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Can the kids stay on the ship?

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I just want to note that if you get a shore excursion from the ship, they have to get you back on the ship. They do NOT have to hold the ship for you. I remember a CCer posting, a couple years ago now, that they missed the ship on a ship sponsored shore excursion and RCI flew them to the next port and put them up, overnight.

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I have avoided commenting on your plans for obvious reasons, but there are scuba operators that will take you scuba diving combined with taking the kids snorkeling, during your surface time between dives. This would give you a chance to snorkel with the kids and dive at the same time. I think leaving the kids on the ship is fraught with problems and I can't recommend it. The diving in Cozumel is beautiful as it is mostly drift diving and you feel like you are flying over coral formations. Really shouldn't be missed.




Without pulling out my passport and counting stamps, I'd have to guess that this is probably about the 30th time I've been down there. I'm a retired scuba instructor and used to run trips to Coz about 6 times a year. DH and the kids have never been and I really don't want them to miss it. I'm trying to book with the ship, though... for lots of reasons - not the least of which is that the kids don't have passports (issues with biodad) and if we miss the boat due to an independent operator, I don't want to have a problem getting them back home. I'm still holding out hope that the cruise line will come through and we'll all get to go. If I could talk him into it, an option would be for me to do something with the kids and send DH diving, but he's a very new diver and too nervous about the idea. He wants me there to babysit him.

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I just want to note that if you get a shore excursion from the ship, they have to get you back on the ship. They do NOT have to hold the ship for you. I remember a CCer posting, a couple years ago now, that they missed the ship on a ship sponsored shore excursion and RCI flew them to the next port and put them up, overnight.



Thank you. My travel agent misinformed me. Do you know where I can find this information in our contracts?

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Thank you. My travel agent misinformed me. Do you know where I can find this information in our contracts?


Danged if I know. I just remember the arguing back and forth on the post. It was pretty dramatic. I think the thing was pulled too.


I was just at RCI's FAQ for shore and land excurions and there are NO mentions of a guarantee that they will hold the ship for you.

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Without pulling out my passport and counting stamps, I'd have to guess that this is probably about the 30th time I've been down there. I'm a retired scuba instructor and used to run trips to Coz about 6 times a year. DH and the kids have never been and I really don't want them to miss it. I'm trying to book with the ship, though... for lots of reasons - not the least of which is that the kids don't have passports (issues with biodad) and if we miss the boat due to an independent operator, I don't want to have a problem getting them back home. I'm still holding out hope that the cruise line will come through and we'll all get to go. If I could talk him into it, an option would be for me to do something with the kids and send DH diving, but he's a very new diver and too nervous about the idea. He wants me there to babysit him.

Sounds rather complicated, good luck, but I doubt if RCI is going to have what you really need to do this. I would work on biodad and getting the kids passports then you can do what you want. Bribe him.



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Danged if I know. I just remember the arguing back and forth on the post. It was pretty dramatic. I think the thing was pulled too.


I was just at RCI's FAQ for shore and land excurions and there are NO mentions of a guarantee that they will hold the ship for you.



Thanks again... If I can even get anyone from RCCI on the phone or by email :mad:, I'll ask about that too and post whatever I find out here. I'm a new cruiser and was absolutely certain that they held the ship for late running ship sponsored shore excursions. I'm pretty sure that I've read that in different travel guides and I KNOW that my travel agent gave me the warnings of doom about booking our own excursions because of that reasoning. I think it's a pretty common misconception. If it isn't true, it would be really good to get the actual fine print of the matter so that everyone knew the truth.


All things considered, I'm hoping that we're going to have more fun once we get on the boat than we are trying to plan this out. Our Alaska cruise was a blast and a breeze. Princess made everything so easy. This has been a "Royal" pain in the heinie!

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If you keep referring to Adventure Ocean (childrens' program) as "kiddy camp", I am not surprised that your boys are not interested. This program get extremely high marks for keeping youngsters entertained and it is up and running while the ship is in port.. I would insist they go to the first meeting/activity and at least see what it is all about. I was fairly lenient when my children were young, but I would not be comfortable leaving them on the ship unsupervised. Leaving them at Adventure Ocean would be fine with me.

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AO does a MARVELOUS job with the kids. My boys are going to be unhappy when they learn I'm dragging them out of there to actually see other countries, this time. One of my boys, the one who really LOVES AO, is a pretty cool kid (does not take after me). He is popular and into doing fun and interesting things. The other is quiet and reserved and still loves AO.


The younger one is on point for his age, but Gene-Gene is ten, going on thirty. All his friends are pre-teens and young teens. Yes, I watch that one like a hawk.

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If you keep referring to Adventure Ocean (childrens' program) as "kiddy camp", I am not surprised that your boys are not interested. This program get extremely high marks for keeping youngsters entertained and it is up and running while the ship is in port.. I would insist they go to the first meeting/activity and at least see what it is all about. I was fairly lenient when my children were young, but I would not be comfortable leaving them on the ship unsupervised. Leaving them at Adventure Ocean would be fine with me.



Kiddy Camp is something my kids coined, not me. I've been showing them all sorts of reviews and brochures and stuff online...trying to convince them that it's cool! The harder I try the less interested they are. :cool:


On a happier note, someone from RCCL FINALLY responded to me today. Granted, they didn't answer any of my questions except for one (out of about 7), but at least they responded! I replied back and reasked all my questions. Maybe I'll have better luck this time.

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Ok, here is my opinion and of course many will disagree but remember they are opinions and our own personal experiences.


You know your children, like I know mine. When you say they are straight A students I know exactly what your talking about, responsible in school to study and do their best, I understand what your talking about as mine are the same way.


I have been on over 41 cruises, my children now ages 17 and soon to be 16 have been on 10 cruises already. From the ages of 8 and 10 my kids have been cruising. Now this is what I do and it works for me I think you would like to hear about my rules. Firstly, I have the kids study the ships deck plans. When we get on a ship they were tested I would put them at an area maybe up in windjammer and tell them to get me to the cabin, or maybe in the main lounge and tell them to bring me to another lounge, or even to the windjammer, if they did this well within 10 minutes with no problems they past my test and they can roam the ship. Only once my daughter got a bit confused so she stood with us that one evening the next day gave her a test and she got me to the room from way on top of the ship, she was then able to roam the ship.


In their cabin I would have a notebook and the rules were they would have to come to the room each hour and on the hour and write where they are going and what they are doing, well it was a way I could communicate with them since they were on their own. Yes, my children are remarkably behaved to a point I had comments always about how well behaved they were at the dinner table with other guests. I would know when they are in the cabin every hour so if I needed to say something I write the note in the notebook and they got my message....we always ate together though. They knew what time each one was to get in the shower to be ontime for dinner as my kids shared a stateroom. They placed their dirty laundy in a trash bag that I bought and folded their towels and placed them under the sink in the bathroom I taught them to keep their rooms neat the same as living in the house here. The notebook worked very well, at night when they went to bed husband and I would take turns checking in on them. The door was always locked I knew they would not open the door and they knew we had keys to their bedroom and we had joining rooms as well. As they grew older the past 3 years, I stopped the test as I knew they were very familiar with cruise ships and could get around perfectly, better than us! I stopped the notebook conversations every hour but told them to check in from time to time just in case I had something to say to them. I now give them shipboard credit I always had open credit for them as they knew the rules. I would give them a daily allowance whether it was to be used for ice cream, the game room whatever, they knew how much they were able to spend in the course of each day, and never went a penny over that ever.


I always have taken them on the shore excursions but the past 3 years they have seen it and done it like I have so I allowed them to stay on the ship while my husband and I got off. I knew they would not get off the ship, and yes, kids can get off its very easy, because my son asked two years ago he was 15 if he could get off and walk around the local shops right outside the pier I think it was in St. Maarten and I allowed him knowing he knew the rules, was very smart and responsible. I was not wooried, we know our kids! We do know there are preditors out there but know how we taught our kids and I told him to stay all in public places and he did, needless to say he actually got off himself and was back on the ship within 17 minutes! hahahaha But yes, he did get off without any adult.


I tried walkie talkies one year, but so many people have them we found other people's conversation on all the channels to come through it was impossible to communicate to my children with them as they were bothered hearing everybody else, so we just didn't use them after the second day, now with larger ships I am sure many others will be using them making it more impossible to understand one another. There are just a few channels and every channel is taken up by a few people trying to communicate with their families and friends.


One important thing I taught the kids, if the ship feels funny, if they hear the horn blowing or any emergency, like in our house, you use the staircase and go right to the muster stations. I told them head right up there and mom and dad will meet up with them there. I told them to forget about mom and dad and do what I say and you know what they would if that ever came about knock on wood.


This year is the first year when I will allow the kids to choose their excursions and go on their own. We have a group/family on the Liberty on the 30th and there are other teenages 15-19. I was hesitant but I will allow them (buddy system they cannot go alone) to go on excursions that my husband and I won't be on. Jamaica my daughter and her cousin also her age will go horseback riding, in Cozumel my daughter and don will do the swim with the dolphins program, in Grand Cayman my daughter and her other cousin 18 will go on the thriller ride. I am a bit worried but with the buddy system and the fact they are experienced travelers and cruisers (and our motto is wherever you are you get back to the ship at least two hours before sailing time) and going with the ship excursion I will allow it. We will have cell phones that will work except for Cozumel...and my husband and I along with family members will do other excursions seperate from the kids. I will give them a letter if they need medical attention will give my written permission as well as to the medical insurance information. I will also give them the port master location and phone number and cash to carry.


As for your kids and the fact you are first time cruisers, just tell them to stay on the ship and never get off! I am sure you are right they will listen, just like my kids did. Only we know our own children.

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I know that you have already made up your mind about leaving your teenagers aboard while you go on an excursion, but you did ask for input so I'll post mine.

A couple of months ago, there was a thread regarding passengers left behind because the excursion ran into transportation problems and was late.

While the passengers caught flights to the next port, the children were left on their own to fend for themselves. I will try to find the thread and post it here for you, if you're interested. :confused:

I think you've found a group of cc members here who care about your children. If I were you, I'd be grateful for their concern. They are not trying to be hostile towards you, they are just concerned for your kids' safety.

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If they are good kids and I have no reason to doubt they are,then just be the mother and tell them they HAVE to go to AO at least once or twice and try it. Tell them that is where the girls in the bikinis will be and they will get to meet them and hang with them for the whole cruise!!! Good Luck!

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Lynda, Thank you so very much for your sensible and kind response. You gave me a lot of great advice. I've done some similar things on our land based resort vacations. Your test reminds me a lot of our trip to Beaches in Turks and Caicos the summer before last... the kids were constantly telling us how to get from here to there. I called my youngest son GPS for about a year afterwards. :) I also like the idea of the message pad for check-ins in the room. We've always let our kids know where we're going to be and make them come to us...every hour on the hour. Having them go to their room instead gives us some freedom too!


Coralreefs... If you go back and reread some of my posts, I think that you will find that I've said at least once... if not several times... that I am very appreciative of everyone's concern for the safety of my kids. Once again, I would not be asking these questions if I were unconcerned. What I've not been appreciative of is the assumption that some have made that I'm a neglectful parent because I would even potentially consider the idea of leaving my kids alone for a few hours on a cruise ship. That assumption is ridiculously presumptious for anyone to make...let alone someone that has never met me or my children.

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Thanks again... If I can even get anyone from RCCI on the phone or by email


I just had to call RCI within the last hour. Called the C&A number, talked to a lady in less than 2 minutes.


I would not feel comfortable leaving my kids on the ship while I got off in port.


I'm a diver as well, one of the guys with us on a trip from Cozumel saw something happen to another diver on a dive. I am so glad I wasn't there.

Anything can happen. Also, one of my dives in Cozumel, our boat broke down, they got another boat to tow us in. We were over 2 hours late getting back.


There are trips, that offer snorkle & diving. H & I did this since he isn't a diver, but it wasn't something we did while on the boat. It was something we booked when vacationing in Cancun.


Another option is either you or H do the dive. Get on the roll call see if one of you could hook up with another group of divers, the other stay with the kids.

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Ships do not allow children that young off the ship alone. I saw that in Bermuda last year when 2 16 year olds tried getting off the ship and were denied. Rightfully so too.


I was allowed off the ship alone in Bermuda numerous times during our two day stay last June on the Explorer. I was 16 then. They let me leave the Serenade alone when I was only 15 years old. And it was obvious that I was alone as no one else was leaving.

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We're thinking about doing a shore excursion on our trip that our young teenage sons (almost 13 and 14) would not be able to participate in. Would they be able to stay on the ship and hang out at the pools and rockwalls and whatnots for a few hours while we were gone? Neither one of them is all that interested in signing up for kiddy camp. They are good kids, so I wouldn't be worried about them causing any trouble on the ship for themselves or others. I'm just wondering if this would be allowed. I wouldn't want to confine them to their cabin while we were gone - although it would be an early morning excursion and we might be back before they woke up!


I would NEVER leave my kids onboard alone! You never know what could happen. You would never forgive yourselves. Think twice before doing that.

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Nrh322: Your very welcome!! :) Also another thing we always do is to choose a deck that is right below or above the main entertainment deck, and tell our children they are never to go to the decks below where there are only staterooms, they must stay on the main decks or their room deck only and not go in anybody's rooms ever!! I am sure your kids already know that though.:)

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Ok, here is my opinion and of course many will disagree but remember they are opinions and our own personal experiences.


You know your children, like I know mine. When you say they are straight A students I know exactly what your talking about, responsible in school to study and do their best, I understand what your talking about as mine are the same way.


I have been on over 41 cruises, my children now ages 17 and soon to be 16 have been on 10 cruises already. From the ages of 8 and 10 my kids have been cruising. Now this is what I do and it works for me I think you would like to hear about my rules. Firstly, I have the kids study the ships deck plans. When we get on a ship they were tested I would put them at an area maybe up in windjammer and tell them to get me to the cabin, or maybe in the main lounge and tell them to bring me to another lounge, or even to the windjammer, if they did this well within 10 minutes with no problems they past my test and they can roam the ship. Only once my daughter got a bit confused so she stood with us that one evening the next day gave her a test and she got me to the room from way on top of the ship, she was then able to roam the ship.


In their cabin I would have a notebook and the rules were they would have to come to the room each hour and on the hour and write where they are going and what they are doing, well it was a way I could communicate with them since they were on their own. Yes, my children are remarkably behaved to a point I had comments always about how well behaved they were at the dinner table with other guests. I would know when they are in the cabin every hour so if I needed to say something I write the note in the notebook and they got my message....we always ate together though. They knew what time each one was to get in the shower to be ontime for dinner as my kids shared a stateroom. They placed their dirty laundy in a trash bag that I bought and folded their towels and placed them under the sink in the bathroom I taught them to keep their rooms neat the same as living in the house here. The notebook worked very well, at night when they went to bed husband and I would take turns checking in on them. The door was always locked I knew they would not open the door and they knew we had keys to their bedroom and we had joining rooms as well. As they grew older the past 3 years, I stopped the test as I knew they were very familiar with cruise ships and could get around perfectly, better than us! I stopped the notebook conversations every hour but told them to check in from time to time just in case I had something to say to them. I now give them shipboard credit I always had open credit for them as they knew the rules. I would give them a daily allowance whether it was to be used for ice cream, the game room whatever, they knew how much they were able to spend in the course of each day, and never went a penny over that ever.


I always have taken them on the shore excursions but the past 3 years they have seen it and done it like I have so I allowed them to stay on the ship while my husband and I got off. I knew they would not get off the ship, and yes, kids can get off its very easy, because my son asked two years ago he was 15 if he could get off and walk around the local shops right outside the pier I think it was in St. Maarten and I allowed him knowing he knew the rules, was very smart and responsible. I was not wooried, we know our kids! We do know there are preditors out there but know how we taught our kids and I told him to stay all in public places and he did, needless to say he actually got off himself and was back on the ship within 17 minutes! hahahaha But yes, he did get off without any adult.


I tried walkie talkies one year, but so many people have them we found other people's conversation on all the channels to come through it was impossible to communicate to my children with them as they were bothered hearing everybody else, so we just didn't use them after the second day, now with larger ships I am sure many others will be using them making it more impossible to understand one another. There are just a few channels and every channel is taken up by a few people trying to communicate with their families and friends.


One important thing I taught the kids, if the ship feels funny, if they hear the horn blowing or any emergency, like in our house, you use the staircase and go right to the muster stations. I told them head right up there and mom and dad will meet up with them there. I told them to forget about mom and dad and do what I say and you know what they would if that ever came about knock on wood.


This year is the first year when I will allow the kids to choose their excursions and go on their own. We have a group/family on the Liberty on the 30th and there are other teenages 15-19. I was hesitant but I will allow them (buddy system they cannot go alone) to go on excursions that my husband and I won't be on. Jamaica my daughter and her cousin also her age will go horseback riding, in Cozumel my daughter and don will do the swim with the dolphins program, in Grand Cayman my daughter and her other cousin 18 will go on the thriller ride. I am a bit worried but with the buddy system and the fact they are experienced travelers and cruisers (and our motto is wherever you are you get back to the ship at least two hours before sailing time) and going with the ship excursion I will allow it. We will have cell phones that will work except for Cozumel...and my husband and I along with family members will do other excursions seperate from the kids. I will give them a letter if they need medical attention will give my written permission as well as to the medical insurance information. I will also give them the port master location and phone number and cash to carry.


As for your kids and the fact you are first time cruisers, just tell them to stay on the ship and never get off! I am sure you are right they will listen, just like my kids did. Only we know our own children.



As I read what you have allowed your kids to do a cruiseship, I wondered where the "family" part of your vacation came into play. These aren't family vacations, they are individual vacations. Why not just let them chose where they want to go on vacation and send them?

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As I read what you have allowed your kids to do a cruiseship, I wondered where the "family" part of your vacation came into play. These aren't family vacations, they are individual vacations. Why not just let them chose where they want to go on vacation and send them?


Now now Sally, let's play nicely :p although I must admit that I was thinking the same thing:rolleyes: .:rolleyes:

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As I read what you have allowed your kids to do a cruiseship, I wondered where the "family" part of your vacation came into play. These aren't family vacations, they are individual vacations. Why not just let them chose where they want to go on vacation and send them?


This is the sort of judgmental comment that I abhor.

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Ugh, I hate that, "why go on a cruise, if you're going to go your seperate ways?" comments. We all have our lives to live and everyone is doing the best they can. My kids spend a lot of time in AO. It's their choice. I stay at home and I'm with them all the time. We eat together, but one of the beauties of cruising is the flexibiltiy to please all of the family, all of the time.


Each family is going to do what they need to do. It's not really fair to judge someone's parenting by posts on a chat board, at least that's how I look at it.

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