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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Hi Everyone,


Annie & Jean...way to go with the lost pounds. Good-bye forever! :)


Sheila...that receipe sounds yummy...I'm going to give it a try.


I didn't have one of my better weekends. Too many meals out because we were running about doing a lot of errands and though I did skip ALL desserts this weekend I ate a few extra calories at each meal and we know how that adds up. I also did not do any exercise except for all the walking during our various activities. Today is another day though and I'm off to a good start. I also plan to hit the gym tonight and I have NO meals out planned today. Yeah!


Hope that everyone has a fantastic day!

:) Cherie

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Keeping the stats alive:


RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!


I lost 2.8 pounds last week, yippee! :D With all the stuff I had going on, I wasn't sure which way it was going to go. But, I got in all of my workouts and practiced eating very slowly and stopping when I was full. This works well for me when the food I'm eating isn't the healthiest...


Have a great week everyone! I can't believe how much we've all lost already. I added it up - it's up to 74.8 pounds. That's as much as a child weighs! Way to go!

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RachieLnnn - 2.8 Wow! That's Terrific! Your hard work and will power is really showing up in your losses! Congrats - You big looser! ;) :D


Keeping the stats alive:


RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 1.0/6.5 /12 to go! Monday 8/13

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!


Just updating Annie's stats - Way to go Girl!! I knew you'd have a loss this week!!;) Wooo HOOO!!:D

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Congrats all losers, especially RachieLnnn, nearly 3lbs, WOW.


I stuck to my WOE over the weekend, no meals out and cooked a Roast Beef Sunday lunch. Been to Curves again today, still finding it quite hard work but then, it isn't supposed to be easy is it!


Still haven't been able to work out the stats thing. As of last Thursday, if anyone can add them in, mine are,




We only have half pound increments at WW in England.


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Congrats!!! RachieLynn!!! I forgot to do the pasty thingy this morning, but I am all caught up now:p





RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 3.5/6.5 /12 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!


I did pretty good this week-end with my exersize, which is good because I spent the day with my youngest daughter on Saturday and that means Mexican always! I was pretty good though, I had a taco and chips and cheese dip. I walked 3 miles on my gazzell and did 15 minutes of strength training. I had a small lean cusine for dinner and I still managed to lose a pound, so I am ok with it.


Have a good week ya'll



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Here ya go Cinnamon!!!:p



RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 3.5/6.5 /12 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/0.5/3.5/17.5 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Congrats everyone on thier losses this week. I will not be able to go to WW this week. I have to sub some aerobic classes for another instructor, I know iam down a little, but i wont make anything official until next weeks weigh in. So my stats remain from last week 0.5/6.5/10.5 to go. I can not figure out how to change mine, could somebody else do that for me. Iam not that great on the computer. Iam getting better:D

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Here ya go sam73..... Your doing really good!


RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 3.5/6.5 /12 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 0.5/6.5/10.5 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/0.5/3.5/17.5 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Thanks everyone, for your encouragement! And great job on your losses, too! :)


I think one of the things helping the weight melt off is me keeping so busy running around doing wedding stuff... last weekend we had several appointments... my dress arrives in 3-4 weeks...here's hoping I need lots of alterations! :D (Well, it IS expensive but at least I will be able to tell how smaller I am!)


Only 102 days to go! :eek:

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For some crazy reason, I can't cut and paste tonight.... :(

My new stats: 1/10/18 to go August 13th....if someone would be so kind to update, or I can try again tomorrow..

Did everyone have a good weekend ?? I had to work, so today and tomorrow are my days off...

Rachielnnn...I hope you will post a review of your cruise when you get back. We are looking at Hawaii for 2009...You'll be so busy between now and then, time will just fly...You are doing great with your weight loss too !!

Cinnamon...I bet you could give us cooking ideas that we would never think of here in the states. The summer pudding sounds great...

Keep up the good work everyone...

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Here ya go Swansonia!!!! You are pasted :p





RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 3.5/6.5 /12 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 0.5/6.5/10.5 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/0.5/3.5/17.5 to go

swansonia 1/10/18 to go Monday 8/13

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Just a quick hello. I don't have any stats to share because I have stayed the same, but I want to say hi anyway.


My update is that I am going to start taking Wellbutrin. Both of my doctors suggest that it would be a good idea. I've researched it, and it has minimal side-effects. I said right from the start that I won't take anything that has a chance of weight gain. Well, the Wellbutrin causes weight loss in many individuals, and while I feel like that will be "cheating," I have to admit that I hope while it elevates my mood somewhat, it might also help with dropping a few pounds. It is supposed to help with energy levels, which I am hoping will increase my willpower to exercise. I am just at a very stressful place right now and I feel it is time to try something... anyone here every tried Wellbutrin?


*argh* Also, long story made short, DH and I, our finances are under a bit of a strain right now, and I am trying to be patient because I am the one with a full-time M-F job. We were supposed to have our first cruise booked already, and we don't. I have to keep my disappointment to myself because I don't want to hurt his feelings, but we've been "planning" this- and now it seems like it will be forever before it will actually happen. So- for the time being I will continue to plan and daydream and anticipate- and work on losing weight for the "someday cruise."


I am happy for all of you who have lost weight. I will say hello from time to time, and hopefully I will be back on track soon!

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I am PETRIFIED of trying this! I was given ***** 10 years ago and it was horrible; it made me a completely different person and I don't want that to happen again. I mean, the worst is I stop taking it, but still- I hope this works. Have you noticed any side-effects? And does it make you unable to sleep at all? I hope you don't mind the questions :)




I'm so glad you are on some medication. I am on Wellbutrin, and it helps level things out alot. Give it a couple of weeks though for it to get into your system. I'm sure you'll start feeling better soon.

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Hi ottergirl and everyone!


Sorry that things are tough for you right now ottergirl but I think it is great you are staying positive about your situation and looking towards the future. With such a good attitude things can't help but get better for you! When you finally do get to book that much desired cruise you are going to appreciate it that much more and have the time of your life. In the mean time good for you for continuing to stay on your weight loss plan!


Hope that everybody is having a good week so far. My day wasn't particularly good yesterday because I went to a seminar and didn't get my exercise in but the gym is on my agenda for today. Here is hoping that everyone has a successful day!


:) Cherie

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Good for you Ottergirl! I hope the meds help. But I see something very positive in your post; I hear you talk about the future:D That is a very good sign! I went thru a period of depression about three years ago and I just couldn't think about the future and when I did it wasn't pleasant. I guess people are different, but it sounds like you have a good grip on the situation, well, seeking medical help is a BIG step.


As for that first cruise, you can certainly find a low price cruise and make a small deposit and make payments until you can pay it off. You can even move the date if you haven't paid it up by the time final payment is due. You can get a 3 or 4 night cruise on several nice ships for about 250pp, I think you deposit 50bucks to hold your cabin and send payments when ever you can, say 25bucks per month until final payment is due. On Royal Caribbean you can cancel and get a full refund before final payment, hey it could be your savings account that you can't have easy access to:D Anyway, it would give ya'll something to look forward to, besides your new "knock out" figure:p JMHO:o




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Hi all,

Feeling absolutely shattered today. We have a member of staff who is off for at least a month with stress and panic attacks so I am working extra hours to help out. Ottergirl, I send my sympathy to you. I have a family member who has suffered like you in the past and I have therefore chatted a bit to my colleague about the trials and tribulations she is facing.


Was good with my food intake today, but no other exercise other than work.


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Hey all,

This has NOT been a good eating week for me so far! :( How come whenever I make a big step (like getting 10%) I feel like I can let things slide a little? I had a huge lunch and have been snacking all day.


I've got to shape up for the rest of the week if I want to see another loss and not a gain or a "stay-the-same".


Only 2 more pounds to lose and I will drop into a lower WW points category... that will be my next goal to focus on!

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Comeon' RachieLynn...you can do it! Als you gotta do is a major work out tonight:eek: You can pay for that lunch in no time:D I didn' t get a chance to exersise yesterday so I plan to do extra tonight. I need to go up the stairs (4 flights) a few times this afternoon.... you can too! I just talked myself into it:p



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Hi Everyone!


I only lost .6lbs. this week , which is a bummer! We are back at school (teacher plan days) and I ate 3 cookies today and drank lemonaide. The PTA had a party for us and instead of politely saying no I ate them. If I'm not careful I will backslide. It is so hard to stay on target sometimes. Why is it that it is so easy to gain and so hard to lose. But tommorro is another day and I can get back in gear.


Ottergirl, I hope the meds work. Stress and depression are so hard to cope with sometimes. You seem to be possitive. Don't forget to talk to someone. That's what friends are for.You don't have to keep your disappointments and fears to yourself.


We all got shirts today at school. Last year I said that I needed an xxtra large. They got me an xtra large, and of course it doesn't fit! I'm going to feel like a real dork when everyone wears their shirt and I don't because mine is too small. If I keep losing weight it will eventually fit, but for the time I am disappointed. Oh well, I can't do anything about it now.

Have a great week everyone. Next week we will be thinner!



RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.6 /2.8 /15.4 to go! Friday 8/10

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.8/4.6/12.8 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

Beth (momonmeds) 1/4/16 to go!

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Hi Ten Percenters! Hi (((Ed)))!


I'd love to join in, preparing for upcoming Crown Princess cruise in October; 10% for me is 25.2 lbs... and I'm already 10 lbs. down since I started new program about 2 weeks ago! (Started another thread about that before I saw this one.)


Group support is great; I'd love to check in -- please add me to the list, Ed. If you read my other thread, you'll see why I have great sympathy for those who hit LONG plateaus.


I'm great at encouraging people to exercise despite a childhood aversion to same -- I, too, preferred to read a book, but now get out and about every day. On my last three cruises I worked out twice a day, on treadmill/bike/weights, running the jogging track, and taking both the Yoga and spinning classes... not to mention all the water sports at the port stops!


My usual food "problems" are mindless snacking (fortunately now limited to only unsalted nuts, fresh or dried fruit... but even that will add up)... and portion control (again currently not a problem on my new cleanse program)... and eating late at night (trying to replace late night snacks with lots of water, tho' that does tend to make me get up in the middle of night to p). Only eat dessert when I eat out at a restaurant (which I do VERY infrequently) or on cruises!!! (So sweets are not a huge problem for me.)


I am also subject to emotional eating -- much more apparent now that I am NOT giving in to the desire... since I am not indulging, when I feel upset I actually FEEL my emotions, yikes!! Not a pretty picture to see my resentments, annoyances, etc. and that they have basically piled up around my waist for all these years...


Anyway, I'll be quiet now, but count me in for the 10% program! Great idea to help stay on track, and have a manageable short-term goal (especially for those of us with over 100 lbs to lose in total).


Can't wait to see you in Orlando, Ed -- we'll see how we're doing!!


Be well, all



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Why is it that sometimes you keep hearing the same things from different sources. Last week at my WW meeting a member got to goal. On being asked her Top Tip, she replied 'Portion Control'. Another member agreed that it was that which was working for her. For the last few days, every time I check this site and others, I keep coming up against that phrase. Do you think someone is trying to tell me something? LOL


I have been a yo-yo dieter for more years than I care to remember and have lost these pounds at least 4 times before. After talking to a friend at the weekend about how and when we put on weight, I realised that my Portion Control was out of control. I have 2 grown up sons and when I was cooking for 3 men and me, I used to dish up the meals all the same. Is it any wonder I struggle with my weight?


Last night, DH and I had Gammon Steaks for dinner. I weighed out my potatoes as usual but then did something I have not done before. After cooking the steaks, I cut the meat in half, ate half and put the rest in the fridge to make something else with for lunch today. I have a large appetite and am beginning to realise that this is really just greed and habit.


I am hoping that this revelation about portion size will help not only with my 10% goal, but to actually get down to better weight and STAY THERE.



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Cinnamon, I do exactly the same thing with my teenage son! He gets a giant steak; I get 5 oz and put the rest away for slicing next day on my lunch salad. He gets giant heap of rice/potatoes/pasta; I get 1 (measured) cup (brown/sweet/whole wheat only). It makes a HUGE difference. My eyes are so big, to me a proper single serving of pasta is what most people use as a serving bowl!!!! (And yes, I can easily finish the whole thing, doused in butter and cream and cheese.)


Most interesting is that when I cut the portions down to normal sizes, I am not hungry (especially not when receiving proper nutrition throughout the day and drinking lots of water). I recently heard that most of us are DEHYDRATED -- we're not starving, we're THIRSTY. On this new plan I am FINALLY drinking those recommended 8+ 8-oz. glasses of water, and it's making a HUGE difference in how I feel. (Easy way to do it: just drink 3 of those 24-oz. sport bottles, one in AM, one during the day, one in the evening. I actually drink 4 per day -- that's 12+ cups of water!! -- with the fourth during my workout.)


Dropped another pound today, Ed. Put me down at:


Empress (what's the first number for??) / 11 / 24.2 to go


(If that first number is weight loss this week, put me down for 3)


I'm on a 30-day cleanse plan, and my aim is to lose 20 lbs during this period (and I'm right on track to accomplish that). Then I'm taking 4 days off over Labor Day -- I have a free dining plan at DisneyWorld and plan to make the most of it!


I'll take a few more days off after I return, then two pre-cleanse days followed by the more intense 9-day cleanse plan (which has two cleansing days in a row, as opposed to the more moderate 30-day plan with one cleansing day each week). Again, I'll take a few days off plan, and then do another 30-day prior to my cruise in October.


So that's what I've got planned. I probably won't make this ten percent until mid-September... and I'm hoping to make the NEXT ten percent (22.7, for a total of nearly 48 lbs.) before the October cruise!!!! Help me keep focused, folks!!


Exercise plans for today: 6-7pm "Power Viyasa Yoga" (translation: killer fast transitions between excruciating poses) - followed by 7:05-8pm "studio cycling" (translation: death by spinning among Manhattan's work-hard-play-hard-have-a-hard-body crowd).


(Oh yeah, and I did 10 mins of ab work this AM -- OUCH!!! Can you believe I actually bought one of those "Bender Ball" things off the TV -- and it's great. It's just like the squishy ball used by trainers at my gym; now I have one at home... though the video exercises are a bit harsh.)


Best to all with all your WOEs and WOEXs --



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