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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Hi All,

Had my 30 day check up yesterday at Curves and I've lost 10 pounds and 8 inches! They wanted me to sign up for the year but I want to wait until we get back from the cruise instead of spending the $ now. Unfortunately that means I don't get to go there for the rest of the week and I also stopped taking the alli capsules today to get ready. One of the trainers told me she gained 12 lbs in a week when she went on a cruise! I thought about bringing my scales with me but hubby put his foot down :)



Trust me..even when you don't realize it, you will make better choices on your cruise then not. You've been "programmed" so far to do so :-)


If you over induldge, don't worry..take a long walk around the track or spend 20 minutes in the gym each day and work it off. The view from the gym is awesome and they usally have a nice spa there with the best shower on the ship!!! You can use it for free afterwards.

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"I just can't get passed the aftertaste."


I have been taking ProOmega or Ultimate Omega (they are the same) from Nordic Naturals. This is a very high quality product. There is no aftertaste or "fish" burps. It has a light lemon flavor.




Mildred in AZ

Thanks! I will have to check it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm here! Still hanging in there! Down about 32.5. Slow but sure. It's been 4 months. Still no TE's. I'm happy. Leaving for a week in Maine soon and I usually go off the alli before vacation but, not gonna this time!


How is everyone else doing???? :)

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I'm here! Still hanging in there! Down about 32.5. Slow but sure. It's been 4 months. Still no TE's. I'm happy. Leaving for a week in Maine soon and I usually go off the alli before vacation but, not gonna this time!


How is everyone else doing???? :)

I'm down 36 pounds..36 more to go!

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OK' date=' after reading this thread I went out and bought Alli today. You all have been the inspiration. Will weigh in tomorrow and start. Love all your attitudes![/quote']

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I am now at 38 pounds lost and on my way to lose another 30 soon. I turn 50 in October and am determined that I'm going to look GOOD in all my pictures! lol

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Thank you two for the welcome. So far, so good. I have heeded your warnings and playing it safe.


Work was difficult today, and only had a chance to have a yogurt during my first meeting the morning, an orange during my third meeting of the day, and a piece of flatbread around 4 and a granola bar as I left work! Did not even get a lunch break. Tried to get a $%^&*^%$#@ architect off the phone so I could go home! Ended up working a whole 9 hours.


Did not do too badly once I got home. Just finished 1/2 a grilled chicken breast and mashed cauliflower with a little basalmic vinegar and olive oil. I'm tired, but at least my mind is in the right place to do this.


Losses of 38 & 34 pounds is sure incouragement. Kudos to everyone here!


DolfinFan, how long were you off the diet between your first and second "tours"? Was it just the mind thing to get yourself back started again?

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Wendy, just curious, did you follow the directions and do a low fat diet for a few days before you took the first pill? It's important to do this because you need to rid your body of extra fat or you may have the unpleasant treatment effects (TE's).


Not sure about Cheryl (Dolphinfan) but, I was on alli for a few months at the end of last summer before my cruise in November and lost about 25 lbs. I went off it before the cruise so I wouldn't have to worry about problems while on the trip but, unfortunately, I had a hard time getting back 'into it' again when I got home and I gained all my weight back! UGH....


Booked another trip for this fall and I was determined to start again. Just couldn't follow the low fat plan for a few days. Once I finally did that and started taking the pills again, it totally keeps me on track!!! So far so good.


One thing that helps me get through work without coming home starving is bringing lunch with me or some healthy snacks.


Just to let you know, Cheryl has been a huge motivator (among others) to me and she will do the same for you, I'm sure!!!!



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Thank you two for the welcome. So far' date=' so good. I have heeded your warnings and playing it safe.


Work was difficult today, and only had a chance to have a yogurt during my first meeting the morning, an orange during my third meeting of the day, and a piece of flatbread around 4 and a granola bar as I left work! Did not even get a lunch break. Tried to get a $%^&*^%$#@ architect off the phone so I could go home! Ended up working a whole 9 hours.


Did not do too badly once I got home. Just finished 1/2 a grilled chicken breast and mashed cauliflower with a little basalmic vinegar and olive oil. I'm tired, but at least my mind is in the right place to do this.


Losses of 38 & 34 pounds is sure incouragement. Kudos to everyone here!


DolfinFan, how long were you off the diet between your first and second "tours"? Was it just the mind thing to get yourself back started again?[/quote']

I went off the Alli when I went on my cruise last Sept. and didn't start taking it again until Feb. of this year. I had lost 32 pounds before the cruise and I ended up gaining 20 pounds back going back to my OLD lifestyle!! I have taken the 20 pounds off, plus another 18 for a total of 38 pounds. I am now 35 pounds from my "goal" weight (to wear a size 9 again).


Just a reminder..remember to drink as much water as you can and Try Try Try to eat during the day..it is sooooo important! Your body will think it is starving and will hold onto the fat, plus your metabolism will slow down.

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"I just can't get passed the aftertaste."


I have been taking ProOmega or Ultimate Omega (they are the same) from Nordic Naturals. This is a very high quality product. There is no aftertaste or "fish" burps. It has a light lemon flavor.




Mildred in AZ

Mildred..we haven't heard from you??? Did you decide to start taking the Alli?

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I'm here, I've had a little family drama but we are getting things taken care of. I am only down 11 lbs, I don't feel like I'm doing as well as everyone else. But I did break out my exercise ball a couple days ago, maybe that will give me the kick I need. When I first went on the alli, I went into the fat free mind set, Now I realize that doesn't work. It's better if somethings are fat free and some are low fat. I just can't seem to find a good balance. Any tips? Hope everyone is doing well, I sure wish my ship sailed tomorrow! I desperatly need a vacation!!!

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I'm here, I've had a little family drama but we are getting things taken care of. I am only down 11 lbs, I don't feel like I'm doing as well as everyone else. But I did break out my exercise ball a couple days ago, maybe that will give me the kick I need. When I first went on the alli, I went into the fat free mind set, Now I realize that doesn't work. It's better if somethings are fat free and some are low fat. I just can't seem to find a good balance. Any tips? Hope everyone is doing well, I sure wish my ship sailed tomorrow! I desperatly need a vacation!!!

Hope everything is better now! I know the family thing..my SIL had cancer on her stomach removed a month or so ago and now my dad goes in today at 1pm to remove cancer from on of his kidneys!


I also found that eating Fat Free is not always best. If you don't get enough fat, your skin, hair , etc. dries out. Sometimes, there is actually MORE calories in Fat Free than Low Fat so watch out. I stick to about 20 grams a fat a day, sometimes less.


I have to tell everyone..there is an added benefit to this weight loss! I have been bordering on Pre-Diabetic for the last year. I went to the doctor Friday and because of my weight loss, he is "holding" out giving me diabetic medicine. He was happy with my 11 pound loss in one month and told me if I can keep it up, I will hopefully be able to come off all my meds (including 3 blood pressure). My mom became a diabetic at 40 and I DO NOT want to go that route..definatley gives me more incentive than to "just lose weight for a cruise"! So take head..any amount of weight loss is WONDERFUL for your body..even its 5 pounds!!

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Well, after a week on Alli, I have lost 2 lbs. YES! That's pretty good considering what I have been eating. I have been making a transition to a lower fat diet, then read your reply, DolfinFan, that you can eat too little fat. So I am having to reevaluate the 'set point' for the calories/carbs/fat grams.


No TEs whatsoever, which also makes me think I am keeping the fat at too low a level. I have bought a lot of fat free things. Last weekend I even gave up the half-and-half in my coffee! That is a major jump on my part! I only have coffee on weekends, and I used 1% milk, and it tasted like cereal. Don't like it. So I think I am going to try some of the soy products for coffee creamer.


Now that I know I can do this without problems, I will be more aggressive this next week.


Robin, I found the refill packs at our Wal-Mart. Maybe just ask at yours.

But they are fewer capsules than in the starter pack, and the cost is about the same as the starter pack at Sam's. Makes the deal at Sam's better.


Keep up the good work everyone!

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whooohoo..2 pounds is great! Congratulations!!!


It is trial by error..the only problem I have ever run into is when I had steak fahita meat. I thought I was being so good just eating the strips (came frozen in a bag) but paid for it the next day with LOTS of trips to the restroom!


And yes, you have to eat "some" fat as none will do the opposite of taking to much Alli

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Hope everything is better now! I know the family thing..my SIL had cancer on her stomach removed a month or so ago and now my dad goes in today at 1pm to remove cancer from on of his kidneys!


I also found that eating Fat Free is not always best. If you don't get enough fat, your skin, hair , etc. dries out. Sometimes, there is actually MORE calories in Fat Free than Low Fat so watch out. I stick to about 20 grams a fat a day, sometimes less.


I have to tell everyone..there is an added benefit to this weight loss! I have been bordering on Pre-Diabetic for the last year. I went to the doctor Friday and because of my weight loss, he is "holding" out giving me diabetic medicine. He was happy with my 11 pound loss in one month and told me if I can keep it up, I will hopefully be able to come off all my meds (including 3 blood pressure). My mom became a diabetic at 40 and I DO NOT want to go that route..definatley gives me more incentive than to "just lose weight for a cruise"! So take head..any amount of weight loss is WONDERFUL for your body..even its 5 pounds!!

BTW..dad came home from the hospital yesterday. He did have a cancer growth on his kidney, but they feel they got it all and should not have to go through chemo..whooohooo!


SIL is not as well. She is down to 100 pounds and losing every day. She is having a hard time keeping any food down (she too had cancer but on her stomach). She came down for dads surgery (11 hour drive after being out of the hospital for less than 2 weeks) and didn't do so well. I hope when she goes home she tries to rest and get better!!!

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What is this cancer thing, an epidemic now? I am a breast cancer survivor myself (6 years post treatment), my dad had bladder cancer which was the non-invasive type and he had chemo, now is clear. Then last November my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, went in for routine resection, and passed away in the hospital from complications due to improper care in January.


I am glad to hear your dad is doing better, and pray your SIL gets on the road to better recovery. With her, is it like having had stomach-reduction surgery? Or did they remove a growth without reducing the size of the stomach?


My BIL just got out of ICU with a-typical pneumonia, and will probably be in the hospital another week or so; he is SO weak! And they still do not know what kind or where it came from.


Too many sick people for this small thread! Let's all pray for all of them.

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What is this cancer thing' date=' an epidemic now? I am a breast cancer survivor myself (6 years post treatment), my dad had bladder cancer which was the non-invasive type and he had chemo, now is clear. Then last November my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, went in for routine resection, and passed away in the hospital from complications due to improper care in January.


I am glad to hear your dad is doing better, and pray your SIL gets on the road to better recovery. With her, is it like having had stomach-reduction surgery? Or did they remove a growth without reducing the size of the stomach?


My BIL just got out of ICU with a-typical pneumonia, and will probably be in the hospital another week or so; he is SO weak! And they still do not know what kind or where it came from.


Too many sick people for this small thread! Let's all pray for all of them.[/quote']

I agree! A year ago I could say my life has not been touched by cancer and now its running rampant!


My SIL did have to have a portion of her stomach removed..I guess its kind of like having your stomach stapled but with all the bad complications!


Congrats on being a survivor..thats wonderful news!!!!

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I'm here :D


Been planning my 2 cruises coming up!


Doing pretty well on the diet. I have 7 more pounds to reach my goal by 8/8 and 12 pounds (total) by 8/23 for my 7 day cruise. I've been working out 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes at night, arms exercises and crunches at night too trying to kick-start my weight loss. Its been SLOW for the last couple of weeks (little over 2 1/2 pounds).


How is things with you??

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Hi everyone! My DH started Alli last week, and now I'm jumping onboard!! I'm 28, and I would like to lose 20 to get back to my comfortable size...anything else would be into my super skinny jeans!!



I took my first pills today without thinking about my other prescription I'm on...I don't know if any of you have experience with Alli and other meds, but I am on Clomid for infertility. I take it for 5 days each month. Do you know if Alli will decrease the potency of other meds? I've done tons of reading online, and I'm seeing mixed answers. I think I'm just going to wait until I'm off the clomid, but I really have no idea if alli would affect it or not. Any similar experiences?


At least I'm doing ok with the low fat diet, and I've already lost a few pounds.


I'm looking forward to sharing my progress with everyone here!


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Welcome, sinkoreb! Sorry I can't help you with the questions about the meds. Do you take them for just a few days a month? I would think you could take the Alli the rest of the time if that is the case.


DolphinFan, I am so jealous you are getting to cruise soon. I have too long to wait until 9-09. Where are you going?


I think I may be eating too low fat; either that or I need to take two pills. I do not seem to have any results from the pills. Have you had that happen to you?


Today is my husband's birthday, and we went out to dinner, and I did not keep to my diet. I did take a pill, but did not have a very high fat meal; but I ate it all! I had eaten light during the day knowing I would be eating out.


Do the pills work best if you have about 30% of fat in your diet?


Any tips are appreciated.



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Hi! To clarify, I have to take Clomid 5 consecutive days each month. So I'm thinking I won't take alli with it, just to be safe. My DHs birthday is next week too, and we're going to our favorite restaraunt with friends. We have only been there 3 times in our lives, so I am going to splurge on that dinner. But there's another day I won't be taking pills!! Ggrrrr


On a good note, I've been eating low-fat for 1 week now, and had 1 day of alli, and I'm down 3 lbs. So that is awesome! Can't wait to see what next week brings! Of course my DH is down 6....I hate that he loses weight faster than me!



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