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The Zuiderdam 7/31 review you waited for !!!


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OK, I completed the first few parts of my Zuiderdam review from our 7/31 sailing. As background, note this was our 6th cruise - and we have sailed on several different cruise lines. This would be our 2nd cruise on HAL.


I will post more sections as I complete them.

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Flying Day:



Myself, my wife and our 10 year old daughter departed on the 30th for FLL. When we get to the airport, and start checking bags in, we are amazed that USAir is actually weighing them to ensure they are not over their 50 lb limit. They have never done this before. Well, my bag is up first and clocks in at exactly 50 lbs. Woo RUM, My trusty Blender and all !!!. I am sure glad I packed NO FORMAL clothes !!!!! They would have clearly put me over the limit and I would have had to pay extra for the privilege of shipping formal clothes I detest wearing on a Caribbean cruise. It pays to be a rebel !!!!!



Next up. My daughters – her case is no problem – about 10 lbs under the limit.



But wait – here come’s my wife’s whopper of a suitcase. TILT – there goes the scale – clocking in at 59 lbs or so. My wife is not pleased – especially when the agent suggest, and I concur, she move 9 lbs of junk from her suitcase to my daughters to keep them all at or under the 50 lb limit. I chuckle as she starts moving things from her suitcase to my daughters – thinking maybe she will learn her lesson and pack a whole lot less next time.



Finally all is ok with USAir – our bags are all at 50 or 49 lbs.



So off to FLL with a change of planes in Charlotte (Damn USAir cutbacks eliminating more and more direct flights). Of course, the flight leaving Pittsburgh is delayed about 30 minutes (Did I mention our connection had just 40 minutes in between) – but the Gate attendant says to someone else – everyone should make their connections, the closest is at 4pm (tada – us).



We land in Charlotte and the slow-moving crowd to exit the plane starts to annoy me. Time is ticking folks – but yet they dilly dally. When one lady who should be moving down the aisle to leave gets her bag and turns and starts speaking with her husband (and goes on for far too long when she should be exiting)) – thus holding up the whole show – I politely tell her “JUST GOT OFF THE PLANE ALREADY – talk once you are off”. The woman in the aisle in front of me SMILES !!! Guess she had a tight connection also.



So we are off the plane – with 10 minutes before our flight to FLL leaves. We run a sprint to the next gate (only about 10 gates away) and merrily get on our flight to FLL.



When we arrive at FLL, we catch a taxi to the Marriot marina for our 1 night pre-cruise stay. Booked this thru Priceline and was very disappointed in the Marriott. We have stayed at the Embassy Suites via Priceline previously and loved it – but the Marriott Marina did not stack up at all. Too spread out, no views for us, no breakfast, no free shuttle, etc.



Anyway, after checking in, we go down and meet some friends we made on a cruise 2 years ago. They live 30 minutes from FLL – and they take us to their lovely house for a terrific dinner and some nice chat. Our daughter enjoys going swimming with their daughter after dinner. The surf and turf dinner they served (including fresh lobsters they just caught a few days previously) was better than any we would have on the cruise.



A recap:



the Good: Terrific friends and a great dinner



the Bad – USAir, slow exiting passengers and the Marriott Marina

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First thing – off the the supermarket to pick up some 12 packs of soft drinks to take on the cruise - $2.99 for 12 cans – beat that onboard the ship J. A further walk away than the one by the Embassy Suites. Another reason to dislike the Marriott.




Check out of the Marriott at about 11am and take a Taxi to the cruiseport. Unfortunately due to security changes and construction, we have to take a circuitous route, filled with traffic – when it should have been so much closer.




Get in line around 11:30 and wait about 35 minutes or so to get thru the line. The line for people who did the immigration form online was much longer than the one for those who didn’t. What’s up with that. Reward the folks who do the work for you HAL !!! Don’t make then wait longer than those who don’t.




Finally make it aboard ship around 12:20 and are shown to the LIDO. The person directing us suggest we check our carry-ons in some room and they will deliver them to our room. No thanks – there is a reason why we are carrying them .




Get to the lido and grab some lunch. Decent food but nothing overwhelming. Certainly does not compare to Disney’s welcome aboard lunch with the humongous as much as you want, shrimp and cocktail sauce.




Hang out at the Lido til the ok is given to proceed to our rooms. Pleasantly surprised at the size of our inside, J cabin on the main deck. We liked the layout and extra floorspace. Our daughter used the fold out couch as her bed – which our room steward (Arayana) – who I give very high marks for, made up and put away each day.




After the lifeboat drill, headed to the Lido Pool for the sailaway celebration (which ended up being very LAME). HAL has the worst sailaway celebrations of any line we have been on – and this one ranked right up there.




Although the Cuban Mojito, drink of the day was good. I should note here that the HAL drink waiters were extremely aggressive – much moreso from my last cruise – pouncing on you while you were just walking by. I guess that auto-tip encourages them to do so. I did not like it.




Got dressed – in our CASUAL clothes – and headed for the special $10 first night dinner at the Pinnacle Grill. My daughter, who is a salmon fiend, promptly orders the Salmon – and get this – is told they are out of it. IT’S THE FIRST DAY !!!!! how can you already be out of Salmon, one of the featured items. Bad mark one in the Pinnacle.




After much disappointment and hem hawing, she finally orders the Halibut. My wife gets the pasta , and I order the Porterhouse.




Now, the food was good – BUT no where near the hype some folks on this board give it. My steak, while tasty, did not compare to the finest steakhouses in the country as some say it does. I have traveled quite a bit on business – and have a chance to dine at the top independent steakhouses in the nation, as well as several Ruth’s Chris and Morton’s – and trust me – Pinnacle has a LONG WAY to go to be mentioned in the same breath as any of them. The Volcano dessert was good – but again, not as spectacular as made out. Roy’s in Hawaii makes a MUCH, MUCH better volcano cake if you want the real deal.




Onto the Vista Lounge for showtime – But I will cover Entertainment as a separate subject later rather than by day.








The Good: Our cabin, our cabin steward, the Mojito’s




The Bad: the roundabout trip required now to the cruiseport, Embarkation lines for people who filled in immigration forms online, the Pinnacle grill for not having Salmon on the first night, this boards overhyping of the Pinnacle Grill, the LAME sail away celebration

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We get up and are in the Lido around 8am for breakfast. Where is the crowd? The place is empty. Hmmmm. Did they all eat already and are waiting for the tenders? Or ???



Anyway, we survey the breakfast offerings – my daughter heads for the freshly made scrambled eggs section – I go to one of the omelet stations. The different stations for breakfast work well in the Lido. We would come to enjoy breakfast very much – and the omelet man knew me quite well by the end of the week J



We finish eating and hear the ship is cleared and those who want to disembark can go to the Queen’s lounge for a ticket. Hmmm, perfect timing – we head down, pick up a tender ticket, walk down and right onto the tender, and are on Half Moon Cay about 10 minutes later. I guess everyone else is sleeping in. Their loss !!!



We had rented a clamshell (last minute decision) and enjoyed it. I also purchase a Half moon Cay beverage card – good for all the soft drinks, beer and rum punch you want on HMC. We get a nice spot on the beach – very close to the path by the first main beach shed where they hand out the beach toys, etc. and close enough to easily walk to the bar in Ft San Salvador.



My daughter and eye head in the water and over to the rocks to snorkel. No need – tons of fish come to us and start swimming around. They must have been hungry and anxious to see people. My daughter – who was a bit squeamish about snorkeling – slowly adapts and enjoys herself when she sees the fish won’t hurt. We spend lots of time in the water with only a handful of other folks.



During the day – I partake of several (ok, maybe 5 or 6) rum punches. I also get a few soft drinks on my HMC card and take them back for my daughter and wife. I know, I know – its only for one person. Yea – but its costs $20 and believe me – there is no way you can get your money’s worth unless you do share some drinks with your family. I am not saying go overboard – but some reasonable sharing makes sense.



More swimming and snorkleling – then lunch time. The Island BBQ is so-so



Also – very few waiters walking the beach to take drink orders – and the ones who are will not get you drinks for your HMC card. Instead they are just carrying around premade daquiris and pina coladas.



Back to the beach where we relax til around 3:30 and make our way to the bar which has already started packing up – for a final rum punch and soft drink while listening to the band then to a tender around 4pm back to the ship



Shower and head to dinner – early seating lower level at 6:15. We meet our tablemates, a nice group, and our wait staff. The dining room staff turns out to be very efficient over the cruise – although not as much socializing by them as past cruises. They always remember to have my ice tea waiting for me and do a nice job overall.



Dinner in the main dining room over the week was quite good overall. Actually, I put it on par with the Pinnacle. IMO, no need to spend extra $ in the Pinnacle given the food we usually rec’d in the main dining room






The Good – HMC, still the 2nd best private island only behind Disney’s Private Island, The lido breakfasts, dinners at the Vista lounge, dining room service



The Bad – Waiters on HMC




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OK – lets take a time out from the days and talk entertainment. Evening entertainment in particular at the Vista Lounge:



The GOOD: The Elton John impersonator – one of the best entertainers at sea I have ever seen.



The OK: The juggler and magician



The Bad: The comedian and the Zuiderdam dancers production shows.



Beauty of course is in the eye of the beholder, but I thought the comic was ok at best and the production shows twice put me to sleep.



The pre-shows were also just so-so IMO. These were the ones like the Match Game, the Newlywed game, etc. Some of this was because some were the same stale routines/ words from past cruises. At least mix them up a bit. Others were because IMO the cruise director staff didn’t do a good job in getting the right folks involved.



That said, the one staff member who was very good in these shows was the Club Hal director, Amy. She was quite funny

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Seems you aren't too happy with Zuiderdam. Maybe Disney is more your taste and style. I say this respectfully but with so many complaints and disappointments and so-so's I think you will be happier.

Its a review of HIS experience... And I didn't see where he asked for your mean spirited opinion as to where he'd be happier..


Reviews are writen to convey someones experiences and pass on their personal observations.. they're NOT WRITEN for you to critique, or for your condesending comments..



For me personally, I like to say thanks to Superstein61 for taking the time to post his OPINIONS and reviews, and look forward to more installments



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superstein61 -

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!! When I saw your post, I don't think I could click on it fast enough to begin reading! :D

Embarkation: Totally makes sense about rewarding those who fill out their immigration information online and bring the printed/signed document to the port. Surely HAL has thought of that.... :confused:

Pinnacle: Thanks for sharing that experience. We, too, did Pinnacle first night of last year's cruise and are currently contemplating doing it again for the upcoming Zuiderdam cruise (embarkation day). I wonder if they are usually "out" of certain items on embarkation day each week to save enough for the rest of the cruise at $20pp prices? I'm leaning towards using the money elsewhere, and your comments help me do that - thanks!

A personal comment on FLIGHTS: USAir - yep, the cutbacks. They are REALLY hurting right now and have had amazing fare sales over the summer to get cash fast. With high fuel prices and on-the-job injuries of rampers loading extra-heavy bags, many airlines are definitely weighing the checked baggage to keep operation (and injury) costs down. An experience I had in June on Virgin Atlantic for a transatlantic flight: they also weigh your CARRYON bags! We were traveling to Scotland/London with nothing but a backpack each. We measured (and re-measured) to make sure they met carryon dimensions (length x width x height) stated on their website. However, we knew that we were over the 13-pound carryon weight limit prior to arriving at the airport, so we handed them over, taking out important items to keep with us on the flight (bathroom bag with meds, camera, passports). We weighed in at 22 pounds and 25 pounds each. No formal clothes or blender though. But I don't believe it is just US Air cracking down on the weight. (Have only flown them once this past year though)

Okay... have you had more time yet?? I'm ready for more!! Keep the good (and the bad) coming! :)

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:) superstein61

Thanks for starting to post your review. Have loved reading it so far.

Couple of questions:

What detour in Ft Lauderdale to go through security? We always stay at the Embassy Suites and will be on some up-coming cruises starting in January. Embassy Suites' van has always just gone down the road, made a right turn, went through security, and then on to the ship. Weren't you able to use that security check point?

Also you mentioned that the sail-away party in Ft Lauderdale was LAME. We have gone only to a couple of sail-away parties in the last number of years. Could you please explain why you felt the party was LAME?

US Airways must have just started that 50 pound weight limit this summer. We used them in May and there wasn't anyone weighing our bags.


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Thanks for the objective review. Someone posts an honest detailed review and right away the flamers come out. I am tired of readng the "Oh I had such a wonderful time reviews" with absolutely no details. Most people are so happy to be on a cruise they cannot be objective in their reviews. One person on this board indicated that as long as they did not have to cook the food and clean up, they were satisfied. Try MacDonald's, Burger King, etc. They cook and clean up.


We were on Zuiderdam in July and I posted a detailed review. Lots of areas to be improved. However, we had opposite experience with food compared to Superstein61. We thought that food and service in the Pinncale was far superior to food and service in the Vista Dining Room except for lobster night when they served all the best entrees the same night.

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It's funny because I didn't read this review the same way as hdawson. Didn't seem that negative to me. Seemed objective. And I love your humor, Superstein. Thanks for the review! Can't say it's real upbeat, but some very good information.


But I can't help wondering how you got those rum punches down when you wrote in the past that you can only drink one brand of rum which you always bring it with you since they don't have it on the ship. Be very careful with me;) ...I'm the proverbial elephant:D .

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We are also staying at the Marriott Marina and we asked them specifically if they had a free shuttle to the Port and they said "yes". They even say they do on their website. What kind of "view" did you ask for. There are only two views. One view is toward the cruise ship basin and the other toward the yacht marina. How did you get to the Port if not with a shuttle?

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Sailed Zuiderdam last February and appreciate your honest review. I was one of those "SO THRILLED TO BE ON A CRUISE" reviewers that I may have gone overboard in my positiives. I agree that the drink waiters were very aggressive and the Sail Away party was definitely "becalmed"--or as my dh said, "dead in the water."


BUT we did have an amazing dinner in the Pinnacle. My dh is considered a gourmet cook among our friends and it takes a lot to impress him. Maybe we were just lucky, but from what I've read on the boards, I believe your experience was not typical.


Look forward to the rest of your review. Thanks!

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Superstein, I stayed at the Marriott Hotel and Marina this past March, we took the free shuttle from the hotel to the pier. Have things changed since then possibly????????

No...we are staying in that hotel in two weeks and we made sure there was a free shuttle to the dock. We just called the hotel and there IS a free shuttle.

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Its a review of HIS experience... And I didn't see where he asked for your mean spirited opinion as to where he'd be happier..


Reviews are writen to convey someones experiences and pass on their personal observations.. they're NOT WRITEN for you to critique, or for your condesending comments..



For me personally, I like to say thanks to Superstein61 for taking the time to post his OPINIONS and reviews, and look forward to more installments



Thanks Srpilo !!!

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superstein61 -

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!! When I saw your post, I don't think I could click on it fast enough to begin reading! :D


Embarkation: Totally makes sense about rewarding those who fill out their immigration information online and bring the printed/signed document to the port. Surely HAL has thought of that.... :confused:


Pinnacle: Thanks for sharing that experience. We, too, did Pinnacle first night of last year's cruise and are currently contemplating doing it again for the upcoming Zuiderdam cruise (embarkation day). I wonder if they are usually "out" of certain items on embarkation day each week to save enough for the rest of the cruise at $20pp prices? I'm leaning towards using the money elsewhere, and your comments help me do that - thanks!


A personal comment on FLIGHTS: USAir - yep, the cutbacks. They are REALLY hurting right now and have had amazing fare sales over the summer to get cash fast. With high fuel prices and on-the-job injuries of rampers loading extra-heavy bags, many airlines are definitely weighing the checked baggage to keep operation (and injury) costs down. An experience I had in June on Virgin Atlantic for a transatlantic flight: they also weigh your CARRYON bags! We were traveling to Scotland/London with nothing but a backpack each. We measured (and re-measured) to make sure they met carryon dimensions (length x width x height) stated on their website. However, we knew that we were over the 13-pound carryon weight limit prior to arriving at the airport, so we handed them over, taking out important items to keep with us on the flight (bathroom bag with meds, camera, passports). We weighed in at 22 pounds and 25 pounds each. No formal clothes or blender though. But I don't believe it is just US Air cracking down on the weight. (Have only flown them once this past year though)


Okay... have you had more time yet?? I'm ready for more!! Keep the good (and the bad) coming! :)

Thanks Mandy Girl !!! Yea - the couple in front of me mentioned the same things about the immigration forms. he said last year - when he didn't do them online, the line for those who did was very short. this year it was jsut the opposite - so next year he will go back to not doing them again online - LOL



I hadn't thought of that being the reason why the Pinnacle was out of Salmon the first night - but you perhaps could be right. I wonder if they had Salmon other nights at the full $20 pp cost. I know they had Salmon in the regular dining room - so its not like they didn't have access to Salmon. I don't know.


Wow - weighing carryon bags - now this is where they would get me - my rum, photographic/video equipment and all - LOL. This was our first experience with any airline actually weighing bags - we will have to keep this in mind in the future.


At least one more, maybe two installments tonight

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:) superstein61


Thanks for starting to post your review. Have loved reading it so far.


Couple of questions:


What detour in Ft Lauderdale to go through security? We always stay at the Embassy Suites and will be on some up-coming cruises starting in January. Embassy Suites' van has always just gone down the road, made a right turn, went through security, and then on to the ship. Weren't you able to use that security check point?


Also you mentioned that the sail-away party in Ft Lauderdale was LAME. We have gone only to a couple of sail-away parties in the last number of years. Could you please explain why you felt the party was LAME?


US Airways must have just started that 50 pound weight limit this summer. We used them in May and there wasn't anyone weighing our bags.



Not sure if I can adequately describe the security detail right, but I will try. Like you, I am used to coming out of the Embassy suites, going down, making a right turn and thru a check point onto the ship. That was blocked off. In fact, from the Marriott Marina I could have walked to the Princess ship in the dock - but there was no vehicle access. The cabbie - who was a nice guy - complained about it. We headed back up the road, past the Embassy Suites, like we were headed back to the airport . then our cabbie took a short cut (which is where the directions get screwy), cutting thru 3 parking lots, down an alley, onto a highway and making a full U-Turn into traffic. In doing so - he probably saved us another 10-15 minutes in traffic from what I could see. This line of traffic went thru the only gate in - so imagine the traffic from local hotels, as well as from people from the sirport all converging on this one security gate.


Definitely not like in the past.


As to the sail-away party, IMO, it really was done as an opportunity for HAL to sell sail away drinks - and nothing more. It consisted of the cruise staff (not the director) introducing themselves - and dancing to about 3 songs, encouraging the audience to participate. this was similiar to our cruise 2 years ago on the Maasdam.


These sail-aways parties jsut can not compare to Disney or NCL. Both make a much bigger deal out of it, more music, more fun, shooting streamers on Disney, games and some cruise previews on NCL, etc. HALs just seemed very blah.

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