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Should I expect rude comments?


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During the muster drill where you are lined up shoulder to shoulder with fellow passengers, my 14 yr old and I were eagerly anticipating the week ahead. They place you with the smaller person in front of you. So this lady turns to talk over her shoulder to her husband (but you know she was pretty much direcly talking AT me and she says "Who would waste all that money to bring a kid on a cruise".


Turn to Mrs. Sensativit and say, with a wide smile, "Someone who loves their child, very much."


As for the others. Ignore them. Nasty one on one is bad, but a whole group? They do not deserve your hurt. You are too good for that. Harumph.

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It is amazaing the things that they will ask you. From how you conceived, your delivery, your financial situation, your work status, any many more.


My husband is a twin. The night before our wedding my mother's sister met my future in-laws in the hotel and said, "Did you know twins can have different fathers?" This was their first ever meeting.


On the topic of rude people on cruises, We are in Massachusetts. A few years ago, my friend and I took our kids on a cruise during April school vacation. We drove from Massachusetts to Philadelphia. A really snotty woman turned to me one day and said, "I wouldn't have taken this cruise if I knew so many kids would be onboard. I didn't realize so many people took their kids out of school for vacation."

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We have taken our 8 year old daughter cruising since her first one at 13 months. She is going on her 5th cruise in three weeks, this time with both grandmas in tow, to the Western Mediterranean on the Westerdam. We have only received wonderful positive comments everywhere she has been. Particularly on HAL, as it seems so many of the patrons are, shall we say, of a certain experienced age, the presence of a little one has been a bright light. As a result of dining at formal dinners, dealing with the wonderful dining room staff etc, she has beautiful table manners and can order in any type of restaurant. The kids she meets on board ship become friends who come socialize pre-and post- dinner, and the kid's rooms are always good for mom and dad's night at the casino (early in the cruise, only - never gamble on board after the third night!)

I wouldn't worry in the least. There are always going to be some types of people around who either don't like children or have a certain idea of what they want around them, and you can't please them. Just enjoy the great opportunities that your children will have and love the time with them!

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Seems the consensus has already given you this opinion, but I will agree that you will likely have no problems at all. We took our son on a cruise for the first time when he had just turned 3 yo. We had some apprehension about it, but he had a great time, and he still remembers things from that cruise. It was on Explorer of the Seas, and the thing he remembers most is that there was soft serve ice cream available whenever he wanted it. :) He just loved the children's program on the ship, though, and could hardly wait to get back to the activities with his new friends. Of course, I think 3 yo was the minimum age for participation in their childrens program.


Anyway, I don't really recall any negative comments from other passengers. My only complaint about children is when I occasionally see children being rude or pushy, and the parents don't even seem to feel the need to correct the behavior.


I think you should not worry, though. I'm sure you'll all have a great time.

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Wanna start a real evil post? Debate taking the kids out of school. Did I say that? LOL!


I'm kidding!!!


As this thread has made clear, there are those to know better than the parents how to handle children they have never met. If you don't believe me, just ask them and they will be more than happy to confirm this. What to meet them, just start a thread about taking kids out of school to go on a vacation.


Another rule that this thread has made clear is, in order to be a rude person, you have to do rude things.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You'll find all sorts of responses when it comes to kids. My first cruise, I didn't have one. My second cruise, we left him at home with Grandma and Grandpa. This one we were going to do the same, until Grandma and Grandpa decided they wanted to come too.:) At first, I was devastated. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary, and I was just looking for a no responsibility, no paying attention to anything cruise. Then I found CC. I have been reading people's experiences with kid's clubs, and shore excursions, and now I can't wait. I actually think I would be sad if DS couldn't come with us. Will your 2 year old be able to participate in kid's club? There was a thread about 6 weeks ago, regarding kids on cruises or whatever, and someone told the funniest story, and I hope I don't have to, but I'll use the punchline if I have to.....So a family was in the elevator, a mom and her kid/or kids, and her brother in law and his kid/ or kids. In walks this grump of a man who mumbles "I came on this cruise to get away kids". So the BIL wittingly says......"and I cam on this cruise to get away from a$$holes, I guess we're both disappointed" :D:D

Have fun on your cruise, your kids will love it, so will you. I know I can't wait for ours. Please let us know how everything went on your return.

Have a great cruise. I was on HAL in Dec and I can tell you there weren't many kids. I kind of liked that for my first cruise but I chose a cruise line that didn't emphasize the fun things to do. There was plenty to do though. It isn't all sleeping and eating. Also, if someone wants to avoid children then should book a cruise that sails when school is in. I think if you are aware of your children and it sounds like you are, you won't let them bang on peoples doors, press all the buttons in the elevator, ring out diapers in the pool or hot tub, or stick their fingers in the food everyone is going to eat. That is the kind of child people complain about. I had one of those that is now grown and I would have never considered a cruise with him when he was young and I SURELY won't consider it now that he is 20. LOL

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When we sailed Explorer of the Seas right after New Year's an elderly couple was chatting with DH and I in a lounge and said, "Who would ever believe there are so many children on this ship? They are so well behaved!" I have found that people are extremely nice to my kids (ranging from 21 to 8) on the ships. I am sure there are rude, hateful people on ships like there are anywhere else but let them be miserable without it making YOU miserable!


(I do have a problem when parents bring their kids into venues that are very inappropriate for children and stay there while the kids are crying, etc or, worse yet, into the more risque shows. That goes for ship or shore. I would never say anything to them but there are places appropriate for kids and then there are some that are not.)



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There are actually books out there with all of the comments that are made to parents of multiples. It is amazaing the things that they will ask you. From how you conceived, your delivery, your financial situation, your work status, any many more. Then you get the people that just Thank God that it didn't happen to them. You can only imagine how it feels to hear a comment like that when you had trouble conceiving and all you do is pray to God to give you a child (then get Blessed with 3). I learned very early on to just keep walking...


I have twins(and 4 other children) and I have heard a few winners myself. Many people do not realize that most twins are NOT identical. Also, identical twins do not run in families and men have nothing to do with having twins.


My twins are fraternal and were preemies. One weighed in at 3 lbs 10 oz and one weighed in at 2 lbs 11oz and they looked very different in size for a good year. Well I was at Sam's one day and a woman came up to me to look at the babies. I said "they are twins" and she said "are you sure?" "they don't look alike" lol. I just looked at her and said "yes I'm sure"



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I have cruised 3 times when I was single. This is my first time taking my kids (DS 2 & DS 6). I often see people making comments on threads about "leave your kids at home" and other rude remarks. I honestly say my DH may flip out if he hears someone say something about leaving my kids home when we paid to be on the same vacation as them. I mean how many times can we go to Disney World? I just want to prepare myself in case we do come upon suck remarks. Has anyone encountered someone being rude, simply because you had your kids with you?:confused:




I cruised the first time with my son when he was four for my sister's wedding. We had tons of people around and my nephew, so I was HOPING he would participate with the kids programs. However, since my nephew was older and not in the same program, he wanted no part of it. He was with me the entire time.... was going through a Mommy stage.;)


I have to say, I really got nothing but compliments during the time we were on the cruise. We even had the second seating for dinner, and my son brought his little DVD player and watched the same movie every night. Two hours is a long time to expect to be quiet and seated especially past bedtime. By the end of the cruise, our waiter, knew the entire movie.. but never a negative comment from anyone. I guess they figured it was better him to watch a DVD then to hear a four year old complain. LOL


We are going on a cruise in October, I am hoping he will be more apt to do things now that he is older. However, I will have the DVD player just in case. :D

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... my son brought his little DVD player and watched the same movie every night.


We are going on a cruise in October, I am hoping he will be more apt to do things now that he is older. However, I will have the DVD player just in case. :D


I hope he at least gets a new movie. :)

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I cruised the first time with my son when he was four for my sister's wedding. We had tons of people around and my nephew, so I was HOPING he would participate with the kids programs. However, since my nephew was older and not in the same program, he wanted no part of it. He was with me the entire time.... was going through a Mommy stage.;)


I have to say, I really got nothing but compliments during the time we were on the cruise. We even had the second seating for dinner, and my son brought his little DVD player and watched the same movie every night. Two hours is a long time to expect to be quiet and seated especially past bedtime. By the end of the cruise, our waiter, knew the entire movie.. but never a negative comment from anyone. I guess they figured it was better him to watch a DVD then to hear a four year old complain. LOL


We are going on a cruise in October, I am hoping he will be more apt to do things now that he is older. However, I will have the DVD player just in case. :D


Thanks, I do intend to bring my dvd player for meals.

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In 8 years of cruising, with kids, almost once a year, I have never had anyone say rude comments about our kids. To the contrary, every cruise we have been on we have received wonderful compliments.


However, I have had rude comments and dirty looks given to me about the behaviour of my little sister and her husband.

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azbaby....unfortunetly some kids never grow out of that stage. For the past 8 years, our kids have refused to go to the kids club and cry if we've tried to force them for one hour. They just want to swim at the pool ALL THE TIME...and go to all the shows....and love eating in the diningroom.



Also, regarding the children won't remember comments....my son loves the ships and the fun...he probably won't remember much about these trips so far...whereas my daughter has been touched by many of the ports we have visited. We still to this day talk about Roatan and the children and living standards there. She still remembers the floating bridge in Curacao, the cave tubing in Belize, the majesty of the mountains in Alaska, her feeling of accomplishment horsebackriding in the Yukon.......

Definately, travel can make a huge impact on a child's life....and then others...it takes a little longer.

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Lostie - Have not read all the comments here, but I have a question for you. Should you worry about those comments or even listen to them, you will be on your vacation won't you? Enjoy your family time. These times don't last nearly long enough!



I won't really worry and I'll try and control my response if someone does say something to me, but just wondering how many people actually had to deal with this kind of situation. I won't let it ruin my vacation at all. My children are very well behaved, but 2 year olds can be unpredictable at times. I certainly will not let him (DS 2) ruin anyone else's time if he does have some sort of episode.

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Funnily enough, until I read this thread it never crossed my mind that people would make negative comments about kids on cruises. Admittedly we are new to cruising but not to children (DSs 20, 14, 12). We recently cruised for the first time with SIL and her 3 kids including her (boisterous) 2yo DD. She was the hit of the cruise, particularly among the staff.


If some people have a problem with kids on ships then leave it at that - their problem.


As for kids not remembering early travel experiences - don't believe it, broadening the mind can never start too young nor can its benefits be accurately measured. At the very least it gives you an excuse to do it all again.

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If your kids are polite and well behaved you will never hear a word from anyone. If your kids are out of control and screaming and running around bumping into people and being completely unruly expect to get some dirty looks and an occasional comment. I guess what it comes down to is if as a parent you can control your kids or if they control you.


I, COMPLETELY, agree with you!!:)


It's the 8 - 12, (or so) year olds.........running completely loose....(just as one example).........getting on elevators, punching buttons for every floor (apparently, really bored, and NOT under parental control), that are the ones who get dirty looks.:eek:


Before you go on your cruise...........teach your normally out of control children to respect others................GOOD LUCK!! :rolleyes:


If they are out of control at this age, I would hate to be in your shoes when they become teenagers!!:mad:

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I never heard any rude comments. I would have just gave them a peice of my mind or my dd would have said something if she had heard them. She would have told that what they said was not very nice and Jesus would not approve. My dd life was threatened at 1 month by my dh ex-wife and we are fiercely protective of her. She is a good kid.

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She would have told that what they said was not very nice and Jesus would not approve. quote]


I know your post was dead serious, but I had a mental image of a little girl in pigtails turning around, propping her hands on her hips and saying, "Pardon me? Jesus would not approve." Turning back and heading off. Leaving about fifteen jaws on the ground in her wake.


I LOVE IT!!!!! :p

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I am assuming that your kids are well behaved. If so, no worry. We did a recent cruise with a friend, their kids, and a well behaved 3 year old grandchild. Nobody said a thing and the table wait staff doted on him.



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When I travel with my children, I am sensitive to the fact that there are some places where children do not belong, such as a fancy restaurant with a leisurely pace of service. When the children were younger, they wouldn't have been able to sit still that long. Children also don't belong at a museum where they will have trouble being quiet and still enough to allow others to fully enjoy the museum. Children don't belong at a pool which prohibits children. My mother-in-law was always of the opinion that her grandchildren are exceptionally beautiful, smart and well-behaved, so they belong everywhere, and that everybody does or should enjoy them. I don't agree. Of course, my children are exceptionally smart, beautiful and well-behaved :) but nobody should have to put up with them if they are acting like children will and adults are trying to enjoy some adult time. Beyond that, I would ignore the rude comments.

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