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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi everybody...


I´d like to join the group! My name is Kim and I am a mother of 3. My current weight is 163 and I am aiming for 140. My goal is to be at this weight by January (beach month here in Brazil). I am 41.


I started Atkins Monday and am in the induction phase...things are going well , except for a bit of a head ache and a meaty taste in my mouth.


I already have good exercise habits , but it seems like my metabolism has just come to a halt. I have gained 20 lbs since January..this kind of weight gain has never happened to me (generally , the pounds creep on more slowly). I guess I am getting old!


I´d love some support and accountability!


Thanks , good to be here.



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Hi Kim! - Welcome and at 52...I hate to tell ya ...but your are right!! Things do change for us women as we get older! When I'm on induction....I get that 'meaty' taste too...flosss & brush a little more - and the more water you drink...that helps a lot too! Good job on already having an exercise plan too! :0)


Hi Linda! Welcome to you too! I know you'll find the book very interesting and motivating! What do you do for exercise? That is such a big part with losing!


txmom - have you tried some decaf? how about making your self drink as much water as you will Coke - Before you can drink the Coke?


One of the biggest surprises for me with caffine is that I don't realize how much I've been drinking - until - I stay strictly with water for a few days!:eek:


Last weekend was the Balloon Fiesta...and I was averaging 6 miles a day! Wow...you don't realize how far you walk until you turn around and look!:) ha! ...and you don't realize how fast you can walk until there is lightening and rain! :p

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Thanks for the kind welcome...it will be so helpful to have people to talk to about the diet. Today I had bacon and eggs for breakfast (yum) , a piece of beef , aspargus and grilled ****akes for lunch , some lemon water in the afternoon and I just snacked on some chilled shrimp and wasabi. The most amazing thing is I am not hungry!!!


My exercise program is as follows: Tues-weight lifting , Wed- Pilates with Power Plate , Theurs -Weights again and Friday , horseback riding class (believe it or not , a great workout). I hate cardio , always have..know I´d lose faster if I did more cardio , but...


Some questions for you Atkins followers-how much does one usually los in the induction phase?

After Phase 1 , is it realisitic and easy to live an Atkins lifestyle?

What are the biggest challenges in the program for you?


I know the hard part for me will be weekends. I eat out a lot!!! At least 4 times a week!So far , I haven´t faced that part...


Thanks for listening!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Jean!


Hanging in there. In & out of town a lot & actually not too much damage. It's time to crank, though. I have 8 weeks (give or take) til my cruise & really want to be at my goal by then.


How are you? How are the newlyweds doing?

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Thanks for the kind welcome...it will be so helpful to have people to talk to about the diet. Today I had bacon and eggs for breakfast (yum) , a piece of beef , aspargus and grilled ****akes for lunch , some lemon water in the afternoon and I just snacked on some chilled shrimp and wasabi. The most amazing thing is I am not hungry!!!


My exercise program is as follows: Tues-weight lifting , Wed- Pilates with Power Plate , Theurs -Weights again and Friday , horseback riding class (believe it or not , a great workout). I hate cardio , always have..know I´d lose faster if I did more cardio , but...


Some questions for you Atkins followers-how much does one usually los in the induction phase?

After Phase 1 , is it realisitic and easy to live an Atkins lifestyle?

What are the biggest challenges in the program for you?


I know the hard part for me will be weekends. I eat out a lot!!! At least 4 times a week!So far , I haven´t faced that part...


Thanks for listening!



Hi Kim! You're on your way to doing great. If you keep up this much exercise, the maintenance phase should be really enjoyable for you. The Atkins website has helped me a lot lately, with recipes & ideas to keep my intake varied. It is very realistic & easy after phase 1 (or maybe I should say simple...for those of us addicted to carbs, there is always that temptation looming in front of us everywhere we go:(), especially if you keep a lot of variety in your foods & eat your veggies. :)

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Heeeeyyyy, everybody...I have been checking here ever so often, but I had one week when my computer was down, then another few days with no phone service for my slooooow dial-up...the mowers cut the phone line...yeah, can you believe it in 2010 & we still have phone lines that are prone to getting cut by mowers...go figure...


Ooops, the cooler weather finally hit ETex & yeppers, right on time, I wanna bake :p:D:rolleyes::eek:, so, I made pumpkin bread this week, kinda low carb ... & I am trying to make myself sick on it, so I won't have that craving again anytime soon...btw, does that really work for anyone!?!...hehehe....


Congrats to everyone who has posted lately...good things happen when we take care of ourselves...we are what we eat, ya know!


Ms Jean...color me jelous...a cruise on the Magic in the Med...you know we are getting her around this time next year in my home port of Galveston...plus the Triumph...so then I will be able to add some new ships to my roster! Yay! I hope you will be in 'thong' bikini shape by then...(not that you will wear one, I'm jus' sayin'!!)


Keep it low carb, my cyber peeps!

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Well I weighed in last week, and I'm down 16.5 lbs in about seven weeks, and 21 since the 4th of July. This week's been really good as I've been super busy with an event at my son's school. I'm guessing I'll be down at least two lbs this week.


I like going in to the doctor. It keeps me accountable. I can continue going even after I've met my goal, which is 10 lbs from now. I'd LOVE to lose 15 more, but I'll be happy at 10.


I've got 10 weeks until our cruise. I've got to lose over the holidays.:eek:


Hope I can do it!

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Has anyone found that while doing atkins they can not drink alcohol? I'm thinking it is setting me back because I seem to be losing and gaining the same weight and just not getting any results - wonder if that could be the reason as my eating is on track.



I guess it depends on what you drink and how much. In general, most liquor has carbs. Beer, Wine, any kind of dark alcohol does. If you are going to have something, a vodka and diet soda/tonic would be OK, but you should limit your quantities.


Miller Genuine Draft has 3 carbs. If we are going to an event, and I want to have something, I might order that. Truthfully though, I just try and stay away from it.

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Has anyone found that while doing atkins they can not drink alcohol? I'm thinking it is setting me back because I seem to be losing and gaining the same weight and just not getting any results - wonder if that could be the reason as my eating is on track.



I guess it depends on what you drink and how much. In general, most liquor has carbs. Beer, Wine, any kind of dark alcohol does. If you are going to have something, a vodka and diet soda/tonic would be OK, but you should limit your quantities.


Miller Genuine Draft has 3 carbs. If we are going to an event, and I want to have something, I might order that. Truthfully though, I just try and stay away from it.

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ugh!!!:eek:...........I've forgotten how tough induction is!:eek:!...BUT I'm determined..! I'm going to get my bad eating habit self back on track!:p

First day....why, yes... I'm a little draggy...but I think I'm missing my caffine the most!....I know...mooooore water...! ;)


Kiraryker- yep...if you find something that you can tell is swapping pounds..then if you cut that out...your going to be smiling big time, because those pounds are gone and not creeping back in!


Cerabella!!...Girl!! I Know!!Isn't that the best!!! and I'm telling ya...my SF buddies...we have our good eye on one of those Cruises and I'm coming down there to go on it again! :p Ummm that would be the 'I've got a dream' swim attire!! haha...ya, I'll wear it in my dreams! LOL!!!

"make myself sick on it," -- only if it comes with food poisoning!!...I LOVE pumpkin..anything! :p''


Gosh...It's good to see everyone around!! See ya's tomorrow....!!

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Has anyone found that while doing atkins they can not drink alcohol? I'm thinking it is setting me back because I seem to be losing and gaining the same weight and just not getting any results - wonder if that could be the reason as my eating is on track.


Dr. Atkins used to say it was okay to drink alcohol, that it won't affect your blood sugar, but know that when you do, it's the first thing your body will burn, and the fat second. :)

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Three days into induction...I think I'm finally on track...feeling good and wow...the cravings are not as bad - so far! ;)


Roasted Chicken Breast from the oven and some fresh homemade coleslaw for dinner....it really hit the spot! I think the crunching on the coleslaw was a good thing! ....and more water.........:p


Hmmm excercise. I walked out on the mesa with Sadie (my trainer dog) last night, that felt good.......but I'm trying to get a schedule where I go to the gym during my lunch hour. It hasn't worked one day this week! I'll give it another try today!!

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Ok!! 5 days and holding strong! This morning...ya baby... much better...and my pants confirms it too! I have a goal to be at by New Years!!...c'mon !! I'm doing this through the holidays :p ...I know I'll have slow down weeks....so we'll see!!

Now...da da da daaaa.....the weekend!! This is the tough time for me....because DH loves to eat out! I'll have my GBaby with us for over night....so I'll be on the go with her for sure! :D

How's everyone doing?

Keep it low carb folks!

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Well, it is sooo good to see progress for y'all!:D I 'got' to travel w/ my DSis to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for the past week! She- worky, worky, me-playey, playey..but I did try to keep my carbs in check. Once again, walk those stairs a half dozen times a day! It really works! We were only on the fourth floor of the motel, but four flights of stairs can be a killer! esp if one is old, fat & ugly! hehehe!


I just got in today, will weigh tomorrow, tomorrow...


I also took a walk with my little personal 'trainer' this evening...her Doc told me she needed to lose a few lbs too...she was sooo happy to see me after my trip...oh well, sometimes the 'bestest' part of leaving is coming back home!:p


Hope the weekend works out for everyone! (Oh yes, Dr A advises avoiding alcohol on induction...)

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So I just got back from a work trip to Chicago. Right after we got off the plane we had to go to a kick off luncheon. I ate the salad, and the chicken. Skipped the potatoes and the pre-platted Tres Leche cake they had sitting right in front of me! :eek: The first night we had a dinner at Smith and Wolensky. That was great. I got Salad, Prime Rib, and skipped the mashed potatoes and dessert. No problem there, even though EVERYONE around me had cheesecake and BREAD!!!


The first morning, we went to the hotel for breakfast, and that was easy. Had eggs and bacon. I brought a bar for lunch as work was supplying boxed lunches that had nothing to offer me! We had an event at dinner, that had tapas. I ate a couple of the small beef skewers, some olives, and goat cheese. No problem there.


Yesterday morning, was bacon and cheese at breakfast, and a Atkins bar for lunch again. We had dinner at the Macaroni grill at O'Hare. I had chicken, no pasta and bread.... even though my coworkers when to town on it!


So I weighed in this morning, and I'm the same that I was when I left, which I'm totally OK with. I have my official weigh in on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.

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Cerabella.... Stairs and more stairs....that-a Girl!!

Txmom .... Lots of water today and tomorrow...just to flush anything out..and I think you will be rewarded for your 'just say no' work trip!! Great will power...even with those around you eating the white stuff.

Was doing really great...and the weekend came and DIL and DS had us over for lunch, since we did an overnight babysitting for our GD. So the one piece of pizza went down...and stayed stuck until this morning!! :eek::mad:.... It's glue!! People I'm telling ya, pizza crust is like glue for me!! Txmom...I need to be determined like you and say no!!

But...I have to say when our GD woke up from her nap and she came down in a big shirt that read 'I'm going to be a big sister!".... welll....I wouldn't have missed that for anything! :p:D

Doing well today...!! Hope you are too!:)

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Congratulations on your new Grandbaby! Another reason to stay the course and be healthy! Don't sweat the pizza. I'm sure JOY burns carbs, so you've got to be even!


Back to work again today, and busy as ever. Super strict again today. I go in for my 2nd month check up on Wednesday. Doctor had predicted I'd be down 4-6 lbs this month, and as of last week it was 6.5 LBS. So I'm hoping to tack another 1.5 to 2 lbs on to my total.

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Thanks so much!! We are very excited about the new lil'one coming!!

Chicken thigh...broccoli for lunch....

and you??!!

I am thrilled to say that the jeans that I had pretty much written off, a few months ago as....just to "darn tight...never to wear again"....yup...I'm wearing them today! A little snug...but not what they used to be!!

It's my fork.........and it's my choice!

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Ms Jean - congrats!! A new 'grand' & weight loss!! Way to go!!:p


I am walking with my little girl doggy almost every eve... thank goodness the weather has cooled off some in EastTex!! Yay!! However, that being said I do NOT like cold weather at all...I am truly a beach babe at heart... not too hot, not too cold & I am sooo happy. The cool weather tends to affect my eating in an adverse way, that darned cool weather. Just not Atkins friendly at all...Anyhoo...


Keep up the good eating habits low carbers! It definitely will pay off in the long run!

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Hey all,


I'll look forward to checking in when I can (no internet at home right now) throughout these next few months (they're our toughest due to the high sugar/carbs for celebrations!). I plan to do some baking this winter and bring the cookies/sweets to work/other service orgs that we work with throughout the year. But I'm hoping to focus on healthy eating for myself and try to avoid/limit as much of the bread/pasta etc that I can. Need to really keep my focus on healthy eating since fall/winter can be harder without the fresh fruits and veggies staring you down from every direction.


We're headed to costco today- plan to stock up on meats and thaw those slowly. Will have to see what they have in the way of veggies and load up on those! Salads are great for lunch in spring/summer but I like something warm in winter. We will be trying lots of new soups this fall and I'll try to post any really good/low carb recipes I try that you may not already be doing. After Thanksgiving we always pick up a few turkeys to freeze for less than $1/lb which gives us tasties for all of December!


I've been maintaining within the 5 lbs of my goal weight which is ok with me considering how "naughty" I've been all month- mashed potatoes when we're out at dinner, Chinese food a few times which is so loaded with rice and carbs, and yes I snuck a few treats on Halloween since work has been so hectic and I've been picking up extra hours. But I know with good focus I can start the new year at goal weight.


Who's with me for the next 8 weeks????



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I'm with you, Pink!! :)


I have only a few weeks left. My weight ticker goal is actually 2 pounds below my cruise goal, but either one is going to be tough to get to by 12/11.


I got through Halloween with no problem, but other situations have knocked me around a bit. I think I'm well enough this week to get back to regular exercise, and that should help.

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