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Bad luck tried to steal our cruise but we fought back!

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LOL -- what a great attitude! With that kind of mindset you are going to enjoy anything that happens to you.


Just a hint for the future, and for lurkers ... having spent many years in the diamond business, and lots of time on my knees looking for itty bitty diamonds that I managed to drop -- the secret is to get the brightest flashlight you can find and shine it around. Those little devils are so sparkly that you will amost always pick up a flash of reflection from them!



and for the lost engagement rings??? Where do they hide?:confused:

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I really don't have a lot of bad stories, but I have to say my cruise on the Carnival Destiny was less than perfect. After getting off that ship, I swore I would never go on another cruise again. The dining room smelled like urine, and made me gag every time we went there to eat. My son's bed crashed 4 times during the cruise (yes.....the legs buckeled, and he was on the floor 4 separate nights). One day we found.....well, who knows what kind of stains on the newly made bedsheets.


On my last cruise I had an experience that probably is going to make me look and sound really blonde: I am a little claustrophobic and panic when I find myself in rooms or places that I cannot control getting out off. One night I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our cabin was pitch black, even though it was a balcony cabin. I do not like to turn the lights on for fear of waking the children. After I was ready to come out of the bathroom, I realized that for the life of me I could not remember where the light switch was, or where the door knob was. As I start feeling around the bathroom walls, I cannot find either. It is pitch dark, and I feel myself beginning to panic. Finally (though probably less than a minute passed), in total panic mode and fear, I scream for the kids to come and get me out of the bathroom, that I cannot find the light switch or the door knob. My 12 year old promptly turns on the light.....and stares at me in disbelief. There I was: in the bathroom....the door wide open. I had not even closed it, and could have just walked out.


I know. You don't have to tease me. My kids do it on a daily basis. I am sure this will be one of those stories that will be repeated many times over..... :o



LOL No teasing here!! I get that way too...I hate it when the plane door closes :o I have to tell myself it is alright...there is plenty of room, etc...I hate it!!!

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My story has to deal with the pre cruise hotel. My dd and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale for our Enchantment cruise 12/07 and arrived just in time for the hotel shuttle to pick us up and take us to the hotel. So I called the Comfort Inn Cruise Port to come get us. This was 11:15pm. Was told where to meet the shuttle, went there, and waited. And waited. 11:30pm, I called again, asked where was I waiting, told them, they said they were on the way. 11:45 I call AGAIN, they are on the way I am told! Meanwhile we have been traveling all day (we live in the Midwest so it has been two plane rides and a 4 hour layover to get here) and we are tired. 11:55 I call again, oh the driver is just about here I am told. Midnight, I am PO'd so I grab a taxi and head to the hotel. I walk in the hotel and no one is there but me and my dd and the front desk man. The guy is looking at some papers and says to me, be with you soon. I look around as if to say, what's the wait? There was NO ONE else there, no line, no paperwork is more important than a customer, it is AFTER MIDNIGHT!!! &*$#$#) not happy!! So he checks us in and I mention I had to take a cab and explain the story, he credits me the cab fare. Nice and I didn't even raise a fuss. I then ask about the shuttle leaving for the cruise ship in the morning, sorry they are FULL! Then we head to our room which is BACK OUTSIDE around the BACK of the dark building, remember it is past 12:40am now. We climb up two flights of dark stairs with our luggage, get to our room. I go to put things in the shower for the morning and what do I see? Leftover hair in the tub, half used bottle of shampoo, used bar of soap , dirt, etc. YUCK! I tell my dd to STOP unpacking, we are moving! I call the front desk and demand another room, that this bathroom is dirty and still has the last user's remnants in the shower for gosh sakes! I also tell them (it is now 1am) that they will bring ME the new room key and will give me a room near the one I am in as I am not lugging my suit cases back to the lobby and then seeking out another room around this dark hotel again. So twenty minutes later I get a knock on the door and here are the new keys. Now we lug the suit cases down a flight of stairs and around a corner and into a new room. We are now in a handicap room but we just need some sleep. The next morning we get up to shower and there are two shower heads so we both jump in the extra large shower. Wait that was too easy! One shower head only gives cold, of course!! The other gives us what we want so we start showering...finally "normal". We are feeling excited, the cruise is awaiting! BUT WAIT!! As we are showering the shower head FALLS OFF THE WALL!! no kidding...lol...we look at each other and start to laugh hysterically because we could no longer get mad, there was nothing left to do but laugh...lol..so we had to shower with water that was coming out of a hole in the wall, literally. Here we are laying against a wall rinsing off..lol..At least it was warm!! Well it is not over yet! I got done first so I climb out of the shower and grab a towel. I open the towel and look down and see about 5 dead spiders all over the towel!!! UGH!!!! I toss the towel and grab the other one (there were only 2) and open it up, inspecting it I find some blackish brown, not-so-nice looking stuff on it. Looks like poo so I toss that one too. Thankfully I had brought two beach towels with me so I ran and grabbed those for us.

Upon checking out the lady asks how things were, I said, not good. She then says let me get a manager. She did, he asked what happened so I told him. I was never rude, never got angry, nothing and they ended up taking half my bill off. I should have gotten it all taken off really. This was the hotel from hell and I will NEVER stay there again.

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  • 1 month later...

So when I started this thread I was really hoping that our second cruise did not try and re-create any of these same unplanned adventures.


We just got back and had an incredible time and guess what??? Everything went great, no falling, no losing diamonds, no stepping on my DW's glasses, knock on wood, it all went great, WHEW!!!


So we booked our next one to see if we can go the best two out of three.:D

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My first cruise isn't half as exciting as yours but it was to my sister and I. We were slated to leave from New Orleans at the end of September 2005. She was coming in from Texas and we had a cousin and her husband coming in from Arizona. Also joining us was my cousin's sister-in-law who was also flying in but from Nevada. We found out that the Port of New Orleans was closed because Hurricane Katrina wiped it out. We had a choice, we would leave from Galveston or get a full refund plus 50% off the next cruise. We decided to leave from Galveston. While on our ship we heard that the Port of Galveston was closed because of Hurricane Rita. We didn't even know there was a hurricane a'brewin :p in the Gulf. The captain made a choice, stay at sea with a wait-and-see attitude or head for Miami. He decided to wait so on my first cruise I got an extra two (free) days at sea and we even visited an extra island that was not on our original itinerary - Costa Maya.


I've been cruising every year ever since.

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My 1st cruise was in January 2000. Our flight was from Baltimore to Atlanta then Atlanta to San Juan, it was the day before the Superbowl, the one in Atlanta. Atlanta had an ice storm, we sat on the runway for 5 hours, watched them de-ice the wings 3 times. A connecting flight from Texas never did make it to our flight. We got to San Juan quite late, but apparently because of the huge weather issue they held the ship. We made it on and had about 45 minutes MAYBE before we set sail. We had to do our muster the next day cause it was too late the 1st night.

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I really don't have a lot of bad stories, but I have to say my cruise on the Carnival Destiny was less than perfect. After getting off that ship, I swore I would never go on another cruise again. The dining room smelled like urine, and made me gag every time we went there to eat. My son's bed crashed 4 times during the cruise (yes.....the legs buckeled, and he was on the floor 4 separate nights). One day we found.....well, who knows what kind of stains on the newly made bedsheets.


On my last cruise I had an experience that probably is going to make me look and sound really blonde: I am a little claustrophobic and panic when I find myself in rooms or places that I cannot control getting out off. One night I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our cabin was pitch black, even though it was a balcony cabin. I do not like to turn the lights on for fear of waking the children. After I was ready to come out of the bathroom, I realized that for the life of me I could not remember where the light switch was, or where the door knob was. As I start feeling around the bathroom walls, I cannot find either. It is pitch dark, and I feel myself beginning to panic. Finally (though probably less than a minute passed), in total panic mode and fear, I scream for the kids to come and get me out of the bathroom, that I cannot find the light switch or the door knob. My 12 year old promptly turns on the light.....and stares at me in disbelief. There I was: in the bathroom....the door wide open. I had not even closed it, and could have just walked out.


I know. You don't have to tease me. My kids do it on a daily basis. I am sure this will be one of those stories that will be repeated many times over..... :o

Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha what a good laugh this gave me!!!

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  • 11 months later...
First off this is not a post complaining about anything on our last cruise. It is a post explaining how the worst day of cruising in the Caribbean is still better than the best day at the office.:D


With that said, my DW and DS were on our first cruise on the Disney Magic in March 2006 to the Eastern Caribbean. Three things then happened which could have just ruined the whole paradise adventure if we let them.


1. In St. Marten, my DW tripped on a curb and fell flat on her knees, elbows, wrists, and face on the every so hard concrete. She had an amazing amount of serious road rash. We went back to the cabin, bought some triple anti-biotic ($$$) in the gift store and headed back out. There was no way she was going to miss St. Marten.:eek:


2. That evening my wonderful and charming DS knocked my wifes only pair of prescription glasses off of the bed in our cabin and they found themselves right under my shoe with all 260 pounds of me in that shoe at the time. Crushed, one lense popped out, looking like she was from a freak show. I spent 45 minutes bending and twisting those glasses until they could sit on her face without falling off. In some amazing turn of events I was able to get the lense back in with those little fish line holders they have these days. Off to high tea she went totally amazed, but un-fazed by the second attempt on our paradise vacation.:eek:


3. So we go to dinner in the Animator's Palate on the Magic and at some point my wife yells. Her diamond ring is sitting in her hand right were it should be, minus the diamond. This is where I wish I had won that lottery and bought the big 6 carat diamond as the just over half carat diamond was gone. She left the dinner, went to the front desk to report it and started checking the ship. Yes, I said checking the ship. She had grown attached to that diamond over the past fifteen years. I couldn't shake her from this tradegy, she was depressed. We went back to our cabin that evening and on a total hunch and to make her feel better, I got down on my hands and knees and checked the floor. This was really much more of my husbandly duty to try and find the diamond than an actual attempt. In my mind I was sure it was lying back on that street in St. Marten where she had fallen. While I'm on hands and knees on the floor I actually find the blinking shiny little devil in the cabin, on the floor between the bathroom door and the closet. I stand there speechless holding the lonely diamond in my hand when my DW realizes what I found. Hang on cause this is where it gets just a tad funny. DW screams and screams in pure excitement. Only one small problem, her screams of excitement could very easily be interpreted as the screams of someone who needed help as well. Now my mind is racing with the thought of members of the crew coming and knocking on our door, finding my DW with terrible black and blue bruises on her knees, wrist, elbows, chin and nose, and glasses that have just recently been de-mangled by me. It was enough to make me cringe. On top of that this all happened when we were totaly sober, really.:eek:


I see many messages on these boards on the bad breaks and terrible things that can happen on a cruise. We are just getting ready for our next one, this time with RCCL, back into the Caribbean. Vacations are a state of mind and we just wouldn't give in. It was an awesome cruise and we can't wait to go back. We were survivors and I had a few Konk Coolers in the Bahamas to celebrate!!


Anyone else out there have a "you won't believe what happened to us" cruise story??



This reads like the Griswald's Family Vacation. :D


Loved every word. Thanks. :)

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We didn't really have any incidents happened, yet on our very first cruise and arriving in our room, nature was calling so I went to the room. I noticed the words behind the toilet, " Please close the lid before flushing" I flushed and thought OMG, now DH needs to use it, but he didn't see the sign and came our quickly saying, I thought I was going in. :D

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I have the worst luck when I go on cruises. There always seems to come a day when they make me get off the ship! I don't know what the deal is. I'm having the time of my life, and then I have to leave! It's happened every, single time, and it's always long before I am ready to go. I keep booking cruises, figuring it will all work out in the end, someday. So far, though, no joy.


Does this happen to anyone else? :D





I moan and groan when leaving the ship, everytime!!!

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So glad it worked out for you. MIL tripped in StT and she required sutures to be put back together. Then you found the diamond...way to go!!!


Hope your next cruise is a bit less full of unpleasant surprises.

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Went on The Carnival Sensation in October '04. It was a 4 day cruise.

At dinner on the first night, I took a bite of a dinner roll and my bridge work fell out! It was 3 teeth in the front. Now I have no tooth in the front right and 2 ground down rotting stubs which were what was supose to be holding the bridge. It looked hideous!!!

There was no dentist on staff, so I went to a dentist in cozumel two days later. he glued it, but it only lasted 24 hours.


The saving grace was that the cruise was over Halloween! I just said it was part of my costume!


It goes without saying, I go to the dentist right before each cruise now to get my teeth cleaned AND OH BY THE WAY DOC, CHECK MY BRIDGE WORK AND BE SURE IT IS TIGHT!

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Our story doesn't involve a cruise, but it was in deed a memorable vacation. We had decided to go camping outside Boston and Niagra Falls. We arrived at our campsite in Boston and while we were getting set up my 7 year old DS fell on his bike. He cut his leg and we quickly went to a local infirmary and he received 7 stitches. Later in the week we went to Childrens' Museum and naively parked on the street. When we returned to the van, it had been broken into and my husband's camera was stolen.

Fast forward to Niagra Falls and we went to the falls. DS was walking around the park and got stung by a bee. Fortunately he was not alergic, but he was upset.

Vacation is over and we are driving back home. DH realizes we have a flat tire. He begins to change it and the jack slips and cuts his hand. After the flat is changed we go to the nearest hospital so DH can get stitches in his finger. He was proud because it was his middle finger. We continued on our journey and had a flat on our camper. Again, fortunately a nice trucker realized DH was having difficulty and he helped changed the flat.

We were on our way home and arrived safely.

As you can imagine it is one vacation we will not forget. I must say it was 17 years ago and we still laugh about our adventure.;)

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This story really isn't too interesting, but it did happen on a cruise.


I did a scuba excursion. Jumped off the back of the boat and didn't remember being told that we have to immediately swim away from the boat because of the current. Then again, that's a pretty obvious thing you're taught during certification, but I hadn't dived in two years and basically forgot just about everything.


So when I popped back up to the surface, I hit my head on the ladder. Didn't really hurt but the dive master made me get out of the water and he checked my head and I was bleeding pretty badly and he told me I couldn't dive. I was like, "I am NOT sitting in this boat for the next two hours doing nothing, especially after having paid about $100." So after much begging and promising that I was okay, he let me back in. WHEW.


Two nights later, I woke up in the middle of the night because blood was trickling out of my ear. Had nothing to do with banging my head, though. It was from the pressure I had experienced from going down about 90 feet.


A pretty bloody cruise but all was fine. Although I was a little embarrassed for the cabin steward to see blood on my pillowcase. :(

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We have had only one incident on a cruise which involved snorkeling in Roatan. My husband came out of the water and looked like someone had just died. I knew instantly that he lost his wedding ring and started laughing because he was so upset over it (not the right thing to do!). As soon as we got back on the ship and the shops opened he bought another ring and has had it ever since!


A more interesting story is when we decided to go camping in the Smokey Mountains. We had planned this trip with about 20 other people and really looked forward to it. About 4 weeks before leaving my husband came home with what we thought was a groin pull. He could walk but you could tell it was pretty sore. I made him go to the doctor about 2 weeks later because it was still hurting. They took x-ray's and told him that he had some soft tissue damage and gave him Ibuprofen and told him it should feel better soon.


Well about 3 days before leaving it still didn't feel any better and he had borrowed a cane to use to help him get around. He went back to the doctor (who was on vacation) and had to see someone else who told him that he was fine, go on vacation and come back here when you return if it is still hurting. Keep in mind that at this time, my husband is 39 years old.


We leave for Tennessee on a Sunday morning. Me, DH, DD and Niece. We get to Gatlinburg, spend the first night in a hotel, meet up with our friends on Monday and check into the campground. He can barely walk at this point. On Tuesday, he takes about an hour to walk to the bathroom and I picked him up from the bathroom in the car and told him that we had to go to the hospital just to get crutches or something to help.


After explaining everything in the hospital, they decide to do a CAT scan and realize he has a BROKEN HIP. He had surgery the next day (Wednesday) and stayed in the hospital until Saturday when I picked him up and drove home to Florida. We never did find out how he broke it.


This should have been the worst vacation ever because of what happened but if you ask me, my daughter, my niece or even my husband it was the best time for all of us. We laugh about it now but boy was it interesting at that time.


(Sorry this is so long)

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We arrived at the airport a little earlier than the recommended time, to find out if we did not pretend that one of us were disabled we would miss our flight. So, we had an older lady with us who we put in a wheel chair which allowed us to make it to flight on time.... come to find out, our flight had been delayed. It got delayed two more times before we were able to board the airplane. We were sitting on the plane for atleast an hour wondering when were were going to take off, the flight attendants were not answering our questions.


The passenger behind us was calling the airlines to see about delays for our flight. The first time she called it said it would be a 6 hour delay the next time she called it was a 24 hour delay and the last time she called it had been canceled! So we sat on the plane for twenty more minutes before they announced it was canceled.


We rushed off the plane, to try to find another available flight. There were no more flights from GA to MIA! :O There was a flight from GA to TX to MIA... but we couldnt take a chance. So we rush to the car rentals to find only ONE car big enough for 3 people, 6 piecesof luggage, and 3 carry-ons. We crammed into the car and wer off for our 12 hour journey to Miami. We didnt reach Miami till 3 in the morning.. but after we went to bed and woke up, our vacation was amazing!

Edited by katie_1234
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Our 'worst' cruise was when we took a family cruise to Bermuda. DH and I had been there a few times and loved it and finally talked my sister and her family and my sister-in-law into joining us. There were 11 of us on this one.


It started the day before the cruise, DH had gotten something in his little toe that had caused it to get infected and swell up. I had a podiatrist appt that day so he went with me and had the doc look at it. Doc said he had to dig out whatever was in there so he did then bandaged the toe up gave instructions to keep it clean, etc...


Day 2 of the cruise, DH wakes up and can't get his shoe on, his entire foot is swollen and red, he goes to the dr on board and they explain he has cellulitis and will need IV anti-biotics for a few days and the wound will have to be cleaned out again. So, he is now going to the dr twice a day for his IV and 'surgery'.


Day 3 we arrive in Bermuda, DH can't go in the water so we rent mopeds and prepare to do a tour of the island. My DD and her boyfriend are at the end of the 7 mopeds, all of a sudden they pass the rest of us yelling that the moped that just zoomed past us stole their backpack which contained their passports, ID, $300 in cash, and some clothes/towels. So we all headed to the police station to report it. When my BIL (who almost had my sister convinced to let him get a motorcycle) pulls into the parking lot, he has trouble stopping his moped, he turns in between 2 police cruisers and looks like a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth denting both cars down the whole side. My SIL also decides she's not comfortable driving the moped so lets her 17 yr old daughter drive it and she rides with my DH. I love having my own.


Day 4 DH is allowed to go in the water so we go to the beach and have a very nice beach day, that evening we plan on meeting some friends at one of the local pubs. DH was stationed in Bermuda in the Navy years ago and still keeps in touch with some of the locals he met back then. DH and I are the last to arrive at the pub, we see a whole row of mopeds lying down. When my BIL pulled in to park he took out the whole row. They were all locals and they were very good about it, even bought him a drink. After that my sister took over driving him and let their 18 yr old have the single one. Needless to say, he did not get a motorcycle...


After that everything else was pretty smooth, we got one of the cruise director staff to present my BIL with some gifts we picked up at dinner one night, he was sufficiently embarrassed by all the fuss. DHs toe eventually healed, although our health insurance balked at most of the $2400.00 that we had to pay on the ship. Lesson learned: I always purchase the travel insurance now. My daughter never got her bag or any of her belongings back, but didn't expect to. The police said that unfortunately Bermuda was no longer the safe place that it used to have the reputation of being and you had to be careful and tie your bags into the baskets, not just hook the strap over them.


Nothing that happened has changed our view of cruising, I guess I'm glad all the bad seemed to happen on 1 cruise cause all of our other cruises have been GREAT...and we've been back to Bermuda since then too.

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I really don't have a lot of bad stories, but I have to say my cruise on the Carnival Destiny was less than perfect. After getting off that ship, I swore I would never go on another cruise again. The dining room smelled like urine, and made me gag every time we went there to eat. My son's bed crashed 4 times during the cruise (yes.....the legs buckeled, and he was on the floor 4 separate nights). One day we found.....well, who knows what kind of stains on the newly made bedsheets.


On my last cruise I had an experience that probably is going to make me look and sound really blonde: I am a little claustrophobic and panic when I find myself in rooms or places that I cannot control getting out off. One night I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our cabin was pitch black, even though it was a balcony cabin. I do not like to turn the lights on for fear of waking the children. After I was ready to come out of the bathroom, I realized that for the life of me I could not remember where the light switch was, or where the door knob was. As I start feeling around the bathroom walls, I cannot find either. It is pitch dark, and I feel myself beginning to panic. Finally (though probably less than a minute passed), in total panic mode and fear, I scream for the kids to come and get me out of the bathroom, that I cannot find the light switch or the door knob. My 12 year old promptly turns on the light.....and stares at me in disbelief. There I was: in the bathroom....the door wide open. I had not even closed it, and could have just walked out.


I know. You don't have to tease me. My kids do it on a daily basis. I am sure this will be one of those stories that will be repeated many times over..... :o


This cracked me up! Reminds me of when we were staying at a hotel and like you...it was pitch black. I got up to use the bathroom and this hotel room had a separate bedroom with a door. It was so dark and my eyes were trying to adjust. I walked towards the bedroom door to get out and use the bathroom. Well my GOD....there was someone standing right in front of me. I knew my DH was in bed so it wasn't him. My kids were in the 'livingroom' on a sofa bed and this person was much taller than them. My heart RACED...I screamed. The person was inches from my face. My husband nearly had a heart attack and jumped out of bed. At the same time I realized (or remembered) the door had a full-length mirror. There was no person staring at me...only my reflection in a dark room. Did I ever feel stupid!!! Well, I was half-asleep I guess. I have not lived this down. Unfortunately for me....this is merely one of the many stories I could share.....as my DH says....life with me is never boring. :eek:

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  • 1 year later...

So when I started this thread it was after our first cruise and it was an amazing journey going through what we did. now with three under our belt and a fourth and fifth in the works, we are looking and feeling more like cruise veterans.


I will tell you though, we do bring a back up pair of glasses now.:rolleyes:

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Anyone else out there have a "you won't believe what happened to us" cruise story??


OMG, what an awesome post :D


Ours was not a cruise but our first vacation together to Cancun back in 1996. Hotel was not what the TA promised, my head got severely sunburned and a Parrot bit me on the top of the head, waiter in the club tried to steal my AmEx and driver's license, and I picked up a horrible stomach bug and spent about an hour in the bathroom at Senor Frogs thinking I was going to die; HOWEVER, it was the best vacation because I was with my DH (boyfriend at the time) and nothing could ruin that :D

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i really don't have a lot of bad stories, but i have to say my cruise on the carnival destiny was less than perfect. After getting off that ship, i swore i would never go on another cruise again. The dining room smelled like urine, and made me gag every time we went there to eat. My son's bed crashed 4 times during the cruise (yes.....the legs buckeled, and he was on the floor 4 separate nights). One day we found.....well, who knows what kind of stains on the newly made bedsheets.


On my last cruise i had an experience that probably is going to make me look and sound really blonde: I am a little claustrophobic and panic when i find myself in rooms or places that i cannot control getting out off. One night i went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our cabin was pitch black, even though it was a balcony cabin. I do not like to turn the lights on for fear of waking the children. After i was ready to come out of the bathroom, i realized that for the life of me i could not remember where the light switch was, or where the door knob was. As i start feeling around the bathroom walls, i cannot find either. It is pitch dark, and i feel myself beginning to panic. Finally (though probably less than a minute passed), in total panic mode and fear, i scream for the kids to come and get me out of the bathroom, that i cannot find the light switch or the door knob. My 12 year old promptly turns on the light.....and stares at me in disbelief. There i was: In the bathroom....the door wide open. I had not even closed it, and could have just walked out.


I know. You don't have to tease me. My kids do it on a daily basis. I am sure this will be one of those stories that will be repeated many times over..... :o



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