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With Help From Emirates, Kiwis Can Fly !


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Sdhalfan, I know Dennis Connor ultimately lost the cup:rolleyes:, but for a long time, he was our "golden boy," he could do no wrong - and, as I said, to us, being from Southern CA, he was local.

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Hi Karin


Sorry my friend I actually have not heard of this particular label, if its a Marlborough SB it will be good, I haven't actually found a bad SB from Marlborough yet, I am currently trying to wean myself off them. lol They just taste so good :D



Yes, White Haven Sauvignon Blanc is from the Marlborough region, so I'll drink some for you;) Thanks!



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And, so far, no one has noted how odd it is that the reigning cup holder is...... Switzerland! They can't even hold the race on their own water because there's no seacoast. So they have to borrow Spain's!


We should have never let these upstart challengers in, but kept it to a dignified, gentlemen's race between the US and the UK. Which the UK never won ;)

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Oh well what ever you do to get it back, I will almost guarantee you will need to steal a few Kiwis to do it :D


i.e., yes I saw Oracle bash into Luna Rossa, and Chris Dickson now departed from the team, wonder where he comes from :D and who they will get to replace him. NZ is such a small place, my family and the Dickson family have an historical attachment to each other :eek: So I personally along with my brother (father of nephew) actually ended up feeling really sorry for Chris. He has been a great yachtsman over many years, I hear that Larry Ellison is a bit of an impossible "b"?


Did you realise that Ed Baird is on the helm of Allinghi, I wonder where he is from and will that make it easier for Emirates Team NZ to beat them. Then of course where are a large proportion of their team from! By the way Mr Bertirelli is really Italian he just made his fortune in Switzerland! Oh well back in the round robins last time round in NZ I did get invited out on his VIP boat to watch some racing, they won that day and I was gob smacked when the magnums of Moet came out! It helps to know the top yachting family in this country, the Maestros sister is a special friend of mine :D

Cheers Val (who still has a big grin on her face) :)

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Are you by any chance from the east coast? I only ask since I have not heard anyone here in San Diego mention The Americas' Cup. Is there any way you can provide a link to the "fairly obscure cable network" without upsetting our board monitors? I really would be interested in watching something that may prove to be something other than the "Coma off Point Loma".






Nope, I'm born and raised and living in the Seattle area.

And I have a bit of a different perspective on things since I race sailboats on a pretty regular basis, and another website I frequent is devoted to sailing.

The "Coma off Point Loma" had more to do with the generally very light breeze that is the norm in San Diego than anything else.


http://www.versus.com/americascup will have all the info on the TV schedule here in the US.

And when I say obscure, it's not so obscure, it's just a network that a lot of people don't even know they get. It used to be called OLN

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Nope, I'm born and raised and living in the Seattle area.

And I have a bit of a different perspective on things since I race sailboats on a pretty regular basis, and another website I frequent is devoted to sailing.

The "Coma off Point Loma" had more to do with the generally very light breeze that is the norm in San Diego than anything else.


http://www.versus.com/americascup will have all the info on the TV schedule here in the US.

And when I say obscure, it's not so obscure, it's just a network that a lot of people don't even know they get. It used to be called OLN



Yes, I do remember that the fiasco was named "The Coma off Point Loma" because of our wayward winds, but you have to admit that it did not come off as particularly riveting T.V. - the word "snore" also comes to mind.


My late husband and his high school and college buddies also did some sailboat racing in their younger days, all having grown up in the Point Loma area, and several were well aware of Dennis Connor who apparently has an ego that rivals Donald Trump's - notice that I did not say that they were friends of his since it was the popular opinion that he never had that many anyway;) .


Thanks for the link I asked for. I have discovered that I can indeed check it out here on Channel 41.


Oh, I would be remiss if I didn't say that you are indeed fortunate to live in one of my favourite cities.


Fair winds and following seas.



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Sdhalfan, I know Dennis Connor ultimately lost the cup:rolleyes:, but for a long time, he was our "golden boy," he could do no wrong - and, as I said, to us, being from Southern CA, he was local.



Hi Golfette:


I don't know where you live in Southern CA but I live here in San Diego so Dennis Connor is indeed a local for me. His "other job" was as the owner of a Drapery manufacturing company near MCRD. I haven't been down in that area for some years so don't know if it is still there.


There is no doubt, and no argument, that he was indeed a talented yachtsman and could certainly be considered a "golden boy" if it were not for the tantrums he displayed after losing The Cup and, if memory serves, failing to qualify for further trials. I follow several sports (which is a surprise even to me) and all the world loves a winner - all the world also loves a loser who displays grace in the face of defeat by a rival. Unfortunately Dennis Connor was unable to do that and thus has totally lost the right to the title of "golden boy", which is a shame considering all that he accomplished - "sore loser" sounds more appropriate and will probably be the way he is remembered - now that is truly a shame but he has nobody to blame for that but himself.



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I don't remember. I read it in the Sports pages of the newspaper the other day, but, you have heard about short-term memory and old age, I presume? ;)

I don't pay as much attention to it now that it's not always in Newport. When the New York Yacht Club held the Cup for decades the race was local, but no more. :(


I fondly remember when the Aussies first came to Newport to challenge for the cup. They took over the Black Pearl on Thames street for their "planning sessions." They also came with three boats - 1 to race and two to haul all of the Foster's they needed for planning!

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Hi Golfette:


I don't know where you live in Southern CA but I live here in San Diego so Dennis Connor is indeed a local for me. His "other job" was as the owner of a Drapery manufacturing company near MCRD. I haven't been down in that area for some years so don't know if it is still there.


There is no doubt, and no argument, that he was indeed a talented yachtsman and could certainly be considered a "golden boy" if it were not for the tantrums he displayed after losing The Cup and, if memory serves, failing to qualify for further trials. I follow several sports (which is a surprise even to me) and all the world loves a winner - all the world also loves a loser who displays grace in the face of defeat by a rival. Unfortunately Dennis Connor was unable to do that and thus has totally lost the right to the title of "golden boy", which is a shame considering all that he accomplished - "sore loser" sounds more appropriate and will probably be the way he is remembered - now that is truly a shame but he has nobody to blame for that but himself.




Oh Valerie, one night on NZ national TV he threw an absolute mental about a question put to him and stormed out of the interview, it was a huge joke here and no one has ever forgotten it. Although on reflection I think NZs developed a sort of affection for him, he did give us many laughs, right down to the boat he had built with double hulls for a specific race when challenged by NZ some years back :D



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Oh Valerie, one night on NZ national TV he threw an absolute mental about a question put to him and stormed out of the interview, it was a huge joke here and no one has ever forgotten it. Although on reflection I think NZs developed a sort of affection for him, he did give us many laughs, right down to the boat he had built with double hulls for a specific race when challenged by NZ some years back :D




Hi Val,


Yes that interview was shown on T.V. here also and we, especially "the locals", cringed in embarassment for him. To tell you the God's honest truth we were shaking our heads and thinking what a pathetic loser he was - just proved my point that he was an egotistical idiot, which is a shame since as I said he was truly a talented yachtsman but his gigaintic ego was his downfall.


Hey, I remember reading something about that double-hull boat and that it turned out be be a total fiasco but I don't remember the ending to the story. Suffice it to say, I think it will be a very long time before we have another "Coma off Point Loma" - probably not in my lifetime:rolleyes: .



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Hi Val,


Yes that interview was shown on T.V. here also and we, especially "the locals", cringed in embarassment for him. To tell you the God's honest truth we were shaking our heads and thinking what a pathetic loser he was - just proved my point that he was an egotistical idiot, which is a shame since as I said he was truly a talented yachtsman but his gigaintic ego was his downfall.


Hey, I remember reading something about that double-hull boat and that it turned out be be a total fiasco but I don't remember the ending to the story. Suffice it to say, I think it will be a very long time before we have another "Coma off Point Loma" - probably not in my lifetime:rolleyes: .




Hi Valerie

Well if you can't have another "Coma off Point Loma", lets cross everything that we can bring it back down here. That would be a dream, this "City of Sails" as Auckland is known just lights up for such an occasion and you can come down and see some of the excitement for yourself :D

Still waiting to hear from my contact on the team, I think he might still be recovering from maybe a small hangover :D




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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't shoot me. :eek: I am cheering for Alinghi BUT Mr. Gizmo is on your side since he will be cheering for NZ. ;)


I can't wait for that first race Saturday !!

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It must be great to know team members, Val! Probably makes it even mroe exciting. We've been very happy about the results so far, inevitable with a Kiwi DH. As you say, NZ is a small country and DH is very, very proud of teams when they do well - and even when they don't. Especially with on of your neighbors, there's a real David vs. Goliah feel to certain events (although it's probably not PC to say that). We were in Auckland while the yachts were there last time. It was incredible seeing them in person. The whole area was like a big party. Fantastic atmosphere. Auckland is beautiful anyway, but it had a new shine. I know nothing about sailing, so when I watch them I usually have no idea about the possible outcomes. It's all simply amazing to me. Sometimes, it's like watching magic.


Saw mention of Ellison. We cheer for him to lose. Probably shouldn't as Oracle is DH's livelihood, but the man is impossible. Over the years, we've seen some huge chips knocked out of his ego, but not enough yet to make him likeable.


We had (briefly) panicked when OLN changed to Versus; didn't know about it beforehand and went looking for something only to find the channel had disappeared, LOL! Versus is excellent. It carries lots of ice hockey, too. Also the PBR tour events, surfing - all kinds of stuff. I really like their documentaries, especially the biographies of people I'd heard of but didn't know why I'd heard of them. Their mix of programming has broadened my interest in a lot of things that I'd probably never have watched without that channel. It's in a lot of hotel rooms now, so people can keep up with things when they're on the road. We breathe a sigh of relief when something is not shown locally or via the pay channels but instead shows on Versus.

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:) Hi Gizmo and Scrumpy

Yep its sure getting closer now, I am not sure if I will be able to watch, and the early hours of the morning as well. I know me, I won't be able to not look. I picked my brother up from the airport yesterday, they were just returning from their trip to Valencia, they were sad to leave, but thought my nephew had been really good to them and that they might have been outstaying their welcome. I did have a email from Kev my nephew, he said him and his parter had been inland for a couple of nights, but all he could do was nothing, and all he though about was the AC. The are all so dedicated to this campaign.


It seems that Mr. Ernesto Bertarelli has some concerns I here he has been complaining to the NYTimes that kiwi visitors have been hassling his kiwi crew when they are on their way to their practice ground. IMO Ernesto is a rich and very spoilt brat who so likes to get his own way. Also, anyone who knows us kiwis know we have warped humours, he was very foolish to go public on that one, he might just wear it. :eek: So now we must wait and watch.


Its nice to get support from the US. Thanks your guys. Scrumpy give my best wishes to your DH and tell him NZ misses him.


We will be in Newport in September I so much want to go see the place where the cup used to sit :D and of course the yachting museum. I wonder if anyone can give me instructions how to get there and how long should we allow for this.



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I just found this thread about the AC. I work in the corporate office of the world's largest sailmaking company headquartered in Connecticut. Our company has made most of the sails for all the AC boats. My boss was the tactictian for Dennis Conner for all but one of the AC campaigns. I know a lot of the sailors on the the different boats and just wondered who Chivalrygirl's nephew is since many of our worldwide company employees are team members on the AC boats and it's possible that I know him.


I had the opportunity several years ago to sail on Stars & Stripes in Newport and I steered the boat and my DH was a grinder and we had a great day.


BTW, in response to the question of where Ed Baird is from, he is from Florida.


It sounds like the races starting on Saturday are going to be very exciting. I wish I were able to go to Valenica to see them.



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Hi Arlene


Nice to read your post I think I know what sailmaker you work for, does it begin with N? My nephew at this stage is only a small cog on the team, one of the last to join, actually interviewed on the 11th Jan last year on the afternoon of my, his granddads funeral, I think my Dad must have been sat on his shoulder, my Dad being an old seafaring sailor of many years. My nephew is on the weather team, and what a job those guys have done so far. He also sails on the #2 boat. He won the double handed youth worlds back in the late nineties in South Africa and is a winner of the prestigious Tauranga Cup some years back. You may have met him he did a few years up in the US as a yachting coach during your summer, he got that job back when the AC was in Auckland. I also know quite a lot of the guys that sail on the various syndicates as they came from the same club that my son used to sail from. I think a commentator from here said there were 37 kiwis on other syndicates, what an amazing crowd of sailors NZ has produced in recent years, there are still heaps that could replace the top guns still in the background. Not surprising really that Auckland is known as the City of Sails :)


I see Ernesto and Co are not yet naming who will helm their boat, interesting eh! Oh well now we must just sit and wait till the game begins I am not sure I can't stand up to the strain, I might just have to wait till Sunday morning to sea who won the first race. :D Yeah right! ;)



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Well I have just sent my good wishes to our little cog in the Team NZ bid to lift the Americas Cup.

Tonights the night, no sleep for this little kid. Its just so stressful, but I have sent all your good wishes on to our little team.

Thanks guys

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Here is a good pix of the dial up from race 1.


Click on the pix for a better view. Sorry I couldn't get it to post any larger.



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Here is a good pix of the dial up from race 1.


Click on the pix for a better view. Sorry I couldn't get it to post any larger.




Gizmo that is such a cool picture, thank you so much. I will copy it and email to a few people.

I am not sure I can take these early hours encounters with my TV, its so hard on my old heart, palpatations galore. What great excitement race 2 was. I think our Brad made a mighty big mistake eh! By golly even the Swiss media are applauding Team NZ and I know that most folk up in the States that are yachting fanatics are on our side also, its so encouraging. Knowing several of these guys makes it so much more personal for me. I remember being in the vets some years ago when a very young Dean came in to pick up a kitten he was adopting. Those sort of memories come to the fore now. :D How I wish I had a crystal ball

Oh well another disturbed night ahead. :)


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Race 2 was the best I have seen so far. It was a GREAT race.


Sorry, the pix was actually from Race 2's startup not Race 1. I got it from http://www.emiratesteamnz.com/. There are some good pictures and also some wallpaper out there.


You make me want top switch sides. :D I picked Alinghi to have some fun with Mr. Gizmo since he is a die hard NZ fan. I will root for NZ but not let on to Mr. Gizmo. ;)


I have TIVO so we are recording it and I won't see race 3 until after work tomorrow. I have to keep off of all the sites including this thread since I don't want to know who wins ahead of time.

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What a race............cardiac arrest in the middle of the night. It started off a very long night, but boy it seemed to fly once it got going. Chris Dickson says Alinghi have the fastest boat but Team NZ are sailing better. Thinking I might take a sleeping pill tonight and just wait for the morning. yeah right:D

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