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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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kitty9--your mom wouldn't want you to give up cruising. It won't be the same but you will be celebrating her life and the fun you had with her.

I was contemplating cancelling the '09 cruises after my DH died in Aug, but my step-sis/TA talked me into waiting in case I found someone to go with me. The day of the funeral I asked DH's sister to go with me on the Jan. S. Carib on Galaxy. Labor Day weekend she said, "YES!" Now we have a great cruise to look forward to and help us get through the holidays. I know DH would want me to go. I have a choir friend who says she'll go on the June Med. cruise on Summit with me if I can't find anyone in the family to go. With the prices coming down, maybe SIL will get hooked and want to go again in June. :D

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Cruising brought happiness and spared misery in my parents latter years.

My parents loved to travel and used to drive around Europe & USA & Canada by themselves. But after my father turned 80, he wouldn't travel and made excuses not to go on any trip. My mother got seriously depressed for some years. Finally my mother and I realized that my father refused to go on vacation because he could no longer handle being responsible and remembering things, even though he would not admit it. After some difficulty,we convinced him to go on a cruise, where he would not have to worry about being responsible. We all went on a Panama Canal cruise on the much missed former Regency cruise line. My parents both cheered up immensely and kept on cruising together for the rest of his life. Cruising was great for both of them, since my mother could make friends, stay up late and go on shore excursions while not worrying about my father, who was happy reading on deck in the fresh sea air or napping in the cabin and had food available whenever he wanted it. So I recommend cruises as the best vacation for older people-they are well taken care of and can participate in whatever level of activity they are individually up to, without the burden of worrying about the other one every minute of the day.And even the less physically active get the mental stimulation of being in new places, seeing new things and

eating different food!

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Like many of you, I cruise because I always did growing up, and when my Mom passed away when I was 20, I realized that my parents probably could have chosen to have a Mercedez instead of a minivan, but right now that wouldn't do me any good, as I have memories of 5 cruises with my Mom that I will have for the rest of my life...

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I just really started cruising in 2005 and the "bug" hit me. As a child growing up, we were lucky if we got out of our very rural town due to an alcoholic father and abuse. Our "grand vacation" was goingi to the beach for the weekend and sleeping in the back of our Comet stationwagon with our mother and eating off a Sterno cookstove. Now, I go as often as I can, be it alone or with my hubby. I won't stop until I stop and I am hoping to God that that won't be any time soon!

To those who have lost loved ones recently, I am hoping that you can still find joy in life in any way that makes you all happy. Sorrow fades....love never does!

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... I want to be in my rocking chair remembering instead of wishing.


Love your quote sb ... I believe years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.


Life is too short ... enjoy it while you can ...



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I cruise with my family for several reasons.

1) To bond, this is a holiday experience that anyone, any age can enjoy and appreciate.

2) To give my children a taste of something they can aim for later in life - so go to school kids!

3) to allow the inner 12 year old in me to escape.


I too have lhad a spouse pass. It's amazing how different your perspective on life is once you have experienced such a loss.

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When I went to the hospital for my second Open Heart Surgery in four years, I needed to remind myself all the reasons I had for submitting to such serious surgery again. I needed something wonderful to look forward to during the struggle I was facing.

Of course, my DH was my rock and reason but my 'fun' and what to look forward to when I recovered was represented by the postcard of Maasdam (one of our two favorite ships) that I brought with me. I placed it on my tray table bedside and when it all seemed too much, I looked at that postcard and it gave me strength.


We cruised her four months after my surgery and board her again very, very soon for another glorious days aboard. :) What joy the day we crossed that gangway and I knew I had survived to sail again.



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Sail, what a beautiful story - I am happy you are still among us.


To everyone who has lost family and friends, my condolences and prayers. Right now we're dealing with our own loss; my son's best friend and his fiance were enjoying their time share in Mexico for the very first time and they both drowned. He was 42, she 37. They both leave behind children, a 13 year old and a 20 year old.


Life is short and we never know when our end will come, so DH and I live for today and plan for tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)

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Sail, what a beautiful story - I am happy you are still among us.


To everyone who has lost family and friends, my condolences and prayers. Right now we're dealing with our own loss; my son's best friend and his fiance were enjoying their time share in Mexico for the very first time and they both drowned. He was 42, she 37. They both leave behind children, a 13 year old and a 20 year old.


Life is short and we never know when our end will come, so DH and I live for today and plan for tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)



Oh my goodness, 'ger'. What a tragedy. How very sad.


Thanks for your nice words to me.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a lot of cruise memories starting in the 1960s with my DH, our very special one was to the Mediterrean for our 50th anniversary.

We shared our cruising with all of our 5 grandkids which made them all great memories. Our last was in July 2008 for a graduation present. Even though he was very sick, he was still able to enjoy the cruise.


My DH lost his 2 year battle with Cancer in December but I still plan to cruise. Next month my daughter is treating me and her 2 year old grandson to a Disney Wonder cruise. I've never been able to spend much time with her since she doesn't live locally, so I am looking forward to having quality time with her.

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as a child the family only ever took us for odd days to the seaside but we were happy. I'd get excited for days about the trip and wouldn't be able to eat.

Now in my late 60s, I still get excited about trips but when I went to the Ruby in January, I couldn't eat properly for two months before and lost 14 pounds weight.

I also like cruises because they are safe....no yobos and muggings

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I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and was told I had a 20% chance of surviving 5 years! We have always travelled and indeed move to Mallorca, Spain 10 years ago. I had just decided to retire from my business in Sapin when I was diagnosed so a lot of plans went out the window! We also found at this time that my wife's mother was very ill and we had to move back to UK for 2 years to look after her. Just booked b2b transatlantic cruises on QM2 and the Connie for April 2009. Boy are we going to enjoy it!!

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I am sitting at work - taking a break and now have tears in my eyes:( What a wonderful thread this is. We are going only on our 4th cruise and almost cancelled, because I will be without a job come June. But 2008 was a rough year. In one week, my mother who is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's fell and broke her hip, my DH was diagnosed with cancer and I learned that my client was moving corp. offices and I would no longer have a job this June. Then the weekend before DH was to have his cancer surgery, I rushed him to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack,he didn't want to go but I am STUBBORN:) No heart attack but major blockage. He ended up having heart surgery the day he should have had the cancer surgery. This was actually a blessing in disguise, as the blockage was so severe, I was told that if he would have had the cancer surgery the chances were 99% that he would have died on the table. Has the cancer surgery a month later. Prayer and faith got us through it. When he was home recouperating I saw the WOW sale by RCL and booked it, then told him later;). First time to get insurance and not book direct. We decided that we would go and enjoy ourselves, as who knows what the future has instore. Plus I had a BIG garage sale and ended up making close to 3/4 of the cost of the cruise:) Shocked DH when I handed him the $$, he said he thought I could sell snow to an eskimo:p We will continue to try and cruise each year for as long as possible.

Edited by alamogirl
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Another 'queen for a day' story, lol. I was always afraid to cruise, because of seeing the old titanic b&w movie, "A night to remember" as a kid. Scared me to death so much that I never wanted to go out of sight of land on a boat again. But several years ago my father died, followed in a year by my mother, then closely by my adult brother. As my remaining 3 siblings and I sat at that 3rd after-burial luncheon stunned, we decided to go on a bonding vacation together. Just us, no spouses, no kids. The other 3 thought of a cruise, so I went along without mentioning the phobia. Against all odds, I loved it. LOVED IT! So now, I'm 5 weeks away from my 3rd. Taking my kids this time, for thier first. I sure hope they love it as much as I did. It's not a financially great time. DH got a big paycut. But so have lots of other people. There have been some health concerns. But so what. Memories are everything. Can't wait!

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Thank you all for sharing your stories.


I have always dreamed of travelling. Not sure where that came from, but I have it. My parents never had much money, so we did little travel outside a few hours drive. Now that they are retired, even if they had the money, their health would not allow them to travel.


I do not want to get to that age and only have regrets of things I should have done. I want to see what's out there while I am lucky enough to have decent health and enough money, if I budget really well!

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Thanks Mike for bringing back this inspiring post.

The reason my sister and I take an annual cruise now is not only to have fun and make a week a year to spend together since we live thousands of miles apart. Cruising was really not in my budget while raising a family, but 2 years ago my mom passed away after 5 torturous days in the hospital. It was the 5 worst days of our lives. But during those days and the week afterwards while going through her belongings we all spent alot of quality time together. My mom didn't have much money after years of poor health, but left us each a small amount. We decided that the best way to spend this money was to take a trip in her memory as she loved to travel. We have made a vow to do it every year as long as possible.

I think my mom would be happy that my sister and I are making the time to spend together since the rest of our family has all passed on [We have a brother also, but he isn't interested in travelling].

I have a husband and two adult kids at home, and we also take family trips together every year, but the annual cruise is just for my sister and I.

When I once questioned the afffordability of a certain vacation, my mom made the comment that she never regretted spending money on travel and since she had a disabling stroke at age 57, it was great that she was able to get in many trips prior to then. Her last big trip was her first cruise with my dad a year before he died that a very generous cousin gave to them as a gift. She always talked about that trip and what a wonderful time they had.

We never know when our time is up, so while I believe in saving for the future, making time for now is equally important:)

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Cusyl, I was saddened to learn of your husband's passing; I remember you said you were looking at a hospice the last time you posted here. My prayers to you and your family. How nice that your daughter has booked a cruise that includes you and your grandson - I hope you will feel your husband's love surrounding you on the trip.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)

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I am one of those people who begin planning a trip right after we get home from the previous trip. I always need to have something to look forward to. My DH usually complains and says why don't we stay home and save our money-until it's almost time to go, then he starts talking about how he is ready to get away. But I love to cruise and to travel for that matter to see places and things I have only seen on tv. I think as a whole we all work too hard and we need to spend as much time as possible enjoying our lives. Plus it is always fun to tell people who come over where all the things in our house came from and to remember the story behind it.

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My dream is for me to get a job after I graduate and be able to bring my parents on a cruise where not a dime would have to come out of their pocket so I could thank them for everything they ever did for me :D


When our children we're growing up I would use our annual tax refund to "finance" our vacations. My DH & I did the same to take my mom on a cruise and we paid for everything (airfare, tips, etc).


We cruise because life is too short. DH has had 2 emergency neck surgeries and an emergency brain surgery (almost lost him). I love him more every day and our time together is precious. I don't ever want us or our children to have any regrets.

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Although this is only our second cruise, we vacation as much as we can. We work very hard, as most people do. Our DD is going to college in August, DS starts high school. We have a very small family. We lost my father, gram, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt and had to put the puppy to sleep (cancer) all in the last 3 1/2 years. I appreciate life, hard work and family...can't wait for March.

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Oh my, some of you have had some rough times in your lives. My heart goes out to you. Prayers for those that are still fighting the battles in their lives.


My life has two stories. My DH's family only went on one or two vacations, so he wasn't one to take vacations. Since I was raised with the concept of a yearly family vacations, that was a huge issue to us.


In 2000 we took our first cruise on the Dawn Princess. I knew that I would love it, but wasn't sure if DH would like it. He throughly enjoyed himself. In 2001 we decided that a cross country adventure to attend a wedding was the vacation. So,18 states and a Canadian province with 7,700 miles, we zigged and zagged our way around the U.S. with our two teenage sons. They still talk about that trip.


Nine months later he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I was so thankful that we had done both of those trips. He made it through the surgery, with minimal long term problems. In 2005 we cruised to Alaska on the Regal Princess for our 25th. We are now booked for a trip to Florida with a cruise.


In April 2006 my mother almost died of a heart condition. Her life long dream was to go to Hawaii. My dad wouldn't take her, so I had promised her that I would take her to Hawaii SOMEDAY. Well, during her 10 day hospital stay. I though that I had missed my chance and therefore broken my promise. I decided right then and there, that if she made it through all of this that I was booking a trip to Hawaii for her and I.


About a month later, her heart doctor released her to return to a normal routine. When asked, he confirmed that she was allowed to travel. That night, I booked a trip to Hawaii with a cruise. She cried when I gave her a special mother's day gift. We spent 18 days on our travel to Hawaii, then on the cruise. The cruise was the NCL Wind, which included Fanning Island. Once she learned that we would be going to the Big Island she informed me that she wanted to see the volcano. I knew that with her heart condition that she shouldn't be near the actual lava flow on the Big Island, so the only solution was to take her on a heli tour of the volcano.



For Christmas the following year, I gave her a scrapbook of our trip. She still talks about her trip. She has been on eight cruises, total, with two cruises since her Hawaii trip, but she still considers the Hawaii trip as the best.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,


Great posts that we need to her!


Regardless of the economy, we're still committed to cruising!

Just heard from a friend who lost his wife 3 years ago, I really feel his sadness and emptiness, and am so greatful that we can still enjoy each other every day.


You bet we cruise and meet all kinds of friends we would never had met, had we not "stopped and smelled the roses"... on beautiful Caribbean islands, of course.;)



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I started cruising in 2004 with my mom and other family. I was scared to death to fly but in 2005 my mom,brother and sister were diagnosed with cancer.We planned a cruise in 2006 which my mom also went.Unfortunetly that was her last.My brother and Mom both passed away within months of each other my sister had breast cancer which she is now in remission.So we cruise every other year and I love to cruise but hate to fly,but I still do.Life is too short so I am always planning something.

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