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Celebrity customer service


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We were scheduled on the Infinity 2/25/07 from Buenos Aries to Valpraiso for a 14 day cruise. Unfortunately Celebrity scheduled our air though Chicago. Our flight through Chicago was delayed for weather and mechanical problems for a total of two hours. We got off the plane to see about new connections. Chicago shut down for 2 days because of weather. We did get new air route on our own. Celebrity was no help to us and told us we did not exist! The 800 number answered and I was on hold for over a total of 4 hours trying to arrange for us to meet up with the cruise in Montivedio. I was transferred so many times I can't remember. Finally we got confirmation that someone would meet us at the airport and get us to the ship (talked to 2 different people to verify this). When we arrived at the airport no one was there and there were four more cruisers with the same problem we had. We got together and hired a taxi to the ship. Our TA tried two different times to change our itinerary so we would not have to fly though Chicago and Celebrity refused. The customer service was very bad. The ship was pretty good but we were on the Century last year and I think it was better. Don't have Celebrity schedule your airfare.

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Things like this happening always suck and there's not much people can say to make you feel better.


It's a live and learn situation. It's also one reason I book my own flight and will not use cruise air. I would never fly through Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, NYC, Boston, of DC during the winter. Things are iffy enough her in Pittsburgh, I wouldn't chance a snow belt airport.


Cruiselines will use the cheapest airfare and during the winter it can take you to at risk airports. Unfortunately, this was a bad winter for storms shutting down airports. I'm sorry you got caught in the mess.


Still, that is no excuse for X promising then not having somewhere there to meet you when you arrived. If they couldn't do it, they should have told you up front.


It is rare for X to change your airfare once you have been booked.

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slcgal ~ Missing a ship is always one of my worst fears. We had a very similiar incident about ten years ago when traveling from Cincinnati to Ft. Lauderdale for a Princess cruise. It was January and while weather is always a concern in the winter, we actually had a plane with a mechanical problem that delayed the flight by about four hours. This was our third cruise back in the mid-90s and we booked our flight through Princess. We had a happier outcome, fortunately. The captain held the ship for us and five others on our flight. But we were lucky. That is not always the case.


Here's what I learned:


-- Book your own airfare (we have ever since) as the cruiseline isn't in the air travel business and most cruiseline customer service departments don't do a great job. Sometimes you'll find an exceptional land-based customer service rep but as you found out, not often.


-- If you use the cruiseline for booking airfare be sure to use the air deviation option. It may cost you a couple of dollars, but it allows you to be involved in the selection of your flights. But remember, selecting your own flights doesn't guarantee you that you won't run into these kinds of problems. Things can go wrong from any airport with any airline. I've learned to have backup plans ready - just in case.


-- Always travel the day before you are scheduled to depart. Stuff happens. By traveling the day before you depart it gives you an extra day of insurance. While even that wouldn't have helped your situation, many times that extra day can make a difference and give you a little more piece of mind, especially when flying through northern cities in the winter. When we are traveling overseas for a cruise destination, we now allow at least two days as extra insurance. I realize not everyone can do that but if it's at all possible, I highly recommend it. Too much can happen when you are traveling a long distance to meet a ship.


-- Booking your own air gets rid of the middle man. You can control your own changes. I realize I do this all the time with business and vacation so I'm used to it and many people don't feel comfortable booking on their own. But remember, the cruise line customer service folks are calling the exact same customer service people at the airlines as every other travel agent and passenger who is stuck is calling. I can only imagine what the airlines phone lines were like during the storms this winter.


I'm curious about insurance. Did you have it? Did it help with your delays? I am sorry to hear that there wasn't anyone at your airport in Montivedo to meet you. Did you have transfers from the airport to the ship originally? If so, did you ask Celebrity to reimburse you for your taxi ride since there wasn't anyone at the airport?


Thanks for taking the time to come and share your experiences. It's how the rest of us learn for the future. Here's hoping your next cruise is hassle-free!

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Air deviation sounds good but recently for me it just did not work. I booked air deviation for a cruise with Princess (Sapphire , Sydney to LA) I paid the fee. First it was problem with gateway airport ( I asked for Fort Myers FL, 35 miles from home but was told Tampa about 130 miles from home), finally got routing, paperwork bore message "this is custom air cannot be changed without passenger consent" Months passed, I paid final money, and got the travel docs.

Going through paper work I found my cabin location had been changed but even worse my air flight had been changed , NO NOTIFICATION OR CONSENT

Phoned TA , no help, she had not even noticed the changes.phoned Princess , no help, told "we can change flights without askinig you"

New flight would have given me hardly any time to get off plane,rush through terminal to transport, travel to new terminal, rush from transport to gate to board. Not one person would even listen or consider that even a 10 min late arrival would leave me stranded.

Then my TA told me I could have a new flight, LA to CHICAGO, to Fort Myers Florida! Which would have meant getting home the next day.

Finally told "nothing can be done by Princess if you want your original flight then you will have to book it yourself" Did that, then told by Princess and TA "since you booked this privately you cannot use the normal dis embark, you have to self disembark, by carrying off your own luggage and getting your self to the airport " As an added insult Princess refused to refund the deviation fee.!

BTW I have to use wheelchair assistance at airports , boarding etc.


It seems that the staff doing the flights simply push a button and do not actually THINK of the logistics involved.

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Jimsgirl ~ you're right. Pushing buttons is about the extent today. We just went around and around with Delta yesterday on flights we booked six months ago. They change the flights weekly (I am NOT kidding about that) and ALWAYS cancel your seats when they do that. Their most recent change put me in a middle seat in the back of the plane from San Diego to Atlanta when I've had an aisle seat in the exit row all along. Do they care? NO...their answer on the phone was "seats are never guaranteed, we can change them at anytime," -- and we are Gold Medallion (that means I traveled over 50,000 miles with them last year!). Bottom line, no one really cares anymore. It's a VERY, VERY sad fact. OK....very few people care....I don't want to put everyone in that category because every once in awhile you'll find someone helpful...but it's hard.

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Just a short add to Anne's list in post #3 above. Being on the Left Coast and sailing frequently from Ft. Lauderdale or Miami, we always travel the day before the embarkation and book our own air for a whole bunch of reasons. (If our schedule doesn't permit the extra day, we don't book the cruise.)


1. A cruise is supposed to be a relaxing vacation, not an angst filled challenge. By taking Friday off for a Saturday departing cruise, we can fly out of LA on a morning flight. That means we are loaded with a lot of airline contingency options when (it's not if, any more) something goes wrong.


2. Our long-standing TA monitors the progress of our travel and steps in when necessary to cover us if something goes haywire. LAX - FLL is always a connection and we all know what happens when the first leg laves late. She has actually booked a "protection" flight for us if a connection looks particularly "iffy," and calls our FLL hotel to let them know we're likely to be arriving late if necessary.


3. We arrive in FLL the evening before so we rent a car and have a nice light dinner in the area and grab a good night's sleep while the misdirected baggage (if that happens) is delivered to our hotel's concierge.


4. We go down to Port Everglades the next morning before breakfast to watch our ship come in. (It never fails to tingle the spine seeing that ship as it comes down the channel. I think I want an apartment there when I retire.) When it arrives too early, the disappointment is quickly overcome by seeing that gorgeous ship sitting at its berth. (Think about it. Isn't that a whole lot better doing that at that time than worrying about getting through airport security when the departure screen has the word "delayed" next to your flight?)


5. We drop off our luggage early (if it got screwed up it usually arrives by courier to the concierge sometime during the night or by mid-morning at the latest) even before the check-in process begins so, they are invariably waiting for us when we board.


6. We have plenty of time to run out for the "forgot to pack" stuff that we discover as we populate the closets and drawers in our cabin. I don't return the car rental until we are sure we're ready, then I drive it to the check-in area and get a lift back from the Hertz folks.


In other words, day one of the cruise itinerary is now a delightful and relaxing time and we're ready to use all the ship has to offer on day one rather than arriving at the last minute totally exhausted from the trip and wanting to do nothing but hit the bed after arranging with the purser for delivery of our lost luggage at the next port.


The return home works the same way. If we complete the cruise on a Saturday, we'll book a hotel and fly out on an early flight on Sunday so that we miss the inevitable jam-packed flights that occur mid-day on the arrival date for a cruise.


And the best part. Normally the cost of 2 hotel nights, 2 days of car rental plus privately arranged air fare is not very much more than the air option offered by the cruise lines even without the deviation fee.

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Great Plan, Walt. We have a similar one, although we don't usually rent a car. We do sometimes book cruise air early on if it's reasonable and cancel when we fine something better. Just did that for our Feb 08 Down Under cruises. One of our cruisemates found an amazing fare to Sydney via HNL and we grabbed it. Now, hopefully, we can use FF miles round trip to HNL. Savings? About 2500 big ones!


But, this time, I must say, the person I talked to at Custom Air was pleasant, helpful and eager to give me what I wanted. It was almost difficult to go my own way :) but not $2500 difficult ;)

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I am pretty nervous about our cruise in October on Grand Princess.


We are travelling from the UK on the day that the ship sails :eek: we do not really have a choice. We will be flying into Quebec City and back from Fort Lauderdale.


We tried to book our own air but Princess would only allow an air credit (reduction from the price of the cruise) of £100. To purchase our own airfare would cost around £500 and would mean that effectively we would be paying twice for airfares. Princess always includes airfares in the UK prices - it is virtually impossible to book cruise only. This is the first time that we have been unable to deviate to an earlier flight as it is a charter by Princess.


Wish us luck!!!!!

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UK Cruiser ~ our sincere wishes for an uneventful and successful trip for your October cruise. The good thing is that weather is usually good in October (although weather has been crazy this year). Just a quick question, once you have your plane arrangements finalized, can you not try to change it yourself directly with the airline to a day earlier and pay a change fee (here in the US change fees range from $50 - $100 typically)? Be sure to have a list of other flight options handy should something come up with your current flights. Knowing your options ahead of time can mean the difference if you are trying to re-schedule.


I'd also recommend that if you are trying to re-schedule air travel while you are at an airport, consider calling the airline instead of waiting in line. All agents are using the same computer system. If you call instead of waiting in a long line, you may get helped more quickly. Or you can stand in line AND call the airlines' customer service number and go with whoever can help you first.


Best of luck!

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Thanks for the suggestions but unfortunately we cannot change this one because it's a charter flight. Princess will not let us change to a scheduled outbound flight to Quebec City at any price.


I guess the silver lining is at least the time difference of five hours is in our favour...on the down side we may fall asleep over late seating dinner :)



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Jimsgirl ~ you're right. Pushing buttons is about the extent today. We just went around and around with Delta yesterday on flights we booked six months ago. They change the flights weekly (I am NOT kidding about that) and ALWAYS cancel your seats when they do that. Their most recent change put me in a middle seat in the back of the plane from San Diego to Atlanta when I've had an aisle seat in the exit row all along. Do they care? NO...their answer on the phone was "seats are never guaranteed, we can change them at anytime," -- and we are Gold Medallion (that means I traveled over 50,000 miles with them last year!). Bottom line, no one really cares anymore. It's a VERY, VERY sad fact. OK....very few people care....I don't want to put everyone in that category because every once in awhile you'll find someone helpful...but it's hard.


We will be taking British Air from Amsterdam after a two-day layover after the TA on the Century April 26 through May 9. We have tried to get an upgrade but we've had no luck. The reason we have chosen the two-day extension: to take some tours, to visit old "friends" at the museums, and to visit with a former student now living in Amsterdam. British Airways will not make seat reservations prior to 24 hours from departure. Since my wife and I are in our 80's and since I am 6'3" tall, we do not fit well in even the roomiest cabins, and from what we have heard, BA has the least space between rows of seats, I need an aisle seat. Twenty-four hours before departure we had planned to be on a tour. Now, we will be standing in line at a BA ticket office since we will not have access to a computer or a telephone. When I tried to get some help from the Merill Lynch Signature Visa travel concierge, she stated that there was little chance. She at that time had a couple, two or three children, and a nanny flying on a transcontinental flight with BA, and she was told that BA would not make advanced seat reservations before 24-hours before departure. The mother was, of course, frantic. There was no guarantee that the children would be seated with at least one of the adults.

Our situation is a rankling nuisance; theirs is calamity. How can an airline be so rude and arrogant? Why does anyone fly BA? Our travel agent is trying still to get us an upgrade with seat reservations, but so far, no luck.

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Thanks for the suggestions but unfortunately we cannot change this one because it's a charter flight. Princess will not let us change to a scheduled outbound flight to Quebec City at any price.


I guess the silver lining is at least the time difference of five hours is in our favour...on the down side we may fall asleep over late seating dinner :)





Dear Lynne


Just a thought: I have previously booked a 'cruise only' via a US internet only company, i.e. no air fares involved, as we booked our own. This cruise was with Celebrity and therefore Princess (P & O owned) may well be different.


Incidentally, my husband refuses to go on any further P & O cruises after we were shovelled into a chartered aircraft with several extra rows of seats added, and therefore minimum legroom. There was certainly no way that anyone could assume the 'brace' position!


I have not investigated a Princess cruise, but if, when I do, I find that they employ the same transportation methods as P & O, and that we would be unable to plan our own airfares, we would choose another cruise.


It may well be too late for you on this occasion, but perhaps in the future have a search on the US sites and see if you would be able to book cruise only there.


Enjoy your cruise anyway.




I am just remembering a comment on the Cruise Critic site, which, if correct, indicated that UK passengers are unable to book Princess over the internet with a US company. I may be totally wrong, I'm not sure, so my above comments may well be completely redundant! Perhaps you could find some information on the Cruise Critic archives?


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We will be taking British Air from Amsterdam after a two-day layover after the TA on the Century April 26 through May 9. We have tried to get an upgrade but we've had no luck. The reason we have chosen the two-day extension: to take some tours, to visit old "friends" at the museums, and to visit with a former student now living in Amsterdam. British Airways will not make seat reservations prior to 24 hours from departure. Since my wife and I are in our 80's and since I am 6'3" tall, we do not fit well in even the roomiest cabins, and from what we have heard, BA has the least space between rows of seats, I need an aisle seat. Twenty-four hours before departure we had planned to be on a tour. Now, we will be standing in line at a BA ticket office since we will not have access to a computer or a telephone. When I tried to get some help from the Merill Lynch Signature Visa travel concierge, she stated that there was little chance. She at that time had a couple, two or three children, and a nanny flying on a transcontinental flight with BA, and she was told that BA would not make advanced seat reservations before 24-hours before departure. The mother was, of course, frantic. There was no guarantee that the children would be seated with at least one of the adults.

Our situation is a rankling nuisance; theirs is calamity. How can an airline be so rude and arrogant? Why does anyone fly BA? Our travel agent is trying still to get us an upgrade with seat reservations, but so far, no luck.


We are in the same "boat" with this new BA procedure...but why let it worry you, because you might go through all the effort of insisting on an assignment and when you go to check in that assignment has "disappeared"...even after you have upgraded....and regarding the mother traveling with her children I have had all sorts of regroups happen to my family but they all seem to work out once on the plane.


This summer on AA my 14 year old son and I were traveling to Europe, 8 months before we had seat assignments, 3 weeks before our flight they were changed to 15 rows apart, we had 2 different booking numbers. I only noticed cause I looked on the internet so I call talked to 3 different people and a supervisor did't know why they were changed. We did end up with 2 seats together but now no window seat...we get to the airport to check-in I ask any window seats?...yes, they give us the seats we originally had assigned go figure?????????????????????


I could go on with more stories, but usually if all else fails the flight attendant will help you when you board the plane.

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Candelle - thanks for your comments.


You are correct - Princess will not allow UK residents to book through US agents (although we have done this - but you need a US address to do it - our travel agent has used his own address). Celebrity doesn't have a problem with how we book.


We enjoy cruising with both Celebrity and Princess as both have products and itineraries which interest us. Princess just sometimes seem too entrenched in traditional methods. We are now in the technological age and it is so easy for people around the world to check on deals offered in other countries - this only highlights the differences between the deals on offer.


Maybe it's time to book another Celebrity cruise!!!!

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