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Smoking on cruiseships


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Let me weigh in on the smoking side....yes I smoke, and I cruise. I understand that non-smokers don't want me smoking around them, so I am respectful and make sure I only smoke in the designated smoking areas. If Princess bans smoking on balconies, I won't smoke on the balcony of my cabin, and even now I try not to when my neighbors are outside if I know they don't smoke. And, I am EXTREMELY careful about making sure everything is out and disposed of properly before I close the balcony door.

I am a consultant and I travel for a living. Getting on long flights and not being able to smoke is annoying but tolerable for a few hours. I can tell you that even though I love cruising, if they banned smoking on cruise ships completely I would opt for land vacations. People seem to forget that there is, unfortunately, a physical dependency here and not just a bad habit. I used to stay at Marriott properties when I traveled, and had their highest level in the frequent guest program. When they banned smoking in their north american properties, I banned Marriott from my travel plans.

I'm already forced to smoke in goldfish bowl-like rooms, outside in the cold, etc. Honestly I have no problem with that - its my bad habit and I shouldn't expose others who are not so disposed. But what I do behind closed doors that doesn't affect others should be my business. If Princess decides that smoking out on deck is the only acceptable place, then so be it. But if they ban smoking altogether, I will either find another cruise line that doesn't, or find another type of vacation to go on - much as I would hate it!
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My hubby and I both smoke, wish we could quit but it has not happened yet.. we do not smoke in our cabin, we only smoke in designated areas or on our balcony. We do not want to fill our cabin up with all that smoke for the next passanger. We are both considerate smokers only smoking in those areas allowed. If someone does not like smoke or is allergic to our smoke I am sorry but I am smoking in the area designated by the cruiseline. There are so many other places around a ship that are designated non smoking than there are smoking and that is fine with us. We will abide by all of the rules. As far as saying "just go without for 7 days" If I could do that then I can quit all together, it is hard to quit, we have both tried a few times. who knows maybe soon we can give it up. It is expensive, unhealthy etc etc, if I could right now I would quit. But in the meanwhile do not judge us, we might just become great friends.

Let the flaming begin:D
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[quote name='BeachBumMama']Illegal drugs are more 'acceptable' in our society than smokers these days. And many of the states are failing in other areas and want to pass the buck and blame the smokers to make everyone happy and healthy. Yeah right.:rolleyes: Like without smokers we're all going to be a better, healthier nation.[/quote]
Oh, forgot to add something and now I'm quoting myself.:p
What's going to make it a healthier nation is to continue to take all the drugs the FDA has approved for us. Don't pay attention to the deaths and heart attacks... just one of those little side effects. You probably would have read it had you had the time to get to page 100 of the fact book about it.;)
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[quote name='Shipyard Cruiser']Majority rules and most folks want non-smoking public places.[/quote]
On the premise that it's going to create a healthier environment, when they ban smoking everywhere are we going to be assured of one? Well, if that's the only thing standing in our way of all of us living to be a ripe old age of a healthy 100 years old, then what are we waiting for?;)
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I usually stay outta this whole issue, but I just can't help myself. I've been following this thread and relating everything to my dear DH, in the hopes that he will start to see how we (him and I as smokers) are now considered the lowest of the low in society and consider quitting. Until then, if Princess bans smoking, we will quit cruising on Princess (just as we have stopped going out to dinner and clubs here in Los angeles). That will be our choice, just as it is the non-smokers choice to go on Princess KNOWING that smoking is currently allowed.

I've heard all about the inconsiderate (in your opinions) smokers on cruise ships. What about the inconsiderate non-smokers? I make a point of knowing what side of the pool is smoking and I would NEVER smoke on the wrong side or even toward the middle no-man's ground. I automatically go to the smoking side, irregardless of where the sun is shinning or not. I have even been known to politely point this out to someone smoking on the wrong side (in the hopes of keeping peace). But yet, I can't begin to say how many times someone has planted themselves right next to us (yes, even while we've been smoking) then started to cough, wave their hands, make loud rude comments, etc. etc. etc.....All the while, there are open/available chairs on the NON-SMOKING side. If it bothers you so much, go to the non-smoking side, on every Princess ship I've been on (13) there have been tables by the pool. One side has ashtrays the other does not. The sides do not change during the cruise, figure out what side it is and stay away from it. Why insist on walking through the smoking side when you KNOW it's there.

We rarely use the indoor pool, because it's non-smoking. We're made to feel like lepers for smoking by the outdoor pool on the smoking side. I guarantee that if Princess banned smoking around the main outdoor pool and only allowed it at the aft adult pool, there would still be people out there complaining. It's just like when we used to have smoking/non-smoking areas in restaurants. We would only ask for a smoking table and would wait for one to come up. Then we would watch others come in and say first available, only to complain when people smoked around them in the smoking area.

Some people talk about fully enclosed smoking areas where smokers can relax and not deal with nastiness. WRONG - still doesn't work. On the Coral last year, we did go to Churchhill's Lounge (fully enclosed, listed as a cigar bar) often. We personally don't care for the smell of cigar's, but enjoyed the ambiance. It was amazing how many people would come in there to be out of the cold looking at the scenery and yet make nasty comments or give dirty looks. I'm talking about one tiny area on the ship completely designated for smokers and we couldn't get away from nasty rude comments.

Now, the big talk is fire safety, people have ALWAYS smoked on cruiseships. Many of the crew members smoke - From the Captain on down. It's a concern yes - so is a curling iron. How would the ladies like it if they were banned from bringing on a curling iron?

DH and I have always tried to be what we considered "considerate" smokers. However, from what I understand on here, that means you can come up to me while I'm smoking in a smoking area and ask me to put out my cigarette? And if I say no, I'm rude? Sorry, it's not going to happen.

I do appreciate some of the non-smokers on here voicing their opinions for compromise. Not to mention the few smokers who have spoken up as well - believe me, there are many people on this board who smoke, they just don't speak up, as we have already concluded that we are the lowlifes of society. Please make sure you all post on here when Princess goes to a non-smoking ship, so I'll have time to cancel my next two bookings.
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[quote name='sprinkles']WOW,
Some people talk about fully enclosed smoking areas where smokers can relax and not deal with nastiness. WRONG - still doesn't work. On the Coral last year, we did go to Churchhill's Lounge (fully enclosed, listed as a cigar bar) often. We personally don't care for the smell of cigar's, but enjoyed the ambiance. It was amazing how many people would come in there to be out of the cold looking at the scenery and yet make nasty comments or give dirty looks. I'm talking about one tiny area on the ship completely designated for smokers and we couldn't get away from nasty rude comments.

Your frustration is clear and sad. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, it's a real shame :( Churchhill's is designed as a smoker's haven, is well labelled as such, and is fully enclosed as you say. Non-smokers who don't wish to be exposed to smoke can easily avoid it; I do. Seems to me that fun, well designed, designated areas like that where adults who wish to can gather to smoke in peace are a great compromise. Mind you I'm a (self proclaimed) militant but I hope reasonable lifelong non-smoker. But it seems that compromise and courtesy are the only way everyone can win.

Princess needs to enforce their rules, remind ppl what they are if forgotten (like the folks in Churchill's complaining about smoke and smokers lighting up in non-smoking areas), and, most important, create more spaces that are either smoking or non-smoking and realize that both in the same space is impossible. A shared room is a smoking room, especially indoors but honestly, even outdoors. I think this may be the point many were trying to make about a smoke free ship; that rooms can't be both.

Right now, there are very few venues on Princess ships (possibly others; I don't know) that non-smokers can enjoy and most of them revolve around eating. If they don't address this fairly soon, the material fact is that they may see their bottom line drop because the number of smokers in the US (a big market for them) is dropping. If the new tobacco rules in the United Kingdom also see smoking drop, it could affect that market as well. I have to admit, tho I am a dedicated Princess fan, as more resorts go smoke free it gets more tempting all the time to switch to land based vacations. As always, jmo.
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There may be some considerate smokers, but there are also ones that will take out their cigarettes and light up, even tho' there aren't any ashtrays around. I always head for the non-smoking side and often have to point out the no-smoking sign to someone who's puffing away. I also seen people smoking around the kids' pool (you know, the shallow one with the kids playing in it). Also have found that smoke will often drift into the non-smoking areas. So I'm not going to hide my annoyance when I see someone lighting up.
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[quote=Cruisin' Chick;9496855]There may be some considerate smokers, but there are also ones that will take out their cigarettes and light up, even tho' there aren't any ashtrays around. I always head for the non-smoking side and often have to point out the no-smoking sign to someone who's puffing away. I also seen people smoking around the kids' pool (you know, the shallow one with the kids playing in it). Also have found that smoke will often drift into the non-smoking areas. So I'm not going to hide my annoyance when I see someone lighting up.[/quote]

Thats fine, just keep it out of Churchills ;) I also see many rude female drivers but I dont get annoyed when I see one get behind the wheel (j/k):eek:
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[quote name='tequilasunrise']Your frustration is clear and sad. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, it's a real shame :( Churchhill's is designed as a smoker's haven, is well labelled as such, and is fully enclosed as you say. Non-smokers who don't wish to be exposed to smoke can easily avoid it; I do. Seems to me that fun, well designed, designated areas like that where adults who wish to can gather to smoke in peace are a great compromise. Mind you I'm a (self proclaimed) militant but I hope reasonable lifelong non-smoker. But it seems that compromise and courtesy are the only way everyone can win.

Princess needs to enforce their rules, remind ppl what they are if forgotten (like the folks in Churchill's complaining about smoke and smokers lighting up in non-smoking areas), and, most important, create more spaces that are either smoking or non-smoking and realize that both in the same space is impossible. A shared room is a smoking room, especially indoors but honestly, even outdoors. I think this may be the point many were trying to make about a smoke free ship; that rooms can't be both.

Right now, there are very few venues on Princess ships (possibly others; I don't know) that non-smokers can enjoy and most of them revolve around eating. If they don't address this fairly soon, the material fact is that they may see their bottom line drop because the number of smokers in the US (a big market for them) is dropping. If the new tobacco rules in the United Kingdom also see smoking drop, it could affect that market as well. I have to admit, tho I am a dedicated Princess fan, as more resorts go smoke free it gets more tempting all the time to switch to land based vacations. As always, jmo.[/quote]

Actually, as a non-cigarette smoker (I do like an occasional cigar) I find it a bit odd that Princess does allow smoking in the rooms. I do think they could get by with banning it in the rooms. Having said that, it would be nice if non smoking passengers would stop complaining about people smoking on the balconies.
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I know it is not a great time to be a smoker. Everyone needs to keep it in perspective. You do not have a RIGHT to smoke in public. We live in a democracy and everything you do in public is regulated. As with many other activities, the feelings of the majority have changed regarding smoking, and as such, rules are changing. It used to be legal to drive while drinking. (Some people still think it is.)

When I go outside, I am forced to follow many rules and regulations that have been put in place, in theory, to provide a better opportunity for all people to enjoy this place we cohabitat in.

I know many considerate smokers and applaude them all. We should all be more considerate and tolerant.

Keys to a great cruise; no political debate, no religious debate, NO SMOKING DEBATE. And most important, look at the big picture and let the little stuff go.

Happy Sailing:D
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[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]In 30 years of cruising beginning when smoking was considered fashionable, we have met many wonderful people, some were smokers some not, it never changed my opinion of them as people. To say the smokers smelt can’t say I remember that, but I can remember the underground trains and sometimes when running late jumping into a smoking carriage and thinking that was bad. Guess being brought up when it was allowed in movie houses, theatres, eating places, planes and just about everywhere else made us immune to it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Is this why I am tolerant of smokers today, who knows, I just think that everyone has their own cross to bear, and we non-smokers are just as annoying as the smokers when it comes to what we think is right.[/FONT]
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[quote name='sprinkles']
We rarely use the indoor pool, because it's non-smoking.[COLOR=red][B][I] We're made to feel like lepers for smoking by the outdoor pool on the smoking side. [/I][/B][/COLOR]


On the one hand you post made me feel bad for you. Then the old yet still relevant and wonderful quote of Eleanor Roosevelt popped into my mind:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

If you are smoking a cigarette in a designated smoking section, you are following rules and guidelines set by the cruiseline (or wherever you happen to be). You are partaking in a legal activity and are doing absolutely NOTHING wrong. Why would you allow someone who is totally in the wrong to affect the way you think about yourself?

I don't smoke, but say I went to a bar to have a glass of wine. If a couple came in with their young children and proceeded to complain that I was setting a bad example by drinking in front of their children, I would LAUGH. Those people would never cause me to feel like a leper.

I guess what I am saying is don't give your power away to idiots that easily.
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[quote name='BeachBumMama']On the premise that it's going to create a healthier environment, when they ban smoking everywhere are we going to be assured of one? Well, if that's the only thing standing in our way of all of us living to be a ripe old age of a healthy 100 years old, then what are we waiting for?;)[/quote]

Please explain to me why we smokers are now bending backward to accomidate the non smoker. I am tired of it. If I want to smoke on [U]my[/U] [COLOR=black][U]balcony[/U][/COLOR] of a hotel room or cruise ship then that is what I am going to do. If you do not like it go inside. I am tired of accomidating non smokers. The balcony is out of doors and that is where smokers have been banished to in many states . End of sentence. You forced me out of doors (which I have no problem with) so you should put up with it. again OUT OF DOORS is not inside the cabin or at the dinner table.
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How sad that you are also unable to understand just how genuinely sick and ill some people are when cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke hits them

If you had been on our balcony on the Golden or even 4 balconies furthur back you would begin to understand what it was like
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[quote name='teripp']Please explain to me why we smokers are now bending backward to accomidate the non smoker. I am tired of it. If I want to smoke on [U]my[/U] [COLOR=black][U]balcony[/U][/COLOR] of a hotel room or cruise ship then that is what I am going to do. If you do not like it go inside. I am tired of accomidating non smokers. The balcony is out of doors and that is where smokers have been banished to in many states . End of sentence. You forced me out of doors (which I have no problem with) so you should put up with it. again OUT OF DOORS is not inside the cabin or at the dinner table.[/quote]

You might consider not traveling to California. Many outdoor public places are now off limits to smokers:) :)
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[quote name='teripp']Please explain to me why we smokers are now bending backward to accomidate the non smoker. I am tired of it. If I want to smoke on [U]my[/U] [COLOR=black][U]balcony[/U][/COLOR] of a hotel room or cruise ship then that is what I am going to do. If you do not like it go inside. I am tired of accomidating non smokers. The balcony is out of doors and that is where smokers have been banished to in many states . End of sentence. You forced me out of doors (which I have no problem with) so you should put up with it. again OUT OF DOORS is not inside the cabin or at the dinner table.[/QUOTE]

Teripp, I can truly feel your frustration and anger. I am a non-smoker. I agree that if you are following the mandated rules when at a given restaurant, hotel, or cruise ship, you are in the right. If I am on the next balcony and your smoke blows my way, I have the option of standing farther back on my balcony, going back inside and returning a bit later when you are done with your cigarette, or just remaining on my balcony respecting your right to smoke. This whole world is becoming "me" centered. Heck, just watch how many people race thru yellow, sometimes even red lights when driving. What about all the people that tailgate and then zip around, cutting you off because they are in a hurry and think their time is more valuable than yours?

I love to eat . If I was told I shouldn't eat dessert at my table by someone that didn't ever eat dessert, and it was perfectly lawful to eat dessert at the table I was at, I would be pretty ticked off at the righteous person that announced that I shouldn't eat dessert because it isn't good for me or because it tempted her. Bad analogy, I know. But I can relate to how you must feel when thinking about how I'd feel.

I do sympathize with people that have asthma or are on oxygen or have major health issues that make being around smoke dangerous. However, as long as smokers follow the policies that are in place at a given location, all non-smokers need to respect that smoker's rights.

Shame on non-smokers that condemn and try to bully smokers when they are in a place that allows smoking. Waving hands, coughing, giving dirty looks, and acting obnoxious serves no purpose other than to make you look foolish. If I am taking in smoke and I wish I wasn't, I have the choice to move to another spot. If a smoker wants to lite up and happens to be in an area that is non-smoking then he or she should move to a smoking area.

We need to respect each other and not judge each other. We do not walk in each other's shoes. I am thankful I don't smoke. The smoker made the decision to start smoking and must make their own decision to stop or not stop doing it.

This thread is a classic example of today's "me" mentality. You know... what "I" want is the way it should be. We all have a right to our opinion but we should consider each other's feelings. None of us like to be hurt or condemned or judged.

Hey...it's obvious we all like to cruise and we all like to travel and we all like to share our thoughts and our experiences and tips. There's something we have in common. I appreciate the Cruise Critic forums. The wealth of information shared is invaluable.

Thanks fellow cruisers! I appreciate all of you!
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[quote name='phillipahain']How sad that you are also unable to understand just how genuinely sick and ill some people are when cigarette/cigar/pipe smoke hits them

If you had been on our balcony on the Golden or even 4 balconies furthur back you would begin to understand what it was like[/quote]

I think (us smokers) are beating a dead horse here. People choose to bring themselves and their children (asthma problems and all) onto a cruise ship that designates that smoking is acceptable. Then they complain to the hilt that people are doing what they have every right to do. Until it becomes illegal to smoke (if I choose) I will continue to smoke where I have a legitimate right to. Therefore, if non-smokers choose to inhabit our world for a bit that is their choice. We shouldn't feel guilty or let them "shame" us into not doing something we have a right to do.

If you have a breathing problem then stay away from activities (like cruising on a smoking allowed ship) that put you in harms way. How simple is that.

To those of you who say you can smell a smoker a mile away, let me tell you that I smoke and at our last office party I went onto the patio for a smoke and several of my long term co-workers were surprised that I was doing so. They all had assumed I was a non-smoker. I bet hundreds of you would be surprised to know how many people you associate with are smokers who choose not to do it while at work.

Come on folks...choose your vacations wisely and limit your choices to an environment that does not go contrary to your needs and wants.
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[quote name='teripp']Please explain to me why we smokers are now bending backward to accomidate the non smoker. I am tired of it. If I want to smoke on [U]my[/U] [COLOR=black][U]balcony[/U][/COLOR] of a hotel room or cruise ship then that is what I am going to do. If you do not like it go inside. I am tired of accomidating non smokers. The balcony is out of doors and that is where smokers have been banished to in many states . End of sentence. You forced me out of doors (which I have no problem with) so you should put up with it. again OUT OF DOORS is not inside the cabin or at the dinner table.[/quote]

And this would be a great example of an inconsiderate person (who happens to be on the smoking side). Hopefully this attitude of "I'm more important than others, I'll do what I want" will become the minority.
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[quote name='sprinkles']WOW,

I usually stay outta this whole issue, but I just can't help myself. I've been following this thread and relating everything to my dear DH, in the hopes that he will start to see how we (him and I as smokers) are now considered the lowest of the low in society and consider quitting. Until then, if Princess bans smoking, we will quit cruising on Princess (just as we have stopped going out to dinner and clubs here in Los angeles). That will be our choice, just as it is the non-smokers choice to go on Princess KNOWING that smoking is currently allowed.[/QUOTE]

Like you, I've been astounded at the venom and animosity displayed by many of the posters in this forum. As an on-again, off-again smoker, I thought I was pretty considerate (I never smoke around other people). I was not aware that people would despise their fellow human beings so much over something so trivial.

So reading what I have here has sure given me lots to think about. And, I'm afraid, not much of it good. I've often wondered why some smokers aren't as considerate as they could or should be and I guess now I can see why. Might as well stay by the pool and be comfortable instead of going to the rail at the back of the ship cuz I'm gonna be despised either way.

I'll continue to leave the casino if I decide to have an evening cigarette. But I'll do it for the nice people, not for the self-righteous loudmouths who've made so many nasty comments here. For them, I'll say a little prayer.
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Yukky! The smell of salmon is definately not a pleasant thought to me. I don't like it when they leave the eyes on the darn fish either. Hmmm...ya think I could demand that no salmon be allowed at the table we sit at next month on the Sun Princess? Wonder what our tablemates would think if I waved my hands, and pretended to choke, and glared at the waiter? Ha!

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THE SAGA CONTINUES. If I can say one thing to the non-smokers, REALIZE THAT TOBACCO IS ADDICTED. I would love to stop but don't. Now if someone said to me to loose weight (and I luckily do not have to), I think it is real easy. To me, just eat something else. For the drinkers, just drink non-alcohol. For the smokers, what can they do. I don't want to smoke pot. I'm not trying to be nasty, but you may not know what a true addiction is.
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[quote name='teripp']Please explain to me why we smokers are now bending backward to accomidate the non smoker. I am tired of it. If I want to smoke on [U]my[/U] [COLOR=black][U]balcony[/U][/COLOR] of a hotel room or cruise ship then that is what I am going to do. If you do not like it go inside. I am tired of accomidating non smokers. The balcony is out of doors and that is where smokers have been banished to in many states . End of sentence. You forced me out of doors (which I have no problem with) so you should put up with it. again OUT OF DOORS is not inside the cabin or at the dinner table.[/quote]
teripp... my post was totally sarcastic. My point was that it isn't the banning of smokers that is going to make us all live to be healthy 100 year olds. If you read my other posts on this thread, you'll see I'm with you on this one.;)

They don't want smokers inside, they don't want smokers outside, they want to ban them all to a little corner of the ship, somewhere 'they' don't want to be. I'm wondering if all the non-smokers want smokers off the ships so bad, how they'll feel when the cruise rates shoot up to several thousand a person for an inside room, like they were years ago, to make up for lost revenue? You'll have a smoke free inside room, but at a rate of $2500.00 a person. If non-smokers don't think banning smoking from ships will affect them, think again. I can assure you that no smoker is going to subject themselves to a 7 day 'smoke free' vacation. Their hard earned money is going to an island resort. And the cruise lines would have to make up the lost customer revenue from somewhere.

I still haven't had anyone respond or agree that if it's so bad in the cabins, that because of ventilation issues that all the balcony's should be the smoking rooms.:rolleyes:
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