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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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WOW Karen. CONGRATULATIONS! 28lbs lost is wonderful.

Our first 10%er. That is brilliant.


We have been away for a long weekend at our son's house in the north of England. Over the last 4 days I have had veggie Pizza at a restaurant, a glass of wine, a bit of birthday cake etc. Ate out twice and again on the way home. I tried to limit the damage as I really want to lose a half pound this week for my next WW milestone. Time will tell.


Well done to all the other losers during the past week.

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Good Morning! Well, here it is Monday morning and I stepped on the scale while holding my breath! I had taken 5 days to get back on track after 2.5 weeks of out of state company staying with me and I have decided that people on vacation really plan to enjoy themselves - even at my house! LOL! But with just a 2 lb over all gain from the last 3 weeks...I think that I did pretty well! With this last 3 month roller coaster ride on the scale :eek: - I still have my good eye ;) on my original 10% weight loss goal number and continue to work at it each day! :o Someday - I too will get to put my numbers in red like Karen and finally hit my goal!

Hang in there 10%'s - keep working on your WOE/WOEX and keep posting - this site is sure an encouragement to me!!


RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/11.0/10.0 to go Friday 12th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 3.6/3.6/17.4 to go 10/19

Carnival Pirate 1/1/15 to go 10/18


Oh... And welcome to all of the Newbies, and Lurkers that hit this site daily... I don't post as often as I drop in - but welcome and get working on your Goal! :D

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Thanks for all your encouragement!!! All of you helped me do this!!! It is so great to come here and read about everyone else....good times and bad times...I have a long way to reach my final goal, so I need all the encouragement I can get. It helps to have a place where we can share our feelings about WOE and WOEx and know that others are experiencing the same issues....Come on....who's next???? Lets see some more red !!!! Have a great week !!!


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Shelia, you are doing so awesome, a marathon, selling your shop and setting up again...girl you are doing great!

I can hardly believe that October is almost behind us!! Especially after a day like today here in Maine! It was 80 degrees today and I raked leaves in my tee shirt and shorts!! Woo Hoo! One last go around until I wear them in February for my cruise!


It has been a crazy weekend, I had a wedding of a close family friend to attend Saturday. I got to babysit my 3 grandsons while my DD & DSIL were BOTH in the wedding party!!:eek: It was great and I stayed to my WOE through the reception. BUT, (there's always a but) things went awry when the young couple forgot to arrange anyone to clean up the rented hall after the reception...so I volunteered and the groom's parent, the bride's parents, a bridesmaid, and I stayed and washed and swept and put things to right, ending very late into the night. At which point we all sat down and toasted the couple with the last of the champagne, and a slice of awesome wedding cake! I had up till that time resisted both!! But hey! So today at the weigh in it showed NO loss but NO gain. Hopefully the 2 hour hike I went on Sunday helped abit!


I am even more anxious now to work at my 10%...Thanks everyone for all your support!



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Well I finally found out about my job.....and I still have ONE!!!:D I have to report to my new postion tomorrow morning, not sure what I'll be doing yet, but as long as I'm not laid off and still getting paid the same I don't really care! Now with that HUGE stress bubble gone, I can really get back to excercising and not stressing!

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Well I finally found out about my job.....and I still have ONE!!!:D I have to report to my new postion tomorrow morning, not sure what I'll be doing yet, but as long as I'm not laid off and still getting paid the same I don't really care! Now with that HUGE stress bubble gone, I can really get back to excercising and not stressing!


I'm very happy that all turned out well for you! Congrats!!


:) Cherie

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Congratulations to all the losers this week and especially Karen - Way to Go!!!


Today I changed my WI day to Wednesday at the request of my friend who wanted to go with me (she did) and I was down 2 pounds. Hmmmm, wonder what it would have been if I'd had the whole week & weighed on Friday. :)




RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/11.0/10.0 to go Friday 12th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/1/15 to go 10/18

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Hi everyone, I weighed in today and I am happy to say that I can now Join Karen. I lost 3.5 pounds, that completes my 10% goal. After 3 weeks of the scale not moving this was wonderful.






RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/11.0/10.0 to go Friday 12th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/1/15 to go 10/18

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It's Thursday again, and I'm doing pretty good. I lost 2 pounds this week, so I'm down to 155, yeah! Congrats to all of us for staying in the fight.

RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/11.0/10.0 to go Friday 12th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25

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You must be feeling great, well done.


I have WI tonight at WW. Quite nervous, after STS last week and being away for a long weekend at son and DIL, I really want to lose at least half a pound! I ate too much at the weekend even though I tried to stick to WOE. Have been very good since Monday evening. Ooohhhh. Watch this space.



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Congratulations too all of you who have reached goal! Great accomplishment. I'm still chugging away after a month of back sliding. You guys are giving me incentive!!

2"N" Dianne

Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/11.0/10.0 to go Friday 12th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

2'n" Dianne 2.0/10.0/8.0 to go! Thursday 10/25

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25

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[RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.0/12.0/9.0 to go Friday 26th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

2'n" Dianne 2.0/10.0/8.0 to go! Thursday 10/25

Beth (momonmeds) +1/13/7 to go! Friday 10/19

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25

Congratulations Sheila. How wonderful to get to our mini goal.


Tonight at WI I managed to lose a pound. That puts me at a 10% loss since I started back to WW earlier this year. I received a key ring to mark the occasion. I also got a sticker for my 3rd half stone and am now in the next stone down, i.e. I now weigh 13 st. 13 lbs.



I found it easier today to use the quote feature rather than the cut and paste to change my stats. Not sure why the PC didn't want to do that today.

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Congrats to all the losers this week! I'm especially happy for those who reached their 10% goal. You guys did great!


I stayed the same weight this week. Honestly I was thrilled to do so after hurting my back early in the week. I did very minimal exercise but my back is feeling a bit better so I will start some walking tomorrow.


I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! Onward!!


:) Cherie

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RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.0/12.0/9.0 to go Friday 26th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

2'n" Dianne 2.0/10.0/8.0 to go! Thursday 10/25

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/2/13 to go 10/16

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25


Two pounds for me this week. The one that has been playing tag with me for the past month and one more. Hopefully that's a good sign and I'm back on the way down! When I started back at weight watchers, I set my goal at the highest possible for me, which is 2 lbs higher than my 10% goal. Now that I'm approaching that goal, I think I'll change my WW goal even lower. I've had a goal in mind, but never dared put it down before, now I am determined to reach that final goal. Thanks for all your encouragement and support!!


Cherie, sorry about your back, I hope you're feeling better!


Cinnamon, Pirate & Dianne, good job on your losses. You are going to make it!

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Congrats everyone! Another pound for me this week. I'm hoping my metabolism will start changing soon so I can post bigger losses. Got my costumes last night for the play I'm doing and when I modeled them for the director he asked if I had lost weight since we took measurements last month...so maybe the few pounds lost are showing? I can tell myself that at least. LOL Have a great weekend everyone!!


RB Bonzo / 0.2/15.4/8.2 to go! 10/19

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.0/12.0/9.0 to go Friday 26th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

2'n" Dianne 2.0/10.0/8.0 to go! Thursday 10/25

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/3/12 to go 10/26

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25

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up 1.2. I guess that it's two steps forward and one step back. Still gotta like the trend, though!



RB Bonzo / +1.2/14.2/9.4 to go! 10/26

NMCruzzin /12/11.0 to go, Tuesday 10/22

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.0 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 10/19

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.0/12.0/9.0 to go Friday 26th

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

2'n" Dianne 2.0/10.0/8.0 to go! Thursday 10/25

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)3/17/5 to go 10/14

dblane (Diane) 1/5/12 to go 10/19

Alleson 1/3/12 to go 10/26

J&G (Gail) 2.0/5.6/15.4 to go 10/24

Carnival Pirate 1/3/13 to go 10/25

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