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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Sheila~WOW is right, that is inspirational!


Dianne & swansonia~Congrats on the weight loss! Those scales are moving downward, that's terrific!


Hope that everyone has a great day with much success! I'm off to exercise! Bye for now.


:) Cherie


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updated to include my awesome .2 lb loss - no weigh-in next week for me - I'll be away and off-line. Keep off the good work while I'm gone!



RB Bonzo / 0.2 / 6.8/ 16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2n Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8 __________________

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Have a good time RB, wherever you are going. We will miss you.


I was very disappointed this evening at WW. I have only lost half a pound this week. I know, I know..................... it is better than nothing, but I have been very good on my food, stuck within my points, been to Curves 3 times, blah blah. Oh well, perhaps it will show up next week!


A rather down Cinnamon.

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Hi cinnamon!


I agree that any loss is a good loss but I know it can be discouraging to do so well with your plan and only see that 1/2lb when you weigh in. Hang in there though, you are right it will eventually show on your scales for all the reasons I know you've heard before. You are doing great and should be proud of yourself for that! Lifestyle changes like we are all making here bode well for our ability to maintain this weight loss in the end.


Good going and keep up the great job!


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Have a good time RB, wherever you are going. We will miss you.


I was very disappointed this evening at WW. I have only lost half a pound this week. I know, I know..................... it is better than nothing, but I have been very good on my food, stuck within my points, been to Curves 3 times, blah blah. Oh well, perhaps it will show up next week!


A rather down Cinnamon.


I know it's tough when you hit the plataeu's to stay motivated - but that's what we are here for. Hang in there baby! :D

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Have a good time RB, wherever you are going. We will miss you.


I was very disappointed this evening at WW. I have only lost half a pound this week. I know, I know..................... it is better than nothing, but I have been very good on my food, stuck within my points, been to Curves 3 times, blah blah. Oh well, perhaps it will show up next week!


A rather down Cinnamon.


I know it's tough when you hit the plataeu's to stay motivated - but that's what we are here for. Hang in there baby! :D

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I was very disappointed this evening at WW. I have only lost half a pound this week. I know, I know..................... it is better than nothing, but I have been very good on my food, stuck within my points, been to Curves 3 times, blah blah. Oh well, perhaps it will show up next week!

A rather down Cinnamon.


Cinnamon, I agree with everyone else just keep at it, you will probably see a significant loss at your next weigh-in. It is so hard not to say oh heck with it I'm going to have that donut or something similar. But you have worked to hard just keep on truckin! BTW I talk a good game but I can be soooo weak.


RB~ Have a great time on your vacation, we want to hear about all the exercise you got when you get back.

Okay you guys a question on our list am I supposed to get rid of my old info and just add the new? I noticed that's what RB did, I think that's to keep the list from getting really long. So thats what I did:)


RB Bonzo / 0.2 / 6.8/ 16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

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Have a good time RB, wherever you are going. We will miss you.


I was very disappointed this evening at WW. I have only lost half a pound this week. I know, I know..................... it is better than nothing, but I have been very good on my food, stuck within my points, been to Curves 3 times, blah blah. Oh well, perhaps it will show up next week!


A rather down Cinnamon.


i know how you feel. I only lost 1/2 pound this week also. Hopefully we willboth have big losse next week.

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Well I too only had a half a pound weight loss this week. *Sigh* I even got to the gym 4 days last week and walked on the 5th day. :) It's a bummer but I'm not going to give up! I knew when I got down to the last 25lbs I needed to lose that it wasn't going to be easy. I'm off to fill up my water jug for the day. Hope that everyone's friday is exceptional!!

:) Cherie


RB Bonzo / 0.2 / 6.8/ 16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 / 2.8 / 15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

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Wow, I guess nobody had a big loss this week. I was disappointed too, only 1 pound. I felt like I had done really well, too. I stayed within points, drank water, exercised... Oh well, like you've all said, maybe it will show up next week. One time I had a ww leader bring in 1 pound of fat to show us how much one pound really is. That kind of keeps even small losses in perspective.;) Keep it up everyone, this is worth it!!:D


RB Bonzo / 0.2 / 6.8/ 16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 / 2.8 / 15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Really struggling here.


RB Bonzo / 0.2 / 6.8/ 16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 / 2.8 / 15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Hey 10%'s -

It's not Monday (whew) but I'm going to jump in here anyway and just remind all of you - with a loss this week or not - just take a quick thought on not what's been happening only with the scales! Think of the new cyber friends you've made with coming on board with this thread! The sunshine and fresh air you've had all week when you could get out and exercise! The smile :) you probably gave to someone else in your gym - and don't remember doing it - that might be the nicest thing that happened to them all day!! When doing your laundry - some of those clothes are getting pretty comfy, loose or down right baggy!! :eek: Yiippee! Some of the biggest accomplishments in weight loss - no matter how much work it takes - is not always on the scales each hour, day or week! Even though that is our goal here.

Take the weekend and stay to your WOE & WOEX enjoy a simple pleasure (not food!) and be ready to take on the next week!

Now with all of that said - You guys better be nice to me when my scales don't move on Monday and I'm Grumpy!!!!! :p LOL!!!!

Have a great weekend! See ya's on Monday!

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Thanks NMCruzzin, what a nice reply! I agree. Everyone, you are doing GREAT. Don't worry about the small losses! Last week I only lost 0.4 but this week I feel like it will be 2 pounds (I didn't weigh in this morning but I usually WI once a day, and 2 lbs has been the trend this week). I know you're not supposed to do that, but I can never wait a whole week... :o


Anyway, does anyone take measurements of arms, legs, waist, etc? It's another great way to keep track of how much better shape you are in. ESPECIALLY for those working out who may be replacing fat with muscle. THe scale may not show it, but you are actually doing a LOT of good, looking leaner and smaller!

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Ok, you two! You are making me feel guilty about the little cheat I just had at Macaroni Grill:( Oh well, I will do better for the rest of the week-end. My hubby came into town today and took me to lunch. I had a chicken and salad for lunch w/ a glass of chardonnay, but let's just say the cheat was a carbon copy of what Jean had last week-end:D I know that was just one lunch , but we never get a chance to eat lunch together. I really wanted the lobster ravioli:eek: it is to die for!!!!!

Of course I will walk an extra mile on my gazzell tonight and watch every little thing I eat this week-end. DH is working all week-end, so it's just salads for me! I did cheat and get on the scale this morning and it looks like I may add to the loss side on Monday (if I'm good the rest of the week-end) maybe just one pound, and I am ok with that.


Cinnamon- you hang in there! Giving up is NOT going to get us anywhere, but a larger size! I am NOT giving up even though I have "self inflicted" set backs:o I have gone two weeks without a downward change on the scale, but I do feel better about my good eating habits on most days. Hey, we are human, we will stumble and we will bounce back:D


Ya'll have a good week-end! I will report (good or bad) on Monday.



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Oooh Macaroni Grill....sooo good! :)


Don't worry about a slip-up here and there. It's what we do 90% of the time that makes the difference!


I have realized that I could probably lose weight a LOT quicker if I followed all the rules 100% of the time. I don't! I eat out more than I should. I drink more than I should, being on a diet and all. :o My average loss over the last 12 weeks has been 1.5 pounds/week. BUT, if I followed all the rules, my "quality of life" wouldn't be the same. Sometimes I have to give in to a little temptation or I wouldn't have been able to stick with it for 12 weeks. I also wouldn't want to miss out on a fun dinner with old friends at a mexican place or meeting my fiancé for drinks.


The key (I've found, for me) is to focus on the choices I make the rest of the time. Make those healthier and work out more, and I lose.


This is something I really had to look at closely over the last week or two. I had a wedding to attend, a wedding tasting to attend (for my own wedding, yippee!), two "happy hours", a dinner with a friend, two BBQs, and lunch out with co-workers. I was getting frustrated because I didn't want to turn down invites, but it was hard staying on track.


Like someone said, we are social people and there will always be social occasions where we are "tempted". We just need to focus on always trying to do what we can, and being a little bit better. If I think of what I USED to eat at these events, and what I ate last week, I've made a lot of strides!!!


Don't let this lunch screw up the rest of your weekend. You DIDN'T blow it. Stay on track and you'll be fine. Good luck! :D

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WOW, thanks sooooooooooo much for all the encouragement. Many of us seem to be having that time when the losses have slowed down. I have stuck to my WW points, although I did eat the activity points as well today.


Rachielnnn, I have no idea how you manage to stay focused with so many opportunities to go off the rails. I am so thankful now that my life is not too complicated at the moment and I don't have those temptations to trip me up.


My stats now read



Not a lot different, but hey, it all counts doesn't it.


I have just made a classic British dessert. Summer pudding. It is raspberries, blackberries, backcurrants and redcurrants (last 2 from the garden) all encased in bread, chilled and weighted overnight. It comes out almost like a sponge covering, saturated with juice and a pinkish/purple colour. I used sweetener instead of sugar and it is only 2 WW points per serving. Having that tomorrow when a friend comes for lunch, with 0% Greek yogurt as a topping.


Anyone else got any food on their WOE they are looking forward to?



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WOW, thanks sooooooooooo much for all the encouragement. Many of us seem to be having that time when the losses have slowed down. I have stuck to my WW points, although I did eat the activity points as well today.


Rachielnnn, I have no idea how you manage to stay focused with so many opportunities to go off the rails. I am so thankful now that my life is not too complicated at the moment and I don't have those temptations to trip me up.


My stats now read



Not a lot different, but hey, it all counts doesn't it.


I have just made a classic British dessert. Summer pudding. It is raspberries, blackberries, backcurrants and redcurrants (last 2 from the garden) all encased in bread, chilled and weighted overnight. It comes out almost like a sponge covering, saturated with juice and a pinkish/purple colour. I used sweetener instead of sugar and it is only 2 WW points per serving. Having that tomorrow when a friend comes for lunch, with 0% Greek yogurt as a topping.


Anyone else got any food on their WOE they are looking forward to?




Souns really good. What kind of bread do you use? How much sweetner?

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Souns really good. What kind of bread do you use? How much sweetner?


I use ordinary sliced white bread which is a few days old as it needs to be slightly dry to soak up the juice. Cut off the crusts, dip the bread in the juice of the stewed fruit on one side and put that side next to the basin and line it. Fill with the lightly stewed fruit and top with a final slice of dipped bread. I used to use a Delia Smith recipe from her original books but that has sugar. Sweetener is to taste. Just sprinkle some in and check the flavour. Hope this makes sense, it seems a bit muddled as I read it back!!!



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I use ordinary sliced white bread which is a few days old as it needs to be slightly dry to soak up the juice. Cut off the crusts, dip the bread in the juice of the stewed fruit on one side and put that side next to the basin and line it. Fill with the lightly stewed fruit and top with a final slice of dipped bread. I used to use a Delia Smith recipe from her original books but that has sugar. Sweetener is to taste. Just sprinkle some in and check the flavour. Hope this makes sense, it seems a bit muddled as I read it back!!!




Cinnamon - I love to cook, but I have to tell you - this yankee girl only understood 1/4 of that. I've heard of stewed prunes, but they are in a can. How do you stew your own fruit?


What is basin - we sometimes use that word for sink (ie wash basin) but I am thinking you mean the pan you are cooking it in. Except does this cook, or just sit overnight in the fruit juices?


Okay - I am in serious trouble on my upcoming trip to Paris, Barcelona and Italy, if I can't understand good ol' queen's english!


That being said, it sounds delicious! Please let us know how it comes out!


Just curious - how would people feel about sharing our favorite WW recipes with each other?

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Hi everyone!!


Wow this thread went crazy. I have not been on here since 7/23/07 and I have still been trying to lose but had some bumps in the road with my best friend and my mother. So been spending alot of time at the hospitals and stuff and hard to pack lunch and breakfast and dinner. Still one surgery left on 8/22 but I should be home til then.


I will weigh tomorrow and see how I have done the last couple of weeks and report back. I am not in anyway discouraged though I have 84 days til my cruise so still plenty of time to get busy.


Glad to see everyone still here and trying I will be here more often to help in all the support.


I see there is another Sheila on this thread which is unusual not many of us generally around in one place so I will end my posts with Sheila2 LOL to keep down the confusion.


Have a great Sunday EVERYONE!!!



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Welcome back Sheila2.



I am not good at creating links but if you want to read the recipe and method I have used to make Summer Pudding since the year dot you could try this.


Google 'Delia Smith Summer pudding recipe'


This is not the diet version, in which I substitute powdered sweetener for the sugar. A basin is a bowl, which will become obvious when you see the shape of the pudding in the picture. Over here, Delia is like Martha Stewart but of cooking only. You can use frozen summer fruits if they are available over there. They only need to be cooked for a few minutes.


I stew all sorts of fruit with sweetener to taste. Apples, plums, rhubarb, apricots, blackberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries. Just remove stones or trim ends, or remove cores, depending on fruit, put in a saucepan on the hob and cook gently for 5-10 minutes, stirring occcasionally. This can also be done in a microwave, cook for a minute, stir and repeat a couple of times until the fruit is soft. You can mix apple and blackberries together but most of the others are best alone.

I hadn't realised that this was an English thing. We have a great tradition of pudding making but most of them are very high in fat and sugar. These are my alternatives.




BTW, a pinch of cinnamon is nice in the stewed apples!!!

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Yesterday we made chicken fajita soup. I saw the recipe on Rachael Rays 30 min. cooking. You take chicken tenders and cut them in chunks, brown in a deep skillet or sauce pan with olive oil, add peppers, onions , and one jalapeno,brown, then add 32 oz can of fire roasted tomatoes, i used rotel tomatoes, i couldnt find the others. Add 1 quart of chicken broth, iused the low sodium. Season with thyme, cilantro,coriander, salt and pepper. Bring to aboil then simmer for 20-40 min.Serve with tortilla chips and cheese, I used baked tostitos and low fat cheese in moderation. It was very good. My family loved it.

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Keeping our Stats going!


RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!


I hope everyone had a good weekend!!?!?! I lost 2 but I think that these last 12 are not going to go down without a big fight - that's just the way it is. I need to step up my walking and start using my weights more. See, I know what to do but getting my mind and body in sync....now that's a challenge! :(


Keep cool everyone - Septembers cooler temps are only 3 weeks away!;)

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Good Morning 10%ers,


Sheila#1 I saw that episode yesterday too. I am glad you tried it and wrote the ingredients, I was busy and didn't write them down. I think I will make that recipe this week.


I am back in the looser catagory this week, just one pound though, I am not complaining, a lost pound is better than a gained pound! :p


How's everyone else today?



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