham as my one daughter hates turkey so I made myself a chef salad and them a ham and swiss cheese crescent ring. Pretty much all the rest is gone as I made a limited amount of everything. I am really watching as I have to fit in that dress in 25 days :0)------ YIKES!!


Hope you were able to do the decorating you wanted. So much work, so little time...


Found the wonderful sugar free chocolate syrup-Yummo-put it in my coffee-love it :)

Take care all and keep up the GREAT work!


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Jean- i had a HUGE Thanksgiving at our house- WAY too much food- when I started clening up- I gave everyone several dishes of food to take with them including all the deserts- I DIDNT EVEN WANT THE TEMPATION! glad I did this.


Great job on the walk- I have been inactive for 3 days now- major crunch time on the job and all computer stuff- I have to get everything handled before CRUISE- in 17 days YEAH!!



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Kay - Oh I love a fresh Chef Salad - - remember the days when we had to go easy on the good stuff and eat most of the lettuce? With Atkins...the ham, turkey, egg, cheeses.....yummmo! I know that there are a lot of folks that aren't to crazy about turkey - but there are some great dishes to make with the left overs - and a ham too! What a good Momma you are! ;) No syrup around here...will have to order it.:mad:

RVP - It's fun to send left overs home with everyone! This year DD had a boyfriend that got a plate too! lol! I'm with you on just not having the temptations in the house, on the block, in the city :p ....oh...got carried away there...hehe :D

It is soo exciting to see you guys counting down your days!! It's like that for us too and I think with all of the planning, extra work, not to mention $$$$.....it really is a big celebration ... at least 30 days from departure!! You Go Girls!!!!! And post some pics when you get back!!

See ya later!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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Hey all you guys... I am sooo jealous of you who are getting ready to cruise...I happened to be one of those who cruised out of Galveston this September & suffered not only vehicle loss on the island, but also property damage as Ike moved thru East Texas...yes we were safe in Cozumel on the Conquest, but I still feel like I should get a do~over!!!!:rolleyes:



So, congrats to those who have shed a few of those unwanted lbs that sooo stubbornly stick to all those unwanted places...I am still stuck @ this plateau...is it a stall, or is it because I am eatin' like a pig goin' to the slop....:eek: (can ya tell I was raised on a farm....)or perhaps I am too fond on an occasional slip-up, free day, drink...whateverya wanna call it...:D)


Well, tonight I am having grilled shrimp, haven't decided on the sides...breakfast was 2 eggs over easy in a pat of butter, some EVOO...lunch was a fresh salad with a grilled hamburger patty topped w/ cheese & Ken's Ranch dressing... a cup of coffee ( 1/2 decaf, 1/2 reg) for breakfast too, & one cup of French press coffee mid afternoon....I did some free weights for upper body this morning... soooo, I should be really buff, righto??:p


That's all for now you guys, keep it low carb, keep it simple...

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Where do you live in East Texas? I used to live in Dallas-22 years ago...

Sorry about hurricane Ike. That is no fair. But glad you were safe. I like your menu-I always forget about shrimp which I love to eat.


Well. I have sat at 185lbs. now for 2 weeks and am sick of it. Walked 3 miles again and i was so starving today! Really watching even though the secretary at our school tried to give me reese cups today (which I LOVE :0).

Anyone else really hungry, too? I usually am not on this diet. But the last 2 days-yeesh. Maybe I am ready to drop some?????


Keep up the great work everybody.

Take care, glad we are here together.


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Friday while I was at work my fiance and daughter went and bought our tree. They even had it up before I got home. We decorated the tree Friday evening and got the icicle lights on Saturday!! :D THEN!! The tree fell over twice Sunday. :eek: I was so upset because I had several of my Boyd's Bear ornaments break. :( I had to go and buy another tree stand. I bought a new one last year but it just could not handle the weight of our huge tree this year. Hopefully this better tree stand will be fine. We had to take everything off the tree and start all over again. So, my tree is done again!! :cool:

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Donna!! Oh No!!! Ugh... I've had a few trees fall over in my time....it's terrible! And my sister collects the Boyd's Bears and I know how cute they are - and to have them break... soo sorry!:(

Kay... There's just something about winter and the foods! I was really hungry last weekend, but realized it was the extra carbs that was triggering it - and I was soo sleepy too! I cut down on the carbs and I'm not as hungry & not as tired. How's your water intake? Sometimes the Atkins whoosh of pounds gone quickly will kick in, hopefully today!?!

Grilled shrimp!!! Be sure to let us know what time dinner is the next time you make this ok!? hehe:D

Keeping it low carb - meal by meal!

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Hey all- wow this tread surely has gotten active. WHOOWHOOO!!! like to hear from everyone.


Cerebella- YOU definately deserve another cruise. Sorry to hear about the troubles. Although lets be glad you are able to look forward to future cruises.


Kay- dont give up. you are in a little standstill right now, but it will pass. Just as you told me a couple weeks back. :) keep up the SUPER JOB!!


Donna- sorry to hear about the darn tree!! mark my words- these are great memories- years to come you and your family will get many laughs from that incident. (its happened to me)-


Who else wants to be brave and join the SUNDAY weigh ins- the more the merrier.


15 DAYS left before I will be sailing the SOUTH CARIBBEAN!!!


Lets keep this thread strong and ALL reach and maintain our goals.

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Hey all, seems like everyone is busy, but still on track?!


I got an e~mail from our favorite low~carb guru & cheerleader, SFSheila...she was responding to a recipe inquiry by me, but get this...she is on a cruise as we speak & is somewhere between West Africa & South America..now, girlfriends, (& guys, you know you're out there!!) that is dedication!!! Anyhoo, here is the gist of my question I will throw it out there for any who have sailed Carnival &, like me, love love love Warm Chocolate Melting cake...don't you think we could make a similar, tasty lower~carb version???


I will try & post the recipe later, for those who may be gourmet cooks in hiding &/or haven't had it...thing is you either love it or hate it...no, I'm not a hater...I had it every night, but just can't wait 'til my next cruise to indulge once again...only modified maybe w/ Splenda, etc...


Whew!! Sorry I am sooo long winded:p Keep up the good WOE!!

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ok I gave into 1 christmas cookie tonight at a family xmas party-darn. But, I didnt eat any potatoes or bread. I have been pushing it all away. I know I dont need that as I am at a standstill for a reason! Walked again tonight. I have decided walking doesnt help me lose weight-may be healthy but not a good enough fat burner for me. I need to kick my exercising up a notch-maybe try to run on my treadmill, too. Got to get motivated and find time. Work is very busy for me. I teach Kindergarten and we are gearing up for Christmas and our play. Tis the season...

How are all of you doing with the Holiday food temptations??? Any tricks??

Take care all and thanks for the kind words RVP.


Would love any low carb chocolate anything!!!

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Kay- You are a Kindergarden teacher?? You must be an awsome woman! never met a kindergarden teacher that wasnt. Thank you for your service to our youths!!

I cheated today too- cup of icecream. Im making stuffed green pepers tonight! You will pick it back up again soon-I thought that too about the exersie- BUT if you are motivated to exercise- I dont recommend you stop.

Protein all the way in the morning- shortly after you wake. I had a hard time with this since Im not really a b-fast person. Once I started early morning proteins I saw a boost in weight loss. Wish I could lay off the coffee- keep hearing reports caffine does slow down weight loss??!!!!


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Good Sunday afternoon to all....


WHOOOWHOOOO--a litle bit more lost this past week!

I lost 3 lbs this week. :)

That is a total of 25 lbs so far!

started @ 258 now @ 233- 70lbs to go! :eek:


HOW ABOUT THE REST OF YOU?? We need to try to commit a total loss of so much each week as a group? What do you all think? Like if there is 6-7 of us "in" for the weigh-in thing- then say our goal is 10 lbs lost per week for the group?


Im just trying to stay focused and the goals and comptition thing really work. Let me know if anyone else likes the idea.

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Hi sorry i am late

I too lost 2 pounds!! Woo Hoo!!!

SW 197

LWI(last weigh in) 185

CW(current weight) 183

GW by Christmas 172

GW 155


GREAT JOB RVP!!! Keep up what you are doing-it's working!


I hope everyone else is doing good with their low carb WOE. Does anyone have some tips on the holiday eating temptations and how you are handling it?


Yes I am a Kindergarten teacher and I love these kids but they do have Christmas-itis right now but I always have the "I wonder if Santa is watching us?" comment. haha


Take care all and hope you are well.


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Sorry I have been MIA. This has been a rough week for me. My ten year old daughter has Acute Tonsilitis. I really did not think it was strep because of the way that she was eating so I was going to wait to take her to the doctor. When I got home from work the other day she had a fever of 103.8. I took her immediately to Urgent Care to find out that she did have strep. They did give her a shot and started a 10 day round of antibiotics. I sure hope she is back to 100% before we leave for our cruise Friday!! :o


Congrats on the weight loss!! I don't even want to think about getting on a scale right now but I will join you again soon!

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GREAT Job on the weight loss!!!! You gals are doing so well! And your Cruises are just a few squares down on the calendar! hehe :)

Donna - I sure hope your lil'gal is feeling much better by the time you head out the door for your Cruise! This time of year....so much stuf starts getting passed around! yikes!:eek:

Our adult class at church had our Christmas Party last Saturday and they actually had a sign up list for bringing in food. Main dish, Salad & Dessert. I told my DH...put our name down on the Main Dish - - and on Friday we stopped at Sam's picked up a Brisket. I put it in my roaster oven about 11:00 or so on Saturday...and that night it was a hit! So, I guess one of my tips is..... take a main dish...and make it Atkins friendly and then you know you'll be having a friendly food for the main course, instead of pasta, casseroles, potatoes ....etc..

Catch ya later...

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Kay- SUPER JOB!!!! holy cow- you are almost there. Holiday temptations and how to handle..... remember how far you have come and how good you feel! THOSE no no food wont make you feel as good as you do now!


Donna, this is the worst time of year for the young ones to get sick. I will be thinking of you and your daughter.


Jean-great thinking!!! BYOF!!!!




11 days left before my cruise!!! getting really excited now!!! :)

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G'Morning Everyone!

Well, we are all looking at a busy December aren't we? Cruises, Parties, Vacation, Family Time etc..... :D

I saw this on MSN this morning's - Biggest Loser article...and I know sometimes I have to 're-focus' every so often. Knowing how your body works & responds to exercise is important.

Start with weights, finish with cardio. Strength training with weights creates an afterburn effect that keeps your body churning through calories at a higher rate, even at rest. And it's widely known that muscle is more metabolically active than fat. So "Biggest Loser" contestants pump weights about 2 hours a day.( :eek: ) "In the beginning we focused a lot on weightlifting to build up the muscle," says Brantley. "Then we switched to more cardio to shed the pounds." The key with cardio is to find something you enjoy doing to beat boredom. "I hated the elliptical; it was too easy, I didn't feel like I was doing anything. Now the spinning cycle, that's fun, and it is a real workout. I'll do 2 hours a day on that."

I wanted to put this on our little chat room here, because as we start seeing all of the New Year's Weight loss ads that are going to start coming - And We Know They Will! :rolleyes: - If you go to a gym, that's great, but if you don't .... maybe this information will help you to pick up your work out (this is me! :o) , start something new or just file away for future use!

Have a great day everyone! :D

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Donna-I am sorry about your daughter. The shot for strep is sooo great. Each time my kids got it within a day they were way better. Think of it this way-she is on an antibiotic now so she wont get anything else before you go that is too serious and will be on the antibiotic part of the cruise too. Hate that she was sick:( but at least it was before. Are you excited or what???? Is your daughter?????



Good ideas about the taking a carb friendly main course. It is so tough when there are no choices for us! Thanks for the exercise info. I was thinking about adding weights when I saw the dusty blue ones in the basement I bought years ago. I am still walking a lot but need to pick it up.


Went back up a pound today:( so am going to add something tonight.

Take care all and hope you are staying warm wherever you are.


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Thanks!! Haven is back to almost 100% already. She finally went back to school today after missing last Thursday, Friday and yesterday. She is getting very excited about the cruise. I am hoping that we make it to HMC because the horseback riding at HMC is the highlight of the cruise for her. I have to take my new Trailblazer SS to the dealership tomorrow cuz I am thinking that one of the tires is out of balance. Probably has something to do with not breaking it in before we drove to Miami in October. I asked my salesman if it was too late since I have put 3000 miles on it but he said it was no problem. After work tomorrow we have to go and get something for Haven to wear to Elegant night. I sure hope we find something that I will approve of that she will agree to wear. :rolleyes: She is quite a tomboy so shopping tomorrow should be interesting. I can't believe we are leaving Friday and I haven't even started packing yet!! :eek:

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