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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Well, I didn't have a loss this week either. It's tuff after losing 1/2 a pound everyday last week. UGH..... not quitting though.


I agree with you Cheryl, I think I do get burned out with dieting. Just want to eat what I want and not concentrate on food all the time!!! Oh well, I really think/know that the alli keeps me on track. Hopefully next week will be better.


Good luck Willie T !! You can do this!

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Well, I didn't have a loss this week either. It's tuff after losing 1/2 a pound everyday last week. UGH..... not quitting though.


I agree with you Cheryl, I think I do get burned out with dieting. Just want to eat what I want and not concentrate on food all the time!!! Oh well, I really think/know that the alli keeps me on track. Hopefully next week will be better.


Good luck Willie T !! You can do this!

My BF eats double what I eat and she weighs 120 pounds..I just don't understand how that happens :-)


Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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This is going to be random, but I figured since other people weight themselves everyday like I do, they might benefit from it also.


It is just a little way to keep track of these things. I think I am going to post mine on my fridge for a little motivation.




Good luck everyone, and keep up the good work.

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I think we just get burned out on dieting..at least I know I do. Why can't there be a MAGIC PIL..lol


I so agree with this. I want to eat what I want and not keep gaining but I know that is not possible. I am a bit bummed that the weight has not been coming off faster but on the flip side, I do not really feel like I am "dieting" but rather making better or more informed choices. I think that in the long run will help me more but I would like to see some bigger loss numbers for me here. I am finally back down to what I had lost before the holidays (they really did me in--gained 5 lbs!) so I am moving forward, slowly but surely.


Have a good weekend all. We are going to be tied up with baseball, scouts, b-day parties, more baseball and the Nationals opener in our new Stadium!!!

Stay strong!

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Need to whine a little. So ok, I've got this torn miniscus that makes it hard to exercise (surgery end of April)-doesn't hurt during but kills after. Makes losing weight even harder. So last night I am walking out of the bathroom and I snag my little toe on the scale (evil thing that it is!!!) and I think I broke it! I broke the same toe 2 yrs ago and it feels about the same. Debating whether to go to urgent care today or wait to call the ortho tomorrow. Can barely walk and freaked out to eat anything for fear I won't "make it". Hope everyone else has a better Sunday. Maggie

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So far so good. Staying at or under my fat grams. The little chart said that for my height and weight, I can have 12 grams per meal. Ouch! I do well at home, but sometimes it's slow at work and that when I tend to snack. Should I just quit my job?:D Wake up, just a dream. Anyway, back to work tomorrow, and I'll have to behave to avoid embarrassing myself.

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I so agree with this. I want to eat what I want and not keep gaining but I know that is not possible. I am a bit bummed that the weight has not been coming off faster but on the flip side, I do not really feel like I am "dieting" but rather making better or more informed choices. I think that in the long run will help me more but I would like to see some bigger loss numbers for me here. I am finally back down to what I had lost before the holidays (they really did me in--gained 5 lbs!) so I am moving forward, slowly but surely.

I've been on Alli for almost 2 months now, and haven't been totally faithful every day, but had been at least trying to track things. On the other hand last week I hit the same point some of you have been mentioning, about wanting to eat what you want and not think about it... so I did. I had some TE's (almost 3 days after I ate the forbidden fruits), but didn't really stress on it as I could control when they took effect. Ironically I also still lost a pound this week. I think sometimes you have to just enjoy life and do what you want and your mental attitude will make things happen that all the calorie and fat counting can't. TE's are my friend! :rolleyes: Most of the time... :D


As for how fast the weight goes... well it's been about 8 weeks and I am down only 6 lbs., but it is going, so take the small victories!

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Thanks for the words of encouragement Haubera--I need to remember that slow and steady wins the race. I will be moving much slower for the next 2-4 weeks as, yes, my toe is broken. But not bad enough that they will do anything except tape it and tell me to rest, elevate and ice (Yeah like that is going to happen in my world). I did get a prescription for Vicodin but can only take it when I am not driving or really need to be alert so only nights for me. Since I can't really exercise, I am going to have to be really careful about what I eat.


Hope everyone else had a better weekend!


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Oh Maggie!!! So sorry to hear about your toe. :( How is it feeling now?? What do dr's do with a broken toe? Just make sure it's going to heal straight?


Hopefully after your surgery in April you'll feel better and get into the routine of exercising. In the meantime, just stick with the low fat and alli. You'll do fine!


Keep smilin'!! :)


How was everyone's weekend? I'm finally down the pound I had gained last week plus another 1/2. It's 10:16 pm and I'm HUNGRYYYYYYY!! ARGHHHHHHH... lol


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Haubera, I feel very encouraged by your words also. Thank you. I know the body rebels from deprivation of all the goodies. I can only go so long before I need a sweet. Sugar free gum has been helping some.


With only a few weeks before my cruise, I got frustrated with the low weight loss, so I am switching things up a bit. I'll let you know if my new plan works. It involves cutting back carbs and sodium while still taking Alli.


Maggie, I am sorry about your toe and hope you feel better. Don't give up on the exercise though. I made that mistake when I got hit by a car and the weight started piling on. Sure, you can't do high impact aerobics, but a lot can be accomplished with toning and strengthening flat on your back. Get a set of hand weights and do dumbell flys, one arm rows, abs, etc.


Good luck today, everyone.

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Hello Everyone!!


Well after 2 weeks of not losing ANYTHING not even a 1/2 lb I finally am down 1.5 lbs since last week. So far I have lost 10.5 lbs. My parents are beginning South Beach next week and since I live here I guess I'll be doing somewhat of a S.B. :) Hopefully I can lose another 9.5 lbs before May 9th. With proper exercise and eating I'm sure it can be done but it has been a long slooooooooow battle.


Good luck everyone!



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Good job Kristina!!! Way to go! I'm down 10.5 too. Hope to lose about 25 more before summer is in full swing.


I've done my own version of the South Beach diet a couple of years ago and lost quite a bit but, didn't do it the right way and gained it all back. UGH....


So far the alli seems to be working. Slow and steady!


Keep up the good work!



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Good Job Kristina & Pam! Congrats on the 10.5. I'm sure you both can drop the rest!!


Thanks for the kind words of concern. They don't do anything for a broken toe but say keep it elevated and ice it and rest (Yeah, sure!) THey buddy taped it to the next toe and I have to wear this very stylish black "shoe boot" thing for the next 2 weeks or so. I can take tylenol during the day and my Vicodin at night. I found out last night that the 1 Vicodin does not do much for me (was up most of the night) so tonight I'm taking 2 (MD prescribed "1 to 2 as needed")


Good advice about trying to keep up the upper body exercises. Think I will start that this evening.


Hope everyone has a good Monday! Maggie

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This is going to be random, but I figured since other people weight themselves everyday like I do, they might benefit from it also.


It is just a little way to keep track of these things. I think I am going to post mine on my fridge for a little motivation.




Good luck everyone, and keep up the good work.

I like the chart..thanks! I will put it on my fridge!


I also have my DD on a diet and since we are going to cruise on 8/8..I set a goal for her of 2 pounds a week. I think its attainable and promised her I would take her swimming with the Dolphins if she tries really hard. Unfortunately, she has her mom's and grand mother's metabulism poor thing!

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Thanks for the words of encouragement Haubera--I need to remember that slow and steady wins the race. I will be moving much slower for the next 2-4 weeks as, yes, my toe is broken. But not bad enough that they will do anything except tape it and tell me to rest, elevate and ice (Yeah like that is going to happen in my world). I did get a prescription for Vicodin but can only take it when I am not driving or really need to be alert so only nights for me. Since I can't really exercise, I am going to have to be really careful about what I eat.


Hope everyone else had a better weekend!


I had a feeling they wouldn't do anything but tape it. In the past year mu daughter has managed to break 3 toes! I think we need to get her calcium checked..doesn't that sounds like a lot (not to mention she broke her wrist last year). I went through my whole life (knocking on wood) without breaking a single bone!!

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Hello Everyone!!


Well after 2 weeks of not losing ANYTHING not even a 1/2 lb I finally am down 1.5 lbs since last week. So far I have lost 10.5 lbs. My parents are beginning South Beach next week and since I live here I guess I'll be doing somewhat of a S.B. :) Hopefully I can lose another 9.5 lbs before May 9th. With proper exercise and eating I'm sure it can be done but it has been a long slooooooooow battle.


Good luck everyone!



Going on SB should really help, especially if your whole family is on it..that should really help!!!!

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Good job Kristina!!! Way to go! I'm down 10.5 too. Hope to lose about 25 more before summer is in full swing.


I've done my own version of the South Beach diet a couple of years ago and lost quite a bit but, didn't do it the right way and gained it all back. UGH....


So far the alli seems to be working. Slow and steady!


Keep up the good work!



Pam..I hit my 10 pounds this morning!! Not bad for 3 weeks. Tonight I start walking while my daughter rides her bike. I wanted to get off 10 pounds before starting to exercise so I wouldn't get too tired, etc.

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That's awesome Cheryl!!!


No walking for me today. It's rainy and cold here in Ct. today. :( Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid 60's!! - but with rain. bummer. Starting to see some flowers bloom. Spring is coming!


Wish I had a cruise to look forward to. We have a couple of summer vacations planned but, I usually like having a cruise planned. Starting to look into booking the Aruba trip with the girls though!


It's nice that you can exercise with your daughter. Nice to have a partner! How old is she? She must be looking forward to the cruise! Will this be her first??


UGH... Martha Stewart is making cupcakes.

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That's awesome Cheryl!!!


No walking for me today. It's rainy and cold here in Ct. today. :( Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid 60's!! - but with rain. bummer. Starting to see some flowers bloom. Spring is coming!


Wish I had a cruise to look forward to. We have a couple of summer vacations planned but, I usually like having a cruise planned. Starting to look into booking the Aruba trip with the girls though!


It's nice that you can exercise with your daughter. Nice to have a partner! How old is she? She must be looking forward to the cruise! Will this be her first??


UGH... Martha Stewart is making cupcakes.

My daughter just turned 14 Saturday (she had a pool party)..I won't tease you by telling you we are burnt to a crisp due to the sun! It was in the mid eighties and even though I kept putting lotion on both of us..we all got burnt.


Its funny how people up north see weather differently then in the South. Last Dec. I went to Delaware in Dec. to see my Granddaughter. It was 32 degrees outside but very sunny. The newscaster told everyone to get outside and enjoy! I was laughing so much my son asked me what was so funny. I told him in Florida when the weather gets below 50 degrees, they issue SEVERE WEATHER warnings and tell people to stay inside and only venture out if you have to. Wear LOTS of layers, etc. etc. Too Funny!

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Thanks everyone for their congrats!! :)


Pamywyner where are you at? Same weather here in Philly; cold and rainy but like 68 tomorrow and rainy. It's so funny you mentioned Martha Stewart...I am ADDICTED to the Food Network and it takes all my will power to not get up at night and make whatever they are making. :D


I ate SO many carbs today but I think that's because I know I will not be eating them at all the next 2 weeks and in moderation for the rest of my life... I'm Irish so it's meat, potatoes, and beer. haha That will have to change!


Congrats to all who have lost and all of you who haven't keep your head up you will eventually! :)



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Krisina, I'm in Coventry, Ct. It's in Eastern Ct. (5 mins from the UCONN campus) They are now saying that it's only gonna be in the 50's tomorrow. :rolleyes: (I think we get your weather a day later!)


Everyone have a good day today?? I'm hoping the scale reads a lower number pretty soon or I'm gonna start making some of Martha's cupcakes!! lol ;)

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Resist the cupcakes!!!! :D I know what folks mean about the food network--totally addictive!!! I can resist Martha since I can't seem to stand her speech pattern. Hoping to see a loss this week but not too optimistic.


Hope everyone has a good Tues. Rainy and dreary here in VA. NO outside walking today.

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No, I wouldn't make or eat the cupcakes. Yeah, I agree with you about Martha and her 'perfect' speech! Drives me nuts. If my husband is home while I am watching it, he asks me why I watch her because all I do is make fun of her!!!! lol


Besides, the scale moved a little this am so, I don't want to blow what I've lost so far.


Have a good day everyone!!


Drink- water, water, water!!!!



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I am so glad I found this forum. I was on Alli for about a month. I did not take it with every meal because I would forget, but I still lost 4lbs. in a month. To me, that was very exciting. I had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago and began taking my Alli a week ago. Again, not with every meal because I still forget but I have lost 2 lbs. We are cruising on the 19th, so I was trying to get rid of about 10 lbs. before the cruise. I don't see that happening but every little bit helps. I did not read all of the threads so I am not sure if this questions has been asked but I found that I am craving water when I am on Alli. Does anyone else has this craving? I also have had dry skin. I look forward to reading more encouraging words. Keep up the good work.:D

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