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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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I feel for all of you who have had horrible tragedies and too-close wake-up calls. These are real reminders that you have to live for today; who knows what tomorrow will bring. ("Live Like You Were Dying" always brings tears to my eyes.)


I haven't had those experiences, but I do know that you only get one chance at this life -- on your last day, you won't be wishing you worked more.


DH and I work really hard. He has commuted to NYC for more than 20 years; I have my own business. Our kids (now 11 and 14) have insane schedules, with school, homework, sports, music, activities. There is no down time. We considered cruising without them next winter because it's so expensive on school breaks. But he reminded me that we have so little family time... and my DD will be heading off to college in less than 4 years! So we're taking them again -- to new places for new experiences and lots of new memories to create.


It is all worth it when I watch their faces on our trips. How happy they are on the ships. Their wonder at the Panama Canal. Their excitement and fear with the stingrays! Their fun frolicking in the warm waves of the Caribbean. Swimming with the dolphins. Exploring ancient ruins (which they have studied in school). Their pride in climbing Dunns River Falls without falling (I'm the one who came home with scrapes). They've had so many great experiences on their cruises (they will be halfway to Platinum on Carnival after our next cruise) and have had so many great memories.


Family time is precious. You can't always escape the realities of the rat race in your every day life, but you can certainly always find time for a vacation -- whatever fits your taste and your budget.


We've cruised with my parents and our cousins who don't live near us. I just so appreciate all this time we have together (and my kids get to spend time with their cousins too).


After one of our cruises, my mother-in-law (who never goes on vacation - for varous reasons) questioned why we have to go on this big vacation every year. At this point, I find it non-negotiable. That is family time and a break from our crazy lives that I just would never give up.

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As has been mentioned several times, tommorrow is promised to no one.

I'm 40 yrs. old. I'm not getting any younger. I'm single, with no children. I work 40 hours a week at a blue-collar job. I didnt get to go many places when I was younger. Up until last year the only place outside of the U.S. I had been was Canada.

I live in Cleveland. Its cold here. Often. Its snowing right now as a matter of fact! 6 months of this crap makes you wanna jump out of a window.

Theres a whole big world out there.

Someone said to me, "Why do you go on cruises? You're not rich?" "You're right. And I probably never will be either. Thats why I go."


Theres a commercial that plays on the radio here that repeats the question, "What are you waiting for?" That pretty much summed it up for me.


I leave on the Empress in 12 days for my second cruise.

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I don't think I have ever been so touched by a thread. People are amazing, which is one of the reasons I enjoy cruising, the opportunity to meet new people and hear their stories.


I am 54 and 6 years ago I got my wake up call - hospital for 7 days - I was one of those people that thought they could do it all - had a child on Wednesday, went back to work the next Monday - My how my priorities have changed.


Cruising is the one way we can leave work behind ... Our first cruise was almost 4 years ago for our 30th wedding anniversary ... it was almost the most amazing adventure that I have ever had....life with DH has always been an amazing adventure... and he still makes me laugh.


This cruise we will be taking our 15 yr old DS with us and I am truly excited for him to have this experience - I've now started planning a cruise for us and all the kids for 2009 (there will be 8 of us total with "friends") its important to have all my kids together one more time as the older ones have their wings and have flown to different parts of the country.


One thing that I did with my kids and I am so glad now that I did was - each child individually went away with "just mom" for a weekend each summer, we explored the coast of Maine, staying in B&B's - the only requirements were: to get lost, sing loudly, try new food, be truly silly, laugh alot and explore an area that we had never been before --- I have the best memories with my kids ... and the older kids now have the same love of adventures and have done lots of exploring on their own with their own SO.


Thank you to all who have replied to this thread, last week was a wild week at work, and its nice to remember what is really important. Jan

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Been reading this thread for the past couple of days. I was so fortunate to be an at home mom. We always went on family vacations because as a child I never did. 7 years ago my DH was diagnosed with a heart disease. Someday will need a transplant. In 2000 lost my mother at just age 66 to pancreatic cancer, then in 2002 father in law had open heart, then our 16 yr. old son was diagnosed with a braintumor and died 3 weeks to the day later. 9 months later I lost my dad to leukemia.

One of the best vacations we ever took was on the big red boat. Our son absolutely loved it. After he passed that fall, we took our 2 daughters on another cruise to have some time just for our family.

My Dh and I are in our late 40's and early 50's. We cruise at least once a year, with a lot of little side trips!! We love the time together.

Now as I am typing this I am waiting for gallbladder surgery. After our cruise in Feb. came home and got terribly ill. Luckily, just a matter of my gall bladder not working. Just another reminder why our trips and time together is so precious and can never ever be replaced.

Bless all of you and Happy Cruising and Family time together!!

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This is why we cruise!!!!!!

"It's a Miracle!"




..An official CC group



Great Itinerary, great prices, and great people.




Wow! Leaving out of Port Everglades, on to St. Martin, St. Kitts, and St. Lucia----Can't beat that!!




8 Day Southern Caribbean Cruise




CARNIVAL MIRACLE Carnival Miracle is the fourth ship in the Spirit class, which introduced some significant firsts for Carnival: alternative restaurants and onboard wedding chapels. Spirit-class ships also offer an impressive 80 percent ratio of outside cabins, as well as lots of nice little touches -- like museum-quality artwork and "designer" martinis.




Day 1 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Day 2 - Fun Day at Sea

Day 3 - Fun Day At Sea

Day 4 - St. Martin, NA

Day 5 - St. Lucia, WI

Day 6 - St. Kitts, WI

Day 7 - Fun Day At Sea

Day 8 - Fun Day At Sea

Day 9 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Prices & Amenities

For Info E-mail Group Info.

Group Leader: manmtnmike.




Here is the quote for the 8 day Carnival Miracle sailing 2/27/08

Pricing: http://www.cruisecritic.com/interests/groupinfo.cfm

**Note that the prices are cheaper than some of the7 day cruises!Especially when factoring in the $100 ship board credit per cabin.

Webpage : http://www.cruisecritic.com/interests/groups.cfm?ID=128


We'll have more info and updates as we get closer!!!!!!!!!!




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Our first cruise was last year to celebrate my parents anniversary and my sisters anniversary.


This year - my husband and I are just grateful we are ok. My husband survived 2 surgeries this year and we just got married in November. My dad was diagnosed with Early Stage Dementia which could change to Alzheimer's - so we want to travel to have lots of memories with him.


Can't wait until August to cruise again - even though we really can't afford this one yet due to our extravagant wedding.



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My Mom passed away from Colon Cancer Feb. 10, 2000 at a young 67. THREE MONTHS later I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer at the age of 48! Luckily, (and by the Grace of God) my Internist insisted I have a colonoscopy because I had lost a lot of weight, which I attributed to grief. I had cc and a blockage! I survived the surgery, and all that went with it, and by Sept, 2000, I drained our Savings Acct, booked my Third Cruise, and booked the "Grand Suite" on the Grand Princess, and everything that went with it-lol:D I've cruised every year since, except one year, I rode the Harley to Florida with DH and DS and others, which is something I would have NEVER done before my diagnosis.


Life is Short-Enjoy:)

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One of my ex-coworkers called me today at work, and told me that one of our friends/co-worker was given less than 3 months. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about 2 years ago, and was doing pretty good and still working until now. She is in the hospital right now and in good spirits, but the first thing that came to my mind was, I hope she's had a good life, and if she continues to live past her time given, she continues to enjoy her life as much as she can, and you know what, right after I got off the phone with her, I went online and booked a hotel in Hampton Virginia for the Hampton Jazz Fest!! I have always wanted to go to a jazz fest and I missed the one in Reading PA (which is closer to me than Virginia), but guess what, I don't care, we are going! We just put out over $1000 in material to upgrade our bathroom and kitchen. Going on this cruise in a few weeks, and to the Jazz Fest in June will be money well spent!


Anyone of us can get handed the same life-ending sentence she just got.


I wish her well!!!


Live your life people!!!!!!

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Wonderful thread and thank you to all for sharing your feelings with others.


We cruise because we love being on the open sea and experiencing the beauty of this world from that perspective.


We also cruise because our Mom said "do the important and memorable things while you are still able." Our Mom died of cancer, at 57, so we have taken her advice.

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By the time I was 9 years old, I had lost both my parents and my grandmother, whom I was very close to. I may not have had that much time with my parents, but the most precious memories I have of both of them are of the vacations they took me on. Ever since I got married, I have made it my goal to have at least one good vacation a year. I have two precious little girls - 4years old and 9 months old. Our 4 year old has already been on a few vacations, including a 3 week trip to Austria. This year we will be taking both girls on their first cruise (my 3rd) and my 4 year old is already talking about 'cruising':) Next year we are planning a trip to either Bermuda or Canada!


My theory is, when I am old and gray or long gone, my children will think about their mother and their memories will be endless, including countless family vacations.


Mike, thank you so much for this thread!!!

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Sometimes it can be something besides near death that can make you realize that you are not in control of your life. After raising our son we thought we would be able to have time for travel and concentating on ourselves. We didn't plan on raising my two nephews, ages 6 and 11, but we have had them for 3 years now in July, and I will be 50 this year. I decided that even though money is now tighter as well as schedules, I still needed "me" time and "us" time, so we try to go on a cruise every year. One day I hope to take the boys with us but for now this is our one week of selfishness.

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Sometimes it can be something besides near death that can make you realize that you are not in control of your life. After raising our son we thought we would be able to have time for travel and concentating on ourselves. We didn't plan on raising my two nephews' date=' ages 6 and 11, but we have had them for 3 years now in July, and I will be 50 this year. I decided that even though money is now tighter as well as schedules, I still needed "me" time and "us" time, so we try to go on a cruise every year. One day I hope to take the boys with us but for now this is our one week of selfishness.[/quote']



You are so right! It can be something outside of Death that makes you think about whats really important!

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Thank you all the previous posters for your eloquence in sharing your life experiences.

Much of what I wanted to express has been better said by many other people, but I will try to put into words what I am want younger CC members, especially the ones with young families to understand.

It is not the things you buy your children, computers, designer clothes, etc. that they remember , but the time you spend with them, however humble, that they value.

I sat with my 35 year old son for 5 weeks while he died in hospital, and I am so glad that what he spoke of most and treasured most was " Do you remember Mum when we.......

I am so glad we spent our time getting together, and not getting "things "

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Mike and everyone, God bless you all!!!


I feel fortunate enough to be able to cruise with my son. He's my world. When I think about his graduating high school next year, I get sad. But we will have our memories forever. He says when he grows up and makes lots of money, he wants to take me on a cruise, first class because of what I've done for him. I tell him not to worry about it. Just do what you can now. Time and life is precious enough. I know I'm in debt, always will be, but I don't care. Some people think it's wrong to take our kids out of school for vacation, but I don't care. So I may want to save some money when I chose our vacation at a certain time of year, doesn't mean I value my son's education. I value him, my time with him. I'm his only parent, he'll be able to say my mom took the time out to take me places I only dream of. I take tons of pictures, no matter how trivial they may seem to others. The best pics are of us together. I'm so proud of my son, especially since he has Aspergers, which is like a high functioning autism. There has been time where he will have his temper tantrums and he makes threats of violence, and I want to take away the vacation, but I can't. He has many issues, but he's still my baby. I want to give him the world. He has never gone through on the threats, he's been hospitalized many times, in a group home, special schools, but he's made it so far he's in college prep courses in a regular high school. I threaten to take away the cruise, but it would never happen. Aspergers is very complicated, just like my son. I see my sister struggle with school, family, etc and she would like to take her kids places but she can't. I feel for her so much. My mom and sister wonder how can I afford such vacations, that it must be nice. I don't make much, but I don't care. I make enough to pay the bills, give the essentials to my son. I'll sacrifice what I can for him. Working all week, cleaning, being a mom can be tiring. I think how I would like some time to myself, but guilt comes in. We have a very tight bond, although it may not seem like that all the time. My sister lost her son in 1998, he was 2 and died of brain cancer. A year later, her daughter came down with cancer, but is a survivor. I dream like everyone else, but we have to take an initiative to take advantage of the time we have on this earth.

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Thank you all the previous posters for your eloquence in sharing your life experiences.

Much of what I wanted to express has been better said by many other people, but I will try to put into words what I am want younger CC members, especially the ones with young families to understand.

It is not the things you buy your children, computers, designer clothes, etc. that they remember , but the time you spend with them, however humble, that they value.

I sat with my 35 year old son for 5 weeks while he died in hospital, and I am so glad that what he spoke of most and treasured most was " Do you remember Mum when we.......

I am so glad we spent our time getting together, and not getting "things "

God bless you, I am so sorry you lost your son. You put into words exactly what I think is so wrong with some parents today. Buy, buy, buy. When my 4 children were small they could never undertand why they couldn't have everything their friends had. Couldn't afford it and they really didn't need it. A trip to McDonalds was even special for them. One thing we did give them, the urge to travel and meet new people and see new places. Not expensive trips, sometimes just long weekends with all 6 of us sharing a hotel room. They are all grown now and we love to play "remember when".

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  • 3 months later...

Have to add to this one when I dry my eyes.:( We also had loses about 8 years ago and I took some of the money DAD left me to take 8yo son and MOM on a cruise. We have cruised almost each years since. Something for everyone and I don't have to drive and worry about hotels , dinner and hoping everyone is happy. This time I have been out of work for 3 weeks, but the vacation is paid for and spending money is from another of DAD's accounts ( a mimimum ditribution) He and my Brother who was only 46 when he died would have loved to cruise. But we were travelers, England, canada and lots of low cost camping growing up. Now I hope for my son to have some great memories.I just have to remember to call into unemployment before the ship pulls away from the dock.:p

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My grandma died when she was 61 and I was in the 4th grade and had always wanted to do more travelling than she was able to do. After she died, my mom realized that life is short and you should do things that make you happy. After that is when we realized how important it is to spend time together, and now even though I'm in college my mom and I try to make a weekend trip every month or so. I've been to Europe 2 times, once with her, once with my boyfriends family, and we have recently gotten more into cruising. Its a good way to spend time together and do something different at the same time.

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As one of my grown sons reminds me often, LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL! We cruise for the memories. My husband has cheated death twice, and the memories of our cruises have sustained us through some tough times. He is healthy now and we appreciate every moment we have to make more memories!

My youngest sister had a major stroke last year, at only 45 years of age. After life saving surgery I stood by her bed trying to think of something to stir her. As I held her hand I promised her I would take her on a cruise ANYWHERE if she would just open her eyes. Immediately her eyes popped open as she looked right at me; I knew then that she was going to make it. My brother was at the foot of the bed and said, "just in case she doesn't remember this moment, I will remind her"! No need; weeks later when she came off the ventilator, and before she could talk, I asked her if she remembered what I said, and she nodded yes. Then she took a piece of paper and wrote, BELIZE! She just had her last surgery to replace her skull and is finally on the road to recovery. We leave on April 27, 2008 to celebrate her survival! :)

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Since 2002 I have lost 3 aunts and 1 uncle. But I have memories of cruising with all 4. My last aunt died on May 28th this year but I went on a cruise with her last year...the Elation in October......my other 2 aunts and uncle came on my wedding cruise in 2002 on the Fantasy.......I will cruise as long as God gives me breath. My son is 17...like I told my wife theses are his childhood memories............and our life memories.......so why not sit back and let someone else do the driving, cleaning , cooking etc for a few weeks a year.......life is way too short.......I leave next Saturday on the Triumph for a cruise....and my aunts and uncle are leaving with me.........in my heart and soul!!!!!!

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I can identify with this thread. My dh is in very poor health and we consider each day a gift. I've thought more than one time that this would be the "last Christmas" or the "last anniversary" etc.


We will be married 40 years at the end of this month and although we are not financially well off, we decided to go to Alaska in September. Part of the decision was based on the fact that it will be easier on him to get around on this type of trip than your traditional vacation.


But more importantly, we want to have this lovely memory of our 40th year together. Why save the money? It can't buy us one extra day, but it sure can enhance those we still have.

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I grew up traveling all over the country. mY MOM (single parent) would pack up the station wagon and off we would go. through my late twenties I was married had children and the motrgage. Now I'm by myself again and can't stand the wait between cruises. Everyone has there passions in life. I like to travel and cook. So I get to go to new places and try new foods.:)

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I was lucky enough to grow up in a family who did vacations almost every year. It might be a long weekend at the Wisconsin Dells, or two weeks in Florida or Colorado or other vacation spots. I have a lot of good memories growing up. By the time I was 18, I had been to 38 states. When I married, my DH was in the Navy. The only time we vacationed was when we changed duty stations or when my parents came to visit, and we would take off every weekend and go somewhere. It didn't matter what state we were in. we moved from IN to Calif to WA St. to Calif. to RI to New Orleans back to Calif ending in the DC area. When Ron retired he commented that he did not want to cruise. Why pay someone to cruise, when he was paid to cruise. I know it is a different kind of cruising but for years, he said no. In 2004, out of the blue, he said to book an Alaskan cruise. That was the beginning, and we haven't stopped yet.


After our second cruise, I almost died of blood clots, Dr. said one more clot in my lungs and that would have been the end of cruising. They even prepared my mother that I wouldn't be leaving the hospital on my own two feet. That was in July/Aug of 05. We had a cruise to No. Europe/Med. scheduled for 4 weeks after I got out of the hospital. That was one of the best cruises we have taken.


Life is short, don't regret not doing something that you want to do. I want to see everything and do everything. I am not in the best of health even now, but I don't let that stop me. My DH laughs at me before we go on our cruises. I am usually planning the next one. Not sure where the next one will be, but be asured, there will be another and another and another.

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My Grandpa died last year, it was long and drawn out (heart condition). In 2004 we took him on a cruise. There were 11 family members that went. It was amazing to see his face on his first plane ride at 81 yrs old. My mom kept trying to give him a valium to calm his nerves, of course we slipped him some bourbon...lol He couldn't believe the size of the ship, RCCL's Mariner. He always had people fooled, we would wheel him around in a wheelchair, but he could always walk to the casino, after he snuck out of the cabin..lol He let everyone think he was confused about where everything was, but he knew...lol We also took him to a clothing optional beach, boy was he happy there...lol Every morning he would have some bourbon and coffee with breakfast, of course my mom and aunt had a fit, but at 81 yrs old who cares, let him have a nip or 2. That was one of the best vacations I ever had.

This next cruise we will be taking my MIL, and niece, it will be thier first cruise and I can't wait to see thier faces!!!

Thanks for this thread, it brought back soooo many memories. Grandpa always said, "This cruisin thing is for the life of the rich and famous, are you sure we can be here?"

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