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Anyone on Atkins?


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cerabella, throw a little of that heat my way!!:p That's GREAT!


I'm doing well after a blip on the radar...we went to my aunt's house & she cooked all day every day & wouldn't take no for an answer.;) Fortunately, I got right back on track. I haven't checked my sticks in a while, so I need to do that sometime soon.


I'm entered in a road race series: 2-5k's, 2-5 miler, 2-10k's, 2-10 miler, and 2-half marathons. I have to finish 1 of each distance or 6 overall to be a series finisher. All 10 gets you a "Road Warrior" plaque. The joke is that I'm a terrible runner.:p But I did the first 5k on Sunday & beat my best time for a 5k by a minute & a half.


My plan is to do both 5k's & 5-milers so I can do six in case I don't do the half marathon. I'd love to be a Road Warrior, but I don't know if I have it in me. We'll see. :)


Howdy y'all! A special shout out to MsJean! Girl, you must be some busy not to be poppin' in here! Hope things are working out for you...


Well, I think my body is trying to adjust to this new ('hotter') phase in my life...yeah, just bring it on already...scales have been inching down lately instead of mysteriously climbing up no matter what the heck I ate or didn't ...It's enough that friends/family are commenting, so I'll take it. Especially since I will be hitting the Western Caribbean in a month & 1/2! It'll be here before ya know it!


There is an abundance of fresh fruit/veggies in ETex, especially real tomatoes off the vine. I need to make salsa! So good to dip my pork rinds in!:p


Keep it healthy my l/c peeps!




My daily routine, this past few days, is to run out to the garden, pick a few tomatoes and peppers (Before they cook in the heat) and run back in before I melt. We were in Death Valley once when the temp was 112 and it didn't feel this uncomfortable.

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Hey Hey Low Carb Peeps!!!

I know I haven't been around much...............but...

I got laid off from my job the middle of May and have been going like crazy! Apply for jobs... but traveling too...! We have our Alaskan Cruise coming up in Aug so I'm trying to stay good! :( A couple of weeks ago I was out shopping...and I found 2 summer dresses, then I said a prayer and went in and tried them on :eek:....I did not come out in tears or depressed.... and ended up buying both!:p They fit nice and now if I get that job interview that I actually want.... I'll have something to wear!


Cerabella..........Thrift stores always have great cook books for cheapo!! Jane Butel...her cooking school is downtown...I used to walk by it sometimes when I worked down there! Yummy stuff!


I've been walking with my 4 legged personal trainer... and it's been good! I was working in the yard with some heavy stones and kinda tweaked my back ... so I've been watching how much I do and if it's to heavy - I let my DH help me with it!

It's been so dry and yes we've had bad fires, but right now...we are in a monsoon pattern and I love it!! It's hot in the afternoon....but I love those clouds building up and then cooling things off... it's a great time to walk!


Ya all be good! :)


Good Luck with your interviews. I bet you'd look fantastic in a pair of those platform shoes. During our last Mall walk, I was tempted to try a pair on but DH talked me out of it. Actually, he said "If you fall, who's going to take care of me?" He's kidding, of course.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I am scheduled to cruise in about 20ish days! Am I excited? Ohhh yeah! I have made some progress in keeping healthy - but w/ a recent trip to San Antonio for a week I did pack on a few unwanted, uninvited lbs. But still, I ate mostly on track, so I won't beat myself up for splurging...I just wish 'splurge' didn't equate 'el gordo'...:p


I know everyone's probably super busy, me, not so much - we are in our few months of down time in the plant nursery, but it is sooo hot (100's for at least a week or so) it is hard to get as much accomplished each day as I would like...& that includes exercising...I do a little routine most mornings, not enough to get in amazing bikini shape tho...:rolleyes:



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I need to keep motivated, so I guess I will just talk to my self!:p


My cruise is less than three weeks away! I did go shopping today to see if I found anything I couldn't live without...nope, nada, nothing. Well that's referring to clothing! Ha! I will shop my closet for my cruise clothes...because it doesn't seem to matter if I lose or gain I am still in the same range of clothes...thank goodness for that!


I have made a concerted effort to avoid alcohol & I think it finally has made a difference in losing a few lbs...still may have a few drinks on the cruise, but will stick to lower carb ...no 'froo froo' ! Now I have had a cocktail here & there, but it is definitely not a 'routine'...


I have been trying to get to the high school football stadium a few times to walk the stadium steps. We almost always take the stairs on the cruise & I have to admit, no matter how 'good' of shape I think I'm in, it nearly kills me the first few days...so I'm trying to prepare...but...it's HOT morning noon night!


Well, I hope everyone has been eating on plan & getting just the right amount of exercise!

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Hey Hey Cerabella!!

My Cruise starts a week from tomorrow...but we head to Seattle this Friday!:D Yippee!! I'm so excited!

I've been walking in the mornings....before my 2 & 4 year old Grand-daughters arrive for their time with me 4 days a week 10-4:30... it's not to bad...but I have to say, when my bed time comes around! I'm ready!! haha!

Low Carb for me.... yes and no. It's like for every 2 LC meals I have one that always has a little something that isn't the best! I have been getting some veggies out of the garden now and I'm loving those!!

If I don't get back on before my trip!!... Cerabella....keep talking girl!! We know there are lurkers on every thread! :):p

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Hey Hey Cerabella!!

My Cruise starts a week from tomorrow...but we head to Seattle this Friday!:D Yippee!! I'm so excited!

I've been walking in the mornings....before my 2 & 4 year old Grand-daughters arrive for their time with me 4 days a week 10-4:30... it's not to bad...but I have to say, when my bed time comes around! I'm ready!! haha!


Low Carb for me.... yes and no. It's like for every 2 LC meals I have one that always has a little something that isn't the best! I have been getting some veggies out of the garden now and I'm loving those!!


If I don't get back on before my trip!!... Cerabella....keep talking girl!! We know there are lurkers on every thread! :):p

So jealous, DH says he'll not be ready for another cruise for awhile. Actually, we do have plans for trips through March of 2014, but no cruises. Have fun and stay safe.


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Just returned from the Jersey Shore. Some homes, like ours, have little or no damage, some have been repaired, some are in the process of being repaired, and many had to be demolished including three on our street. The boardwalk (Where the roller coaster was in the ocean) has been repaired and the beaches are back to normal. We don't do the beach scene or walk the boards where the amusements are being rebuilt so we put our house up for sale. Which brings me to my failure to keep on track. This is the first time I've had to clear out my "stuff" since I moved from Philly to South Jersey 53 years and two months ago. All I had to take with me, when I got married, were a few suitcases and my piano. We are selling the shore house furnished, but we have to clean out 90 years of family junk DH thinks is worth money. I get frustrated and start snacking. I have gained back nine pounds, which makes me depressed, leading to "feel good food". I have promised myself I will get back on track by Monday. Wish me luck.

Edited by Baywalker
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  • 3 weeks later...

Enjoyed my cruise last week so much, ready to start thinking about next year! Ha!


Once again, proved eating healthy with some splurges while cruising is easily accomplished! Yum!


Kudos to Carnival for having the egg/omelet stations for breakfast, Just say NO to the boxes & boxes of cereal, danishes, faux egg scramble stuff, etc, etc...('bacon police' will give you extra if ya just ask!)


Just THE most delish & fresh salads! esp caesar salads...


My one splurge is the loved or hated Warm Chocolate Melting Cake...my fav...sans ice cream. I just believe it is not that hi carb to spoil my WOE! I have never seen any data on the actual counts, so IDK...


I really only gained one or two lbs...that will be history in a day or so.


I hope others have had a successful summer with fun, food & frolicking! In the right amount, of course! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Hey Hey!!!

Whatcha Low Carbers up to these days??

I have to say......our Alsakan Cruise was... FANTASTIC!!! We had a blast, saw so much, lots of whales, great weather.................and stairs! Lots of stairs!! They are always killers for me when we first get on the ship -- by day 3 or 4 it gets easier!

I watched what I ate... kept an eye on portions... but like Cerabella... I was on vacation and had a little splurge here and there!

I Have To Tell you all though .... in Ketchikan there is a great Rain Forrest excursion and we saw bears getting salmon in the stream, eagles and deer - and then after - an all you can eat dungeness crab dinner ............. that I have to say was so delicious, and then cheesecake for dessert!! So.......I got home and have kept the low carbs going, walking & hiking .... and drum roll please... I saw a number on the scale I haven't seen in awhile ....and man am I pumped up!! I'm getting some more of this baggage of weight off! I should have some baggy jeans in a matter of a few more weeks!

When we got home...the keeper of my garden let some of my veggies die and man was I sad!! But I still have tomatoes and am glad for that!

I've gotten in the routine of walking first thing in the morning.... and then another walk in the evening if I can get it in!.. What am I going to do when it starts getting darker earlier!! Yikes!!

Well... I've missed you guys...............whoever is still around!!

Posting is good therapy for me......ya'all have seen my ups and downs for sure through the years!! .... Hmmm.... wonder if I could hit the numbers that I was at when I first started posting!?!?...... Huge goal for me!! For now... I'm taking it in 10's.... and that works for me!

Have a great day!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How are the l/c peeps?! Finally had a day that it didn't even get into the 90's in TX! Yay! That means fall is right around the corner...my how the calendar knew that!:D


However, that means I now transition intoT C O M F O R T food cravings! Wow! If I was a baker, I would literally be humongous..:eek:KWIM? I hit a little blip after my cruise where I have done some emotional eating...I think we have all been there...try to salve the soul with a bite of this, two bites of this, three bites of this...blah blah blah...oh those food noises in our heads!!!:(


However, for every meal off track, I have several that make up for it...I am in this WOE for the long haul! Hope everyone is making progress or at least hanging in there!


Ms Jean...LisaRock...everyone else...miss the up-building chatter that gets me thru the week on track...my friends who tried to follow l/c have all bailed for one reason or another...even after initial success...sooo...let's all have a good start to the week w/ a nice Monday ~ tomorrow ~ yes! We can do this...tomorrow!!! :p

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Just started Atkins again after doing it once about 10 years ago. I was very successful with it but then, unfortunately, went back to my old eating habits. :eek: Gave WW a try and I just don't like all that counting, etc...


I just found this board and I am very excited to see low carb programs reflected here.


I hope to get some encouragement to make it through the Induction Phase and get set on the plan to cruise to my upcoming cruise! :)

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I need to keep motivated, so I guess I will just talk to my self!:p


When I read this - I laughed out loud!!! I am going to subscribe to this thread so I'll be checking in and hopefully you won't have to talk to yourself anymore!! ;)

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Ok ...doing better, feeling better. Not quite back in ketosis, but in a day or so!


That being said, I have been stocking up on canned pumpkin! Yum! Love, love, love it! I made a 'semi' l/c pumpkin smoothie yesterday that looked sooo good I just had to snap a quick pic before I simply devoured it! I don't know the carb count, but the ingredients I used are Atkins friendly...


  • 1/2 can pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp flax
  • 1 tsp chia
  • 1/2 c walnuts
  • whipped cream for layering/garnish...sprinkle of cinnamon on top, small drizzle of agave...viola'

& here's the result!;)



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When I read this - I laughed out loud!!! I am going to subscribe to this thread so I'll be checking in and hopefully you won't have to talk to yourself anymore!! ;)


Ha! thanks! It's not so much the talking to myself...it's when I answer myself that's the problem!


This has been an active thread in times past, but I know people move on, lives change, etc. but I usually check in here pretty regularly, even if I don't post that often...


Do you have much weight to lose? I fight the same 8 ~ 10 lbs...I would like to be down 15 or 20 to be at goal...( IDK - I refused to weigh the last couple of weeks!:p) just recently ramped up my exercise again!

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Ok ...doing better, feeling better. Not quite back in ketosis, but in a day or so!


That being said, I have been stocking up on canned pumpkin! Yum! Love, love, love it! I made a 'semi' l/c pumpkin smoothie yesterday that looked sooo good I just had to snap a quick pic before I simply devoured it! I don't know the carb count, but the ingredients I used are Atkins friendly...


  • 1/2 can pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp flax
  • 1 tsp chia
  • 1/2 c walnuts
  • whipped cream for layering/garnish...sprinkle of cinnamon on top, small drizzle of agave...viola'

& here's the result!;)




Wow....that looks amazing!

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I have a lot of weight to lose. I have lost 4 lbs so far (5 days). Hoping to really get going. I would like to lose at least 50 before our cruise at the end of April. Nice to know there's someone to talk to!!


How's induction going for you? I have subscribed to this thread as I too have just started Atkins again after many many years. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
How's induction going for you? I have subscribed to this thread as I too have just started Atkins again after many many years. :)


So sorry for the delayed response, I subscribed to the thread but missed your question.


I am doing Induction for a longer time than the two weeks. At this point, I've been on Induction since Oct. 7 and have lost about 12 pounds. It is not as rapid as I was hoping, but it's a good solid number that I have kept off. I am hoping to maintain about an 8-10 lb. loss per month. While I have a LOT of pounds to go :eek:, that would put me down 65-70 pounds before my next cruise and that would be AMAZING!! I don't know if I will reach that number - but any weight loss number is good!! :)


Hope you are doing well with the program. I will check back in more frequently and we can keep in touch!! GOOD LUCK!! :)

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Ok ...doing better, feeling better. Not quite back in ketosis, but in a day or so!


That being said, I have been stocking up on canned pumpkin! Yum! Love, love, love it! I made a 'semi' l/c pumpkin smoothie yesterday that looked sooo good I just had to snap a quick pic before I simply devoured it! I don't know the carb count, but the ingredients I used are Atkins friendly...



  • 1/2 can pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp flax
  • 1 tsp chia
  • 1/2 c walnuts
  • whipped cream for layering/garnish...sprinkle of cinnamon on top, small drizzle of agave...viola'

& here's the result!;)





That looks awesome!! Not sure about the flax seed - I can't stand the consistency of seeds - how does it work with out it?


I am going to have to try this during the holidays. I am finding that I am craving some sweets and this looks like just the ticket!! :)

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So sorry for the delayed response, I subscribed to the thread but missed your question.


I am doing Induction for a longer time than the two weeks. At this point, I've been on Induction since Oct. 7 and have lost about 12 pounds. It is not as rapid as I was hoping, but it's a good solid number that I have kept off. I am hoping to maintain about an 8-10 lb. loss per month. While I have a LOT of pounds to go :eek:, that would put me down 65-70 pounds before my next cruise and that would be AMAZING!! I don't know if I will reach that number - but any weight loss number is good!! :)


Hope you are doing well with the program. I will check back in more frequently and we can keep in touch!! GOOD LUCK!! :)


I too am staying on induction longer as my cruise is in 11 days! I would be so happy with 8-10 lbs a month. My first 10 lbs came off the first week (unfortunately, we all know most of that was the water weight) and now it is coming off so slow :(


I am just hoping that I can stay somewhat faithful while on a ten day cruise. Luckily, I met a bartender that introduced me to a great drink....cherry vodka and diet coke so at least i won't be wasting my carbs on alcohol.


Please keep me posted on how you are doing so when I have a bad weigh in I can get inspiration from you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I too am staying on induction longer as my cruise is in 11 days! I would be so happy with 8-10 lbs a month. My first 10 lbs came off the first week (unfortunately, we all know most of that was the water weight) and now it is coming off so slow :(


I am just hoping that I can stay somewhat faithful while on a ten day cruise. Luckily, I met a bartender that introduced me to a great drink....cherry vodka and diet coke so at least i won't be wasting my carbs on alcohol.


Please keep me posted on how you are doing so when I have a bad weigh in I can get inspiration from you!


Chellebells - hope your cruise is wonderful!!! Cherry Vodka and Diet Coke sounds awesome - gonna have to try that!! :)

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I love Atkins! Weight is dropping a little slower now but it is dropping and I do not feel deprived as written other diets. Wish me luck add I leave Sat for a 10 day cruise.:eek:


How are your doing? What's your total lost so far?


I found a great website Linda's diet delites and they have the best muffins! I also like their rye bread but if course it is rather expensive.




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