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I Got BANNED from RCCL!!!!!!

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It would be interesting to find out 1) Just how many people are banned from RCCL,


and 2) if they were told the same thing. (nothing)


I am sure I will never find out the answer to number 1, as it's not really my buisness, however number 2, i bet most people know they screwed up on the ship when greeted with security or the Captain, and this never happened to me!

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I think it is either Very Serious, or it is very superficial, and they know if it is based on the Brilliance complaint, and they give me a very weak reason, I will keep trying to fight it with them.



My vote is superficial. When a past friend told me we were no longer because of what I DID................but refused to ever tell me what it was that I did. (I swear 10 years later, I still don't know) I just figured it was something that would sound so silly when repeated. Or that when it was repeated it would have exposed the party doing the blaming. ;) ;) *********************The very strong statement has been made, but the reason falls short of the consequence.***************

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I ain't buying this tale at this point.


A mysterious phone call "banning" a long time customer comes days before departure All future cruises cancelled; refunds and flight change charges will be forthcoming. Nothing in writing, the decision is final. OP will only get answers in response to a subpoena. Strikes me as an odd response from the executive suite to a reasonable question from an established customer - What's this all about?


Other cruise lines book w/o problem. So it's not some meddlesome government thing. Still, talks to government officials on phone - apparently official searches records on phone request without having written request, proper ID, etc. Ummm...having worked for the government for over 30 years, if this happened, the government source risked firing. Such info is not exchanged freely over the phone - all is in writing after a proper request is made, especially after the many recent publicized compromises of Personal Identification Information. And no government source would offer "95 pct sure" as an answer, either.


I've travelled with people whose names were on the "no fly" list. They were taken aside and checked, and allowed to fly. A name is not a person, there may be a million John Smiths. The authorities actually realize that fact.


It may be RCCI's security department has something. It would have to be much more than some room steward or asst purser making up some lurid tale. Short of assault, flashing a deadly weapon, or the like, I can't imagine anything like this done without at least an interview and multiple reviews within the department, and likely the Executive Suite. OP apparently represents a very profitable customer - I doubt banning him would be taken lightly.


After much falderol in between, OP eventually speaks to "Executive Office Supervisor". One might ask why the ban. OP asks what he did aboard Brilliance. Makes me wonder, indeed, what lurks down that path. 'Cept OP insists it is nothing. I can't imagine a company spokesman using the term "blackballed", or saying you were considered a "risk" when the apparent protocol was to say nothing.


If I was interested in my status, the phone chase would have ended with a call to the CEO. From then it's all via mail, Express Mail/Fed Ex. I'd like it all in writing.


And one other odd thing...how many would book a replacement cruise and update the "upcoming cruises" listing before your started your flame on this board? I'd be mad as heck, and that would be the last thing I'd do. I'm sure my anger would manifest itself in my accounts, too.


Sorry, this has too many odd and bizarre pieces that don't fit. After more than 500 posts, I remain unconvinced. Meanwhile others are ready to make calls demanding answers, boycott the company, cancel vacations, and all that. I truly wonder if this isn't some class project on mob psychology.


OTOH - if Scott got shafted, I hope it gets squared away for him fairly.

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Regarding CC and the news. Don't be so sure it won't hit the news. I was on the Crown last summer when she tilted. I went to the internet cafe and posted about the incident moments after it happened. I wanted to let my family know I was okay as well as my friends here. CNN called my house (my last name is part of my cc name) within an hour. Anderson Cooper's producer called me within a half hour, or so of the incident. As soon as I was in cell range. My husband has been spoken to and will not be handing my cell number out to news organizations in the future. Someone from CNN spends time here. It was before any of the reports had gotten out and, in fact, someone questioned whether I was telling the truth, or not because of the lack of media reports about it.


MerionMom was with me when I was called, as well as a couple other CCer's and can back up my story. Never underestimate the power of CC.

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You think this will hit the news? I seriously doubt it. Things like this happen on a daily basis. It is just the first time it hit CC.



World News tonight, no, but many local news, have their consumer reporters and newspapers have their travel sections and travel magazines might bite.

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I was on a x cruise in 2005 to Bermuda. There was a group of women staying down the hall who were quite angry about something. They were slamming doors cursing and screaming at the staff for hours. I finally went and complained. Apparently I wasn't the only one. The ladies were warned to clean up their act or they would be put of the ship in Bermuda. The warning didn't help much and they continued this behavior for the entire cruise. I hope Celebrity banned them.

I can't believe that you are having such a hard time finding out why you

were banned.

Have you contact the media yet?

I guess I'll take this as a warning, and never, never complain!!!

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I ain't buying this tale at this point.



While there are two sides to every story, Scott is a long time poster in this community and has never been known to post bunk. His reviews are balanced and fair. While I an a bit of a cynic, I've just learned that most people who post here and seem to be balanced, tend to be. This does not mean I cannot be fooled, but I suspect it would be pretty hard. Also, other CCer's have met the man. That is not a perfect ringing endorsement, but it does help his case.

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Thats my confusion exactally, if there was really something major, i should have been notified on the ship what was going on. I have 2 people saying it occured on the Brilliance and 1 saying it Occured eslewhere.


Everyone has refused to transfer me to Mr. Fain or Mr. Goldstein's office, they just transfer me to their "Executive staff".


Now again when it comes to Fighting, flashing a wepon, etc, I wouldn't dare do something like that due to common sence, and B Losing my job.


When I talked to TSA, and told them the circumstances, they obviously did not run the full check, as that takes several days, I just simply told them the circumstances, and they told me what it most likely was - something internal at RCCL.


As far as changing my future cruise signature first, I got the phone call at 10am, and worked all day talking with RCCL and booking Carnival so the air would still be good during my vacation time.


I know from a lot of people's view there are a lot of loose ends that make no sense, it is the same way here too.. It doesn't make sense


If anyone happens to have contact info for the Pres and CEO, and the security director other than emails, that would be wonderful ;-)


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I ain't buying this tale at this point.


A mysterious phone call "banning" a long time customer comes days before departure All future cruises cancelled; refunds and flight change charges will be forthcoming. Nothing in writing' date=' the decision is final. OP will only get answers in response to a subpoena. Strikes me as an odd response from the executive suite to a reasonable question from an established customer - What's this all about?


Other cruise lines book w/o problem. So it's not some meddlesome government thing. Still, talks to government officials on phone - apparently official searches records on phone request without having written request, proper ID, etc. Ummm...having worked for the government for over 30 years, if this happened, the government source risked firing. Such info is not exchanged freely over the phone - all is in writing after a proper request is made, especially after the many recent publicized compromises of Personal Identification Information. And no government source would offer "95 pct sure" as an answer, either.


I've travelled with people whose names were on the "no fly" list. They were taken aside and checked, and allowed to fly. A name is not a person, there may be a million John Smiths. The authorities actually realize that fact.


It may be RCCI's security department has something. It would have to be much more than some room steward or asst purser making up some lurid tale. Short of assault, flashing a deadly weapon, or the like, I can't imagine anything like this done without at least an interview and multiple reviews within the department, and likely the Executive Suite. OP apparently represents a very profitable customer - I doubt banning him would be taken lightly.


After much falderol in between, OP eventually speaks to "Executive Office Supervisor". One might ask why the ban. OP asks what he did aboard Brilliance. Makes me wonder, indeed, what lurks down that path. 'Cept OP insists it is nothing. I can't imagine a company spokesman using the term "blackballed", or saying you were considered a "risk" when the apparent protocol was to say nothing.


If I was interested in my status, the phone chase would have ended with a call to the CEO. From then it's all via mail, Express Mail/Fed Ex. I'd like it all in writing.


And one other odd thing...how many would book a replacement cruise and update the "upcoming cruises" listing before your started your flame on this board? I'd be mad as heck, and that would be the last thing I'd do. I'm sure my anger would manifest itself in my accounts, too.


Sorry, this has too many odd and bizarre pieces that don't fit. After more than 500 posts, I remain unconvinced. Meanwhile others are ready to make calls demanding answers, boycott the company, cancel vacations, and all that. I truly wonder if this isn't some class project on mob psychology.


OTOH - if Scott got shafted, I hope it gets squared away for him fairly.[/quote']


Very, very well put. I also still hope this is a misunderstanding. However, my personal experience with RCCL has been the exact opposite: excellent customer service, with a willingness to go out of their way to meet the needs of a customer. I do however think that the standard security check of the manifest is what set off the ban. Timing-wise it could not have been anything else. If his behavior had been so disruptive on the Brilliance, a notation would have been made on his account way before and prevented him from booking in the first place. So if the security risk is due to some behavior since the Brilliance, I can't help but wonder what information RCCL has access to. Do they think the OP has been arrested for something? Made a threat somewhere? Somehow accessed RCCL's website and messed with pricing, cabin availability, whatever?


The more I am thinking about this, the more I side with RCCL for not giving information as to why he has been banned. If it is a security issue, they are doing the right thing.


All those thoughts aside (and sorry Scott, I don't know you at all, and as such have to play both scenarios in my mind), if it IS a mistake, I am confident RCCL will do right by the OP. Naive? Maybe. But I don't think so.

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Couple of thoughts..as someone who is young and been cruising for over 25 years (and highest ranking on everyone)

I always get that question where do you get the time and money..no ones business...


but people always seems to be SUSPICIOUS about it...


so this is what I'm thinking ...


you are a young single male, cruising FREQUENTLY compared to your demographic. you cruise the caribbean primarily.


I think they've pegged you as a mule.


This makes the most sense of anything I have read today.

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I just want to add my 2 cents. I don't know the OP from Adam so I went back and looked at all his posts (quite a few at that). This fella has never shown any hostility, has never entered into any controversial issues on this board, and has only been helpful to many people with questions. After looking at this I have to side with this young man and think there was some sort of mistake or like someone else said targeted him because they weren't pleased with something he said. I agree with others who say that if RCCL cannot give him the reason so he can defend himself maybe I will have to rethink staying loyal to them myself. I have stock, been on over 15 RCCL cruises and use their Credit Card. Maybe we should all rethink our loyalty. GOOD LUCK FIREFIGHTER

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Regarding CC and the news. Don't be so sure it won't hit the news. I was on the Crown last summer when she tilted. I went to the internet cafe and posted about the incident moments after it happened. I wanted to let my family know I was okay as well as my friends here. CNN called my house (my last name is part of my cc name) within an hour. Anderson Cooper's producer called me within a half hour, or so of the incident..


You cannot possibly compare the tilting of a whole cruise ship with the banning of a single passenger.

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I think time will tell on this one...


Fain and Goldstein are both in NYC for the Liberty this week, with countless other RCCL Execs.


I think this is something that is going to take time. If it is a security risk issue I am sure I will find out on Monday when I try to fly and board a CCL ship. Then at least I will know where to play my cards.


Right now, I don't know what the problem is or where the problem is, just the end result. I would love nothing more then for it to be a simple misunderstanding with something that can be easily worked out.


I am only upset with RCCL because they won't give me an explination or even a route to go on.

If it was for an actual security concern, thats fine, I accept that, but if its a company thing, let me know so I can work to clear it.


You folks are right, something is missing here, and even I don't know what it is!

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Our recent cruise we learned from the RCI travel agent on board that RCI has two full time employees who do nothing but monitor CC and other message boards. I'm guessing this is within their Marketing Dept. Let's hope they catch wind quickly and you receive the answers you deserve.


In fairness to RCI - we don't have all the facts. We're hearing a one-sided story. I, personally, can't pass judgement (on either party) without hearing both sides. So I can't join those of you ready to ban RCI and teach them a lesson - what fools we would be to learn they were justified in their actions.


Fire - I'm not implying your lying. I'm just trying to not pass judgement until I know I've heard both sides. Hopefully, this will happen.


Hang in there - I'm sure with the amount of heat this has stirred - you will get your answers.

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I am only upset with RCCL because they won't give me an explination or even a route to go on.

If it was for an actual security concern, thats fine, I accept that, but if its a company thing, let me know so I can work to clear it.


But I thought they had already told you it is a security concern....

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Just add me to the growing list of CC'rs anxiously waiting to hear the results. I agree, it will take a while...but please let us know what happens.


I can only imaging that the most frustrating thing is not being told why all of this is happening.


I really appreciate your spirit and attitude throughout this whole thing. Hang in there!

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In fairness to RCI - we don't have all the facts. We're hearing a one-sided story. I, personally, can't pass judgement (on either party) without hearing both sides. So I can't join those of you ready to ban RCI and teach them a lesson - what fools we would be to learn they were justified in their actions.


And this is exactly the reason why I don't think this will ever make the news. No responsible news station would report on anything like this without having all the facts.

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This makes the most sense of anything I have read today.


Wouldn't it just be easier to have the DEA board the ship in Miami and check the room. They do it often enough when they are suspicious.

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After reading many many many replies to the OP, nothing sounds right at all!! I just don't get it! Even if red flags did go up with RCCL, why would they allow you to continue booking cruises??? They know what your rights are as a consumer. Why would they not make sure you got this "Ban" in writing???


Something is not right here:eek: Thats a major step to take by a cruiseline, and at the risk of losing thousands of future cruisers because of it due to possible media attention! and you know what the media can do to story like this! YIKES!

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Well my Friends, ...there is a certain language going on here that I'm not comfortable with. Something sounds amiss, and I'm open to Hoops being exonerated, almost as much as I can see that he may be accountable some how? (How I don't know though) So...my jury is still out, but I wish and hope the best for Hoops. I lean toward him telling the truth, knowing that I don't know any of this to be true or false. :confused: :confused: :confused:


I will say that it seems like RCCL has really been under the mircoscope lately more than ever that I have seen. Makes me concerned. :o

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